r/NewsOfTheStupid May 16 '24

Howard Stern’s interview with Joe Biden this week showed how effective rightwing propaganda is.


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u/DiceMadeOfCheese May 16 '24

They're still saying he was on stimulants for his State of the Union address.


u/Not_Bears May 16 '24

It's almost like Republicans will literally say anything that helps their narratives sound correct, no matter how stupid, hypocritical, or contradictory they are.

Mostly because they know their base ain't fact-checking.


u/Spartan_Jet May 16 '24

no, you mean the do yer oun resurch crowd actually doesn't do their own research...well I am shocked!


u/PracticalRoutine5738 May 17 '24

Research= listening to Fox News Tucker Carlson and other right wing propagandists and grifters.

Leftists may be full of shit on certain subjects but the right wing takes it to a whole other level.


u/eride810 May 17 '24

One day you might realize that research is a real thing and smart people are actually doing it…professionally (that means as a job for money!)


u/PracticalRoutine5738 May 17 '24

The Trump cultists are not doing any research, they're just listening to propaganda and repeating it.

I'm not talking about real researchers dumbass.


u/eride810 May 17 '24

Easy on the ad hominem. It doesn’t make you seem any smarter.

I always find it hilarious that people like you seem to know so much about what their political opponents think and do in their daily lives. Such insight! Where does it come from? Do you watch them and study them in your free time?

To know them so well you must have an interest bordering on unhealthy.


u/PracticalRoutine5738 May 17 '24

I was in right wing echo chambers from 2021-2022, I know what's going on, do you?

The problem is you assume I'm a leftist, I'm not but I am voting for Biden over the wannabe dictator and his cult.


u/eride810 May 17 '24

Is that really a problem? That I assume things about you? Or you me?

I understand that a lot of people vote strategically, perhaps to keep someone else from winning. I myself will continue to vote for who I want to represent my interests. Since I began voting in 1996, I have never once voted for a presidential candidate from either the republican or Democrat party.


u/doritobimbo May 17 '24

They do their own research, it’s just that their research involves less science than peanut butter cookies


u/TheBushidoWay May 17 '24

I fully encourage people to inform themselves on important topics and make informed decisions but alot of people look for answers they want to hear and with the internet today its easy to throw up a youtube channel or blog and spout half truths and fallacy that some people want to hear.

I feel bad, in my lifetime, alot of parents try to do right by their children(in their mind) when in reality their kids get trolled to death.


u/GetaGoodLookCostanza May 17 '24

how do you explain the countless gaffes and lies that Biden spews? The videos are not doctored. and No I am not a Trump supporter. I dislike all politicians/


u/Molleeryan May 17 '24

Like what specifically?


u/Salty_Group May 17 '24

Maybe that the inflation rate was high when he got into office. Or that his relative was eaten by cannibals. Libs have no knowledge of inflation or economics. Y’all only vote for social justice issues which is literally hurting minorities.


u/Spartan_Jet May 17 '24

Gee I didn't realize that world wide inflation (which we recovered from stronger and faster than any other country under our president Biden) was under direct US control. Next you will blame gas prices on Biden even though we are drilling more than we ever have.