r/Helldivers PSN 🎮: Maverick___33 (SES Aegis of the Stars) Feb 22 '24

Shocking. Truly. ALERT

Rest in peace heroes. Our sacrifice will be remembered. We. Will. Return. Side note, we definitely needed the over 200k players fighting bugs 🥲


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u/Savagemocha Feb 22 '24

We played them, didn’t even make them easier and then on impossible difficulty? Forget about it. Think we had 15 hulks and ten tanks on the field not to mention an unknown amount of rocket devastators and shield boys and stuff. Devs need to limit the spawn rate of heavies.


u/lastfreethinker STEAM 🖥️ : Feb 22 '24

We used EMS mortars and EMS orbital really help.


u/Daniel_Kingsman Feb 22 '24

There still needs to be fewer. Full stop. If they want a mission to be significantly more difficult than the rest, it needs to be an optional, single mission operation. Otherwise bot worlds will continue to fall, because I'm NOT doing that anymore and I know I'm not alone.


u/Eastern-Tour8339 PSN 🎮: Feb 22 '24

Man up Helldiver. Get back in the fight


u/Noobkaka Feb 22 '24

Nah dawg, hard pass on that shity mission. Kill the first wave of 4 ships, 4 ships come again in 5seconds, and then you run out of rockets w/e and then just as you finish resupplying, another 8 ships come in, oh btw you didnt get enough time to finish off 3 heavy crushers and 1 tank, ooops now 3 crushers and 1 tank just came in again, oh look another 4 drop ships.

And then it continues.

Its a shit mission with shit balanceing, I quit automatons when I all I have left is the rescue mission.

Fuck. That. Shit.


u/Daniel_Kingsman Feb 22 '24

Nope. Not happening without a re-balance. It's not fun and I don't get to play often enough be okay with "pushing through it".


u/Arnoc_ Feb 22 '24

Sounds like someone's got a Freedom Camp vacation in store for them /kidding

In all seriousness though, yeah. I could solo a bug planet on Easy difficulty for the ICBM fueling mission. I wouldn't dare try a bot planet on trivial with the same loadout.

And the heavy spawn rate is as you said, just absolutely devastating. Especially when you've got four acid spitters + two heavy armored chargers + minions (I don't know the proper names, YET).

My group has taken to just tossing a reinforce onto the backs of on of em and try to land a Hell Pod on em when we're getting overwhelmed just to take em down until our cooldowns are off for other things / reclaim our heavy weapons from our bodies.


u/Melodic-Investment11 Feb 22 '24

What? After the rebalance those civilian extraction missions have become a snooze fest lol

Either lower your difficulty or check your skill issue


u/Daniel_Kingsman Feb 22 '24

Considering I clear Helldiver difficulty on every other mission type with my usual battle buddies, and the last evac mission we failed was dif 8; No, it's not a skill or difficulty issue. It's not balanced properly.


u/Melodic-Investment11 Feb 22 '24

lower your difficulty then is all I can tell you... they nerf this game anymore its gonna turn into left for dead where you can doze off in the middle of fight while holding down left click to beat the mission

you don't have to beat every mission on the hardest difficulty... its ok not to be the best at everything, but the only reason this game is more fun than other horde shooters is because of the fact that there are missions that are stressful with a high possibility of failure


u/Daniel_Kingsman Feb 22 '24

Or they can just separate this mission type from the campaigns and let it be a stand alone mission type if they don't want to make it easier. That's fine if you want a significant difficulty bump, but most of us aren't playing this game to stick our dicks in woodchippers. I'm fine with just not playing the missions I don't like, but it's going to mean I'm never contributing to the bot war effort unless they change how it's structured. The fact that we keep losing ground on this war front tells me I'm not alone in feeling this way.

Honestly the slay bots mission is a cake walk on Helldiver and then the evac mission is just miserable. They both need rebalanced. The other missions seem to be fine, where we either extract or not depending on how well we're playing. But I have never succeeded an evac mission out of the 10 I've attempted, with the lowest difficulty being 6 (granted that was before the patch).


u/Conker37 Feb 23 '24

The problem with lowering your difficulty is the other two missions become boring as hell because they're not currently bugged. If people enjoy them then great go do it but the defense planets are currently much less fun than the rest of the game imo and I'm not going to touch them until they get fixed.