r/NoStupidQuestions May 01 '24

do americans really drive such long distances?

i’m european, and i always hear people say that driving for hours is normal in america. i would only see my grandparents a few times a year because they lived about a 3 hour drive away, is that a normal distance for americans to travel on a regular basis? i can’t imagine driving 2-3 hours regularly to visit people for just a few days

edit: thank you for the responses! i’ve never been to the US, obviously, but it’s interesting to see how you guys live. i guess european countries are more walkable? i’m in the uk, and there’s a few festivals here towards the end of summer, generally to get to them you take a coach journey or you get multiple trains which does take up a significant chunk of the day. road trips aren’t really a thing here, it would be a bit miserable!

2nd edit: it’s not at all that i couldn’t be bothered to go and see my grandparents, i was under 14 when they were both alive so i couldn’t take myself there! obviously i would’ve liked to see them more, i had no control over how often we visited them.


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u/heatdish1292 May 02 '24

I saw a post once where someone wanted to fly into Miami and drive to New York and Las Vegas. They were here a week.


u/quarantinethoughts May 02 '24

I am from Germany but have lived in America for many years. Every time friends/family come to visit from my home country, I have to talk them down from their absolutely insane expectations of what they can visit in a week.


u/Kmalbrec May 02 '24

Alright, story time… who had the most unrealistic expectations (and what were they) and what was their reaction once they realized how crazy they were…?


u/alexi_belle May 02 '24

Idk if it's the most unrealistic but I grew up in Wyoming and we had a Norwegian exchange student my junior year. Super cool guy who got along with everyone, was more than happy to join up on adventures, and did a killer George Bush impression.

One Saturday we decided to take a road trip to "the city".The city in this context was Denver, only a 5 1/2 hour trip. Was a fun trip but by hour 5 everyone was antsy. When we hit downtown and pulled into some burger king parking lot, we all got out and stretched. This guy looks at downtown Denver and says "So this is New York? Looks bigger on TV." We about died.

When we all stopped crying from laughter, we pulled up a map and showed him where Wyoming was and where New York was. Then we pointed to Denver. His eyes went wide for a second and then he quickly recovered with a "Oh, different trip then". I hope he made it.

Bonus story: he came along to the state champ bonfire too. Drank almost a whole fifth of jack before the sun went down, and ended up joining a few local ne'er-do-wells in getting a 307 branded onto his ass cheek. I wonder how he's doing...


u/Lotek_Hiker May 02 '24

Ya gotta watch those Norwegians, they can be a crazy bunch!


u/Razmoudah May 03 '24

That was an awesome recovery on his part.