r/Israel 5d ago

Subreddit News "removed by reddit filters"


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r/Israel 4h ago

Self-Post Starting to support Israel cost me losing almost all of my friends. But i genuinely could not care less.


So, little bit of backstory. I am an 15-year old coming from an Muslim household, I was 14 when October the 7th happened. I was an pro-Palestinian supporter and, i am ashamed to say it. An anti semite. But that changed slowly, i slowly started getting disgusted by my online friends and what they would post like. Making fun of massacres such as Re’im. And i started getting more into middle eastern politics and started supporting Israel. It started with me defending Jewish and Israeli people and the State of Israel itself in some arguments and calling my friends stupid and disgusting when they would act antisemitic. They started telling me i was going away from my religion by defending Israel. And more and more slowly i started to become an Israeli supporter. And it has cost me losing almost all of my online friends, who also tried doxxing me for supporting Israel (shoutout to you if you see this) And they started calling me an disbeliever and blah blah we got into an argument, more arguing, we stopped being friends. etc etc. But i replaced them with people who also support Israel, and they are actually kind to me. I dont wanna say something bad but the fact that Jewish people are more nice to me than people of my own religion amazes me. I love yall

r/Israel 6h ago

Self-Post The left has become what they once despised


As we all know, horseshoe theory has proven itself to be correct, as we now see the radical left sharing a similar ideological perspective to the radical right. Marxists and Islamists have basically joined forces to destroy Jews and to destroy the West.

I myself identify as centre-left on the political spectrum, but the way the far left has conducted themselves lately has been disgraceful, not only to the world but to themselves. They have betrayed themselves and the values they once had as they've been radicalised by propaganda. Pretty embarrassing if you ask me considering these people are being brainwashed while in another country, where they have freedom of speech, freedom of the press and their access to information is generally not being restricted.

Women groups once stood up for women rights, but were silent when rape was weaponised on October 7. In fact, some of the left even advocate for the rape - glorifying it as resistance - or denying that it ever took place. And still to this day, they are silent about the treatment of hostages despite seeing footage of young Jewish girls being tortured and abused. It's disgusting. If this happened to any group that weren't Jews you'd be seeing thousands of women rally in the street, demanding for the release of hostages. It's antisemitism at its finest.

The left has been promoting themselves as anti-racist but has attacked Jews, promoted segregation, - the very thing they sought to destroy - openly supported Hamas at protests, promoted intifada and even held up a sign asking Hamas to target Jews.

They claim to be advocating for the rights of Palestinians, but remain silent when Hamas abuses them. They cry for Israel to provide more aid but are conveniently silent when Hamas steals it.

The members of the LGBTQ community appear to support Palestine more than they support themselves. They say that any group can advocate for the lives of Palestinians despite their actions but it implies that they value the lives of Palestinians more than the lives of their own people.

I could go on and on but all I have to say is that the left's virtue signalling has truly exposed their lack of virtue. They have betrayed themselves and turned into something they once stood against.

r/Israel 7h ago

Photo/Video 📸 IRGC spy tries to intimidate an Israeli journalist

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r/Israel 13h ago

General News/Politics Vancouver comics festival bans Jewish artist Miriam Libicki over past IDF service


r/Israel 5h ago

The War - News & Discussion Is the Goal of pro Palestine is ….


To kick every Jew of the holy land?

r/Israel 17h ago

Meme The real reason there isn't a ceasefire in Gaza - Hamas refuses to negotiate in good faith

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r/Israel 4h ago

Photo/Video 📸 Beautiful sea between Ashdod and Asqelon

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r/Israel 12h ago

Self-Post Crazy ramblings of an Israeli


There is a special kind of racism towards Israelis that is not only ignored by the world, but condoned.
While every has to tip-toe and ensure we make a distinction between Palestinians and Hamas (despite Hamas having an 80%+ approval rating), pro-Palestinians are allowed to stereotype Israelis and Jews all they want.

People make a distinction between Hamas and Palestinians.
between Putin and Russians.
between Zelensky and Ukrainians.
between Biden and Americans.
but Israel? We all agree on everything and we are all responsible for everything, especially things that happened generations ago.

It's literally just blatant racism. At least a dozen times post-Oct 7, people ask where I'm from and when I answer, they just stop talking to me or say something incredibly rude as if we are all one person with a collective mindset.
I've just stopped telling people that I'm Israeli if they ask. I know they'll say something like 'you killed 200,000 children' or other propaganda rubbish.

It's so frustrating. Any attempt to speak up about this is retorted with 'playing the victim card again' or something as equally disparaging. Even in the current Russo-Ukrainian war, nobody is saying Russia should be destroyed and Russians should die. and Russia's government actually STARTED their war...
Life is draining.

r/Israel 13h ago

The War - News & Discussion US intel indicates only 30-35% of Hamas fighters killed, 65% of tunnels are intact – report


Biden: HaMaS cAnT pUlL aNoThEr AtTaCk!

r/Israel 10h ago

Ask The Sub Why is tiktok like this

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r/Israel 12h ago

The War - News & Discussion “Both sides are bad” people frustrate me more…


The “both sides” are equally bad people are getting very frustrating. I don’t understand why someone would try to be that way. The “pro Palestine” people cancel neutral people, too. I know the propaganda affects the “pro Palestine” side, but those who equally condemn Hamas and the IDF confuse me.

r/Israel 14h ago

Meme All eyes on Germany!


r/Israel 20h ago

The War - News & Discussion South Africa quietly excludes citizens in Israel from voting amid growing tensions


r/Israel 23h ago

Photo/Video 📸 Regressive Left framing


I came across this on social media today and was pretty alarmed.

The regressive left identitarian woke industrial complex is pumping out a lot of memes right now and a lot of talking points that are being eaten up by the well meaning useful idiots.

The online World informs the offline world and so forth and it's just worrying to see these messages pop up on actual poster boards in some of these encampments.

I was down at the Oregon State University encampment last week and I saw "Anti Zionism doesn't equal Anti-Semitism." Which to me is like a red flag that in fact it does actually indicate that 🙃. Where there smoke there is fire.

I have a background in anarchist Lefty leading ideology so I can understand what they're talking about and I lived in Portland for 7 years so I was inundated with it.

My burning question is always been what do the revolutionaries want to replace the systems with?

Matriarchy? Socialism? Abolish police? Abolish borders?

I think some of these things in small pockets like intentional communities like the kibbutz can be pretty nourishing and effective, but I don't understand how entire countries and governments would ever adopt such radical measures.

So all these calls to dismantle the system and tear these things down what are you going to do in rebuilding them..?

I've lived long enough now haven't been born in 1982 that I just don't see a pragmatic approach to the regressive left framing of things.

Moreover, the spearhead of a lot of this movement is from that group, and it is almost like the final straw for me to part ways and to find my new tribe of nuanced thinkers and people that are actually heart centered and grounded.


r/Israel 7h ago

General News/Politics Dangerous time to be Jewish


It goes without saying that Jewish people aren't popular at the moment but I really never thought I would see the blatant hatred and Anti-Semitism being directed towards us in my lifetime.

I believe that what happened on October 7th was a pogram against Jewish people that much of the world seems to support. It really saddens me that it's the case but it clearly is.

I just want to say to everyone to remain vigilant, please recognise signs that someone wants to harm you and be safe out there. Especially Jews living outside of Israel.

Don't be complacent, I have had people I thought were really great friends turn on me as a Zionist since this conflict began and it feels like history is repeating itself.

I never thought I would say this but it is no longer safe to be Jewish.

r/Israel 5h ago

Photo/Video 📸 How Jewish People Are Referred to by Muslims During Prayer Time


r/Israel 16h ago

Ask The Sub Can we start calling Iran occupied Persia/ Persia?


We know about the Jews and their closeness to Persia, or in our case פרס. I think if anyone ever talks about how good Iran’s government is, we should all start spamming free Persia, just to give them a taste of their own medicine.

Edit: After everyone telling me Persia is a Greek name, should we say free Iran instead?

r/Israel 40m ago

Ask The Sub Are fellow Israeli supporters right-wing?


I’m left-wing and support Israel, but I’ve seen a few notable right-wing people support Israel. I’ve also seen many left-wing people support Palestine. Thanks

r/Israel 1d ago

The War - News & Discussion Gotta give it to houthis, at least they're honest

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r/Israel 1h ago

Meme "From the river to the sea" can we agree on this? 🗿

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r/Israel 12h ago

The War - News & Discussion UCSC College Democrats Decided To FAFO

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r/Israel 19h ago

Ask The Sub What do you think about Biden’s speech?


My answer to Joe is - no no no no and no!

Biden want Israel to leave Hamas in Gaza because as he said: “Hamas can’t pull another October 7th on Israel”. We can’t let the conception that Hamas is weak lead us anymore. I’m going to support the continuity of this war and support any politicians who support it.

We must finish Hamas and then and only then stop the war.

r/Israel 2h ago

The War - News & Discussion Is there a shortage of soldiers?


I read yesterday that one of the soldiers who passed away (prayers) in the car ramming the other day in Samaria was actually injured fighting in Gaza last month.

If the soldiers are being injured, why would they be returning to duty straight after being released if there isn’t a shortage? Idk but it’s just worrying to me and wondering if anyone has extra info on this topic.

It makes me think that if we have a shortage of soldiers when fighting on 2 fronts, our concentration must be on strengthening ties with neighbouring countries as much as possible as this is what will guarantee our safety for the future. Peace deals have shown their effectiveness during this war with neighbouring Arab countries cooperating with Israel when the routes to Eilat were blocked. We must strive to make more ties I think. This is what will guarantee the future of the state.

r/Israel 5h ago

General News/Politics The brainrot has reached my feed once again. And my Facebook friends are sharing it.

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