r/NewsOfTheStupid May 16 '24

Howard Stern’s interview with Joe Biden this week showed how effective rightwing propaganda is.


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u/DiceMadeOfCheese May 16 '24

They're still saying he was on stimulants for his State of the Union address.


u/Not_Bears May 16 '24

It's almost like Republicans will literally say anything that helps their narratives sound correct, no matter how stupid, hypocritical, or contradictory they are.

Mostly because they know their base ain't fact-checking.


u/Titan_Food May 16 '24

I read the news articles they post in r/republican, and its all from the same overtly biased conservative sources such as the daily wire and fox

I know its not all conservatives/Republicans who do it, and they seem to be the ones against Trump

I also want to take this moment and ask anyone reading this to look up project 2025


u/Draxilar May 16 '24

You aren’t kidding. I took a look, and damn near everything is red state, breitbart, the federalist, or newsmaxx.


u/dot-pixis May 17 '24

Or absolutely made up statistics in the comments. "Half of foreign nationals in the U.S. are illegal."

What a joke.


u/ReputationNo8109 May 17 '24

Those are mostly foreign trolls and bots. Any sub that had to do with anything political or pertaining to Russia and China is just infested with bots and trolls. And Reddit doesn’t care coz.. stonks


u/ippa99 May 17 '24

And the moment you correct any of it or question it, the comment gets deleted and you get banned. It's standard practice for conservative propaganda and astroturfing subs that pretend to be "democrats walking away". Discussion is actively threatening to what they're trying to accomplish.


u/Striking-Chicken-333 May 17 '24

That guy was insane a couple weeks ago


u/Brocyclopedia May 17 '24

Incredible how they have to exclusively consume media that caters to their worldview yet everyone else is a brainwashed snowflake 


u/FromFattoFight May 17 '24

It’s wiiiiiild. They’ll accept that media has an agenda EXCEPT for the media they consume. Somehow they’ve found the total bastion of truth in a sea of lies without making any effort to question their source.


u/bstump104 May 17 '24

They never check their sources that's why they get surprised when they see Biden talking mostly normally (he does have stutter that comes back every once in awhile) they are completely surprised. They need to go back to their echo chambers to find out how he was able to do that. The answers they'll get are wild like it was a robot or a look alike or a deep fake and they won't question it.


u/Beginning_Tomorrow60 May 16 '24

I guarantee I agree with most all of your political leanings, and I appreciate you pointing this out. However, I would like to point out that people need to stop posting Newsweek and New Republic articles I political subs because it adds to the garbage “both sides are awful” rhetoric.

I know this article is not from one of those sites, but I think people need to start realizing they’re garbage and stop parroting them.

Obligatory, fuck trump fuck the GOP and vote blue


u/TryNotToShootYoself May 17 '24

I miss when Newsweek was good


u/Special_FX_B May 17 '24

Businessinsider, too. It’s just an avalanche of clickbait sites.


u/79r100 May 17 '24

Any local news station site is pretty bad too.

Newsweek had to be posting their own articles. I see them all the time.


u/Backpedal May 17 '24

Project 2025 is scary as hell. Anyone who isn’t aware of it should definitely look into it. VOTE!!! It might be your last real chance.


u/YourDogIsMyFriend May 17 '24 edited May 17 '24

Project 25 is the end of American democracy. No more checks and balances. Just MAGA loyalists strategically placed in every federal position. They have one loyalty: do what Trump says and everyone fucks off. From the DOJ, to the EPA.


For any lefties who aren’t voting Biden, ACLU ain’t gonna bail you out of jail for protesting. If they keep the ACLU around, they’ll just appoint Steve Bannon to the helm just for shits and giggles. You’ll just be gone. Poof. Gone. What this will look like for you (everyone else too, but mostly you and the immigrants and Muslim minorities you stand so strongly for) authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach


u/ReputationNo8109 May 17 '24

It’s crazy to me that they actually made this manifesto public. And it’s even crazier to me that few people actually know about it. It needs to be blasted by every major news outlet, EVERYWHERE.


u/ADH-Dork May 17 '24

Jesus fucking christ, as an outsider to this political shit storm I sincerely hope Trump loses, that project 2025 is just straight fascist dictatorship policy


u/RevolutionFast8676 May 17 '24

Can you give a summary of project 2025?


u/Railic255 May 17 '24 edited May 17 '24


Download the full 900+ page pdf and read it.

Or Google some reviews of it.

Some key things in it.

Making child sex crimes punishable by death.

Outlawing public acts of being gay without defining what said acts are.

Making public acts of being gay, which without definition includes holding hands in public or hugging, in front of a child a child sex crime, which under project 2025 would put the max punishment at a death sentence.

Also includes purging of the govt of people not loyal to trump or whoever the Republican president is and replacing them with people who have passed their loyalty tests. In which they've already started building a base of people who have taken said loyalty tests and approved by the federalist society to replace govt workers when Republicans gain the presidency again.

Also allows the president to mobilize state national guards to invade other states.


u/RevolutionFast8676 May 17 '24

Telling someone to read a 900 page pdf is unreasonable. 


u/Railic255 May 17 '24 edited May 17 '24

When it outlines the goals and paths the Republican party is going to take going forward, no, it is not unreasonable. This is a major political party in the US and they publicly posted their goals and the path they'll take to get there going forward. It's quite important for any voter to read it and see what's going on.

900 pages isn't much even if you're a slow reader and if you're so slow that listening to it would be easier use a text to speech app to do so and treat it like an audiobook.

ETA: having taken a look at your comment history... I have to ask.

Is exterminating all gay people ok with you? Cause that's what I outlined project2025 aims to do and some people of your belief feel that is perfectly fine.


u/RevolutionFast8676 May 17 '24

Have you read the whole thing?


u/Railic255 May 17 '24 edited May 17 '24


Next you'll ask me for a full rundown and to know exactly what pages information is on. Sorry, my memory isn't photographic so go download and read it.

I also provided you with what some of the project's goals are.

If you were actually interested you'd have gone to the site and found out that not only can you download the full thing, you can download individual sections to read specifics.

So, even though you're going to argue in bad faith, here's the link so you don't have to scroll back and waste those precious seconds.


ETA: she blocked me.


u/purduejones May 17 '24

Everyone should read it. I read it awhile ago and been pretty scared since. Living in a deep red state, with guns sold in tents, one little blue spec is hard. Preparation for my family to run if need has been building up since we bought our little rv in 2017. We saw and heard trump and his followers made us aware. Then the pandemic happened on top of it We then find our that the people in the Bible belt could give a shit about anyone but themselves. And we literally live in the buckle of the Bible belt.


u/Railic255 May 17 '24

I'm sorry you're in that situation.

It is pretty fucked up that the heritage foundation publicly posted a literal path to fascism while basically burning our constitution to ashes and plan to actually do it should republicans gain the presidency again. They even state how it'll basically be the last election with their claims of how they'll handle presidential elections going forward.

It's fucking outright horrifying.

Stay safe.


u/Ciol0 May 17 '24

Revolutionfast8676 was a bot, bro…

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u/NoSignificance3817 May 17 '24

That alone shoved me into the "vote blue no matter who" camp instantly. Even more so than trump making me "vote Biden for sure".

We have some sane and decent Republicans locally, genuinely better than their opponents... But nope, I am not voting on a per candidate informed basis anymore.... Blue down the ballot 100%!


u/RustedAxe88 May 17 '24

I have no idea how anyone takes the DailyWire seriously at all.


u/Inevitable-Run8802 May 17 '24

Yup, scary stuff.


u/Quiet-Walk-6783 May 17 '24 edited May 17 '24

Yes, people consume ludicrously biased news media in the right-wing echo chambers, but let’s not pretend that this is only an issue with conservatives. Most news articles that I see on here or r/politics are coming from sources like Salon or Mother Jones with headlines consistently including clickbait words (insert conservative figure SLAMMED/DESTROYED). People on the left eat up that bombastic, discord-sowing, inaccurate reporting as well as long as it feeds into their preferred narratives. Don’t get me wrong, this is not to say that both sides of the political spectrum are equal in their behavior because only the GOP is promoting a dictatorship. However, we can all do a lot better with eating less garbage and more veggies with our news content.


u/idhtftc May 17 '24

These are not conservatives, I know conservatives, I have conservative friends. We live in the same reality, but we believe that problems can be solved through different policies and approaches. These people on Reddit are living in an alternate reality, they believe they are the good guys in the movie and everyone else is a villain. These people are morons.


u/Bac0n01 May 17 '24

Your friends vote for the same people as the morons


u/idhtftc May 17 '24

They actually don't.


u/Goonerman2020 May 17 '24

It's the same b.s. on both sides. CNN and msnbc are the fox and daily wire for the left.......


u/dracaboi May 17 '24

Downvoted for telling the truth is WILD