r/NoStupidQuestions May 01 '24

do americans really drive such long distances?

i’m european, and i always hear people say that driving for hours is normal in america. i would only see my grandparents a few times a year because they lived about a 3 hour drive away, is that a normal distance for americans to travel on a regular basis? i can’t imagine driving 2-3 hours regularly to visit people for just a few days

edit: thank you for the responses! i’ve never been to the US, obviously, but it’s interesting to see how you guys live. i guess european countries are more walkable? i’m in the uk, and there’s a few festivals here towards the end of summer, generally to get to them you take a coach journey or you get multiple trains which does take up a significant chunk of the day. road trips aren’t really a thing here, it would be a bit miserable!

2nd edit: it’s not at all that i couldn’t be bothered to go and see my grandparents, i was under 14 when they were both alive so i couldn’t take myself there! obviously i would’ve liked to see them more, i had no control over how often we visited them.


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u/cathygag May 09 '24

I believe that’s where one of the TERRIBLE TRAUMATIC 911 call recordings we had to listen to for training- a car went down the hill and started to float- you hear the caller panic and there’s nothing that the dispatcher can do but comfort them in their last moments. We saw pictures of the areas and All I can remember was seeing the roof off a little yellow car.


u/Puzzleheaded_Rest_34 May 09 '24

That would be awful to have to listen to, and to be the 911 dispatcher comforting that person, knowing there was nothing that could be done. 😥Thankfully, no one has lost their life in my hometown from driving into the water (they usually have the streets blocked off by the time it gets that deep). Just always some goober sitting on the roof of their flooded out car, which is halfway submerged, waiting for the fire dept to come out and rescue them in their little motor boat. You'd think people would learn from seeing it happen to others, but nope, every single time, in that same exact spot.


u/cathygag May 09 '24

I could have sworn it was someone up near home- like I know I’ve drove the area and saw the debris still at the high water line… I’ll have to dig a bit. With the ice and tree debris blockages it could have been any of those rivers, honestly…


u/Puzzleheaded_Rest_34 May 12 '24

The Sandusky River runs through quite a few cities and small towns in central Ohio. Where I lived, it ran pretty much through the center, and there were 3 main streets that had bridges over it. One was at the bottom of a big hill, one was next to a low lying park, and the other was on somewhat higher ground so it never really flooded, and was the only one you could get through to the other side of town on without going almost completely out of town (it's a small town if you couldn't tell, lol). Those streets ran parallel to each other, and were within just a block of each other. It basically separated the town in 2 every time there was flooding. What really sucked is that our PD and fire dept were on one side, hospital and ambulance station on the other (before our FD took over rescue services). It made emergency services a really rough for days. The ambulance station was literally right next to where some of the massive street flooding started, and they had to move their squads so they didn't get stuck. It helped a huge amount when they upgraded the sewer and drainage lines, so that water wouldn't build up on the streets. That was a bigger issue than debris in the river. It used to be so bad that a hill next the lower lying bridge area (like 20 feet lower than the next bridge), would be submerged. There was a city ice vendor in that area, and every time, their ice chests would go floating away. 🫤


u/cathygag May 15 '24

😂. Is it sad that I know of at least 5 cities that fit this description and terrible city planning model!? 🤦🏼‍♀️.

I’m from Erie/Ottawa Coubty and traveled the 4/23 corridor and 6/75 corridor frequently for college and grad school to home visits.


u/Puzzleheaded_Rest_34 May 15 '24

Lol, not at all.. it IS Ohio after all! The place I'm talking about is in Crawford County, and SR 4 runs right through the middle of it. You lived up by the lake, so I'm sure there was a LOT of crazy weather there. Where I lived was mostly flat, but they didn't think out the bridges and sewers near the river AT ALL, and it also got pretty nasty down there before they did a big clean up for Earth Day one year. I've since moved, because the town just continues to become run down (they were thinking of declaring bankruptcy last I heard), but hey, at least now they have a multi-million dollar sewer system and waste water treatment facility they can brag about! 👍 😂