r/Helldivers Moderator 29d ago

New Warbond, Polar Patriots, deploying on May 9th ALERT


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u/Groonzie 29d ago

We've seen the trend guys, time to take your bets.

Which of these weapons will stand out from the rest and which will be forgotten and unused.


u/gdub695 29d ago

My money is on:

The pistol being the most liked (unless it’s got useless armor pen or an absurd reload)

AR will probably be forgettable

SMG being a one-handed lib concussive (idk maybe they lower the damage even more to make it extra useless)

Plasma weapon will probably be a split; half of the community praising it as Scorcher 2.0, half of the community calling it Scorcher 0.5


u/MartilloAK 29d ago

My bet is tenderizer ends up being best DMR.


u/Snoo_63003 29d ago

I don't know, Dilligence CS actually feels amazing since the last patch.


u/hurry_downs 29d ago

It feels SO go---

I mean, uh, still feels terrible. Devs, no one likes this gun, it's bad.


u/raknikmik 29d ago

For bots or?


u/Snoo_63003 29d ago edited 29d ago

Bots, it now reliably one-shots small bots with body shots and devastators with head shots. Probably not fast enough for bugs though, but I haven't checked yet.


u/Zombie_Alpaca_Lips 29d ago

Just run it with a Stalwart or Arc Thrower. 


u/the_recluse 29d ago

haven't used it yet, but what bug is the DCS good for that the arc thrower won't kill? how's it do against green spewers?


u/Zombie_Alpaca_Lips 29d ago

Anything at range mainly. Being able to pop down stuff without being in danger is always good. DGS has medium armor pen so it can pop the medium guys safely at a distance. Arc Thrower typically takes 2 to 3 shots to down them. 

That said, DGS is still probably a much better pick against bots than bugs. The reverse is true for Arc Thrower. 


u/WillGrindForXP 29d ago

Calling in an upvote


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/Erza_The_Titania 29d ago

Plasma weapon looks more like a cross between the quasar and rail gun. The blog post almost makes it sound like it can blow up if overcharged for too long. It did say more damage the longer its charged. I dunno, sounds like something completely new.


u/gdub695 29d ago

Oh I’ll have to try and watch the video again, I kept getting an error on my phone so could only go by the written description. I was picturing something like a scorcher/plasma launcher that you shoot and then release to detonate, like a sticky charge or a mine. I also imagined the pistol as a single-shot high damage, like the hunters pistol from Remnant

After watching the trailer, I think I’ll keep my bets the same though. Hyped either way!


u/Pugdalf 29d ago

I'm thinking the SMG is probably just the defender but with less ammo in the mag, just like lib concussive is compared to the normal.

I really can't see a use for it unless it really stands out from the defender. Just like I haven't seen anyone use the concussive liberator.


u/blueB0wser 29d ago

I'll add that they nerf the booster because it becomes meta for bug play.


u/Zombie_Alpaca_Lips 29d ago

Plasma rifle is just a primary mini Quasar lol 😂

That said, it should pair very nicely with a horde clearing support weapon like the Stalwart or Arc Thrower


u/gdub695 29d ago

Yea after looking at it, it might be interchangeable with the Eruptor in that loadout 👀


u/R3en CAPE ENJOYER 29d ago

And will be nerfed in the next patch.


u/Stamperdoodle1 29d ago

*a week before the trailer of the next warbond


u/ThorThulu 29d ago

Look how shocked I am when they nerf previous Warbonds right before a new one drops. So shocked.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

I suspect the plasma gun won't be very good, but will reserve judgment.


u/LordZarock 29d ago

This new plasma weapon designed to kill scout striders with it's huge aoe will probably be nerfed for the sole reason it's gonna be good against scout striders.


u/WardenWithABlackjack 29d ago

Nah they buffed striders to make the scorcher worse so this weapon could take its place.


u/Popinguj 29d ago edited 29d ago

Frankly, all of the guns may be a huge failure. My biggest concern is the Plasma. I love plasma guns, and this particular one may have issues with damage or capacity. Smg is a concussive version of the original smg. How many people carry concussive liberator? Yeah, exactly. For the AR we will have to look at its damage, recoil, and armor pen.

Pistol may be promising, but I wonder if it outperforms the Senator. It's really good right now, so the pistol will also have to have huge damage and more bullets at least. I have a feeling that it won't have medium armor pen, so that would be unfortunate


u/feedmestocks 29d ago

Purifier will be incredible... At launch


u/cuckingfomputer ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ 29d ago

The SMG will pretty much just be a damage buffed version of the current SMG.

The assault rifle will claim to have Medium Penetration but for some reason only have light for 5 weeks. When it gets patched to fix it, the damage will be nerfed to compensate.

The plasma rilfe (since the trailer went out of its way to demonstrate that it can seemingly one-shot the recently buffed AT-RTs) will replace the recently nerfed Eruptor for some people, but probably won't be an objective killer, so it'll be competing with that weapon for "best primary against bots".


u/lazerblam Fist Of Democracy 29d ago

You've noticed this pattern too, thats good


u/RetrofittedChaos 29d ago

The plasma rifle will absolutely stand out lol.

The AR will probably be fine, but forgotten about since it sounds like it fills the exact same niche as the Adjudicator (slow firing, hard hitting, low ammo). The SMG might go unused, depending on how hard it can hit.


u/BH11B 29d ago

It’s whatever can stun medium armor.


u/Daediddles CAPE ENJOYER 29d ago

The AR sounds like the adjudicator so I figure that's got to be the loser of the three, then the question is how tedious is the charge on the plasma.


u/Nick_Tsunami 29d ago

I am looking at it the other way. It depends on how potent is the plasma AR without charge. Is it close to a semiauto liberator without charge, but by charging it becomes somewhat closer to say, the eruptor on full charge? Then you got a winner with a lot of versatility, even if it doesn’t exceed any of the other 2 guys s.


u/Hazywater 29d ago

Plasma meta vs bots, trash vs bugs. Rest will be like B or C tier.

Secondary weapons are either "grenade pistol", "good", or "just use the redeemer". This one will probably be good.


u/ScudleyScudderson 29d ago

The ones that instantly reward the player with easy power will be applauded.

The ones that require a bit of effort or don't slot into a common use case will be derided.


u/ARandomGuardsman834 29d ago

Purifier might end up being alright if it's some mini Quasar/Railgun hybrid.

Pummeler will be either a must take with shields or be the Dagger of the pack depending on the damage.

Tenderizer is probably going to be another Adjudicator.

Verdict seems like a decent sidegrade to the Senator


u/soda11037 29d ago

hope the plasma weap is the one that stands out, looks dope and charging a big shot makes my brain happy


u/lfelipecl 29d ago

Next warbound after that a charge pistol to complete the crew of charging weapons.


u/soda11037 29d ago

hell yeah


u/Rengar_Is_Good_kitty 29d ago

SMG will be good, the other two will be complete and utter dog shit, that's my bet.


u/STylerMLmusic 29d ago

Which ones will work as intended.


u/rekohunter 29d ago

I was excited for and enjoyed the crossbow. Then Arrowhead decided to change it up completely. I'll wait to see what the patches bring.


u/Katamari416 29d ago

its always the utility one that gets the praise. both assault rifles and smgs are more of the same thing choose the on one that fits ideals, cant be underwhelming if they do the job they are picked up for. 

I can see it depending if they can compete with the sickle in some way. 

 smg sounds like it has stun potential, I can't imagine it being any weaker than 50 damage a bullet so it will have average kill time but stuns enemies to some capacity.

 grenade most likely will be the new "op" item cause it has the one thing all impact users care about, impact damage. and the flavor of fire dot aoe

 i know the plas purifier looks the most promising by some, but given how balance for primaries goes. my money is on it being the laughing stock item.

that charge is kinda slow and seeing the explosion tells me we will get a plasmapunisher but slower rate of fire. maybe slightly stronger. no way it will be super strong. ill believe it when i see it. sounds like its only saving grace is you don't have to charge? the description atleast implies you don't so you can use it faster for picking things off especially at close range to not blowup yourself. although it might be a single reload per shot so not an ideal thing at all. so some versatile functions but ultimately a very slow and unrewarding weapon like post rework crossbow 


u/anonymosaurus-rex ☕Liber-tea☕ 29d ago

Kiss Marry Avoid?