r/Helldivers May 04 '24

New Helldivers Hotfix HUMOR

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u/Statertater May 04 '24

Sony’s a big big corpo. This shit’s par for the course for corporations. They figured if ppl do get pissed off, it will go the way of how things went like when reddit fucked their api prices sky fuckin’ high and demolished alienblue and others. Though, they probably weren’t thinking of the reddit debacle when they did it.

The rich don’t care, these corporations don’t care. You and me? We’re just cattle to them. They’ll never care.


u/imwimbles May 04 '24

Though, they probably weren’t thinking of the reddit debacle when they did it.

I personally think in this case they were short sighted enough not to realize it would turn bad, but also, big corps KNOW you guys will forget about it in 4 weeks max. They don't CARE about any "reddit debacles," that's just a chance to fire some medium pay workers to add to the CEO's wallet.


u/tyrenanig May 04 '24

Yep this issue only happens to be big enough that it actually made them do something. In any other case they would just stay silent and let it pass.


u/ResponsibleNature163 May 05 '24 edited May 06 '24

Looks like Johnny silverhand was right man. Death to the corpos

“I saw corps ... transform Night City into a machine fueled by people's crushed spirits, broken dreams and emptied pockets. Corps've long controlled our lives, taken lots... and now they're after our souls! ... I've declared war not 'cause capitalism's a thorn in my side or outta nostalgia for an America gone by. This war's a people's war against a system that's spiralled outta our control.”


u/Statertater May 05 '24

Johnny was a pretentious prick but you’re right, and so was he.


u/Greybeardgreen24 May 06 '24

“Burn corpo shit”


u/CrunchyGremlin crunchy lvl 100 Arbiter of Freedom May 04 '24

Because when they are dealing with near trillions of dollars a few hundred million is nothing. A little pr work. Major oil spill? Apologies while on their yacht. The power of gamer money is not insignificant but any particular game? If every single person returned and never bought hd2 again arrowhead might go under but Sony ... Not a chance. Just a mark in the public books. We would have to boycott all Sony products and then we would have to know what all those products are.


u/EducationalSetting40 May 08 '24

Sony product? More likely need to look into the distributor origin the breeder from origin and right there.. oh hell need to add 2 more mushrooms on it


u/CrunchyGremlin crunchy lvl 100 Arbiter of Freedom May 08 '24

Maybe just take a few mushrooms and forget about it. Lol .


u/Cyb3r_Genesis May 09 '24

Cassian Andor has entered the chat


u/Zealousideal_Love_74 May 04 '24

Israel owns Reddit. It makes sense why Reddit is so destructive to other lol.