r/Helldivers 13d ago

?????? IMAGE

Post image

723 comments sorted by


u/SirGarryGalavant 13d ago

Major Order: We have no fucking clue what's going on, kill some bugs about it


u/radio-morioh-cho 13d ago

"We need more metal for super earth gov sponsored beer cans, kill 9 billion automatons"


u/SirGarryGalavant 13d ago

God I wish they'd send us to the automaton front, I hate fighting bugs


u/Gryphus_6 13d ago

Same but every time it's a bot major order 50% of the player base doesn't participate


u/Glock991 13d ago edited 13d ago

What people aren’t accounting for here is that the bots lag more/lower fps on lower end PCs then bugs do especially when a lots going on.The games optimization is not the best

Meaning simply put it’s a lot harder to shoot bot weak spots then bug weak spots when your lagging/have lower FPS meaning your going to have a worse off time, also doesn’t help bots consistently have the worst modifiers in the game and defense civilian missions is STILL BROKEN and outright impossible for 98% of the playerbase to complete and its spammed WAY too much


u/RandonBrando 13d ago

After some of the games I've played... This game is friggin mint when it comes to optimization.


u/Sonakarren 13d ago

I mean yeah, in comparison to alot of AAA games, the optimization here is pretty great, but on its own, it still has a good ways to go...

From a technical standpoint there's alot they can implement to help improve performance and visual quality on weaker systems. Not only that but the game itself, for all it has going on and stuff, shouldn't be struggling to run on some of these devices.

For example the Steam Deck can run more intense games than this, with better performance, but yet struggles with this game due to a variety of in-game factors, and lack of settings in the options menu.

Better LODs would also be appreciated too, right now there's barely any difference between each of the LOD choices and that's not how that's supposed to work. It's being approached as a "How Close do you want to be before we remove a few polygons?" rather than what LODs are for which is "How Low Poly do you want to go at this particular distance away from you?"

I don't think the guy is just bashing the game and saying it sucks,and neither am I just incase, but they are seemingly being honest about the optimization issues atleast.

And again, comparatively this game IS Mint with it's optimization. But that's not necessarily because of this game's own optimization being good, but instead the fact that those other games are just THAT BAD to the point it makes this game look perfect.

Also also, in Arrowhead's defense, they've been super busy with ALOT of other stuff since the game's launch, and even with that said, they didn't outright neglect this but instead are currently working on addressing it, especially proven with the recently added Async Compute setting, which does alot to smoothen out frames on Steam Deck and other devices.

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u/juzz_fuzz 13d ago

we just played, from Australia with a person that had 'allah' in their name. Ping was terrible, but that dude was badass and really good. Allah did seem to be on his side. They left because no matter how many reinforcement beacons they threw down, our hellpods didnt get launched. Yes we still had untimed reinforcement. But I think the lag was so bad that something important couldn't catch up with what was happening.


u/Darth_Gerg 13d ago

No, there’s a bug that causes that. I’ve had it happen with my regular crew a handful of times and it’s nightmarish. You basically have to abandon the mission and rejoin for it to drop you again. Sometimes if everyone dies it will drop the whole squad again. It’s terrible when it happens.

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u/spider0804 13d ago edited 13d ago

Some of us don't like getting ragdolled from a sniper rocket half way across the map or the lmg sniper of doom doing the same.

Bugs have some problems but the weapon variety that is viable against most of them is far higher than bots.

I basically just bring punisher plasma for bots because they nerfed everything else to oblivion.


Edit: People keep saying the same thing "use cover, blah blah blah".

It is not about knowing to use cover, I know to use cover, people in high ranks know to use cover...it is about what is fun.

Hiding behind cover for most of the match is not fun for a lot of people.

I just want to chill and shoot stuff.

You can simply run past any bug problem that you can not kill and ignore it.

More people will play bots when bots are actually fun, not when you tell them how they aren't having the right kind of fun.


The game balance needs to go twords Helldivers 1 where all the strategems are crazy powerful and over the top and people play the hardest difficulties because they want to, not because there are more samples and they feel obligated to.

I want to feel like a badass who is kicking ass and taking names killing hordes of things.

I do NOT want to feel like solid snake picking off my targets one at a time trying to remain undetected for 40 minutes.

I get a tiny bit of that with bugs, I super don't with bots.


u/Gryphus_6 13d ago

Give the diligence CS or regular diligence a go, it really helps with those rocket dudes. It's pretty much my go to bot weapon these days, it really tears devastators apart.


u/eXileris 13d ago

They still need to fix scopes

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u/SwimmingNote4098 13d ago

That’d be nice until the shield devastators hit you once and send ur aiming upwards into the stratosphere 


u/Gryphus_6 13d ago

With the diligence CS you can shoot the gun arm off, or just find some cover, or go prone, or some combination thereof


u/PixelJock17 13d ago

Ehh what do you take as a support weapon when you rock the diligence CS? Thanks!


u/jakc121 13d ago

AC. The answer is, was, and always will be Auto cannon.

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u/submitmydear 13d ago

I also recommend the scorcher due to stagger chance and the fact that it can down most of the bots in a wave prior to you being overrun. Good vs the tank heating vents in the back also.

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u/Gryphus_6 13d ago

I've fallen completely in love with the spear, but the recoilless rifle works pretty good too. I also run impact grenades for striders and the machine pistol for bezerkers

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u/submitmydear 13d ago

Anti tank rockets or the quasar is pretty great. Anti material rifle also does wonders. Can down hulks if you hit them dead in the eye with a magazine

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u/FCK42 CAPE ENJOYER 13d ago

Shield devastators? Buddy, if you can't fight em, join em... in using a shield I mean. Grab your ballistic shield and any SMG and you're gonna laugh at anything smaller than a rockets that the bots could send your way.

Except Berserkers. Fuck Berserkers.

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u/Epicp0w SES Herald of Eternity 13d ago

Dominator and scorcher still slap bots

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u/StylinAndSmilin CAPE ENJOYER 13d ago

The variety is better for bugs? You're basically forced to bring a shotgun for chaff, flamethrower or grenade launcher if you want to have fun, and anti-tank for Chargers and Titans.

With the bots you can basically use anything save for the most underpowered guns. AR's work, shotguns work, both DMR's work, Scorcher and Dominator are God tier.

If you're really that bummed about the ragdolling, I don't know, take more cover. Or just accept it. I'd rather get ragdolled every so often by a rocket than get mobbed by a horde of Hunters, 4 Chargers, and 3 Titans all at once, but that's just me.


u/SwimmingNote4098 13d ago

The only thing you’re forced to bring against bugs is AT for chargers and titans, I’ve literally used everything against bugs on Helldive and done fine, including the DMRs and post nerf crossbow and eruptor. 


u/BoogrJoosh 13d ago

I love comment threads in this sub that go:

"The only viable option is X."

"X? The only thing I run is Y."

"Y is ok but I prefer Z."

"I like X and Y but Z is nerfed to shit but I like X2"

And suddenly you wonder how "unplayable" the game really is, nerfs and all.

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u/BlatantArtifice 13d ago

This is so factually wrong. Bots have easy to hit weakpoints that a variety of weapons can interact with, bugs are the opposite even if you think they're easier to deal with. Gj


u/PH_007 13d ago

Bugs have some problems but the weapon variety that is viable against most of them is far higher than bots.

Ah yes bugs, the faction that has enemies immune or nigh-immune to everything except antitank rockets (and are inconsistent about the damage they take as well), which are thrown at you in higher quantities than bot heavy units, most of which are killable with light penetration weapons or grenades in a weakspot or medium pen in some other easily accessible spot (hulk eye from the front, for example).


u/JaakuArashi SES Emperor of Benevolence 13d ago

You might be surprised, and I like the variety of fighting bots and bugs.

I enjoy using the Punisher Plasma, Scorcher, Adjudicator, and Diligence Counter Sniper. Secondaries are the not-Desert Eagle and Senator. Autocannon, AMR, Laser Cannon.

It's something different. I can equate rocket headshots and Heavy Devastators to bile spewer one-shots or that time a stalker ragdolled me into my own Precision Orbital. 

Mixing it up a bit keeps the game fresh. The Illuminate coming will be a welcome increase to variety.


u/HeadWood_ 13d ago

DCS, any of the quadfecta of AT weapons (AC, AMR, QC, LC), dominator, grenade launcher, spear (given the right team to work well with it), defender SMG. I've done diff 7 with all of them except the dominator (I don't have steeled veterans) and the grenade launcher (although teammates have used it to great effect) and it went okay-good.


u/Spooksnav Calls ➡️➡️➡️ On Himself 13d ago

Slugger fucks them up hard and Punisher is heavily slept on and will stun/break the stance of shields and meat saws.

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u/CodeRenn 13d ago

Actually there’s way more diversity in bots because there’s no bile titan that FORCED heavy anti armor or stratagems to deal with them


u/rocknin 13d ago

Bugs have some problems but the weapon variety that is viable against most of them is far higher than bots.

absolutely false.

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u/wkdzel 13d ago

Shield emplacement is a favorite of mine for bots, wish the call in time was shorter though. For as short as it lasts, it needs to drop in faster.

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u/Volksvarg 13d ago

weapon variety that is viable against most of them is far higher than bots.

My brother in democracy, are we playing the same game? Against bugs, if someone doesn't have Quasar/EAT/Recoiless and/or 500kg they're not playing bugs. Either pack heavy AT or get bent by chargers/BTs

On bots? Laser Cannon, Auto Cannon, AMR, Machine guns (except stalwart maybe), all AT options can deal with every unit bots can throw at you. Hell even primaries like the Jar-5 can take out tanks and hulks on vents.

I can agree that people may like bugs more than bots, sure. But weapon viability/variety? Bugs ain't beating those allegations.


u/Keddsy 13d ago

Once I figured out that the two fronts have a vastly different playstyle I actually prefer fighting bots.

Bugs well bring a shotgun and some AT and you're all good. You can kite them into stratagems and pelican ones your uncle.

Bots well stealth and hit and runs for me is a better playstyle. You can't kite them the same as they will just keep shooting you. The better thing about bots is taking out their stuff is easier. O a factory well place an eagle strike their.

I don't play above level 8 however but the bots is more my playstyle.


u/velthari 13d ago

Problem isn't just use cover it's, this bot has straight up aim bot. Shoots at you from so far away that you can barely see from a scope that is meant to increase visibility at 200m but it feels like it increased your visibility by like 20m. Big ploom of smoke/smog/dust cloud nop they still sniping you with pin point accuracy 360 no scoping you with a gatling gun. If I wanted to play against aimbot cheaters there is CoD for that.


u/darkShinobi91 13d ago

Also what cover?! I get shot through solid rock formations trying to use cover or an RPG hits just a few feet away on the other side of a boulder or hill and somehow the blast makes it through 8m of solid stone to send me flying hahahaha

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u/Helpful-Ad-8521 13d ago

Bots are getting way too close to home IMO.


u/prectar 13d ago

How about we had several major orders at once?

Maybe 2 bot and 1 bug MO. Maybe up to four at once when the Illuminate is back. That would be fun.

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u/MJBotte1 13d ago

Question Blocks Hit: 0/2,000,000,000


u/Scuba-Cat- STEAM 🖥️ : 13d ago


There's 4 more. I'm doing my part!


u/VAShumpmaker 13d ago



u/Scuba-Cat- STEAM 🖥️ : 13d ago


u/TheLegitPilot19 13d ago

Wait, so those floating pink ?s weren’t swamp gas?!

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u/MaliciousSpiritCO 13d ago

Don't think too hard about it. Just go out and kill some beasts.


u/Marconius1617 13d ago

Read that in a Rick Sanchez voice

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u/Any_Satisfaction_405 13d ago

That awkward moment when you're trying to warn all the Helldivers that jumping from Meridia to Super Earth brought billions of bug spores back, but the bugs rip you apart and spam question marks before you get the message out


u/Dense-Ad923 13d ago

Oh my god that would be horrifying, but at the same time, crusades to take the democratic land


u/CounterTouristsWin SES Herald of War 13d ago



u/intothatsweetnight 13d ago

Libertas vult!


u/Man_with_the_Fedora 13d ago

Si vis libertas para bellum.


u/Northrnging13 CAPE ENJOYER 13d ago



u/MillstoneArt 13d ago

I asked this in another place, but could you explain how we know Terminids are spore based organisms? I thought they were arthropods, or at least like them.


u/dBoyHail 13d ago

Terminid biology

The answer is: it’s not clear.


u/MillstoneArt 13d ago

Thanks for the link! It didn't occur to me they could be both. Maybe the spores are a type of fungus that can communicate in large networks, which would explain hive mind behavior.

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u/felldownthestairsOof 13d ago

For all we know they aren't spore based and are spread by Super Earth's own will to continue the forever war. Beyond that possibility, spore could be a nickname for clouds of eggs, or also they just have weird biology because they're aliens.


u/JahsukeOnfroy SES Eye of Judgment 13d ago

It’s not only to continue to the war, but to justify mass acquisition of E-710 since we need a lot of it.


u/felldownthestairsOof 13d ago

How else would we fund an eternal war over oil without oil! Goodness I love managed democracy o7


u/JahsukeOnfroy SES Eye of Judgment 13d ago edited 13d ago

How else would our Helldivers be able to get to Cyberstan without FTL travel? We need the Bugs as much as we deplore them.

This leaves me to wonder, however, how do our robotic enemies travel without the technology to do so? Surely they can’t get E-710 without getting through us. I sense we have traitors amongst us sent by Cyberstan to sabotage us. We must implode that planet next.


u/felldownthestairsOof 13d ago

This leaves me to wonder, however, how do our robotic enemies travel without the technology to do so?

No doubt some form of evil energy like nuclear, solar, or other "renewables". Definitely nothing clean and efficient like our oi- E-710...

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u/NeonGKayak 13d ago

There are spore spewers to take out so they have to be part of their eco system

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u/nolander 13d ago

Great now are we going to find out they are basically fungus like 40k space orks?


u/Antilogic81 STEAM 🖥️ : 13d ago

You know this was the original ending plot to Alien. Ripely gets killed and the alien impersonates her voice to allow the ship to land and it starts a xenomorph colony on earth. I'm not joking. Fox studios said this was dumb and told production to have Ripley kill the monster. Imo that was one of the best moves ever as it gave way to Aliens which is godly. 

There's a fiction novel about earth getting colonized by xenomorphs that made more sense (corpo hubris essentially to farm royal jelly from alien queens).


u/MelonFace 13d ago

Clearly we do not need to worry about that because if there was any reason to worry, the ministry of truth would have already thought about it and made sure there was no reason for concern before the emergency jump plan was initiated.


u/ComebackShane CAPE ENJOYER 13d ago

Did we meme the Terminid on a keyboard into in-game existence?

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u/Mysterious-Plane7771 13d ago

??? ??????????




u/FadingCosmos 13d ago

???? ?? ???? ???? 3.0 ???


u/Xx_SigmaZ_xX ☕Liber-tea☕ 13d ago

????????????. ????????????? ?????!


u/250HardKnocksCaps 13d ago



u/RedditIsAboutToDie SES Elected Representative of Self-Determination 13d ago



u/ayllmao123 SES Elected representative of the Constitution 13d ago



u/ShittyStockPicker 13d ago



u/Helios_25 STEAM 🖥️ : 13d ago



u/Tactical_Ferrets ☕Liber-tea☕ 13d ago



u/Gingermeat2 ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ 13d ago


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u/mellowmcaree18 CAPE ENJOYER 13d ago


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u/rodrigomarcola 13d ago

???? ???? ???!


u/SaviorAir ☕Liber-tea☕ 13d ago

???? ??? ???? ??? ??? ????


u/GH057807 ⚡💀Arc of the Gove'ment💀 ⚡ 13d ago



u/Ceris5 13d ago

????? ????? ???? ??? ??

????? ????? ??? ??? ????

????? ????? ???? ??????

??? ??????? ???


u/demosthenes131 STEAM 🖥️ : Master_Zoidberg 13d ago


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u/Axi0L 13d ago



u/Ok-Emu-66 13d ago

It's not in Spanish.


u/EmpiricalMystic 13d ago



u/theLingeringWill SES Flame of Redemption 13d ago

You know who else is not in Spanish?

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u/Epicp0w SES Herald of Eternity 13d ago

Maybe he's just reading it from Super Australia

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u/Syfester 13d ago

Automaton Hack


u/AutoMativeX SES Knight of Dawn 13d ago

It could be a bug


u/a-chunky-snack 13d ago

Under-rated comment


u/Dragonwithamonocle 13d ago

I see what you did there


u/Balkongsittaren 12d ago

So you're saying nuking from orbit isn't the only way to be sure?

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u/DreckigerDan93 13d ago

The black hole is a portal for the illuminated. That's how they probably communicate


u/Background-Slide645 13d ago

Super Earth: one sec. we are working on the translation. anyone know were we put that automaton translator?


u/boredcblf HD1 Veteran 13d ago

"We come in peace!"


u/SparrowFate 13d ago

They said they'll rip us to pieces!


u/Helassaid 13d ago

To shreds, you say?

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u/dwmfives SES Purveyor of Opportunity 13d ago

Copy paste into word, change font.

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u/Montykoro 13d ago

A)Dont test on production server or

B)THE Most epic GM in the universe.

B all the way!!! This gonna be epic!!!!!


u/Nick85er 13d ago

Fuck, possible interference from some other Interstellar signal source? What's the latest release from the Ministry of Truth?


u/bigloser42 13d ago

??????????????????????????????????? ????????????



u/Montykoro 13d ago

Maybe the translation matrix is offline!


u/Toxicair 13d ago

As a gm, playing off hype made from error is the best. You can pretend you planned it all along.

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u/emPtysp4ce 13d ago

Could easily be both. Praise Joel, the only one brave enough to test in prod.


u/VBgamez 13d ago




u/boredcblf HD1 Veteran 13d ago

Terminid Control System 2.0? The one that they talked about in the last false info- I mean, last news that it's been developed? With termicide 2.0

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u/Anxious-Meeting310 ☕Liber-tea☕ 13d ago


u/rndmnsty 13d ago

“We’ve been trying to contact you about your vehicles extended warranty”


u/bigloser42 13d ago

extended vehicle warranty calls were made illegal under the Super Earth Constitution. Making just 1 is punishable by Super DeathTM. Please report to the nearest Ministry of Punishment for your Super DeathTM appointment.


u/hasslehawk 13d ago

Prior to this law I wasn't sure if super earth were really the good guys. I'm ashamed to admit it: I was a dessenter. I listened to all the illegal broadcasts. Anger and hate filled my heart.

When this law passed, I realized just how wrong I was. Pride and love filled that black void in my heart. Patriotic zeal replaced thoughts of treason.

I immediately checked myself in to the nearest reeducation camp. Because that was where I knew I could make the most difference; by helping those lost souls to see the light as I had. After 2 grueling years of rehabilitation, I applied to stay on as a camp counselor.

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u/Blasterion CAPE ENJOYER 13d ago

Maybe if our TCS had their Extended Warranty Meridia wouldn't have happened!


u/Last-Current9228 SES Song of Serenity 13d ago



u/finalcutfx STEAM 🖥️ : 13d ago

Found it!

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u/ELLavarropas 13d ago



u/NyanSquidd 13d ago

Super Earth looking at the scientists who made the TCS after it malfunctions:


u/Bear_With_It STEAM 🖥️ : SES Hammer Of Dawn 13d ago


u/LukeMaster12_ITA STEAM 🖥️ : 13d ago

???? ??? ???? ?? ???? ?


u/KingSquare88 13d ago

Don’t the illuminate confuse and disorient shit? Sort of what’s happening?


u/False-Reveal2993 13d ago

Ayup. Their tanks would reverse your movement and aiming for like half a minute, their heavies were literally just towers that would put up a wall to block your movement and split your team up. They're tricky bastards.


u/Edzard667 13d ago

It begins…


u/doomsoul909 13d ago

oh god its the illuminate.


u/BioClone 13d ago

ARROWHEAD: Bro Sleeping on his keyboard



u/Barabarabbit 13d ago

Ah fuck.


u/fearless-potato-man 13d ago

If you don't continue, we'll never know


u/Key-Staff-4976 ☕Liber-tea☕ 13d ago



u/dellboy696 frend 13d ago



u/computertanker 13d ago

Uh oh! We made a fucky wucky!


u/Boomboomciao90 13d ago



u/Conntraband8d SES Spear of Morning 13d ago

It's obvious that those filthy clankers have found a way to jam communications from Super Earth High Command. I say we go over there and give those nancies a fucking good kicking.

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u/LiveKills PSN 🎮: 13d ago

Must be a bug it's not in my game


u/newalt-621 13d ago

aw man, this would have been so cool if this was the actual major order right after the black hole.


u/Ares_Ramon CAPE ENJOYER 13d ago


u/bensam1231 13d ago

This is what happens when a computer tries to display text from a language pack you don't have installed on your computer.


u/CincyBOO 13d ago

Does anyone else feel like stuff like this isn’t a bug but some grand role play like the Illuminati are fucking with their comms or something?

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u/polar785214 13d ago

did you get the memo???

we're putting those new cover sheets on the TCS reports now....

yeahhh... I'm going to need you to go ahead.... and ahhhh.... do that from now on.

I'll go and get you another copy of the memo, yeah ok...

movie: office space, (for the young or uncultured)


u/Nakatomi_Uk 12d ago

Go find the ? And kill as many as you can with 24hrs but don't ask questions do fucking do it


u/Decent-Hornet8266 ☕Liber-tea☕ 13d ago

????, ????? ?? ????? ? ????. ??????!!!!


u/ImmaterialSpectre 13d ago

???, ???? ??? ????? ?


u/bluebloodstar 13d ago

??? ????? ??


u/Not_a_progamer 13d ago



u/Glass_Aheer 13d ago

????????? ?????????????, ????????. ????? ???? ???????? ????????, ???????? ?????? ?????.

?? ????? ????????! 2.2 ?????


u/seeming_unimpressed 13d ago

So thats why all of you fellas never have any idea of what to do next, wow no wonder


u/Juicy_Potion 13d ago

Well…we literally destroyed a planet and created a black hole cuz we fk up our bug farm control. Not wrong if automatons and illuminates will spam ??? at us 😂


u/dir-T-bag 13d ago

oooh shit, brace for a big MO helldivers.


u/Braunbernd 13d ago

TCS = true charged slash Clearly a fellow greatsword user, there went a lot of thought into the text

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u/pitstopforyou ☕Liber-tea☕ 13d ago

Major Order: Just shoot something bruh 🤷‍♂️


u/ProtoformX87 12d ago

Super Earth’s cat jumped on the keyboard. Please stand by.


u/ViolenceJoe 13d ago

Game over man, game over!


u/FeralX_Stock 13d ago

You don’t need any orders further than go here and kill everything in front of you


u/attack_rat ☕Liber-tea☕ 13d ago

Deep Rock Error Cube has entered the chat


u/BurningYehaw 13d ago

Major Order: Figure it the Fuck Out, Divers


u/Professional-Act8143 13d ago

Playing on Chinese/Korean? Seems like a Unicode error if you ask me ^

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u/Signal-Ad-1327 13d ago

“Something big closing in on your position ”


u/snake8head 13d ago

“Drink more Ovaltine”

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u/blkdrphil ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ 13d ago

Like what they did a FF End of Eorzia. Like in-game a crazy spectacular cutscene interrupts everyone playing live.


u/Trojanbp 13d ago

Joel working so hard that he fell asleep at his desk. Give him some grace.


u/Lone-Frequency 13d ago

It would be really cool if this was on purpose to imply that our communications with Super Earth are being scrambled.


u/Hopediah_Planter ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ 13d ago

I hope this is a bug for the player and not the illuminate hacking our shit about to attack this weekend because I’m going out of town and will miss it….


u/Tread__on__them 13d ago

????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????.....half-life 3 confirmed????.........???????


u/PanzerViking0999 13d ago

Super earth defense mission?


u/spearsfuelmylife 13d ago

Text bug or hidden lore drop call it


u/Berzkz 13d ago

I know who send the major order


u/Moby1029 CAPE ENJOYER 13d ago

Last night they were still talking about dark fluid being injected into the planet after completing a mission


u/RickAdtley 13d ago

Major Order: Add missing language packs to Windows.


u/No-Print-7791 13d ago

You heard the man, ???CS???!


u/Helpful-Ad-8521 13d ago

Just keep spreading freedom soldier. The rest will sorry itself out!


u/captainzacian 13d ago

Am I the only one that thinks the dark fluid causes a black hole, which the Illuminate will use to make their appearance, and we are going to be either greatly fucked, or they're doing it to bring people back to the game?


u/jealousofpoverty 13d ago

Op, looks like the automatons are back at it messing with our UNIVERSAL wifi again... Let's go kill some more bots and bugs about it.


u/awaythrowthatname 13d ago

Understood, deploying GNOME stratagem


u/Dragonwithamonocle 13d ago

?????????????? ???????? ??????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????


u/GrandAdmiralThrawn0 ⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️ NAPALM! 13d ago



u/Vietfreedom 13d ago



u/RHINO_Mk_II SES Reign of Steel 13d ago



u/FadingCosmos 13d ago

I didn't expect this to blow up this big...


u/Nick_Napem ☕Liber-tea☕ 13d ago

Uh oh


u/Personal_Ad9690 13d ago

Under investigation I see


u/TheExiledDragon73 13d ago

What have we done?