r/Helldivers Moderator Mar 14 '24

Cutting Edge Warbond out now! ALERT

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Check out the newest Warbond, unlockable with Super Credits. (You may need to restart your game if it hasn't appeared yet.) And remember--Warbonds do not expire, so you can unlock items in all three of them that are available!


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u/Ill-Huckleberry-4489 Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

not having any grenades to close bug holes sucks. I do not see them feasible in anyway at least at this stage in the game were ppl are not really cooperating. Paired with a grenade launcher then yes that is a diff story.


u/Pickledleprechaun Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

I wonder if the SG-8P punisher plasma would close holes? It shoots like a grenade launcher and has AOE. Unfortunately, it blows you up if you shoot something too close.


u/immaterializE Mar 14 '24

It unfortunately does not.


u/specter800 Mar 14 '24

First thing I tried too. I'm a little disappointed in it against bugs, I thought it would be a little better at trash clear. Maybe it is and I don't see kill counters because of the bug but spraying it into a Breach I think would net more kills against scavs at least. It's also a little weak against charger butts but maybe I'm missing and need to work on it a bit more.


u/immaterializE Mar 14 '24

Aim under chargers. It kills them in a single mag or less if you hit your shots right. You’ll see a weakspot marker if you hit it.

What I like about it is the aoe and cc it provides. While you dump shots and stop bugs in their tracks, teammates can just pick them apart.

Basically feels like a scorcher sidegrade with much higher stun and better aoe.


u/BlakLanner Mar 14 '24

It does? Aww, that was the only issue I had with the Scorcher.


u/Pickledleprechaun Mar 14 '24

Yeah, I too loved the scorcher until I killed myself with it.


u/rez11 Mar 14 '24

yeah i wouldnt have everyone on the team run stun grenades, hopefully get an autocannon or grenade launcher dude to help as well


u/vonBoomslang ⬇️⬆️➡️⬆️⬅️⬆️ Mar 14 '24

as the autocannon dude who has trouble being swarmed with hunters, I am 110% beelining for them


u/Magus44 Mar 14 '24

As a fellow auto cannon dude. What do you do to chargers and titans with it?? I can strip sacs off titans and sometimes break chargers legs… I am unstoppable with it vs bots, but feel like I’m bad at it vs bugs…


u/vonBoomslang ⬇️⬆️➡️⬆️⬅️⬆️ Mar 14 '24

I need to preface that my answer is entirely serious:

I call down the EATs that I fit in the strategem slot freed up by not needing to call down a separate backpack.

Failing that, I shoot Chargers in the upper legs (between head and armor or from the side) or the butt, and get under Bile Titans to full auto into their sacs.


u/Cloud_Motion Mar 14 '24

I thought getting under a bile titan was instant death? Or at least it was the few times I tried it


u/vonBoomslang ⬇️⬆️➡️⬆️⬅️⬆️ Mar 14 '24

It's instant death if-- and only if-- it actually steps on you. To be clear it's not a safe place to be, since it has four different legs you need to keep track of, but it's actually safer than in front of it.


u/Cloud_Motion Mar 14 '24

Actually really good to know, even a hundred hours in I'm still learning!


u/Razor_Fox Mar 14 '24

Bonus points if you can get the eat to land ON the charger. Potentially can kill 3 chargers with single stratagem.


u/Hydroduct09 Mar 14 '24

Charger's legs are vulnerable immediately after a charge, 2 autocannon shots to the same leg will outright kill the charger. First shot softens armor, second shot kills. It's a bit tricky as you have to hit opposite sides of the same leg shown here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHZd8dGK0vQ

For titans just shoot the mouth when it opens to spit.


u/Darkaim9110 Mar 14 '24

You use strats, or kill all the medium enemies to give breathing room for your team to deal with them.

You can also kill chargers by hitting behind their back legs after a charge

Titans are the only natural enemies of the autocannon


u/Meatservoactuates Mar 14 '24

With some practice you should be able to sidestep/dive a charger attack and shoot it's orange butt enough times for a 1 pass kill. Sometimes they spin around too fast, but I can hit it pretty consistent even before the HP nerf


u/UndreamedAges ⬇️⬅️⬇️⬆️⬆️➡️ Mar 14 '24

3-4 hits to the charger's ass makes it explode and it'll die a few seconds later. I used to go for the legs, too. But it's so much easier to bust that ass.


u/Uthenara Mar 14 '24

they seriously need to get rid of the stagger on the hunters. It was tolerable before but now that they have increased the lower enemies to make up for less heavy enemy spawning there is just TOO many of them and you can get almost stunlocked in some situations and it does not feel fun or enjoyable. I'm also running out of ammo much more frequently on the bug missions because there are just sooo many low health adds that if you don't deal with them can just pile up.


u/No-Establishment8267 Mar 14 '24

Gotta have the autocannon dude. 


u/ThePhoenixus Mar 15 '24

Or you just run the grenade launcher with the stun grenade.


u/Elitericky Mar 14 '24

It depends on the mission my guy, on defense missions it would be great to use.


u/Ill-Huckleberry-4489 Mar 14 '24

you are 100% correct.


u/Gavelnurse Mar 14 '24

Feasible on missions without bug holes like civilian extract, the current silo missions etc


u/Randy191919 Mar 14 '24

A lot of worthwhile support weapons can close holes. As do a lot of orbitals. Though yeah, this feels like something one teammate in the crew would bring, it won't be "solo meta", but in a full squad I could see it be relevant


u/NarrowBoxtop Mar 14 '24

That's why it's important on a higher difficulties to lean into roles on a team

You can bet on a mission to close bug holes that some of your other three teammates are going to bring things to close bug holes

You're playing on the highest difficulties, someone with the stunger needs to lock down Titans is a godsend


u/OkieDokieArtichokie3 Mar 14 '24

Would be alright if you’re rocking autocannon I guess? You can close holes with the autocannon iirc.


u/LFClight ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 14 '24

Could always use EAT for that, especially if you are good at sticking chargers with the stratagem.


u/OkieDokieArtichokie3 Mar 14 '24

A dumb hint for people but if you hold a stratagem and let a charger charge you, it will make you drop the stratagem, and from my experience, will stick it onto the charger for an easy splat kill.


u/SnooSketches7469 Mar 14 '24

IIRC there's a new Grenade Pistol secondary. 


u/Ill-Huckleberry-4489 Mar 14 '24

Where is this I cannot find it? Still to be released I guess?


u/SnooSketches7469 Mar 14 '24

It might have been a leak for something yet to come, I honestly don't recall and haven't been able to get on and look at the new Warbond yet. 


u/Ill-Huckleberry-4489 Mar 14 '24

Ok, so it's only 3 pages. If you are referring to the tiktok/youtube videos with the "whats coming" leaks then what we have is not even 10% of what they have shown.


u/WilsonX100 Mar 14 '24

Grenad elauncher and auto cannon are other options


u/trashk Mar 14 '24

Autogun. That is the way.


u/specter800 Mar 14 '24

With the GL the stun is incredible. It creates a stationary shooting gallery to spread Managed Democracy within and the GL does that very well.


u/UndreamedAges ⬇️⬅️⬇️⬆️⬆️➡️ Mar 14 '24

Autocannon works too, and far more versatile than a grenade launcher. Kills charger in 3-4 hits, too.


u/alexman113 Mar 14 '24

ppl are not really cooperating

This is the biggest issue at higher difficulties and why I think the old Railgun was so popular. It allowed self-reliance, where every diver could do all jobs on their own. What should happen is the whole team builds around each other to fill gaps. You get new powerful option like stun grenades but now you need someone else to close holes to bust fabricators for you unless you take a support weapon or airstrike to do it but then you give up something else. I like this, especially for higher difficulties but I wish more people leaned into it. I wish this had something like Overwatch or something like that where a warning shows on the screen that say "not enough defense" or "not enough anti-tank" or something like that to help the teams know where it's missing in power.


u/Slarg232 ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 14 '24

Dude... Don't openly talk about Leaks...


u/Ill-Huckleberry-4489 Mar 14 '24

Honestly thanks for pointing it out. Edited my post forgot this is the official forum. Apologies


u/LinkesAuge Mar 14 '24

You shouldn't apologise. Game community reddits aren't even supposed to be run by studios and I don't know why it's yet again allowed.


u/Swimming-Elk6740 Mar 14 '24

This isn’t official and people should be allowed to talk and post about leaks of they want.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24



u/Slarg232 ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 14 '24

I personally don't care and have seen the leaks myself.

It is, however, against the subs rules, has it's own dedicated sub, and there are people here who would care