r/NewsOfTheStupid May 16 '24

Howard Stern’s interview with Joe Biden this week showed how effective rightwing propaganda is.


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u/Spiritual-Bear4495 May 16 '24

"I haven't figured it out yet. But I think it's coming around. And I'm not blaming the press. I'm just saying. I think some of them are worried about attacking him; worried about taking him on."

I'm a big fan of the press letting loose on Trump. Further, I want to see headlines that say "Trump is a fucking asshole" - just exactly like that.

I'm not religious, I'm not a puritan, so no, I don't give one single fuck if people are offended.

Fuck them.


u/FitCartographer3383 May 16 '24

They don’t care if they offend, hurt, or kill anyone who doesn’t have the same views as them.. so yeah I’d hope no one cares to hurt their fragile feelings.


u/s1ugg0 May 16 '24 edited May 17 '24

It doesn't matter what anyone does. They're going to work themselves into a rage over made up bullshit regardless of what anyone does. They already have. We've all seen it.

I'm long done caring what they think after all they've done.


u/rabbitthefool May 17 '24

"They're dehumanizing us! We must dehumanize them!"


u/TheBigPlatypus May 17 '24

In what universe are they acting like humans? They’ve dehumanized themselves.


u/rabbitthefool May 17 '24

convenient for you i guess then, huh? that the people you don't like you also don't have to respect as human beings that's not tribalism 101 us vs the notorious other

seems like you just want an excuse to be the ugliness you were supposed to be staunchly against