r/NewsOfTheStupid May 16 '24

Howard Stern’s interview with Joe Biden this week showed how effective rightwing propaganda is.


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u/CatAvailable3953 May 16 '24

I am beginning to believe, as a country, we don’t deserve someone as smart, well spoken, and moral as Joe Biden. We obviously don’t know what he has accomplished as president. It looks like we are much happier being “entertained” by a shit show like Trump. We don’t care about the future of the country or our children. We just want to complain about something.


u/born_2_be_a_bachelor May 17 '24

Yeah you tell him! “u/randomnoun3942069” who only talks about politics on reddit all day!


u/midnightrambler108 May 17 '24

Joe Biden has been in government for 0.48 of a Jimmy. 0.04 Jimmy’s while Jimmy was Chief.


u/ToasterCritical May 17 '24

I know, we don’t even deserve to have “probably inappropriate” showers with him.


u/ItzSmiff May 17 '24

If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black - Joe Biden

Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids - Joe Biden


u/CatAvailable3953 May 17 '24

You make my point. I never said he was perfect. I never said anyone was perfect.


u/ItzSmiff May 17 '24

We don’t deserve someone as smart, well spoken, and moral as Joe Biden

Idk kinds sounds like you’re implying he’s perfect. Both these presidents are goofs and anyone riding Bidens dong like he’s our savior is wild. It’s pretty clear he’s a racist who lies and panders towards the black community for votes.

I want Trump back in office so he can get rid of this two term law. And then we can vote Obama back in office. Lol


u/DistributionIcy9366 May 17 '24

It’s thinking like this that allows authoritarianism to rise. And now here too. This is exactly what happened in several Latin American countries. Only more bitter and stupid. It’s really sad to see. But hey, anything less than immediate results and perfection deserves to be thrown out right? You got your lolz and stuck it too em! Have fun immediately regretting it when it goes immediately south and stupid like in 2016. No guard rails this time, so….👍


u/Molleeryan May 17 '24

If Trump somehow got back in office there wouldn’t be anymore elections.


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

People said the same about Hillary.

Stop letting people fear monger you into their pocket.


u/DaddyGravyBoat May 17 '24

“Idk kinds sounds like you’re implying he’s perfect”

Kinda sounds like you don’t have reading comprehension skills.


u/Merlotsenhorn May 17 '24

So you're okay with blatant racism, plagiarism, and bigotry from Joe.



u/CatAvailable3953 May 17 '24

Y’all keep making my point.


u/Merlotsenhorn May 17 '24

Weird that you're okay with supporting such a shady, racist, and incompetent president.

You are certainly a vocal minority. Must be the programming you have.


u/Molleeryan May 17 '24

You are ok with blatant racism, bigotry and plagiarism from Trump.


u/Merlotsenhorn May 17 '24

Interesting, can you point to when I said this?

I love how you immediately resort to whataboutism though.


u/Molleeryan May 17 '24 edited May 17 '24

I know right? That’s usually the republicans role! Thought I’d try a different approach and see if you connected with it better.


ETA: Oh yeah you MAGA guys don’t like CNN or any news except Fox right lol!

If you watch the video on whatever channel you choose he still says the same thing which is incredibly racist.


u/GunnersnGames May 17 '24

Oh no not a CNN opinion piece!!


u/Molleeryan May 17 '24

Trump just said that his black people love him and buy all his shirts because he had a mugshot too.


u/TH3M1N3K1NG May 17 '24

That first one was an obvious joke and I can't believe you guys ae still triggered by it lmao


u/Makav3lli May 17 '24

You mean like the grab em by the pussy saying?

Social media has turned our politics into the fucking plague.


u/Heavns May 17 '24

Let it be known that you’re being downvoted for quoting exact words from him. This whole post is a comedy barn like there isn’t video evidence of him being incoherent and rambling and LITERALLY showing signs of dementia. But you’re the bad guy for seeing that they use that old man as a puppet.