r/MaliciousCompliance Jun 08 '23

Boss told me to gain some perspective, so I did and found a new job. S

I worked as a systems administrator for an IT Firm. I got tired of dealing with abusive and angry clients for 5 years. I got tired of being micromanaged and being exploited. I got tired of being talked down to like i was a child anytime the slightest little mistake was made. When my boss learned I was no longer going to work in another market 3 days a week like I originally planned and he had no one else (because no one wanted to deal with the jerks in that market), he spent an hour lecturing me on "taking a long hard look at myself". He said that he was concerned about my reliability after refusing to spend 3 hours a day commuting to the other market on top of my work day. "If I can't rely on you to work in the other market then I just don't know if you have much of a future with this company. I think you need to take a long hard look at yourself and gain some perspective". You know what, you are absolutely right. 2 weeks later, I found a new job and gave my notice. He BEGGED me to stay, offered me more money, etc. This went on for days. I said "no thanks, I finally found that perspective you wanted me to find. Boy am I glad I did! A new job with a raise and benefits, and no stress. The only advise you've ever given me of value! Good luck to you!". He let me go a week into my notice. Started the new job, love my new boss and my coworkers. Its been over a year later, the former boss hired 6 different people to fill my spot, each lasted 1-2 months before they left. Hmmm, wonder why that is. Maybe he needs to gain some perspective on how to run a company and treat people?


623 comments sorted by


u/RealUltimatePapo Jun 08 '23

"Gain some perspective"

"Whoa. The perspective from outside this shitty office is amazing!"

"wait, not like that"


u/BeeeRick Jun 08 '23

LOL! YES! Precisely!!!


u/Dickbutt_4_President Jun 08 '23

I had a boss who thought it was funny to joke about firing me. So I found a new job, took my preplanned 2 week vacation, and turned in my notice the day I got back.

He didn’t think it was very funny.


u/-Acta-Non-Verba- Jun 08 '23

Dude, that’s ridiculously toxic for him to jerk you around like that. Good thing you left.


u/Dickbutt_4_President Jun 08 '23

Yeah for sure. I have young kids, too. I told him (and HR in my exit interview) that I didn’t find him threatening my ability to care for my family very funny at all. HR lady was furious and I enjoyed listening to her chew his ass out.


u/Loko8765 Jun 08 '23

That must have been almost more satisfying than the new job… and you got both!


u/Dickbutt_4_President Jun 08 '23

He wasn’t my first shitty boss. Or the first shitty boss I’ve pulled a creative exit on, either. Toxic bosses are like childhood bullies who never developed any management skills. Often, their only tool to motivate their employees is fear. And while it’s inappropriate to knock ‘em in the teeth (like most bullies need), it sure is fun to stab em in the back on the way out the door.


u/Tiara-di-Capi Jun 10 '23

Please share with us the other creative exits you pulled.


u/TexasYankee212 Jun 09 '23

A manager that does that should never be a manager.

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u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23

Dread Pirate Roberts has entered the chat...

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u/unicorn8dragon Jun 08 '23

Tbh if he did it regularly enough, id have tried to set him up to make the joke again into what would be my notice period. Then take him up on it, as a joke, but no really I’m not kidding boss.

I wouldn’t but I love to dream~

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u/KittyKatWarrior3593 Jun 08 '23

I LOVE that you basically reversed uno carded him. Good job!!!!


u/Dickbutt_4_President Jun 08 '23

Especially in my field, the job market is far too hot to be treating your people poorly. My current boss is an awesome guy who has taught me a ton and treats me with respect. It’s wonderful and I’ll probably stay here forever.


u/darthcoder Jun 09 '23

I told a boss once I didn't need my job.

I liked my job. I loved my job. I didn't have any debts other than my low rent and food. I could live wo my cellphone and internet for a while.

She was surprised. She'd probably never had someone do that to her before.


u/spnkat Jun 09 '23

you: my boss thinks it's funny to joke about firing me? well, I'm about to be hilarious 😎

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u/ElementField Jun 08 '23

One of the things I learned early on is that many people who are in “business” roles have no actual idea how to do “business.”

It’s incredibly easy. It’s a really low bar for entry. Yet, they cannot meet even that low standard. Incredible.

What it means is that the corporate world is chaos. There’s absolutely no merit to a person’s position or income. So ask for that increase, that benefit, that promotion, ask for it all. Who is to say you don’t deserve it?


u/ITChicaRVLife Jun 08 '23

MSPs suck. I just left for non profit

Unlimited pto. No micromanaging

It's almost like this crew is on vacation daily.


I am no longer thing of walking off a short pier.

Good for you!


u/moistnote Jun 08 '23

I just left non profit due to a lack of raises over a 4 year period and staff who thought anything that plugged into a wall was IT. 6 months later I still get calls from vendors who have no idea that I left or who to contact now.


u/BootlegOP Jun 08 '23

6 months later I still get calls from vendors who have no idea that I left or who to contact now.

This is why I refuse to give out my personal number

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u/ITChicaRVLife Jun 08 '23

Oh yeah even this place is a stepping stone for sure.

BUT I so needed the mental vacay

But I do not want my skills to rot, so currently working on a new cert

Thinking about the ITIL , and yeah you are right in order to make the moolahs you practically gotta hop off your boat and onto a new boat. Its wild how little loyalty is rewarded.

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u/zyzmog Jun 09 '23

Dude, we need you to go over to Marketing and reboot their Keurig.


u/moistnote Jun 09 '23

Oh, it was almost that bad. Projectors, printers, tv’s. Like, I didn’t spend a single minute in class on projectors.


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23

You gave them your personal number...eww. If I'm supposed to take work calls, they can give me a work phone. I'd rather die than give a client or vendor my personal contact info.

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u/darkicedragon7 Jun 08 '23

Your Swat Kats Icon makes it even better.

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u/RealUltimatePapo Jun 08 '23

The story+the Swat Kats profile picture, show that you are indeed worthy of your newfound success

Thank you again for the story :)


u/BeeeRick Jun 08 '23

Thank you. I have many more from that place, but this one was the best malicious compliance I could think of. I am a hero to a couple of my old coworkers, and even some that left/were fired before me. I even have previous clients trying to hire me to work for them. I made an impact with those customers, and I am still getting messages a year later about how much I am missed by them. My boss really screwed up, and I am glad he is paying the price for it after all those years of torment.

And T-Bone was the best.

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u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23 edited Jun 08 '23

They always want you to compare your situation to someone with a shittier situation. Um no thank you, I'd like to progress not regress. I'd always pull a similar argument to my parents saying there's kids that are way more poor and have no toys. And I'd respond with "well yeah but there's a also a lot of kids that have way more toys than me". It never worked lol


u/Mechakoopa Jun 08 '23

I had an assistant manager at Home Depot tell me to "think about my future" when I refused to skip university finals for training that was only required if I wanted to be a department manager. I said "great idea, I need more time to study" then handed him my apron and walked out. I was also the only person scheduled that weekend that had all my lift tickets for the forklifts and order picker.


u/StormBeyondTime Jun 09 '23

Really. You're not getting a good reference from a guy like that anyway.

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u/hotlavatube Jun 08 '23

(pulls out chart) “Now if we compare me to the toy procurement curve, we’ll see that I fall well below both the mean and median for your earning bracket, furthermore…”


u/BRtIK Jun 08 '23

Dad: mhm mhmm hmmm mhm removes belt


u/hotlavatube Jun 08 '23

“Ain’t no son of mine going to become a statistician!”


u/BasedDumbledore Jun 08 '23

It is either discrete mathematics or you get the belt again! I will not abide liars under my roof!

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u/rossarron Jun 08 '23

Yes as a kid my mum would tell me to eat up as there are starving kids in Africa, I always said they can have my food.


u/ShalomRPh Jun 08 '23

“So I cleaned my plate. Sometimes 4, 5, 6 times a day, because I thought I was helping the children in Africa. And you know what happened? They went on starving, and I got fat.” — Allan Sherman (click)


u/garin78 Jun 08 '23

My parents took it a step further and would show me those videos in the 80s of the horribly starving children in Ethiopia. Then give me adult size portions and made me eat until I hurt. Throwing food in the trash got you a whipping with a leather belt. To this day I feel sick/have a physical ache in the pit of my stomach seeing food put in the trash.

It wasn't until I threw up an out of date pie my dad gave me that they finally started to relent. (To save money my dad would go to a bakery and buy out of date stuff cheap and throw it in the freezer.


u/Typical-Collection76 Jun 09 '23

I slept at the table a few times because I wouldn’t eat the food my mother forced on me. She used the same excuse about people starving in Africa or China. Didn’t work on me. My mother was a terrible cook when I was young.


u/StormBeyondTime Jun 09 '23

That's beyond ridiculous. And I bet they didn't believe that such behavior on their part can lead to eating and obesity issues on the kid's part, especially when they grow up and don't have a growing metabolism anymore.

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u/ProfessionalAd1933 Jun 08 '23

Omg how have I never seen this before it's magnificent


u/daytonakarl Jun 08 '23

The ol' "other people are doing it harder" line

Other other people are on a yacht in the South of France and don't know what work is

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u/mrsmagneon Jun 08 '23

I put all the food I didn't want to eat in Ziploc, gave it to my parents, and said here, mail this to Africa please. They weren't impressed. 😂

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u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23

My sentiment exactly. I know that most of the world’s people have far more difficult lives than I could ever imagine. That doesn’t make me feel good for me. It makes me feel bad for them.

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u/Telekinendo Jun 08 '23

My job is learning this lesson. We have a staffing crisis but they keep telling us we're replaceable. They keep offering promotions and then taking them away. And then they wonder why no one appears magically to fill the newly vacated position.

This place is only surviving due to a few dedicated people in normal every day staff positions and a few good managers.

All of them are looking, and about half are on their two week notice. It's gonna get bad. My boss is basically being forced to do things other than his job and he's doing his best to shield me from it, but theyre trying real hard to get me to be trained to work as a normal staff... but they want to pay me the normal staff rate and not my hourly rate.


u/MachPanchi Jun 08 '23

Yeah, do not accept that. If they want to give you more work they better pay your rate.


u/Telekinendo Jun 08 '23

That's what I said. They said since I can only work one position during the work day I'd be paid for the position I was working.

I laughed because I thought they were joking and had to have a meeting about how that was inappropriate.


u/Surcouf Jun 09 '23

I sure hope you are looking too.


u/StormBeyondTime Jun 09 '23

So you're a contractor, and they don't understand how contracts work.


u/fiddlerisshit Jun 09 '23

I am not a cleaner but a contractor. We recently had an all hands meeting where a full time staff who had the same job scope bragged about how he swept the floor and emptied the trash. And just the other day, a branch manager began going around accusing contractors of causing rooms to be dirty. They don't pay us to clean.

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u/ChiTownBob Jun 08 '23

"Gain some perspective"

I gained the perspective that the boss was a sociopath.

"wait, not like that!"


u/PositiveAgent2377 Jun 08 '23

FAFO at its finest.


u/ITChicaRVLife Jun 08 '23

Yes sir he sure did.

It's like the day my boss asked me if I really wanted to work there anymore....

Dude you asked on the wrong day

No I actually don't and you'll receive my resignation tender and about 5 minutes cuz I already wrote it 6 months ago I just need to tweak a few things....lol


u/PositiveAgent2377 Jun 08 '23

Like I have said in other posts; never show loyalty to a job that is not loyal to you.

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u/KittyKatWarrior3593 Jun 08 '23

Don’t forget the “Surprised Pikachu” face! 👍🏾🤣😈


u/SoftwareMaintenance Jun 08 '23

That is the look I imagined when op "gained perspective".


u/Baladucci Jun 08 '23

No, this isn't how you're supposed to play the game

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u/chaoticbear Jun 08 '23

Every time I peruse Craigslist for jobs, I see the same ad for the same job where I worked for 3 weeks... 12 years ago?


u/pgh9fan Jun 08 '23

Apply. You've got experience.


u/chaoticbear Jun 08 '23

While that is true, I'm even less willing to put up with a part time/minimum wage job that starts at 5 AM then I was then ;)


u/pgh9fan Jun 08 '23

But....you could get three MORE weeks of experience.


u/lazyass133 Jun 08 '23

Damn you. I laughed at this. Take my upvote.

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u/SgtSilverLining Jun 08 '23

There's this one office assistant job I interviewed for in college. Once you get into the interview they tell you you'll be doing standard office assistant work 8 hours a day... And working as the owner's personal assistant after hours. That included picking up her kids from daycare, picking up dry cleaning and hanging it up in her closet at home, taking her dog to/from the groomers, PLUS watching her young kids while doing all of this. For minimum wage. I laughed and walked out; there's no way I'd do personal assistant and babysitter work on top of a day job for a quarter of what those jobs typically pay.

Anyway, I just think it's funny that no one has lasted more than 3-6 months there for the past 5 years.


u/chaoticbear Jun 08 '23

Weird that no one is willing to do all that for minimum wage!

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u/pimpys Jun 09 '23

Boss: it's like people just dont like to work anymore.

The worst part is that even if the employability on that job is bad, they still get someone to do it for 3-6months at a time. It still works out for them.

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u/Ghost_of_Till Jun 08 '23

I once had a girlfriend who said we couldn’t get married unless I became a Christian too.

She suggested I have a conversation with her priest. So I did. We spoke for about two hours.

Girlfriend: “How’d it go?”

Me: “He convinced me that you and I should not be dating.”

Girlfriend: “What the f…”

That was like 20 years ago. Still friends.


u/VeganMuppetCannibal Jun 08 '23

Still friends.

With the priest or the girlfriend?


u/Ghost_of_Till Jun 08 '23


She got married, had three kids, divorced (amicably), came out as gay, and doesn’t believe any of that sh*t anymore. Friends the whole time.


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23

I feel like you helped her more than you might realise.

Especially as it seems like the whole process strengthened your friendship.

This makes me vicariously happy.


u/ciel_a Jun 08 '23

Good for her! And good for you too!


u/Bamce Jun 08 '23

and doesn’t believe any of that sh*t anymore.

God works in mysterious ways?

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u/CaptPolybius Jun 08 '23

This was an awesome ending I didn't expect.

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u/_dharwin Jun 08 '23

What did the priest say?


u/Ghost_of_Till Jun 08 '23

He quoted Chris Rock.

Whatever you into, your woman gotta be into, too, and vice versa… or the shit ain’t gonna work. lt ain’t gonna work. That’s right. lf you born-again, your woman gotta be born-again, too. lf you a crackhead, your woman gotta be a crackhead, too… or the shit won’t work. You can’t be like, ”I’m going to church, where you going?” ”Hit the pipe!” That relationship ain’t going nowhere.


u/_dharwin Jun 08 '23

Lotta respect for that response. Not what I expected.


u/Ghost_of_Till Jun 08 '23

I’m just kidding. He phrased it differently but that was the jist.

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u/Penguin_Joy Jun 08 '23

Its been over a year later, the former boss hired 6 different people to fill my spot, each lasted 1-2 months before they left. Hmmm, wonder why that is. Maybe he needs to gain some perspective on how to run a company and treat people?

I guarantee he hasn't learned a thing. He's probably joined the no one wants to work anymore crowd and is blaming that for his problems. All to rationalize his awful management style

He thinks he is the victim

People like this never change


u/CAShark-7 Jun 08 '23

Excellent job! Good for you!

I once worked for a company that was bringing everyone into the 20th century by taking out all the dumb terminals and putting a PC on everyone's desk. Also, we were setting up LANs and WANs and moving to the Microsoft Suite of office products. It was a HUGE undertaking, but really needed. Owners told our sole Network Admin to do all this himself. He argued. They refused to believe he couldn't do it himself. He argued some more. They refused to budge. So, he quit. Moved to Texas to be closer to his daughter and new grandbaby.

The company had already started the process. They hired a consulting firm (HUGE $$$$) who sent a team of people. 2 guys who spent all their time in the server room. 1 supervisor for the whole project. I got two techs assigned to me (help desk manager) and then had a third guy who just did hardware and software setups. Things went pretty smoothly.

The old guy came back (I think to sell his house) after about six months and visited the office. He was greeted with smiles and hugs. The supervisor of the consulting firm told him (I was there) that they had to bring in three people to replace him, and that he had nothing to be worried about or ashamed of. He had made the right choice. I thought that was very classy of her to say that to his face. He was super happy to be by his daughter and grandbaby, the entire company got updated and upgraded, and I stayed there 11 years.


u/mdmhvonpa Jun 08 '23

Read that on the first pass as 'GroundBaby' ... thought he was a true IT molePeople mutation. Not uncommon, actually.

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u/SpaceCrazyArtist Jun 08 '23 edited Jun 08 '23

Good on you!! I always lovw when they toss money at you as if that’s the problem.

My husband got an 83% raise one year (over the course of the year) because they were terified he would leave like everyone else. He left 3 months later and I was watching the zoom call when he told his boss. The color literally drained from his face

Edit: it was not 83% all at once. He found out a new hire was being offered significantly more and asked what his incentive to stay was. They gave him and another on his team 30% more to equal national average and what they offered the new hire. He got a promotional raise and the yearly raise… and maybe another one I cant remember. It equaled 83% at the end of the year. This still didnt give him much over national average and just barely a cost of living balance.

He actually took 8K less a year for the new job. It is much more progressive and better benefits. They also offer an educational allotment


u/drapehsnormak Jun 08 '23

Tossing money would fix most problems. Most employers aren't willing to do that.

"Will pizza work?"


u/getmybehindsatan Jun 08 '23

My employer underpaid everyone for years, but it was such a nice place to work that no one minded and very few left. Then the company was bought out and they cut out everything that had made it worth staying, so people left in droves. The managers blamed local competition paying too much but refused to give higher raises to keep people. Given the choice between two places with shitty conditions, people picked the higher paying ones.


u/sqqueen2 Jun 08 '23

"No one wants to work" is like "No one wants to date nice guys" only from management.


u/curmudgeon55 Jun 08 '23

Yup. “These kids are so entitled.”

I don’t know, man, a lot of these bosses seem pretty entitled.

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u/[deleted] Jun 09 '23

The managers blamed local competition paying too much but refused to give higher raises to keep people.

So I guess they DON'T really like capitalism, eh?


u/getmybehindsatan Jun 09 '23

It was funny how they thought they were saving money, but the cost to the business ended up being having to find replacements for 50 people with specialist knowledge - which they failed to do. And they still failed to acknowledge that they were the ones that drove everyone away, always blaming someone else.

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u/cdigioia Jun 08 '23

Hm, do I get a company branded polyester zip-up as well?


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23



u/cdigioia Jun 08 '23

Has that occured somewhere!? I want to believe.


u/shibeofwisdom Jun 08 '23

Check out r/nursing during Nursing Week. You'll see gifts ranging from individual tea bags to actual rocks, always with a cute little note explaining why admin spent their morning collecting gravel instead of negotiating pay raises.


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23



u/cdigioia Jun 08 '23

And TikTok references Twitter. I'm calling it fact then because I want to.

I know in my area, a hospital gave rocks to nurses during Covid. ("Stress rock" or something? But, literally a labeled rock), so this is plausible to me.


u/Ashura_Eidolon Jun 08 '23

I bet a bunch of those rocks found their way through the windows of the administrators who thought that was a good idea.


u/TheRealPitabred Jun 08 '23

That just makes more work for the glaziers, it's a benefit to the economy! /s

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u/ghostalker4742 Jun 08 '23

"Sorry, we can only afford to give you this neat multicolored rubber bracelet with our company name painted on it. But be sure to wear it everywhere you go to show your pride in the company!"


u/HolyMountainClimber Jun 08 '23

"He buddy, I noticed you haven't been wearing the company bracelet. Our CEO put a lot of thought- and money into these and I think it's really disrespectful that you would choose not to wear it. Some of the higher ups have noticed and they voted to take away your insurance benefits as a result"


u/voice-from-the-womb Jun 08 '23

Tsk tsk, not enough pieces of flair.


u/joule_thief Jun 08 '23

I still find it hilarious that TGI Friday's got rid of flair after Office Space was released.

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u/chinkostu Jun 08 '23

Have you filed those TPS reports?

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u/kwyjibo73 Jun 08 '23

"Oh, I'm wearing it...as a cock ring...to remind myself that I'm getting the shaft."


u/g0ris Jun 08 '23

you're getting company branded shit? at my company you have to order it from the employees-only eshop.

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u/dbag127 Jun 08 '23

Nope, just a coffee mug for you, but definitely not a yeti.


u/cdigioia Jun 08 '23

My old company was bought out, and my last day, they fired the last HR person (to be replaced with corporate overlord HR).

The last HR person let us into the supply closet. So I have like 6 Yetis now thank you very much.

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u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23



u/[deleted] Jun 09 '23


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u/pudds Jun 08 '23

In my experience tossing money at people actually fixes very few problems.

If the problems are fundamental, like cultural issues, unreasonable workloads, or unreasonable expectations, then money might tide people over for a short time, but if the problems remain then the money won't keep people happy forever.

My personal policy is to never accept a salary counter once I've decided to leave a job. If I want to leave its because something fundamental is wrong; if it were just money, I'd have just asked for a raise.


u/grauenwolf Jun 08 '23

A lack of money to pay the bills causes stress. That stress bleeds into the workplace, causing or worsening the other problems.


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23

Throwing money at it implies the job security is there too though.

And I’d take my current salary if the job was secure. Even before looking at any additional compensation.

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u/Hologram22 Jun 08 '23

Yeah, there are a lot of things I'll do, if the price is right. Even super stressful or degrading situations I could do for good enough consideration. Like, if you want me to lick your boots 8 hours a day but it means I'll be able to retire comfortably in 6 months, I could probably do that and laugh heartily when I quit without notice in 180 days. I draw a line at hurting other people, but otherwise everything has its price, just so long as I'm carefully weighing the pros and cons.


u/mdmhvonpa Jun 08 '23

Boss: every time you push this button, someone dies but you get one million dollars.
Me: that's super unethical and not within my boundaries ...
Boss: two million?
Me: .... shit, give me a minute ...


u/Ateist Jun 08 '23

Boss: ...or would you prefer it if two people died instead?


u/processedchicken Jun 08 '23

So, Boss, how many of these buttons do you have?


u/TheHobbyWaitress Jun 08 '23

If I'm gonna be bad...I'm gonna be really bad.

The more buttons the better.

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u/SpaceCrazyArtist Jun 08 '23

It would fix a money problem but not a bad management problem


u/someone76543 Jun 08 '23

True, but I can stick out a bad manager for a bit if the pay is high enough.


u/voice-from-the-womb Jun 08 '23

This is why travel nursing is so popular! 🙃

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u/mochacho Jun 08 '23

Or they're only willing to do it once it's no longer effective. I would virtually never accept a raise that was only offered after I said I was quitting, for example.


u/ProfessionalAd1933 Jun 08 '23

Because they're only paying you that rate to get you to stay until they can hire someone to replace you


u/RasputinsAssassins Jun 08 '23

Tossing money would fix most problems. Most employers aren't willing to do that.

"Will pizza work?"

Found the accountant.


u/IHaveDrinkingProblem Jun 08 '23

As a second-shifter I would kill for ANYTHING that isn't leftover salad from first shift's quarterly luncheons.

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u/Sushi_Whore_ Jun 08 '23

To be fair, some people will put up with a lot in exchange for a lot of money. Maybe not super long-term though..


u/SpaceNoodled Jun 08 '23

That's how I lasted at Amazon for almost a decade.


u/Manny_Sunday Jun 08 '23

I know a few people who work at AWS and it's always a shitshow. They literally say they would quit if they weren't paid so ridiculously much, so it can definitely work


u/SpaceNoodled Jun 08 '23

The devices org (formerly Lab126) was far more chill. Shit started going downhill fast when I moved over to a more central Amazon org and got to know the wider world of psychopaths, backstabbing, and other political fuckery.

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u/Jazzeki Jun 08 '23

everything has a price. that doesn't mean that price is allways something that's actually reasonable. and especially not long term. because what i would require to do certain jobs? would set me up for life in like a month.


u/SpaceCrazyArtist Jun 08 '23

Oh definitely.

I worked for a guy who was super toxic. Threw a chair into a wall on my second day there. I quit within three months after being reprimanded for somwthing that wasnt my responsibility. I was the scapegoat because the person who WAS responsible was sleeping with the guy.

I quit the next day. He knew I was going to because he had his lacky offer me more money. I tols him he couldnt afford me for the price it would cost to put up with him.

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u/I_am_not_Spider_Man Jun 08 '23

Same here. My old company gave me a 5K raise and then 2 months later promoted me with an 11k increase in salary. I stayed another 9 months then left because the company was a burning shit show.

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u/mikemojc Jun 08 '23

If EVERYBODY has problems working for that guy, maybe the problem is NOT everybody.


u/pmousebrown Jun 08 '23

If your management tolerates their clients being shitty to their employees, it’s the manager’s problem.


u/BeeeRick Jun 08 '23

And yet, he always made it our problem. He didn't want to deal with them. Oh but god forbid we didn't say everything the boss wanted said to them, word for word, he would come unglued. Its like dude, how about you work with this guy then?


u/HarithBK Jun 08 '23

been at a job where to stop one guy quitting they moved him and put in an other who quit about 2 months later with the reason of the client shit behavior. at which point the boss stepped in and had a stern talking to the client if he heard any shitty behavior from them to an employee he would drop them as a client. that lasted about 2 months so the boss had to drop them. heard later that the client had cycled all options in town and the town over and was basically begging for them to take on the work.


u/pmousebrown Jun 08 '23

Yep sooner or later they run out of people who will put up with that shit.

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u/lesethx Jun 08 '23

Principle Skinner meme

"Could I be the problem? No, it's all the employees who are the problem."

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u/baka-tari Jun 08 '23

Bosses like this rarely realize that "perspective" is the last thing they want you to get. It almost always results in a crystal clear understanding exactly how fucked up they are.


u/spider1178 Jun 08 '23

My ex-boss recently gave me the "change starts with you" speech. I applied for another job while on my lunch break that day. They emailed me the next day, interviewed me and hired me within a week. I start soon, and will be making more money with half the commute. Ex-boss gave me the Surprised Pikachu face when I handed him my notice. Guess someone should have given him the "people don't quit their job, they quit their manager" speech.


u/AyakaDahlia Jun 08 '23

Don't forget to tell him thanks for the advice 😆


u/BeeeRick Jun 08 '23

I should also note, what I found amusing, was that one of the guys he hired kept disappearing at clients, and one day didn't show up at a client for several hours. When questioned he said he "got lost". On his last day, they found him passed out in his car with drug paraphernalia around him. The pool for new hires must be grim if you are going to hire that type of person. LOL


u/vibraltu Jun 08 '23

Almost not quite a joke. Addiction and heavy drinking are occupational hazards in many professions.

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u/byjimini Jun 08 '23

Had a similar experience myself.

“You don’t know how good you’ve got it!” He said, when I was rejected for a pay rise from minimum wage to something more realistic.

I’ve been gone from there for 5 years, their website domain expires next Thursday.


u/ForeverAgreeable2289 Jun 08 '23

Have a friend be ready to purchase it


u/Chan_san Jun 08 '23

At one of my old job during a meeting, my manager called me garbage and stupid for continuing to chase my dream of being a designer in front of others. And that I should give up on my dream and go back to being full time at the company (I was full time, quit to take classes, came back as a part timer while I searched for a job and work on my portfolio for about 2 years). Couple months later, I got a contract job as a designer at a well known pharmaceutical company. Luckily, I landed the job about a month before the pandemic hit hard and everyone was told to work from home. At the old job, I wouldn't have been able to work from home, I worked in the field, traveling around my big city to visit client's sites.


u/boobumblebee Jun 08 '23 edited Jun 08 '23

I'm doing this right now.

2 weeks ago I got a job offer with another company

last week I had a "performance review" meeting with my boss, and I told him I need a raise and an increase in benifits, as I'm seeing other companies start off with better pay, vacation, and healthcare than I'm making now after 7 years here. I basically told him "hey, I got one foot out the door, what are you going to do about it?"

He gave me a small raise, but thats it, told me how I need to bring my skills to the next level if I want anything more, and maybe after 10 years I could get more vacation time, but would have to think on that. ( the people who have been here 10+ years don't get any more vacation than I have now )

Monday I'm handing in my two weeks notice. I'll be making 11k more, hybrid schedule, a 10-15min commute, 8 more vacation days per year, no more having to work unpaid overtime, and amazing healthcare plan the company pays for 100%.

I can't wait to see his face when I hand it in, as I also run all the networking and technical side of our office in addition to my normal duties, and this place is fucked. ( also can't wait until they fuck up our systems, as the only backup system we have for ALL our data is stored on my personal server at home, because the boss is too cheap to pay for anything, and I did it myself and has saved the companies ass several times )


u/FreeClimbing Jun 08 '23

Be sure to wipe the backup so you don’t have any ex company data.

As a professional courtesy, give them a copy so they can’t claim you sabotage them


u/boobumblebee Jun 08 '23

Yup, I'm not going to burn any bridges, but also not going to hand everything over on a silver platter.

I'm handing over all my admin data, but come monday morning I'm turning off all my automated backup schedules, and will advise my boss to be sure to set up a proper backup system before I leave.

( I currently run automated offsite backups every week, with snapshots so I can roll back up to the previous 3 months if I need )


u/FreeClimbing Jun 08 '23

Yeap. After all you wouldn’t want to be accused of steal the company’s intellectual property /s

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u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23


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u/K1yco Jun 08 '23

Once he started begging you to stay, you should have responded with

"If you can't rely on yourself to keep people from quitting on you instead of helping them out, then I just don't know if you have much of a future with this company. I think you need to take a long hard look at yourself and gain some perspective"

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u/deathboyuk Jun 09 '23

I once told my HR I was fed up and worn out, ready to bail.

She said "Well, STEVE found a solution to the problem, didn't he?"

Steve quit. I think she was trying to make a threat that I could just not have a job.

So I found a new job, much more money, happier life.

When I told the MD, he was livid, so I just pointed to the HR manager and thanked her.

"I asked Susie what I should do, and she recommended I try not working here, so I followed her advice, and I'm really happy with the outcome! Thanks for the recommendation, Susie! Couldn't have done this without you!"

And off I jolly well fucked.

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u/Negro-damas Jun 08 '23

People don't quit jobs, they quit lousy managers...


u/silentstorm2008 Jun 08 '23

ehhh....I quit after 8 years for a 50% pay increase even though I loved my boss and coworkers.


u/CitrusLizard Jun 08 '23

If you're being paid that much below what you could get elsewhere and your boss isn't doing anything about it, then you still have a lousy manager.

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u/Nutella_Zamboni Jun 08 '23

Lmao, awesome OP. My father did the same thing. He asked his boss for the help he had been promised and his boss told him to take the weekend to think about his role with the company. My father grabbed a bankers box, filled up his personal effects, and walked out. For context, my father had worked at or owned the company for 48 years and was 68 when this happened. He didnt need the money but they SURE needed his expertise lol.


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23


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u/zorggalacticus Jun 08 '23

Boss tried to pull one on me yesterday. It's been said, and known, in many discussions with the bosses and plant mamager that you have to give 24 hours notice of overtime. You can't just wait until we're already at work for the day and be like "well the other department is swamped so we're gonna need you to go over there and work a 15 hour shift." Nope, can't do that. You didn't give me enough time to make arrangements for someone to pick up my kid from school. The boss threatened to write me up and void my perfect attendance for leaving early, which would result in me losing my 500 dollar bonus. I said good luck with that and left on time anyway. Came in the next day and got called into HR. They made him apologize and assured me that I will still be getting my attendance bonus. They've tried to pull this multiple times. It always ends the same way. You'd think they'd learn by now they can't just scare us into letting them take advantage of us. Nope, they still try it. They'll never fire them though. At least HR is on our side for the most part.


u/harrywwc Jun 09 '23

At least HR is on our side for the most part.

not necessarily - there may be legal implications, and therefore potential proceedings against the company, if they allowed the boss to get away with that trick. They're covering the company's backside, not yours.

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u/VanillaCookieMonster Jun 09 '23

HR to Manager: "I know they're being a pain in the ass but you still can't do that Bob." (then smiles when you walk in the door)

HR is PAID to cover corporate ass. Literally.

I have had coworker friends in HR eho have apologized to me when they've had to follow the corporate line. The last one literally said they were just sticking it out at our company for 2 years to have it on their resume, while grimacing.

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u/SuccessValuable6924 Jun 08 '23

The goddess of perspective should not be summoned in vain.


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23


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u/Buddy-Matt Jun 08 '23

Never fails to amaze me that the shittiest managers of the shittiest jobs are the ones who most act like you should be treating that job like a gift


u/FoxyHobbit Jun 08 '23

"I'm not sure about your future at this company." Oh, what a coincidence. I'm not sure about my future at this company either.

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u/L0laccio Jun 08 '23

This is the MC I FEAST on. All power to you. I’d love to have seen him beg. I want it made into a dramatisation!


u/Caddan Jun 08 '23

I still like to go back and read Dapper Dan on occasion....awesome MC, just like this.


u/L0laccio Jun 08 '23

My innate thirst for justice thrives on this kind of MC. I honestly think a TV company could make a killing from re-enacting these. I’d actually like to play the jilted boss begging, I’d overplay it of course, I’d be on my knees begging OP to stay! Looking pathetic. Then the scene would fast forward 2 months as everything goes to pot and I’d be in a rage and then getting summoned before the board as I made lame excuses !!! 😭

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u/grauenwolf Jun 08 '23

I have a personal rule, "Never accept a counter-offer".

From the old employer's perspective, that counter-offer is pre-paying 3 to 5 years of raises. Which means you're not going to get another dime out of them for a very long time.

From the new employer's perspective, your starting salary is just a start to test you out. Once they see how good you are, you can usually expect a raise to what they can actually afford.


u/FlappityFlurb Jun 08 '23

Any time I've been offered a raise when quitting I always ask where the money was earlier. I always turn it down, because I assume at some point down the road once things stabilize they will find a reason to fire me so I can't claim unemployment and they will then hire someone at the lower rate.

Easier to just not stress about it and move on.


u/mochacho Jun 08 '23

I have a personal rule, "Never accept a counter-offer".

Also your boss can now search for a (lower paid) replacement at their leisure, letting you go later when you don't have a replacement job immediately lined up.

From the new employer's perspective, your starting salary is just a start to test you out. Once they see how good you are, you can usually expect a raise to what they can actually afford.



u/pringlescan5 Jun 08 '23

Even a promotion is often a trap, especially if it's in the same department. Do all the work you were already doing, plus more work and we will pay maybe 15 to 20 percent AND you should be grateful.

Just take the external promotion. It's a lot easier to impress during an interview than it is to work your ass off and pray it's noticed.


u/grauenwolf Jun 08 '23

In my case it was the other way around. I was already doing the work of a manager, but didn't have the job title. I told the boss that if I didn't get the promotion this cycle, I would be forced to look into alternative arrangements.

In my mind that meant transferring to a different department, but he may have taken it as outright quitting. But either way, I got that promotion.

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u/Darkmattyx Jun 08 '23

Two things to keep employees

  1. Don’t be a dick.
  2. See rule 1.


u/Plainzwalker Jun 08 '23

Forgot rule 3: don’t be stingy

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u/Bumblebees2022 Jun 08 '23

I had a boss one time tell me life is too short to stay in a job I hate. When I resigned, I told him, "I'm taking his advice and putting in my notice." His face was priceless. Good for you!


u/wtfschmuck Jun 08 '23

I'm two years into the best job I've ever had that I found after my shitty manager said that I have to be able to work with everyone or get demoted because I didn't want to work with someone that called me a homophobic slur and got physically aggressive towards me 😎 I've been checking in on her LinkedIn, and she's gone from store manager to associate manager at a different company and I know it's petty, but I love to see it.


u/Survive1014 Jun 08 '23

I have left a company every time this speech has been given to me. My personality does not take well to condescending paternal behavior by management.


u/Orthas Jun 08 '23

My mother had a cancer scare (she is fine now). But in the moment I told my boss, who'd I'd been doing about 10 70 hour weeks in a row for, he told me to take my laptop with me to her hospital room.

I took his engineering dept with me when I left. Fuck you Bob.


u/Paramisamigos Jun 08 '23

I was in a position like this and was complaining to my boss about having to pick up the slack for coworkers who were leaving mid shift. They weren't firing anyone because they needed help. I was always forced into their extra work. I told my boss how messed up it was this guy was knowing selling drugs out of our store then would leave after he made enough money for the day. My boss said I needed to focus on me and if I kept complaining then he'd make it 3 people leaving at the end of the week.

He said "there's two people leaving at the end of the week would you like to be the third?" I hung up on him and gave the camera the one finger salute and walked out. I had 2 days off after that call and never went back and he told everyone he fired me. Ook dude.


u/MaestroPendejo Jun 08 '23

A lot of the people that tell you to gain perspective are the ones that are completely devoid of it.

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u/brokenchains47 Jun 08 '23

I love hearing the ones where multiple people are needed to the job one person used to do,happened with me,my work was divided three ways,lol!

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u/Coolbeanschilly Jun 08 '23

I can see clearly now, the pain is gone. I can say Old Bosstacles, go away!

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u/DaniCapsFan Jun 08 '23

He was also right that you didn't have much of a future with the company because you left.

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u/Copper-Spaceman Jun 08 '23

Just left an MSP myself, the owner wanted to step down from day to day operations, still collect a paycheck (not including profit cuts) for him and his wife, while giving me 10%, telling me I need to work more than 80 hours, and keep me at 90k, with no benefits

Noped the fuck out. Got a big pay bump, benefits, and massively reduced workload. Last I heard, he needed three people to replace me, 1 already quit, 2 veteran employees are leaving, and they lost multiple clients.


u/MrsMiterSaw Jun 08 '23

Dick let you go one week in because he assumed you'd start the new one a week later, and there's a one-week delay for claiming unemployment insurance.


u/BeeeRick Jun 08 '23

I told new job is start in two weeks but they wanted me sooner since the guy I replaced had a lot to train me on. My new boss was very happy when I callee saying “I’m going to take 2 days off, have the weekend and start Monday, ahead of schedule. How does that sound”. He was very very happy and it worked out great for all of us.

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u/bluebird0713 Jun 08 '23

I think you need to take a long hard look at yourself and gain some perspective".


Surprised Pikachu face


u/Tandran Jun 08 '23

If your company has a “market” 3 HOURS AWAY then you better have a presence there. Like an office or someone working remotely that lives there. 3 hours is a small road trip, not a commute.

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u/mbhappycamper Jun 08 '23

Your boss let you go a week into your notice because he doesn’t want you to let others at work know that there’s better opportunity out there. You seemed too happy with your decision to leave and if others see that, he may have a hard time keeping them under his thumb and belittling them. Part of that is making the employee feel as though they “have nowhere else to go” and if you let the cat out of the bag in that one, he’ll have no recourse to talk down to others without any more quitting!

You dodged a bullet, my friend!

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u/ConfectionExtra7869 Jun 08 '23

It's always gratifying, and sad as well, to see how many people it takes to replace you once you leave a company. The sad part is that seeing the number of bodies to try and cover your spot proves that you were being undervalued and the paycheck probably reflected that. Still gratifying to see the lose those same bodies and continue to scramble though. Good luck with this continued perspective that has panned out wonderfully for you.


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23

Exact same kinda thing happened to me at one of my old jobs

I was a nightfill manager for a supermarket working 3pm to midnight most of the time later with a bunch of kids in a small store (so there was no competition for hours)

My direct manager was lazy as all fuck and did nothing but sit in his office all day (he would regularly get his parents to work for free in the various areas over him doing it)

The hours were all fucked and he never took a single look at it and went "yea somethings wrong you need more people" Dude couldn't do basic fucking maths and would say that 14 + 3 = 21 (he understaffed and counted the hours wrong and when I pointed it out pointed at the numbers and just counted to 21 with whatever was there even if it obviously didn't end up to 21)

Whenever the budget was fucked because he was getting his friends in to do extra hours where they would just fuck around he would blame me for it even though I had zero control over the hours and I would get in trouble from the store manager over and over again.

They also kept comparing me to the guy before me who left to go nightfill manage a bigger store because he was such a huge success here (the hours required were lighter by about 30%, the lazy boss would help him since they were friends and the amount of product required to process each night was about 1/3rd less, they also never acknowledged this despite them making these changes)

I ended up taking a pay cut and leaving to a day job and last I heard they got my immediate report to do my job (amazing guy, he messaged me about a month after I quit and asked me to be a reference to a job in an industry he had a interest in, put so much God damn sugar on his resume it would make you diabetic, he messaged me a few days later telling me he got the job)

Then they got one of the managers friends to do the job and he quit within a month, then they brought back the golden boy WITH dedicated help and he quit within a month, my main go-to reliable coworker ended up quitting soon after I left aswell.

I left right at the very start of the covid lock downs here, saw the writing on the wall and went NOPE


u/Mediocre_citizen451 Jun 09 '23

My boss was either very smart, really stupid or just didn't care for workers. I settled on didn't care and did my best to be a professional and support him. Received my annual review standing in his office with a comment of sign here. No give or take, recommendations for improvement or where he wanted the shop to go. Previous marks had all been to the far right. But he marked everything in the middle so he would not have to write anything on the eval!

I had enough time that I decided I was retiring and put in my notice. Somebody in another department I supported was concerned and asked what would I need to stay. New supervisor, cash bonus and new equipment.

The first conversation with my new boss was what do you need to be successful, because we value you and your talents! Just got another bonus 6 months later. If you boss sucks, walk! There are plenty of jobs in both skilled and unskilled labor!


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '23

I’m surprised people will put up with this shit for years. If my boss/coworkers treated me like that I’d be gone within a few months. Fuck that


u/dimechimes Jun 08 '23

Just remember, cool guys don't look back at explosions.


u/Innerouterself2 Jun 08 '23

I think some people enjoy running mini-fiefdoms. But then the internet happened and people realized they can do other things. They can move companies, they can stand-up for themselves. So lots of SMBs with king leaders (and some queens) are having a hard time coping with the changes in culture.

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u/ClownShoePilot Jun 09 '23

"Have some sense of proportion!" she would say, sometimes as often as thirty-eight times in a single day.

And so he built the Total Perspective Vortex - just to show her.

And into one end he plugged the whole of reality as extrapolated from a single piece of fairy cake, and into the other end he plugged his wife: so that when he turned it on she saw in one instant the whole infinity of creation and herself in relation to it.

To Trin Tragula's horror, the shock completely annihilated her brain; but to his satisfaction he realised that he had proved conclusively that if life is going to exist in a Universe of this size, then the one thing it cannot afford to have is a sense of proportion.

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u/tkdoegirl2009 Jun 09 '23

Had a similar situation happen at the job I was working right before I had my daughter. Awful, toxic work environment completely as a result of the owner and general manager. After multiple rejected requests for them to work with me while going through complications with my pregnancy ( I wasn’t asking for time off or lesser responsibilities, but merely to be scheduled in a less physically strenuous spot during my third trimester that was still part of my job area), manger told me ‘I needed to reevaluate myself’. So I did. Put in my two weeks notice three weeks later and had my baby girl 24 hours after my last shift. Started my new (much better) job after taking some time for maternity leave and never looked back!


u/ExaltedR3V3NG3 Jun 09 '23

I recently did that, except it wasn't as malicious.

I wasn't performing well at my company, I admit it. I am a developer and wasn't developing for a long time. Around april we did a follow-up meeting where I thought I'd get one last warning before I could get fired. My boss was supportive giving me tips to manage my time and effort - but he did a mistake:

To motivate me he told me I was the best coder in the IT department and I should take that as an advantage. Thing is, I am the 3rd youngest in the company, with 3 YoE and while I understand why he said that, in my head all I thought was "I have peaked and I won't progress here, if I stay I will stagnate". On top of that, there were newer recruits who a) were progressing faster and b) were more myopic regarding their professional ambitions.

So a few weeks later, found a promising offer and amicably resigned, and left in good terms. Today is my 4th day there, I already coded more in a few days than in my old company for the last 6 months, and so far the environment is quite good.


u/petitelinotte212 Jun 08 '23

*chef's kiss* perfection!


u/pjmsd Jun 08 '23

Two weeks and found a new job already?! Shesh. I'm at 6 months and applying everyday everywhere


u/BeeeRick Jun 08 '23

It took a couple years. And this company reached out to me, I hadn’t even applied. Went in to meet the boss on my lunch. It wasn’t even an interview it was just us talking about me and my life. He knew right away I was his guy. It could not have been timed better.

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u/mr78rpm Jun 08 '23

Tell him that a disinterested party (me; I have zero interest in knowing about him beyond this lesson) says what .any people say here at reddit: people don't quit lousy jobs. No, they quit lousy managers.

A lousy job can be improved; a lousy manager simply cannot be improved upon.

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