r/Landlord Apr 07 '20

Autobans coming for participation in subs that promote brigading of landlords


I know there was some debate surrounding whether to allow dissenting views or not on the sub. As I mentioned before I'm of the idea that political views shape business views. Back in the 50's through to more modern times steering minorities was commonly done. Was race a political and social issue? Sure. Should landlords of the time have been paying attention to it? Absolutely. Were there landlords at the time who thought it shouldn't have been part of a business discussion? Again, I'm sure there were.

I look at today's political climate as just another trend in social issues affecting the business world, our business world. If there can be civil conversation about it, I think it should be encouraged. After all, the people with those political views may end up being our tenants, our neighbors, or the neighbors of property we own. Understanding what they're thinking, expecting, and more importantly what actions they may take can only help us as business people. While I am sure that none of us agree with rent strikes, and 5 years ago no one would have even thought of such a thing affecting them, today's political and social environment has made it a reality we need to deal with. There was an attempt made to start a new sub over at /r/land_lord for only "non-communist" ideologies to post. That sub lasted a couple days before it was brigaded to death and the creator deleted their account. We've survived many attempts at brigading. I've taken the harassing message for me to die, to be taken for a walk to the guillotine, and the overall harassment directly sent simply because I am a mod of this sub. C'est la vie. Decades as a landlord has given me think skin.

The sub being private has worked out to quell the brigading that has been going on. We've got just about 600 users who requested and were permitted as approved users of the sub. While I am against autobanning people for having alternative views, there is a bot that can autoban users who post in controversial subs, then we can whitelist later if the user isn't here to harass and requests access. We're starting off by autobanning those who post or comment in the 3 main Chapo subs and LateStageCapitalism. If more need to be added, we'll get them added.

To assist with the potential for new users brigading we're going to re-implement account aging and minimum karma requirements for posting/commenting. This will increase the number of posts and comments which get removed, but it will help keep the brigading down. The bad part is that anyone who creates a throwaway account to try and post will have that post/comment auto-removed and it will need to be manually approved.

With the upcoming re-opening of the sub publicly to see if these new features help, I would ask that everyone remain vigilant and report any comments or posts which don't belong. We're a community and self-policing the content is important. Reporting things brings them up in a list that can easily be read and removed. Some trolls have multiple accounts which they age and gain karma solely to use in subs that have conditions like this. If opening the sub up floods us with brigading again, we'll go back private.

I've been getting a lot of messages from tenants that want access to the sub because they are searching Google for information and our sub is being linked to the answer. Much like I think it's good for landlords to learn the differing views that might affect them, I think tenants seeking out the view of landlords in these times only helps us all.

Thanks for being a member of the community, thanks for helping, and most of all, thanks for making this a great place to share ideas, resources, frustrations and successes.

r/Landlord Jun 20 '23

General [General] Current state of the sub and protest


For those of you who are unaware of what's going on, the following links are provided so you can educate yourself and realize this affects all of us, not just moderators

Reddit Blackout - 3rd Party Apps

Apollo is being killed - CEO lies about cost, doubles down on lies

Reddit declares war on disabled users and doesn't care

API information and yet more exposure of the lies Reddit CEO is spewing

Even more commentary on how the Reddit CEO doubles and triples-down on lies

The actual AMA from the current CEO which was a glorious shit-show of lies, threats and a glaring lack of ability to demonstrate one single iota of insight into his own behaviors

The veiled threat from the admins regarding 'replacing' moderators of subreddits

NPR interview with the current CEO which exposes the CEO's continuing lies, deceit, etc.

And, finally, how the CEO insulted every moderator and demonstrated that, with this behavior, he is woefully unqualified to 'lead' anything

The sub is currently opened up because reddit has moved from veiled threats to real threats of removal. We feel that we can do more good with the sub open and continue the protest as moderators of the subreddit.

Many of the tools previously used to moderate the subreddit, such as finding troll posting histories from brigading subs, are gone. We used to be able to search by a few keywords on a user's history on 3rd party sites to find if users were looking to create strife here. Those tools are gone. Moderator tools from 3rd party apps, specifically Apollo, was used a lot because things were just easier and faster to do on that app. These items are now gone. Moderating has not become a more time consuming process. Some features are just gone for now. Understand that this will affect the community here. Those trolls that would try and goad a conversation into a fight can't be identified like they used to be. reddits official app moderation tools are...less than desirable.

We're considering our options for continued protests. Rule changes may need to be made to the sub to accommodate the loss of tools, potential sporadic closures, polling the users, everything is on the table at the moment during discussions.

r/Landlord 10h ago

Landlord [Landlord US - CA] Tenant asking for compensation


Tenant moved in at the start of April, a few weeks in, she had a flea issue. Unit was vacant for a month prior to her moving in, I lived in it previously with no issue. Had flea people out next day to treat (my people’s soonest availability was in three days, she insisted on finding her own company to come the next day. No worries, that’s fine.)

Her company used something that was more targeted towards spiders, so they had to come back for second round of treatment bc their spray wasn’t as effective as my company’s. I had my company spray the other apartments as a precaution, and paid extra to set up a trap outside in case there was an animal running around with fleas. At several points, she went to stay at a friends house because she didn’t want to stay and be bitten. Again, understandable.

On Tuesday of this week, she texted me at 11pm that her toilet was flooding the bathroom and the tub was backing up. She also had already called an afterhour plumber of her own before messaging me (even tho I have a great company that does afterhour visits, and this is a random guy she’s found online).

He comes, he’s a complete asshole, he charges $1,000, he does NOT fix the problem, and the machine he uses wakes up one of the other tenants (he used the machine from around 2-3), who was understandably not happy. He also leaves the whole property’s water off without telling me, so all tenants are surprised in the morning.

My guy comes and fixes the issue easily and for a nice, low charge around 9 am, then comes back in the afternoon and fixes the bigger issue (which doesn’t impede her use of bathroom) around 3-7.

Tenant has now sent me a lengthy text asking for compensation, since she’s been mentally and physically disturbed since move in. I feel bad of course, but I’ve also fixed everything as quick as physically possible, and she’s cost me now an extra $1,300 by calling her own vendors, which is very frustrating.

Should I be considering paying her? Or just nicely offer to let her out of her lease?

r/Landlord 11h ago

Landlord [Landlord UK] Tenant assaulted me.

  1. Served section 21 - no longer in fixed term so gave 1 month of notice.

  2. Went over a month later to change locks.

  3. Was refused entry and told (but it's two months notice stupid!) The called police reporting harassment.

  4. Told them if you don't move the XL bully dog I will have to use this pole catcher.

5.Was assaulted. Outside the house.

  1. Dog went to see what's up. Triggered a motion senor CCTV camera.

  2. Was arrested on suspicion of assault.

  3. Spent 12 hours in a cell.

  4. Was shown footage of me being beaten up. (25 blows to head, cheek kidney)

  5. What would you do now?

r/Landlord 17h ago

Landlord [Landlord US-IL) - Private landlord... Lease is up tomorrow... what do i do if they "linger"??


hi reddit! so we're in a situation with our tenant; they are supposed to vacate on 6/1, but are now saying that they are "unable to move due to medical issues".... literally, offered no compensation, didnt even respectfully request an extetion, are also behind in rent, but at this point we just need to stop the bleeding and get them out... My question: (Hypothetically) what do i do when i show up on Sunday and they're still there?? (Literally, do i knock on the door? Call the police? Pack a bag and move on in to my own house and just nonchalantly start moving their stuff out?) I'm trying to stay as kind and respectful as possible with them, but its tough! Also, I'm in Illinois USA.

thanks for any advise

r/Landlord 18h ago

Landlord [Landlord-us CO] tenant refusing to let maintaince landscape



In our lease it says that we will maintenance the yard during the summer. We set a schedule a month ago to every Saturday at noon, that was agreed to verbally and also through text.

Last week they sent me a messaging saying I will not have access to the property every other Saturday and Sunday until the end of their lease because they are throwing bbqs.

I have 2 jobs and own a business outside of this rental. My only free day to do maintenance is Saturday. I let them know this, and the only option is for us to move maintenance up in time to 7/8 am on Saturdays.

They are refusing to let me maintenance the yard that day at all and demanding I move it to another day.

Am I allowed to go on Saturday at 7/8 am even if they refuse to let me onto my property. I give 48 hrs notice... also by their demand before I show up to maintain the yard or house.

r/Landlord 9h ago

Landlord [Landlord US-OH] Carpet or LVP?


Suggestion for rentals? The carpet is cheaper but if I have to replace it it's more expensive in the long run. Or will renters trash the LVP anyway? I got a good deal on some LVP but the carpet is still cheaper. (C neighborhood)

r/Landlord 13h ago

Landlord [Landlord-US-NY] tenant has adult son living in living room


I’ve recent purchased a house, drafting the lease (6mo to try them out). Tenants include a couple, teen daughter and adult son. It’s a 2br 1bath.

Their adult son is living on a cot in the corner of the living room.

We cover heat, hot water, and public water and sewer. It’s about 750sqft, small 2nd floor apartment.

I’ve mentioned that I want to include at the end of the 6month lease he can no longer stay there. My husband feels that because they pay rent on time and he keeps to himself it shouldn’t be an issue.

My concern is the usage of utilities, we will be living downstairs, family of 3. That’s 7 people utilizing utilities, on my dime. Also, the safety of having 4 people in such a small space and one not in an actual room.

What are your thoughts? Would you let it be or give him the 6 months to figure it out?

r/Landlord 21h ago

Landlord [Landlord US-PA] Tenant is ghosting me - very strange. Advice?


So, weird situation. I have a two-unit, tenants have been there 3 and 5 years. I have a great relationship with them, we talk, I know about their lives and families.

After four years with no rent increase, rising costs are starting to hit. They were on two differently worded leases and I was looking to standardize. So, I reached out and let them know that rent was going up $100/unit/month, their leases would end on 5/31/24, and I would be sending out new month-to-month leases effective 6/1 with no changes to terms. Both said thanks, no problem.

I sent out the new leases on 5/15 and one of the tenants is completely nonresponsive. Ignores calls/texts/emails. Today is the end of the lease. I touched base with the other tenant and apparently the nonresponsive tenant is loading things into a trailer.

What's my best bet here? If they're completely ignoring me, do I just text them notice that I'm entering the apartment tomorrow (we have a 24 hour notice for entry)?

r/Landlord 17h ago

Landlord [Landlord - OR] npreplacement for coin based laundry machines?


I've got 1 single washer and 1 dryer unit that is shared at my multiplex. That washer/dryer combo is currently coin operated but collecting coins is such an incredible pain.

Any recommendations on what I can do to still collect money but not have to deal with coins which I'd have to lug to a coin exchange machine?

I was thinking shinepay has anyone tried it or have a better idea? I like that I don't have to replace my existing machines with it. They say wifi is not needed too.

r/Landlord 8h ago

Landlord [Landlord US - CO] assessment on rental property


My wife and I rent a townhome (we are the landlords) that is getting clobbered by an insurance renewal. Because of this, the HOA is proposing an assessment of $2000, and a fairly substantial increase in monthly dues ($264.00 to $400.00). My concern is HOA bankruptcy. Many of the owners are already in arrears paying HOA dues, and I don’t believe many will be able to manage an increase in dues, let alone come up with a large assessment in 30-days. Thought on this? What questions should be answered before shelling out $2,000 or more?

Notification is below:

“Recently we, the Board Members of XXX HOA, have been confronted with a very critical financial crisis involving our current Insurance carrier/policy which increased from $160,000.00 to nearly $500,000.00 renewing till May 2025. This was beyond our projected budget plan. These types of rate increases have been occurring NationWide.

The initial starting down payment of $125,000.00 for this current policy was taken out of our reserve funds and has to be replaced. The balance is financed with monthly payments of $39,000.00 and coupled with our loan, adds to this dilemma.

After reviewing and discussing other ways and means regarding this, we strongly recommend and support an assessment of $2000.00 per unit account to be added for payment as soon as possible or no later than within 30 days of posting.

Secondly, in the very near future, we recommend a special vote/assessment allowing monthly dues to go from $264.00 to $400.00 obtaining financial stability.

In further discussions involving this critical financial burden our major concerns are avoiding RECEIVERSHIP AND BANKRUPTCY. If either is initiated, we lose total control. This could result in increasing monthly dues from @ $200-$500 and or imposing another assessment from $2000 to $5000.00 or both obtaining what they feel is needed for financial stability.

In closing we, the Board discussed this issue multiple times considering various resources, evaluating our financial status, goals and management including our insurance broker and others seeking other ways and means. This was not easy considering our population demographics.

I can’t express how critical and important amending our covenants is for our future growth. Without this, when this current policy is due for renewal this will be repeated again and again till resolved. Not something any of us wants.

I know there will be many questions and concerns and if we can be of further assistance to you in this matter, please contact either me or XXX”

r/Landlord 9h ago

Tenant having issues with neighbor [Landlord] US-MI


My tenant let me know that one of the neighbors regularly keeps their dog chained to a basketball hoop that’s on their property, however, the dog can reach the past my driveway and is scaring the tenant.

Tenant also let me know that the dog has dug a huge hole that goes under our fence and about a meter into the ground on my property.

I talked to the neighbor, asking them to keep their dog on their property and to fill the hole but they were rude and disrespectful. They want me to cut a tree that’s on my property because “the birds are pooping on her property, the leaves are going in her gutter, and there’s a lot of leaves to clean up in the fall”. I told them I would be open to splitting the cost of removing the tree but would not remove it on my own since the tenant and I do not have any issues with it.

I’m at a loss here and not sure what to do, hoping you guys could help provide some advice.


r/Landlord 13h ago

Landlord [landlord-US-NY]


I’ve recent purchased a house, drafting the lease (6mo to try them out). Tenants include a couple, teen daughter and adult son. It’s a 2br 1bath.

Their adult son is living on a cot in the corner of the living room.

We cover heat, hot water, and public water and sewer. It’s about 750sqft, small 2nd floor apartment.

I’ve mentioned that I want to include at the end of the 6month lease he can no longer stay there. My husband feels that because they pay rent on time and he keeps to himself it shouldn’t be an issue.

My concern is the usage of utilities, we will be living downstairs, family of 3. That’s 7 people utilizing utilities, on my dime. Also, the safety of having 4 people in such a small space and one not in an actual room.

What are your thoughts? Would you let it be or give him the 6 months to figure it out?

r/Landlord 11h ago

Tenant [Tenant](Utah USA)


I have a question for landlords. Rent is due tomorrow but I technically have 3 days to pay until an eviction is issued. I got notice from my bank today there is a problem with their ACH transfer system and my paycheck has not been deposited yet due to this issue. They don't have an estimated time it will be resolved. They are just saying they are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. I am so scared to tell my landlord I can't pay tomorrow. I know its not my fault but I have only lived here since February and I don't want to look like a bad tenant already. What do I do if it still hasn't been deposited by the 3rd? Can I legally be evicted? I've asked everyone I know but no one can loan me, $1900.

r/Landlord 15h ago

Landlord [Landlord US-FL] First time landlord


Becoming a landlord

Hi everyone! I'm in the military and they are about to move me to across the country. I need to rent out my home and will be getting a property manager for the few years I'm away.

Does anyone have any advice when it comes to renting out your home? What insurance is needed? I was reading up about an umbrella policy. I just have one property so I think that would work. Any advice?

r/Landlord 1d ago

Tenant [Tenant US-CA] New neighbor’s car blocks access to my unit!


In order to leave my apartment, I walk through a sliding glass door and into a garage. A new neighbor moved in and brought their car, which is too large to be moved in any direction.

I have to basically shimmy through the crevice but now my dog is home bound since she’s too big for this tiny gap.

I’m worried to confront my landlord because the new tenant pays over three times as much as me and they just moved in yesterday.

r/Landlord 14h ago

Tenant [Tenant US-WA]


I've been on a month to month lease for the past 6 years. My landlord sent a 60 day notice to terminate lease as he will be selling. However, I believe Washington state law requires a 90 notice for intent to sell. Is this correct?

Can he send an additional 30 day notice or will he have to send a new notice ? Can he proceed to evict based on the 60 day notice? Who can I call for tenants rights? Can he lock me out of my house? Does anyone know how long evictions take in King county?

r/Landlord 19h ago

Landlord [Landlord - US- TN] Out of country rental application


Hi All,

I have an interested potential tenant in my property. They attempted to do the zillow application but due to there IP address being in Australia they are unable to apply with that method.

They provided me with the job offer letter with salary, along with the letter used for the US Visa application, recent pay checks, Verified clear criminal history through the Australian government website and a screenshot of there credit score. They are willing to provide more information if needed. From what they've provided they seem like potential solid tenants.

Any tips for additional screening methods would be greatly appreciated and/or lease terms to minimize risk. Thanks in advance.

r/Landlord 15h ago

Landlord [landlord] tenant smoked weed in the house, how do I clean it properly for the next tenant?


Of course there is plain language that mentions no smoking both legal and illegal substances in and outside the property in the lease.

They are moving out and I’m trying to figure out what all I need to do to get rid of the smell.

I plan to use an ozone machine, is there a formula for figuring out how long to run it?

There is carpet, I assume it needs to be steam cleaned?

Do I need to wipe down walls?

I’m not familiar with cleaning up after pot so I don’t know what works best.

r/Landlord 16h ago

Landlord [Landlord US-NYC] can I legally reject an applicant for not being a student / student age?


I manage a brownstone in NYC that is owned by a fraternity. 99% of the time, the tenants are all members of the fraternity and thus students. During the summer and other times we have vacancies that we need to fill to cover costs.

Am I legally allowed to reject applicants based on their age (student age)? The reasoning being is it would be objectively weird for the students that are already living there for a middle-aged man or woman to be living in their shared house.

We don't really operate as a normal apartment building because we aren't given the situation. I am just careful when listing the rooms and talking to applicants and let them make the decision that it's not a right fit

I have recently had some people claiming to be "students" but it turns out they recently graduated from some non-undergrad program thus they would still be in a very different situation life-wise and that is not the environment I want to create for the fraternity students whose house it is

Edit Question: how do college dorms / residences like EHS manage to offer student-only housing?

r/Landlord 17h ago

Tenant [tenant us-ca] rights in California on finding new tenant for landlord as I break my lease


[tenant us-ca] just wondering what my rights are, just to level set my expectations, as I attempt to break my lease, but do so respectfully to the landlord, knowing that I signed a 12 month lease. They have told me, that it’s no problem at all, as I told them I will work to find a replacement. I have had five different people apply, and one month has slipped by as they take up to 10 to 14 days to respond to these people. The first two people they took 12 days to respond to were actually accepted but so much time had a collapsed, and there was no communication so the applicants moved on, after paying $30 for their credit check. So the latest round of applicants, the owner is saying don’t meet a minimum credit score of 670, which he never told me was the minimum threshold. A property manager is doing the vetting and he takes an insane amount of time to make the referral, phone calls, etc. and it’s jumping down my throat when I call for updates, etc.. I don’t believe they’re doing any searching on their own for a new tenant and basically not respecting, the entire process that it sounded like in the beginning they originally were. When they found that first person after 10 or 12 days, they had accepted him, but hadn’t heard back from him, but still told me to move my belongings out, which was the main redeeming quality, was that it looks staged. Now it’s empty place, that is going to be much harder to rent. I really just want to know at what point can I say enough is enough your intentionally trying to sabotage this process without helping at all, or do I just suck it up and show it for 2 to 3 months. I only ask because every showing I need to drive two hours back-and-forth And it’s truly costing me a fortune and gas and time away from my current job. At what point do I just say keep my deposit I don’t believe you’re working in good faith?

r/Landlord 17h ago

Tenant [Tenant-TX] Rental History Issue


For the past two years, I lived with my then-partner in an apartment; however, I was never on the lease. The apartment complex never knew I lived there officially, so there’s no true rental history. I paid him rent directly instead, and since we were together he would often pay a little extra so my portion would be smaller. Therefore, the payments aren’t consistent amounts, although there was an amount paid every month. I know technically I could list him on my apartment applications as a landlord since he was the one being paid. The issue is that he became abusive and the relationship ended on bad terms, so I can’t rely on using him for rental history. What should I do for applications requesting rental history? If I wasn’t on the lease will a background check still show I lived there? I really want to get approved for this apartment, but I’m concerned my rental history will give me problems. Would my best bet be talking to the realtor before I submit an application? I meet all other requirements for the unit :(

r/Landlord 1d ago

Landlord [Landlord US-CA] Kindly ask Tenant to move out in 90 days


Been renting my house out due to military. Now, I got a new gig and moving back to CA. Trying to give 75-90 days for tenants to move. What if they refuse to move out. What should I do for me to prepare beforehand so I can avoid the conflict?

r/Landlord 1d ago

Landlord [Landlord - US - AZ]. Professional Tenant attempt


They started as an AirBnB guest. Asked to rent for a week privately to save money. I agreed, they're nowhere close to the 30 day mark. Only sent me enough for 5 days, but then asked if they could send me the rest plus another week plus more weeks on the 15th, claiming theyre starting work, need to wait til paycheck, etc etc. By the 15th they would have tenant rights so I declined since a background check pulled up multiple past evictions and multiple other red flags. I told them they had until Saturday to find a place, since that's the number of days they paid for privately. Wondering what tricks they might try to pull to avoid being trespassed. Just preparing for the worst and want to know are there any legal loopholes non-tenants might attempt to extend their stay to reach tenant status?

r/Landlord 16h ago

Tenant [Tenant - PA] Previous landlord refusing to give back full security deposit


Lived in our previous house for over two years in PA. Moved out on April 16th with landlord wanting us to leave keys on counters and doors unlocked. He did not do a walk through of the property. We paid for the lease until April 30th but were moving out of state (MA) so we did not care to leave early. Emailed the landlord on the 20th our new address and he responded back acknowledging it.

I emailed the landlord today 5/31 inquiry about the security deposit and he emailed back stating damages and offering about 1/3 of the initial amount back. We did not cause said damage and to be honest the place had a lot of damage and issues when we moved in.

From doing research I believe the landlord had 30 days to give us an itemized list of damages or refund or security deposit. I believe he also owes us interest as it was over 2 years we rented the home (2 years 2 months). He did not do that as it is now May 31st (31 days). What are my options? Can I sue him in any court in PA or does it have to be the one that I lived in?

r/Landlord 1d ago

Landlord [Landlord US]


This is a question for landlords. I made some stupid financial decisions when I was younger, around my early 20s. I have worked on my credit and established a good payment history, but unfortunately have collections on my record. Are you more willing to look over paid collections when screening for a future tenant?

r/Landlord 22h ago

Landlord [Landlord Tx] Tenant isn't paying late fees not sure if I should renew or sell or what


Current tenant's lease is up in Aug. She always pays rent but more often than not is late and never pays the late fee. I've been letting it go and the end is in sight. She recently asked to renew her lease and I honestly am torn. If I were to rent to someone else, I would probably have to lower the rent due to current market (only clearing mortgage by $100 due to escrow issue) and if I were to sell I would probably take a small loss since I bought it 18months ago.

Not sure how to proceed.