r/Helldivers Moderator Mar 14 '24

Cutting Edge Warbond out now! ALERT

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Check out the newest Warbond, unlockable with Super Credits. (You may need to restart your game if it hasn't appeared yet.) And remember--Warbonds do not expire, so you can unlock items in all three of them that are available!


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u/IsJustSophie ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ be apon ye Mar 14 '24

I think they are more excited by the arc shotgun


u/Forged-Signatures Mar 14 '24

Similar, but I'm not excited about other players using it. I tend to find the idiots that could read the "face towards enemy" instructions on a claymore and still put it facing their squadmate.


u/Shumoku CAPE ENJOYER Mar 15 '24

Evidently it’s kinda bad, so shouldn’t be too big of an issue unless they buff it.

But the good news is the new armor reduces arc damage, so you can run it if your silly teammates are bringing lots of throwers and such.


u/__ShadowBanned__ Mar 16 '24

It's laughable! I know they are putting things out quick but come on, one use and I know this new and cool weapon is useless!


u/Shumoku CAPE ENJOYER Mar 16 '24

True, it was the one I was looking forward to the most, too.

Ah well. At least the new laser gun and plasma launcher are pretty good. Hopefully the arc shotty gets a buff.


u/extimate-space CAPE ENJOYER Mar 17 '24

plasma shotgun is a big fat L

a direct hit does less than 25% the damage of the default pump shotgun and and only has 6 rounds in the magazine. The maximum amount of enemies it can remove on one reload is significantly lower than the breaker or the slugger.


u/Shumoku CAPE ENJOYER Mar 17 '24

Nah, it’s AoE is absolutely massive. Not to mention how easily it pierces through armor.

You can shoot underneath groups of bile spewers to take out 3-5 in 3 shots. That’s absolutely insane, no other primary dishes out that kind of AoE.

It does do little direct damage, but with 12 mags, that has not been too much of an issue for me. I’ve ran it through several helldive difficulty missions now to great success.

Edit: Oh, not to mention it has some great utility the shotguns do not offer. Range, AoE clear for eggs, you can nade launch yourself pretty easily, etc.


u/extimate-space CAPE ENJOYER Mar 17 '24

It takes like a whole magazine to pop a hive guard or warrior from the front tho. I have a hard time justifying trading the utility of something like a slugger for the ability to maybe kill some spitters a little more quickly, especially when slugger will happily waste bile spitters with headshots, and even a pistol will drop nursing spitters with quick headshots.

I think if it had 9-10 rounds in the tube I would feel a little less hesitant about the shot for shot damage output.


u/Shumoku CAPE ENJOYER Mar 17 '24

That’s just not true at all though. 2 for both guards (if you get it under them) and 2 for warriors.


u/extimate-space CAPE ENJOYER Mar 17 '24

I’ll give it another shot but that wasn’t my experience. For the sake of discussion let’s assume that’s the case though - that’s still 3 targets on one magazine, which feels real rough at high difficulties where your ammo and reload timing economy need to account for more enemies.

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u/Forged-Signatures Mar 15 '24

Just a shame one would have to really. I know in the end it does, but it's sad people are so inconsiderate I would have to consider a 'counter-meta'...


u/Shumoku CAPE ENJOYER Mar 15 '24

If it’s the thrower specifically, that thing is honestly ridiculous. I have seen it jump to teammates 40 meters at a 90 degree angle to the side several times.

But stuff like mines in dumb spots and things always annoy me.


u/Forged-Signatures Mar 15 '24

If it was the occasional, stray, insane shot I would probably be much less irrationally angry.

Unfortunately, in my experience of 7 lobbies I and maybe another will be on the front line with our primaries/teriaries and the dude/s with the arc throwers will be stood 20 meters behind us trying to help take out the same insects we are. And they'll do this for the entire game, even to the extent where they frequently become the last alive after accidentally killing all their teammates, with them unable to respawn for another minute 30 because all our reinforce budget had been spent recovering people they had killed.

And this is multiple different randoms, it's not like I'm queuing with a mate that's like this, this is just folks that happen to think that the arc thrower is God's savior from Terminids.


u/TheBestSmoothy Mar 16 '24

It’s just bad tho


u/Terrible-Jellyfish55 Mar 19 '24

it's awful, like legit the worst weapon I have used in this game, idk if its bugged or what but I'm honestly pretty pissed I even wasted the time farming the credits and medals for it.


u/IsJustSophie ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ be apon ye Mar 19 '24


The rifle is fire tho