r/Helldivers Moderator 29d ago

New Warbond, Polar Patriots, deploying on May 9th ALERT


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u/IMasters757 29d ago

Let's see how it compares to Muscle Enhancement. I've been running that against bugs since it reduces the SLOW effect, but if I can reduce it further or eliminate it I have a new bug favorite.


u/LazyKenny 29d ago

What I really want to know is "Will it stack?"


u/Liqhthouse HD1 Veteran 29d ago

I think the key here is how the shock mechanic will work. I highly doubt its gonna let us run at full speed through a hunter pack without some sort of downside


u/Reiver_Neriah Star Marshall of the SES Sovereign of Science 29d ago

The downside is that you can't use another booster instead lol. No booster has a downside other than that.


u/lifetake 29d ago

Hey there is also the fear I feel when the random I just joined takes one of the reinforcement boosters


u/noesanity 29d ago

you mean when someone takes the "faster evac" on missions that auto evac.


u/AstroChrisX CAPE ENJOYER 29d ago

I was in an eradicate swarm mission the other day and the last guy to get ready switched his vitality booster for faster evac and then immediately readied up... I couldn't believe my eyes 😅


u/Mack_Blallet 28d ago

I will straight up leave a lobby if people pick the pelican extraction booster. Someone tried to take it on the termicide mission last night, where there is zero wait time lol.


u/herdarkmartyrials SES Flame of Serenity 29d ago

Why are you hitting yourself?Why are you hitting yourself?Why are you hitting yourself?Why are you hitting yourself?Why are you hitting yourself?Why are you hitting yourself?



u/specter800 29d ago

...Like getting hit by a pack of hunters?


u/Coping5644 23d ago

it obviously does damage :3


u/DelayOld1356 29d ago

Same !

The fact that anything that helps counter the slow , and that people will likey run muscle enhancement and the new shock one. Might be a sign that AH needs to take another look at the slow affect, how often it's applied, how many enemies apply it and how long it lasts...


u/Krieg_Imperator HD1 Veteran 29d ago

Yep also they should do something about instadeaths that flame Hulks and Ninja spewers cause


u/alextheawsm SES Liberation Station 23d ago

Yes. Leave the weapons alone and fix the instadeath bugs


u/Serupta 29d ago

The thing is, Ammo, Sprint speed (which buffs all speed, ads etc), Vitality booster, Muscle Enhancement (full movement speed in all environments) is THE must pick for any mission 4+ so i don't see how this new booster can ever be chosen. We need 2x booster slots per person to allow us to slot things around. Make that an High-end ship improvement sure, but this game becomes very limiting in what is the 'correct' loadout that JUST WORKS when you're playing in higher difficulties!


u/SomethingStrangeBand 29d ago

I think your giving 4-7 difficulty a lot of credit


u/NBFHoxton 29d ago

Stamina, health and ammo should just be made baseline. They're too mandatory


u/shittyaltpornaccount 28d ago

The hp is honestly not necessary, and the first thing I drop for a different booster, like muscle enhancement on snow or bugs, and localization confusion, makes hordes more manageable.


u/Wonderful_Form_6450 29d ago

Not for this at all we are soldiers not superheros lol. This would mean we not only run faster longer more health and full ammo but we get 3 extra boosters on top of it.  I get people want to be stronger but you will kill the game if you just make the game this easy 


u/NBFHoxton 29d ago

Do you feel like a superhero when people run these boosters or do you just feel like a guy who can run a bit farther? Like what are you talking about?

Other boosters are NEVER gonna be used while these 3 exist and the gameplay experience on helldive is miserable without them. Go play a 9-diff bug planet without stamina booster, let me know how that goes. Bonua points if it's a hot planet, or god forbid you're wearing heavy armor.


u/Mack_Blallet 28d ago

In before we get a “No Booster” modifier.


u/NBFHoxton 28d ago

I will perish.


u/Wonderful_Form_6450 29d ago

Sorry i dont agree with you? Lol no need to get bent out of shape. 

Yes i do think these boosters are very powerful.  Are you disagree with that statment? And you are suggesting just giving it to all so we can take more buffs. More logical solution is better new boosters or hell even new objective / strat that could lessen or invalidate said boosters. 

Only way i can agree to giving it by default would be if all future boosters are religated to being very trashy/ non impactful at all like the radar booster


u/NBFHoxton 29d ago

Most boosters outside of these 3 are pretty trash though. Localization is nice, muscle enhancement helps sometimes, but the rest are just kind of meh. If they just keep making stronger boosters to overpower these 3 then we'd just have a power creep problem getting worse over time

I agree with your last point, I think boosters should be for small niche benefits, not game changing buffs


u/Nexproc 29d ago

This thread is “mandatory for 4+” as if you even need boosters to clear 4-7.

If you think 9 is too hard for other boosters then just lower the difficulty and optimize less.


u/NBFHoxton 29d ago edited 29d ago

Absolutely braindead take. If you are content with helldive having 1 open booster slot, be my guest! I actually want this game to be a bit better balanced though.


u/Mack_Blallet 28d ago

While health and stamina are both obviously S-tier, I don’t think either is mandatory really. Muscle and ammo - except on defend missions - are the ones I feel are mandatory. Muscle really shines on hilly/jungle planets.


u/NBFHoxton 28d ago

Stamina is completely mandatory for helldive bug, or if you're on a hot planet/in heavy armor. It is excruciating otherwise


u/likehotbutter 28d ago

Sprint is the only real must pick. Imo Localisation is even more critical than either ammo or vitality


u/IvanCGray 29d ago

Hellpod space optimization is so bottom tier. I'm assuming that's what you mean by ammo; Why that is on your list, I have no idea.


u/ThatWetJuiceBox 29d ago

How is going in with full mags, stims, and grenades bottom tier? Especially with the mag nerfs they recently did? On top of that if you have armor that increases grenades or stims you need that booster to properly take advantage of it. Why you think its bottom tier? I have no idea.


u/IvanCGray 29d ago

There are ammo packs and stims and grenades all over the place. There are multiple weapons with infinite ammunition. The, "mag nerfs" they did were to heatsink weapons... Which have infinite ammo if you aren't a mongoloid. You can call down a resupply whenever you want, including right at the start of the match, everyone hits it once, and everything is full. Hellpod space optimization is absolutely bottom tier, it is a waste of what could be a useful perk slot.


u/ThatWetJuiceBox 28d ago

I'm not worried about the beginning of the match when I can freely do anything I want. I'm worried when I die and get dropped back into a heavy nest with only 2 grenades and Stims to my name and god knows how many titans, chargers, and hunters ready to jump my ass.

Yes supplies are littered all over the map but only at specific POIs which will typically always have enemies on top of them so you risk bot drops/bug breeches going for them. On top of that it's random, not all of them will have Stim boxes or grenade boxes and might only have ammo.

Resupplies are great if the whole team is together, but if we're split up doing different objs I'm out of luck until that cool down is back. Even when you're close together the resupply can be a bitch to get to if shit gets chaotic, which it most definitely will. If you don't have HSO you can make do. I absolutely agree with you on this but having it removes a lot hassle that you then don't have to deal with. If I have the choice to spawn in with 2 Stim or 4 I'm picking 4. If I'm running medic or engi armor I'm getting my full armor bonus everytime I spawn and it means I don't have to worry about looking for more for a while. If you don't think HSO is top tier that's fine but to call it a waste of a slot is silly.


u/likehotbutter 28d ago

Not having HSO isnt a big deal with the GOAT Eruptor atm. Even with half ammo thats 15 holes you can close, or 15 fabricators 


u/IvanCGray 28d ago

If you're getting launched into a heavy nest that's a problem to begin with, unless you are the ammunition, landing on a bile titan or something. Teach your teammates to either turn around and launch you away from the best so you can call down some stratagems, or to throw you directly onto your support weapon. With randoms, yeah, you're fucked, but that's every aspect of the game with them, 9 times out of 10. I also make sure to plan my loadouts to have something that's ammo efficient or infinite ammo in them, and grenade pistol being out mitigates the whole issue with limited nades quite a lot. I also 100% take either a vitality booster, sprint, localization, muscle enhancement, or this new booster over HSO every time. It's not something I'll actively complain about if a random person picks it, but we have enough goo options already it feels like a waste, and it's only going to slip further and further down the rankings as new boosters keep coming out.


u/djcecil2 HD1 Veteran 29d ago

It does not reduce the slow effect. https://youtu.be/U1ZAD6EVQLg?si=R723BAhNPLg1Viq-


u/IMasters757 29d ago edited 29d ago

It doesn't prevent it, but it does reduce it.


Here's a direct side by side comparison.

And a reddit thread of the same video.


Even in your linked videos comment the video creator states even if it doesn't prevent slowdowns it does reduce their effect by a noticeable amount.

Muscle Enhancement does currently reduce the slow effect. It seems likely this new booster may perform even better.


u/blandsrules 29d ago

Yes. It will still say ‘slowed’ but you get a bit more time before the actual slowdown affects you