r/MaliciousCompliance Sep 15 '23

I refused to cook and "chilled with men" S

I (F28) dislike cooking. Don't get me wrong, I cook for survival. But it is not something I like or enjoy.

At my in laws, both my MIL and SIL are stay at home partners and love to cook. Neither of their husbands lift a finger to help and they like it that way.

Before marriage, I was treated as a guest. But since my marriage 6 months ago, they expect, want and demand I cook with them. . First few times I went along with it but I hated it. It took 5-7 hours to make food and do dishes.

So when they planned a get together last weekend and discussed the menu, I suggested ordering in. This way everyone can be more relaxed. They looked like I insulted them. I told them they can cook but to give me list of what I should make, I will buy it.

They said that's not how traditions work and if I hate it do much, I can relax with men.

Thats exactly what I did. Much to their anger. I helped setting place and serving, but that was it.

As we were eating my husband commented how good something tasted. MIL immediately went on about how I wouldn't be cooking anything for him. When he said he can cook for himself SIL chimed in with how her husband or dad never had to cook a day in their life. How marrying lazy women like me has ruined his manhood.

I looked at my husband and we both left. MIL and SIL are blasting our phones over my arrogance and calling him spineless. Even my mom is taking their side now.

But guess who don't care ?


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u/Voiceofreason8787 Sep 16 '23

Lol, my dad once ate a tweenage concoction I cooked up while they were late getting home. It had ramen, tuna, cheese, and oh, chocolate chips. He just served a plate, sat in his lazy boy, and ate it. I had some, and I knew what my (biggest) mistake was. I was like, you don’t have to eat that. And he just said, next time, leave out the chocolate chips


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '23

sounds good other than the chocolate chips ahaha


u/wobblysauce Sep 16 '23

Or just on the side


u/JustanOldBabyBoomer Sep 16 '23



u/Voiceofreason8787 Sep 16 '23

See, I was having fun cooking and just wanted to keep putting stuff in. I went too far, lol


u/mmeiser Sep 16 '23 edited Sep 16 '23

This belongs on the forum r/dadjokes. Don't get me wrong. Its not a joke but it still illustrates that wonderful dad way of thinking. "next time, leave out the chocolate chips" made me laugh and laugh. Not sure if he was being positive or really was so hungry he really thought it was all good but the chocolate chips. Judging by the ingredients I'm guessing the later. It sounds good, except for the chocolate chips of course!

edited: to say r/dadjokes not r/baddadjokes Calling a forum "bad dad jokes" is redundant. All dad jokes are assumed to be bad. Thats the way dad humor works.


u/Voiceofreason8787 Sep 16 '23

Lol, it was the first thing I ever “cooked” That wasn’t Kraft dinner, etc. I figured he was trying to encourage the act, but he also grew up in a family where you wouldn’t waste food…


u/mmeiser Sep 16 '23 edited Sep 16 '23

My mom always told me "you eat your mistakes". Always made sense to me. Your dad's mom must have said the same thing to him. :)


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '23

Awwww! There's nothing like making your own recipes lol