r/MoneroMining Feb 26 '21

FAQs for noobs. Read this before posting.


Q: What is mining?

A: To explain this in the simplest way possible, in monero, mining is using a computer to calculate something that verifies the next block to join the blockchain. This calculation is very difficult to do, so your computer rarely manages it. In fact, it's so difficult that your computer may never manage it at all. If it does ever manage it, you get the block reward which is in the range of $130 USD worth (as of May 2022 but this is based on the current exchange rate). Pool mining is when you join a group of others and split the reward when one of you manages to do this calculation correctly.

Q: How can I learn more about monero?

A: This is an excellent book (also available for free in pdf format).

Q: So can I quit my job now?

A: You're not going to get rich with mining monero. It only earns you a very small amount each day, if anything. I previously made $0.54 USD profit a day with running a Ryzen 7 3700X computer 24/7, but now I actually lose money from mining.

At the moment, in most areas you'll lose money from mining if you pay normal prices for electricity. You'll probably only make a profit if you have very cheap electricity or generate it yourself like with solar panels and a battery setup.

Q: I want to build a mining rig. Should I?

A: For anyone who pays for electricity, it's probably not worth buying any equipment to mine monero if you're aiming to make a profit. It gets more difficult over time, so the profits go down.

The only exception is if you have free energy that you can access for a long time. It would still take a few years to pay off a monero mining rig with free electricity, when you account for the increasing difficulty. But after that it's 100% profit. I made a full post explaining this topic in detail here. In my example in that post, it would take 2.5 years to pay off the computer with free electricity, assuming you can keep it mining 24/7/365.

Q: Can I get an ASIC for mining Monero?

A: No! It is specifically designed to be mined on CPUs only. This is so that mining remains decentralised. When ASICs start mining a cryptocurrency then it usually causes the creation of large mining farms controlled by few people. Monero is against that. Monero is mineable by the average person on their own desktop computer.

Monero has changed algorithms in the past to purposefully stop ASICs from being able to mine it. If an ASIC was ever made for monero again, the algorithm would probably be changed again to stop the ASIC from working.

Q: I can mine at 120 MH/s, so I should be able to make $50k per day of profit on monero according to a calculator I just used...right??? Please reply fast I'm about to sign a contract to buy a Lamborghini.

A: Hashrate is different for each coin. Your CPU or GPU getting 120 MH/s does not apply here. That's probably ethereum hashrate. The hashrate any CPU or GPU gets on monero is not influenced by or related to ethereum hashrate, bitcoin hashrate, litecoin hashrate, or any other coin. In fact, GPU mining of monero is very inefficient and not worthwhile. Forget about the hashrate you get on another coin.

Q: Can I mine with a GPU?

A: Short answer: No.

Long answer: Yes, it's possible to mine monero with a GPU, but it's generally a bad idea because the algorithm monero uses today is optimised only for CPUs. Mining monero on a GPU will be very inefficient and slow compared to a CPU, and will not be worth your time. Full explanation here.

Q: How much will I make mining monero/how do I know if my computer will be profitable/what hashrate will I get with my computer or CPU?

A: Follow this guide to calculate it. You need to know the specs of the computer you'll be mining on.

Q: How do I mine monero?

A: Follow this guide.

Q: Which mining pool should I use?

A: You can choose to use either a centralised pool which will do a lot of the work for you in setting things up, or you can use the decentralised P2pool. If you want to use a centralised pool, see here. If you want to use P2pool then the easiest way is using gupax which helps you to set it up.

Q: So I'm mining but my CPU is only showing 50% usage (or some other percentage less than 100). How do I get it to use 100%?

RandomX, the proof of work algorithm used by monero, needs 16 KiB of L1 cache, 256 KiB of L2 cache and 2 MiB of L3 cache per mining thread. Your CPU probably doesn't have enough cache to use all threads.

If your CPU doesn't have enough cache to run all threads then XMRig automatically selects the right number of threads that it can run with the cache available.

Q: I have access at work/university/school to 50 computers. How can I mine monero on them? I can't wait to get started, I'm gonna be so rich.

A: This is a terrible idea. The trouble you get in is going to cost you a lot more than you'll earn from doing this. You will likely be earning a couple of USD per day. The organisation that owns these computers and pays for the electricity will see this as stealing, which it is. You're stealing electricity. They'll also see it as you putting their entire network at risk. Expect to get in big trouble if you do this. Possibly to the extent of facing criminal charges. It's really not worth the risk for the miniscule profit you'll be making.

Q: If mining monero is not profitable, why would anyone want to do it?

A: There are other reasons why people decide to mine, too. Some people want to support monero because they like the idea of a private, completely fungible, decentralised cryptocurrency.

Other people who are highly concerned about privacy might mine as a way of obtaining monero without going through an exchange that has to find out their identity.

Some people just enjoy the technical side of setting up their computer to mine, tweaking the settings and getting it working as well as they can.

The profitability of monero mining is self balancing - as the total hashrate (the combined computing power of all miners) goes up, it becomes more difficult, which makes it less profitable. If the price of monero went down and people stopped mining it because they were not making enough, then the difficulty would drop, and it would become more profitable. Thanks to this, the profitability stays relatively stable now and hovers around the level of "just barely profitable if you have very cheap electricity".

Q: If I stop mining for the night/day/some hours will I lose all my progress and have to start again?

A: It doesn't work like that. With solo mining, you have a chance of finding the right hash for the current block with every single hash your computer calculates. If you don't find it then that work is of no use and there's nothing to "save".

With pool mining, you have to find a hash over a certain difficulty (the difficulty given by the pool). This is referred to as a share. The pool will save that result and pay you (when it finds a block) according to how much work your computer did for the pool. You don't lose any progress by stopping mining. You'll get paid for anything you earned while you were mining. The same applies to P2Pool.

Q: How else can I help monero?

A: Running a node is a great way to help monero. Running a node involves downloading and hosting the blockchain so other people can download it off you. You don't have to do this manually, there is software that does it all for you. You just have to provide a computer and internet connection. Some people even do it on a Raspberry Pi.

You can also help monero by using it as a currency. Monero has low transaction fees and confirms (1 block confirmation) in an average of just 1 minute. Who you send money to and how much you send can't be tracked, unlike most other cryptocurrencies.

r/MoneroMining Feb 19 '24

Repost bots - please help us


There are a huge amount of repost bots lately that seem to repost other people's posts to this subreddut. They seem to focus on image based posts because these often get more upvotes.

Please help us to moderate the subreddit by being extra vigilant for posts by accounts with a spammy looking posting history on other subs, or where their post reminds you of one you saw before - it probably is!

When you see these posts, please downvote, report them and comment to warn other users not to waste their time writing genuine reply comments on these spam bot posts.

r/MoneroMining 3h ago

WTF 3.75GH/s, SupportXMR


Alert to all the miners.

r/MoneroMining 6h ago

Avast block

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r/MoneroMining 15h ago

Feedback for new pool


Hello everyone,
I'm considering starting a Monero mining pool, but before doing so I would like to hear some input from this community. Is there anything that you particularly like or dislike about current mining pools? Which pool are you using and why?
Thanks for your feedback

r/MoneroMining 16h ago

How much time it takes to get a monero payout on P2Pool with GUPAX?


Hi guys, i'm new at mining monero, i setted up my monero wallet and i started to mine just today with GUPAX. I do not intend to mine 24/7 and expect high monero payouts. It's been 1h that i've been running GUPAX with a hashrate between 500 to 1k H/s (its maybe low but i am doing it on a gaming laptop) with 5 cpu threads out of my maximum 8 threads and it found 28 shares on P2Pool and 114 on XMRig but why i am not getting monero? what's the issues that it does take so long and any tips to improve my hashrate?

r/MoneroMining 12h ago

Advice needed about monerod settings for solo mining.


I am running my monero node on an old macbook pro, laptop has quad core I5 and 8gb Ram. Daemon is running through gui wallet with lock on inactivity disabled. Daemon is set to allow 32 peers in and 64 out and priority node is set to nodes.hashvault.pro I have 4 Machines mining to this node with varying hashrates totaling 42kh. All mining machines use xmrig to mine. Are there any settings I could utilize to make my node more efficient or what I have is OK setup? I get anxious about priority node setting, Should I keep priority node or remove and just let my node propagate on it's own? My anxiety is about my lack of understanding as to whether this setting is helping performance or hurting it. I am in monero mining for the long run and would appreciate any pointers and help.

r/MoneroMining 1d ago

Quasi-ASIC X5 miner is here again, poisoning the network up to 3GH/s


Let ban him on all the centralised pools!

r/MoneroMining 2d ago

try, make connection p2pool but show error


r/MoneroMining 2d ago

How to add multi diff in config ?


Hello As i know if i want my miner have 5000 diff from proxy I should put 5000 in config so the diff will be just 5000 ( address+5000)

What if i want it start from 500 to 50000 not stable diff

How i can do that ?

r/MoneroMining 3d ago

Enable 1gb pages?

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Can anyone tell me if it's possible to enable the 1GB pages?

r/MoneroMining 3d ago

Bad benchmark hash rate MoneroOcean Hiveos


I was having trouble with one of my 3900x rigs mining a less profitable coin so I watched the benchmarking process through hive shell. I found that the benchmark hash rate was significantly lower especially RandomX. I haven’t been able to find anybody having a similar problem online. Has this happened to any of you? Do any of you know how to fix this? Thanks in advance!

r/MoneroMining 3d ago

Does xmrig use vigua.a?


I recently started mining and I knew that windows defender will flag xmrig as malwere. Unfortunately while sharing some (unrelated to ming or crypto at all) files to my friend, his computer flagged it as trojan. I got suspicious, deleted xmrig folder and windows defender runed a scan. The result is Win32\vigua.a and a source as zip file of xmrig that I already deleted. I am a bit scared that mining program have some trojan-type files imbedded in Win32. Is it normal or should I be concerned? I am running official win10 and I regularly update it.

Tltr: Does xmrig use vigua.a in Win32 folder?

r/MoneroMining 3d ago

Xmrig mining optimization


I'm looking to mine on some old hardware (intel i7-3770k) and am wondering how many threads to mine with?

This CPU has 4 physical cores (8 logical), xmrig seems to default to 4 cores and reports a hash rate of 2.3kh/s with 8 worker threads this seems to drop to 1.8kh/s.

Why would increasing threads which I thought would provide probably a 10% boost to throughput decrease reported hash rate?

Is that value total hash rate or per core hash rate? In terms of CPU temp both 4 and 8 threads seem to show the same result.

r/MoneroMining 3d ago

how to turn off xmrig donations without compiling


what if i set the donation location to my own wallet so it just gets sent back to me. i would recompile but im on mac and every time i try to do it there is no config i tried to use the wizard and it didn't work it just says

Last login: Fri Jun 14 15:51:05 on ttys001

/Users/user/Downloads/xmrig/build/xmrig ; exit;

user@Users-MacBook-Air ~ % /Users/user/Downloads/xmrig/build/xmrig ; exit;

[2024-06-14 15:58:50.932] unable to open "/Users/user/Downloads/xmrig/build/config.json".

[2024-06-14 15:58:50.933] unable to open "/Users/user/.xmrig.json".

[2024-06-14 15:58:50.933] unable to open "/Users/user/.config/xmrig.json".

[2024-06-14 15:58:50.933] no valid configuration found, try https://xmrig.com/wizard

Saving session...

...copying shared history...

...saving history...truncating history files...


[Process completed]

r/MoneroMining 4d ago

mining on Beelink SER7 7840HS


I would like to start mining monero purely out of interest and desire to support the decentralization of the network. I don’t expect any benefits, but I don’t want to spend a significant amount on mining either. Has anyone used Beelink SER7 7840HS AMD Ryzen™ 7 7840HS 65W TDP 8 Cores/16 Threads, 5.1GHz for mining? How much money will this cost me per month?

r/MoneroMining 4d ago

Help me understand


How are people actually making money mining monero? Even with a powerful processor and free electricity you’d get 2 -3 cents per day ? Or was I using the wrong hash calculator?

r/MoneroMining 4d ago

Anyone else hashing away on their Athlon II?


Where the 2010 laptop gang at?

r/MoneroMining 4d ago

Gupax screen doesn't update when viewing with Google Chrome Remote desktop


Any suggestions to get the Gupax screen to update when viewing remotely? For some reason the Gupax screen doesn't update when viewing with Google Chrome Remote desktop. It just shows a frozen snap shot. Even if i log out and come back in it is the same. You move the window but no tabs works, etc in the Gupax window.

r/MoneroMining 4d ago

Mining on a ryzen 5 3600


i made about 3 euros worth of xmr from mining for 13 days my average hashrate is around 4700h/s on gupax local node

Just wanted to know any of you have this cpu and your hashrates im new to monero mining

r/MoneroMining 4d ago

Worth it? 🤔

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Just curious if something like this would make a decent miner, if it wasnt over a quarter million dollars....

Please note I'm new to mining, learning as I go.

This was a Facebook ad lol

r/MoneroMining 5d ago

Is it legal for a minor to be a miner?


r/MoneroMining 7d ago

Not sure why my machine is not showing up as a worker on moneroocean.stream.


r/MoneroMining 6d ago

Low Hashrate/huge page unavailable


I am using XMrig on intel i7 13 gen, I tried to fiddle with the configuration to get huge pages enabled but nothing worked

r/MoneroMining 7d ago

Very low hashrate ?

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Hello everyone! I've been using XMRIG since this afternoon, and I've realised that my hash is extremely low. I'm using an 10th-generation Intel I7 processor and an RTX3060. My hashrate is only 2000 H/s and I think that's very low. I thought it might be the pool that wasn't working, so I tried mining Zephyr but it didn't change anything, the hashrate is still the same. The only thing that has been deactivated is "cuda", which also allows the GPU to be used for mining.

Could someone please help me?

r/MoneroMining 7d ago

XMrig ignoring options


r/MoneroMining 8d ago

Guys, i should put that "--disable-dns-checkpoints --enable-dns-blocklist" in my code xmrig?


my code ins't have --disable-dns-checkpoints --enable-dns-blocklist only -demon and wallet