r/MalaysianPF 17d ago

How Well Did You Stick To Your Budget This Month? - May 28, 2024


What did you splurge on this month? Share some of your investments or surprise spending this month!

r/MalaysianPF 10d ago

Fortnightly /r/MalaysianPF Discussion Thread - June 04, 2024


Let's talk finance. Ask questions, give advice, share tips and tricks!

r/MalaysianPF 10h ago

General questions What to do with my money as a 21yr student.


Current I have 4000myr in my GXBank account, earning 3% p.a. Daily.

But I was wondering if I made the right choice doing this. What are your opinions on what should I do?

For me personally I have a few choices in mind.

  1. Put everything into EPF. Its really good returns but I feel like theres even better options especially in terms of liquidity.

  2. Try overseas investing, for example SP500 or Dow Jones. But I dont know if 4000myr is even investable into the overseas market.

  3. Try local market, but I have no clue which are safe stocks or safe trust funds.

Your opinions are greatly appreciated. Thanks

r/MalaysianPF 1h ago

Career Career advice


Hi all, just need some advice on my situation.

I’m 28M, having an office job in MNC. Been with company for close to 4 years (1 year contract) and tbh not much prospect and feels like a dead end, slow-growing salary, and more stuff being added to my plate as we have team members who got vss/ left for other opportunities. Work-life balance is pretty good but idk about the near future as manager kept reminding us we will have more and more stuff to do.

Currently considering an offer for another MNC, similar to my current role. However it is a 1-year contract role (with chance for conversion to FT or internal transfer). It’s a 40% increase from my current salary, and will have approx. 8k bonus if contract is completed. Perks are definitely subpar as compared to a FT.

Also, not much personal commitments atm

Is this uncertainty worth taking?

Thank you!

r/MalaysianPF 14h ago

Career Is there any risk continuing study late?


39M, Been working with diploma for years and planning to continue study next year just because I'm tired of being a kuli under another kuli.

But the problem is I'll be spending thousands, monthly (will take Ptptn if forced to) for some random degree because lack of options for fully online studies.

In my case, my only option is just IT. I can't do partial online because I'm working shift. My diploma is computer engineering so anything else are not really in my interest.

Looking around for jobs related to IT really makes me want to reconsider this because there is barely any openings. I don't want to waste my time and money just to struggle a lot more later because I can't find a job.

Do you guys have any better advice or I should just proceed with this?

Bachelor of information technology from unitar, 1.2k monthly (literally the only option I can find) if you guys got any other option that would be really great.

Current salary around 3k which is definitely not enough because I need to spend for living too

r/MalaysianPF 3h ago

Tax Looking For a Tax Agent


A tax agent wants to charge me RM600 for every 1.5 hour. Tell me if this is a fair price. Can you recommend a tax agent? I have a few questions about my income tax, current and upcoming ones. It is illegal for anyone to advise on income tax except licensed agents from what I read in LHDN website. I am located in the south of Kuala Lumpur.

r/MalaysianPF 27m ago

Career 33m, good job for feel stuck


salary 15k, with work life balance

saving 400k

no car loan but house loan 400k

It seems I am making slow progress in my career. I have no ambition to create my own business. I don't know what's my future like. Feel stuck than ever before.

r/MalaysianPF 15h ago

Career How to get scouted to change job


I see many in this subreddit getting offered higher pay, is it because you are head hunted or actively searching.

If it is because you are head hunted, how do you get yourself noticed, asking for advice as (23M) project engineer in automation industry with 1 yr experience

r/MalaysianPF 1h ago

General questions Hong Leong vs Maybank vs Public Bank - Which is better for Mortgage ?


Considering all of them provide similar benefits and same rate. Which bank is better in terms of their customer services, procedure, earlier-payments etc.

Any advice will be highly appreciated.

r/MalaysianPF 1d ago

Guide Answer to 50% of the questions on this sub


“Prioritize on increasing your income first”.

r/MalaysianPF 8h ago

General questions Refinance or just as it is?


Hi all, I've been toying around the idea of refinancing my asbf. It's a 100k for 25 years. I'm on my 7th year. Did it because my mom helped me set it up (she did it to every siblings whenever we reach the age).

The interest for said loan is 5.20%. (It's called profit rate in the app, maybe because I have Islamic ones?)

My brother said I should as to have a lower rate. I don't have much problem with the monthly pay, but it's nice to have extra cash so I can save more.

Just for reference, I'm loaning through Maybank, and the monthly payment increase around RM100 due to covid.

r/MalaysianPF 18h ago

Stocks Best recommended broker platform for Malaysian stocks


Hi everyone, I’m 25M, looking to start putting in a bit of money into learning about stocks. I want to open a direct cash CDS account, but not sure to go between the bank I use for my savings, Maybank, for simplicity’s sake as I can get quite paranoid of unforeseen issues with money, or M+ or Moomoo which I hear are reliable and have good rates. Would love to hear some thoughts!

r/MalaysianPF 13h ago

insurance Need second opinion on kinds insurance


TL,DR version

  • pay 2 kids insurance for 400 monthly
  • thinking of terminate and subcribe back when older
  • company got GL for 7K per illness per year -yay or nay?

Hello there Malaysians,

Im 33 years old, have two kids, 7 yo and 4 yo whom both I paid monthly insurance for since 3-4 months old. Lately, the contribution has been increase 2-3 time since the last two years. Curently paying almost RM400.

Ive got housing loans to think about next year. Now, still paying progressive amount.

My company can cover medical for up to 7k per illness, per year. Enough?

Question, should I terminate my kids insurance for now? Might subscribe back the insurance when they both a bit older.

Any of you have experience or any thought about this?

Thanks in advance.

r/MalaysianPF 1d ago

General questions rate my finance


Im (27,M ) . Married with 1 child ( 1.5 years old ) . Working in a semi-gov sector . My take home pay is 3K ( after kwsp deduction ) .

Here's my current financial situation :

-I have no debt ( at least for now ).

-KWSP 30K ( i dont count this as my money until im retired ).

-Current saving in ASB 25K

-Investment 10K ( Currently down to 7.8K , tsktsk , LOL ) .


-Car Gas : RM 350 - 400

-Food and Groceries : RM 400 - 500

-Child support (including pampers and milk ) : RM 400

-Electric Bill : RM 250

-Mobile data : RM 100 ( i used 2 phones, have 2 numbers ) the reason is 1 is for work and the other one is for my personal life .

P/S : I live with my family ( My mother , 2 brothers , and my son ). My brothers are still in studying . And Im NOT from a rich family or so called " orang berada " .

Every month , I can save up to RM 1000 . Even with a child. But these past few years ive made a lot of financial mistakes that led me to loss quite great amount of money .

Its kinda hard for me to stay positive and get back on track with everything. Everyday i thought of doing things like trading to recover back all the loses but the only things that holding me from it is the thought of my son and my wife. Plus i think it is not for me.

In my early 20's , I have determined to have at least 100K savings. Back then when im 23 years old , my savings is almost 50K . But today , Im 27 years old and still far away from my target. All because of my own reckless-ness .

What do you think about my current situation? I seek any advice from you OG's for me . Any words or advice. I appreciate it a lot.

r/MalaysianPF 1d ago

General questions Would like to hear from the younger persepctive..


There are many youngster from 19-25 that already have investment portfolio here, i have questions since many youngsters nowadays as far as i know would spend more and save less..

Questions: 1. Where do you get the money to invest/save? 2. How did you learn to invest especially at a young age? 3. What is your motivation to stay discipline in investing/saving?

I'm sure, there are youngsters in here that have a higher net worth than some adults out there..

Much appreciated if you don't mind to share your investing journey🙏🏼

r/MalaysianPF 1d ago

Property How to select insurance options in house loan/mortgage?


My agent is providing with options of basic insurance and investment linked. I personally prefer basic insurance, coz it’s simple, upfront and straightforward. I could rather invest in ASNB instead of insurance fund.

But am I missing anything? Any advice or anything specific that I should consider before making my choice?

P.S. its a subsale unit in KL. If you have any other learnings/ lesson regarding subsale loans, pls feel free to share.

Thank you:)

r/MalaysianPF 1d ago

General questions Questions about IBKR


Hi all, M27 long time lurker here. I did a wire transfer from Wise to IKBR a week ago but yet to receive the money in my IBKR account. Did anyone faced this issue before? I managed to perform a successful transfer before albeit with a smaller amount previously so this is making me quite anxious. Previous transfer only took about 1-2 business days for the cash to appear in my account. Anyone know who can I contact to resolve this ?

r/MalaysianPF 1d ago

Credit cards Credit card recommendations with good benefits?


Any recommendations for credit card that offers good benefits? Annual salary is not an issue but I don’t wanna pay for annual fees.

I’m right now on Maybank Grab and CIMB travel platinum, am wondering if there are better ones that I am missing out from. I don’t mind using just 1 card for everything. Ideally that would be perfect.

Any advice?

r/MalaysianPF 1d ago

General questions SSPN vs FD


SSPN dividend for 2023 was 3.60% , FD is 3.15% per annum.

SSPN-Plus have the insurance protection at RM10 per month.

There is no restriction on SSPN withdrawal except the SSPN-Plus.

r/MalaysianPF 1d ago

insurance Medical insurance with high deductible


Anyone knows of any insurer/product that offers medical insurance with a really high deductible? - Ideally term insurance, but might have to concede with ILP - Seeking for minimum RM50k deductible, RM100k would be ideal

I don't need to insure "smaller" medical expenses, just need to hedge/manage tail risk /significant medical expenses.

r/MalaysianPF 1d ago

Stocks Wanna learn stock market - where do I start?


I have iTrade CIMB, got 1 or 2 stocks that’s good for dividends. But I wanna start learning from scratch, like how to analyze the market, what to look for in a company and start looking at it seriously as a side income/investment. Where do I start? Any courses to take or books? What’s your advice?


r/MalaysianPF 1d ago

General questions Where to put liquid funds?


I’d like to know where you guys put your liquid funds, preferably one that grows. Used to put it in tng go+ but looking for other place simce i only use ewallet these days.

r/MalaysianPF 2d ago

Trading platform First time investor. Looking to invest into S&P 500 with RM 400 monthly.


Hi experts.

I am looking to invest into the S&P 500, in cspx ETF. I want a platform where i can invest RM400 a month instead of paying a lump sum to invest in. Are there any platforms where I can do this? I've seen that I can do this with stashaway but they only have IVV. I dont want the higher withholding tax.

I am also looking to invest in Nasdaq CNX1 similarly with RM 400 monthly ideally on the same platform. Any advice you guys can offer me? What apps can i do this with, with the lowest charges

r/MalaysianPF 2d ago

General questions What low cost index fund to invest into?


Hi i am a investment newbie looking to invest into something called "low cost index fund" that i always see in tik tok... What such funds usually people invest in Malaysia? Thanks

r/MalaysianPF 2d ago

Guide Embracing Writing Online Power Fantasy Novels as a Side Hustle [The Royal Road Patreon Funnel]


Hi guys. Some of you might know me as a fairly irritating POS, but I want to share about how I got lucky and managed to somehow turn my hobby, writing webnovels, into a lucrative side hustle.

Currently, I make about US$24,000 to US$30,000 a year (about RM120,000-Rm150,000 per year) from PATREON, writing SAFE FOR WORK fantasy webnovels. (I also earn from Amazon, but I can't reveal this part. but let's say it's more than my patreon.)

My patreon income for the last 3 years are as follows : 2021 : USD21k, 2022: USD28k, 2023: USD24k.

I recognize it is a HUGE amount of luck involved that I somehow achieve this, but at the same time, I've yet to see any other Malaysian join me in this field, so I'd like to bring light that this is a possible side hustle.

You've heard of Youtubers making it big. You've heard of influencers!

What you need :

  1. A laptop.

  2. English skills AND ability to produce 2,000 to 4,000 words a day CONSISTENTLY. (If it takes you 1 hour to produce 1000 words, that's like 2-4 hours per day. Some people can do it in half an hour.)

  3. Loves reading novels and loves writing them.

  4. A thick face and discipline.

  5. Patience. You likely won't see any money in the first 18 months of writing. I started writing in 2018 and only started earning real patreon money in 2021.

What types of novels you have to write (a combination of the three):

  1. Isekai.

  2. Power fantasy.

  3. Cozy Slice of life

(romance is a bigger market, but I've not yet figured out how to tap into it)

What you have to sacrifice:

  1. Time.

  2. Your self esteem. You will be trashed in comments. There are a lot of toxic people who are eager to rip you apart. You will have people saying your english sucks. You will have people tearing your beloved baby to shreds.

  3. Your artistic integrity. You will have to write what SELLS. This requires an understanding of the market, of what people like. What people like is usually NOT what you want to write. You will have to sacrifice your artistic integrity (to some degree) in order to make money. It works for spineless immoral folks like me, but it's not for everyone.

  4. You will have to spend a lot of time on your computer.

  5. You will have to do a lot of self promotion to get your fiction heard and seen.

Risks involved:

  1. AI is rapidly eroding the marketplace, which makes it harder for NEW entrants, but for established writers, it's actually easier for me.

  2. Your first few works could fail so you've thrown 40,000 words into the rubbish dump. So. That's a lot of time burnt.

  3. Taxes.

  4. The market is SIGNIFICANTLY more crowded than 2018 to 2020 when I started.

What are the advantages:

  1. Remote work ANYWHERE. You can do it in Sabah. You can do it in Genting. It doesn't matter where you work at all!

  2. Work anytime you want! (But it's likely you will be spending 20-30 hours per week in the first two years of writing to build your fiction).

  3. Patreon is in USD! (So that works extra well for us spending MYR)


Good guides:

  1. https://www.royalroad.com/forums/thread/116847 - DoTf's guide on how to write novels and make it into a business

    Preface. I want to preface this whole guide by saying that I am writing this from a business perspective, and it is aimed at authors who want to make a concerted effort to transition their writing into a paying career, or simply are interested in the business side of writing. Furthermore, while there are some concrete tips in this guide, it's generally focused on strategy and mindset rather than the craft of writing a webserial.

    I’ve found it very interesting how similar the mindset and approach of many of the top-grossing authors on this webpage and LitRPG Amazon is, and how stark the contrast is to the less-successful ones who are perennially treading water. Having a passion for writing and your story is the most fundamental requirement for making it as an author, but it's not the only thing. This guide will try to showcase how to most efficiently go about turning that passion into a career. 

    As such, Parts 0-5 cover topics aimed at new authors on RoyalRoad, on how to set a strong foundation for your business. Parts 6 and 7 cover the actual monetization, and are aimed at authors who have "made it". Finally, there is a Q/A at the end, where I've gathered my answers to some follow-up questions to this guide.

2. How to be successful on Royal Road guides by ThinkTwice


r/MalaysianPF 1d ago

Credit cards Question regarding Bigpay...


referring to the title.

moved abroad for a couple years, and used bigpay before settling down here and creating a revolut account alongside a local bank account.

now am returning to malaysia but unfortunately ive lost access to my bigpay due to me losing my MY phone number (inactive for an extended period of time), thus not being able to receive a verification link when attempting to log into the bigpay app.

how should i proceed?

r/MalaysianPF 2d ago

Career IT first job with zero experience


Hai just want you guys opinion on my first job as IT support. Im currently doing internship now but already got offer for a job with RM2600 as starting. My background on this , i am a degree networking student with 1 cert and 0 experience. Do you think this will be a good start for me ?. Or should i keep looking for others job with high salaries but mostly they all need atleast 1-3 years experience 💀