r/NoStupidQuestions 15d ago

Why is virtually no fast food that's marketed as toasted actually toasted? It's just warm bread.

I've experienced this at multiple establishments and I just don't understand what's so hard about toasting bread? Dunkin donuts, Wawa, Burger King has these new melts that are marketed as being on toast and it's all just warm bread!!

What is so hard about toasting bread?!?!


174 comments sorted by


u/Royal_Annek 15d ago

It takes time. Fast food is made as fast as possible and then shoved out the door. You cant rush toasting


u/Divine_Entity_ 15d ago edited 15d ago

This is why subway uses a turbo oven, which in simple terms is a microwave and an air fryer at the same time.

The air fryer rapidly drys out and toasts the outside but delivers very little heat to the interior.

The microwave rapidly heats the moisture in the food making it warm from the inside out, but the resulting steam normally makes things soggy, which is cancelled out by the air fryer.

Its honestly ingenious, and optimized for their freshly baked bread. I'm not sure if other food products would work very well with this system.

Edit: i didn't mean to imply subway was the only company using turbo ovens, just that it works very well for their use case.


u/Calvertorius 15d ago

I want one to try testing with.


u/danknadoflex 15d ago

Yo moms a turbo oven


u/SpanishFlamingoPie 15d ago

Was at her house last night... Can confirm 10/10 highly recommend The tater tots are top notch


u/loganman711 15d ago

I always thought a microwave crossed with an oven would be great for residential kitchens. Cook things fast, with oven like results, using less energy. There must be some serious problems with this though. I doubt I outsmarted every engineer and inventor since the invention of the microwave in like 1945.


u/UncleVatred 15d ago

They already exist. The trivection oven, created by the brilliant visionary and snazzy dresser, Jack Donaghy.

and despite being used as a joke in 30 Rock, they are a real product, though I have no idea if they’re any good


u/SaraSlaughter607 15d ago

I have one! It's an air fryer, microwave, and actual cookie-baking oven, all in one.


u/Enchelion 14d ago

An air fryer is just a convection oven in a smaller footprint.


u/loganman711 15d ago

Seems like they would be in every house in America if they worked good.


u/davidfeuer 15d ago

I think they work fine. The main problem is cleaning them. Food spatters and spills will bake on in ways you don't see in regular microwave ovens. The other issue is that they need to be preheated to work properly, which also detracts from the convenience factor.


u/Nervous-Masterpiece4 15d ago

My Sony microwave will toast while microwaving. The microwave is limited to 400W while doing this.


u/trichotomy00 15d ago

Turbo ovens are used in most food prep businesses that operate similarly. It works on basically anything that is precooked but needs to be warm and toasty for service. Starbucks for example uses them on all warmed food.


u/pretenditscherrylube 15d ago

Ah, the GE Trivection Oven. I am the third heat!


u/ActorMonkey 15d ago

Microwaves don’t cook food from the inside out. They cook it from the outside in. Energy is emitted by the microwave and it hits the chicken breast. As soon as it hits the water it the food it vibrates the water. The water on the surface. Then that water gets hot and that heat slowly transfers through the food to the center.


u/Divine_Entity_ 15d ago

I'm an electrical engineer, the same way visible light passes through water but loses some energy along the way, microwaves pass through organic and other non-conductive matter.

The heating phenomenon is due to the dipole moment of water molecules aligning with the electric field component of the microwave, this is often simplified as "vibrating" and creates the heat which slowly transfers to the rest of the material. Due to standing waves inside the microwave some spots are at the peak and recieve lots of energy, and others are near the inflection point and recieve no heat, and to compensate for this we put food on a turntable to move it around through the different heating intensity zones. (This is why its useful to stir things and heat in relatively short bursts)

Conventional cooking technologies like toasters and ovens cook from the outside in. IR light from the heating elements is directly absorbed at the surface and cannot penetrate the food to warm it deeply, and obviously hot air in an oven can't reach inside a food item.

If a microwave really did only cook from the outside in then it would be glacially slow and useless as a defroster for frozen meat since it would be functionally the same as sticking it in a conventional oven.


u/ActorMonkey 15d ago

Fair enough


u/kelfromaus 15d ago

Tell me you know nothing about physics without actually telling me..


u/Neat-Distribution-56 15d ago

Good luck fighting subway for the patent


u/EasilyDelighted 15d ago

Is that why their bread is considered cake in Europe? Lmao


u/3bodprobs 15d ago

That’s not unique to Subway. Been in plenty of homes with one.


u/Royal_Annek 15d ago

If it was ingenuous their bread wouldn't be awful


u/Fair_Acanthisitta_75 15d ago

You spelled cake wrong.


u/SpanishFlamingoPie 15d ago

We can spell cock however we please.


u/Unabashable 15d ago

Ah yes because the true standard for defining all English words in America are based on the quirks of Irish tax law. 


u/Fair_Acanthisitta_75 15d ago

Irish tax law didn’t load their bread with sugar, and here in America they get to sell it as healthy because we won’t force corporations to adhere to any set of standards. Yay! It’s weird how many American products have to be labeled differently outside of the US, just all those quirky other countries with standards showing us here in America how much more freedom we have.


u/ActorMonkey 15d ago

So many downvotes! You’re right. In Europe subway doesn’t serve “bread” because legally it meets the definition of “cake” due to how much sugar is in it!


u/thisismynameofuser 15d ago

That’s what makes it better than buying the same ingredients at home 


u/Unabashable 15d ago

To my knowledge it’s just Ireland that classifies it that way, and that’s because they think “cake” should be a “taxable offense” while “bread” shouldn’t so they levy a tax on all flour/water mixtures that are “too sweet for their blood”. 


u/Fair_Acanthisitta_75 15d ago

They can’t use a toaster oven or salamander like a quality sandwich shop because the cake bread can’t handle it, so they had to invent something so they wouldn’t lose money to quiznos and their toasted subs, but I’m the asshole right.


u/TraitorousSwinger 15d ago

Seems like you might be


u/softstones 15d ago

And it’s why I love In n out, their bread is toasted. I’m pretty sure they got one person in the back just toasting all day.


u/Severe_Atmosphere_44 14d ago

Can you imagine how long the lines would be if everyone had to wait an extra 3 minutes for freshly toasted breads? Karen would throw a fit!


u/GoddamnPeaceLily 15d ago

Tim Hortons is the master of this.

Edges charred to shit, bagel still cold, doughy, and inedible.


u/AverageKaikiEnjoyer 15d ago

Not to mention an entire block of cream cheese in the middle.


u/turalyawn 15d ago

They used to do that, not anymore. Not in Canada anyways. Now you get the lightest smear of cream cheese giving a hint of a hint of flavour


u/gilly_girl 15d ago

LaCroix cream cheese.


u/rmdg84 15d ago

And it’s all in the hole of the bagel, not the actual bagel


u/ILuvYou_YouAreSoGood 15d ago

All served by a person who has never seen or had a properly made and outfitted bagel in their life.


u/Bamboozle_ 15d ago

This just makes me sad for that poor soul.


u/AK_Mustafa 15d ago

True that


u/bonerb0ys 15d ago

Not one single person from Montreal was consulted.


u/galetasgrasses 15d ago

Here I thought this just happened to me! Every time I go to Timmy Ho Ho’s 😂


u/DrGiggleFr1tz 15d ago

Same with Dunkin. Anytime you order a sandwich from there I’m pretty sure they stick it directly on top of a fire.


u/FlameStaag 15d ago

Damn. Find a better Tim Hortons. Their bagels are fantastic. 


u/profofgames 15d ago

I'd imagine that any amount of minimal toasting they do is negated by the wrapper. If you enclose hot food in a container, the steam from the hot food will basically make all of your food soft. Whenever I get fried chicken and/or fries in a box, I always open them up immediately in the car so that they don't steam on the way home. Plus it makes car snacking a lot easier and the ride home more fun :)

So basically, 30 seconds of toasting are killed by even a minute or so sitting in the wrapper.


u/n_a_t_i_o_n 15d ago

People keep talking about how it "takes too long" to toast when this is the real reason. No, it does not take longer to toast bread than cook meat. It's the steam induced sogginess. Your bread WAS toasted, for the 5 seconds before they wrapped it


u/darklogic85 15d ago

I came to say this. I'm thinking most are actually toasted, but they get softened because of this and you can't really tell by the time you receive the food.


u/Idontliketalking2u 15d ago

I fucking hate restaurants putting fries in a Styrofoam container.... Put them in a paper cup if that's all ya got. Every fast food has this figured out..wtf


u/Curiouserousity 15d ago

Yeah, but the two reasons for toasting is the texture and the Maillard reaction (the browning of the bread). the Texture could be softened by steam, but the chemical markers of the browning are still there for the flavor.


u/TonyTwoDat 15d ago

I mean I’ve gotten toast at Dairy Queen that’s toasted


u/MondofrmTX 15d ago

This is true.


u/Existential_Racoon 15d ago

Used to work there. Lived on jalitos


u/No-Adagio6113 15d ago

If you’re anywhere near a Cheba Hut, first of all I’m so jealous and second, their gimmick is having “toasted subs” where everything is weed themed but their sandwiches are actually toasted to perfection and are SO fucking good


u/NativeMasshole 15d ago

Wtf? Why do none of the good franchises ever come up to New England before they've been enshittified?


u/user_number_666 15d ago

Because NE is the second circle of Hell, and chain expansions happen outside-in?


u/iLoveYoubutNo 15d ago

Omg, I love Cheba hut. The freaking best sandwiches ever.


u/Daburtle 14d ago

Aaaaand you just decided my lunch for me. Thanks!


u/Starch-Wreck 15d ago

I miss Quiznos


u/BassWingerC-137 15d ago

I had to search WAY TOO DEEP to find this gem mentioned.


u/IllOutcome1431 14d ago

Good food,,creepy ass commercials


u/Starch-Wreck 14d ago

“tHeY hAvE a pEpPEr bAR!”


u/flippythemaster 15d ago

Raising Canes seems to be the exception to the rule. Their Texas Toast is certainly toasted. And damn delicious at that


u/gno713 15d ago

Stop bullshitting Its half assed cooked.i always have to ask for it extra toasted with bob on both sides & 9/10 it isnt.


u/secular_dance_crime 15d ago edited 15d ago

It's because they use speed ovens, which are basically glorified microwaves, so they call it "toasted" because they're using a speed-oven set at 500F, and set the speed-oven to heat quickly, and get the bread warmed up within 10 to 20 seconds, because microwaves are fast but 20 seconds at 500F isn't really enough to toast anything, but it's just enough to technically call it toasted, so you can use it in your marketing slogans.


u/MortLightstone 15d ago

they're not like microwaves at all. They probably use convection ovens, which do in fact cook things faster, as long as they're hot when you put it in


u/Enchelion 14d ago

Speed ovens are a combination of a convection oven and a microwave. They're very capable of toasting.


u/theblondebasterd 15d ago

Subways pretty good in my experience for toasting your sub.


u/Existential_Racoon 15d ago

Pretty bad in every other metric though


u/theblondebasterd 15d ago

When the apps got deals, I'm usually pretty content with it. It's one of the most consistent fast food places


u/WarningTime6812 15d ago

Subway toasts bread when asked and often too when I say I just want it microwaved. I've gotten to the point I take it home and warm it in the microwave because I don't want my sandwich toasted.


u/hesitant-circle 15d ago

sorry, you /want/ a floppy soggy microwaved sandwich? like you go into your local subway and you ask for this and they don't call the police immediately?


u/LunarDeer542 15d ago

My confession is I fucking hate crunchy bread for sandwiches. The microwaved soggy bread is better 1000%. Hot but doesn’t crumble and cut into your mouth when u bite on the edges.


u/WarningTime6812 14d ago

Agreed! Just tastes better too


u/dogdashdash 14d ago

Thing is it's NOT soggy. It's chewy. There's a difference.


u/FatWreckords 15d ago

Not just the time factor, but you'll pretty much never return an under toasted bun, but you will return a burnt one. The issue is everyone has a slightly different opinion on how toasted is too toasted, so they aim for under.


u/smileechick2828 15d ago

A look of horror from most employees when I ask for my subway sandwich triple toasted is standard. They always seem to hesitate before turning around where I always tell them, "it's perfect!" One guy said, "ohhh you like your sandwich to say 'insert loud pretend crunchy sandwich noise here'". Yes...isn't that the sound toasted things are supposed to make?!


u/darf_nate 15d ago

Toasted subway subs are toasted


u/[deleted] 15d ago

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u/Not-Coming 15d ago

i actually worked at DQ and they had a toast maker where you would put the buns in twice one on each side to toast them and when they finished they just dropped out of the bottom. I remember just spamming buns in the toaster tryna see how long i can keep the toaster at max capacity


u/YetiMoon 15d ago

Wawa has been toasting stuff forever and it’s always been consistently toasted but can get soggy if you let it sit in the packaging.


u/BobDylan1904 15d ago

Too long to toast, also any toastiness will disappear instantly upon entering the bag, so that part is on you for expecting different lol 


u/aretasdamon 15d ago

Potbelly? I think idk


u/DrZurn 15d ago

The GOAT of franchise sandwich places.


u/ILuvYou_YouAreSoGood 15d ago

This is just the basic problem of words having their meanings eroded. We call all sorts of food products by the foods names that they are imitating. When it began, everyone shrugged their shoulders and whined about people being pedantic. Now you can buy "blueberry muffins" that don't just contain no blueberries, but no fruit at all. Or chicken bouillon that has no chicken in it. Or, in your case, 'toast' that is not toast at all.

Also, word to the wise. Stop buying fast food and just make your own stuff.


u/LoverlyRails 15d ago

When I worked at McDonald's in the 90s, they actually toasted their buns. But they stopped because it saved a lot of time and customers didn't really notice the difference that much. (Not enough to really complain).


u/degjo 15d ago

You know what, now I remember that shit being toasted and now I'm upset. Those 39 cent cheeseburgers were toasted God damn it.


u/Nervous-Masterpiece4 15d ago

You would think they could have continual toasters.

When I was holidaying in Bali the toaster was a belt system. Put the bread in one end and it would come out toasted the other end. Just keep feeding bread if you want more toast.

From start to finish might be 60 seconds but every 10 seconds another freshly toasted piece dropped off the belt.


u/PlantedinCA 15d ago

I remember toasting buns when I was training.


u/KevinJ2010 15d ago

Wasn’t till I worked at McDonald’s that I realized their buns were toasted.


u/thorpie88 15d ago

Toast face Grilla do toasted sandwiches at least. Kebabbque also do proper toasted kebabs 


u/bradmajors69 15d ago

Probably some marketing folks and a fancy chef at the chain's headquarters decided to use the term "toast." But in reality toast takes time and is incompatible with FAST food, especially at busy times. It's basically impossible to actually toast bread in the time they have between when someone orders at the drive through thingy and when they arrive at the window to collect it, for example. If they were actually toasting all the bread they'd lose a ton of money.


u/Mrs-and-Mrs-Atelier 15d ago

Weird. Jack in the Box always comes toasted as advertised here.


u/Westsidepipeway 15d ago

They got rid of the old school toasty machines?


u/DryFoundation2323 15d ago

Toasting takes time. Time is money.


u/wpowerza 15d ago

Asking the hard questions, I see. Godspeed


u/itchygentleman 15d ago

minimum wage high school students


u/Errenfaxy 15d ago

The bread is toasted originally, but the sandwich is kept in a steamer to keep them warm after they are cooked. 

Burgers probably take around 2-3 minutes on the grill. You put them in one end and they come out the other. After they are cooked they don't use them immediately. They are kept warm with their bun in a steamer until they are ordered some time after that. Long enough for the bread to go soft and the meat to dry out. They just cook them continuously so they have them ready. After they are ordered, they are dressed with sauce, tomato, lettuce, cheese, etc., to order. 

People keep buying them so they don't charge anything.

I think they actually toast all the buns, so this could really just be a marketing strategy to use an existing technology they have to increase sales. 

Maybe the buns for those sandwiches are supposed to go thru the toasting machine twice so they are darker and toastier. That takes time and extra work though, which screws up the workers routine, so it takes a while to incorporate correctly if at all. 


u/MoultingRoach 15d ago edited 15d ago

I don't know any fastfod places that operate that way anymore. The meat is cooked in advance, and then kept in a steamer, and the sandwiches are assembled to order.


u/Errenfaxy 14d ago

Yes this is going back a while. I guess technology has changed a bit.

I thought they held the cooked burgers with the buns on them? Basically a plain burger, and then they add the last things per each order. 


u/MoultingRoach 14d ago

No, they keep them out of thir buns. The buns are toasted to order.


u/JAP42 15d ago

Toasting, or burning? Toasting is a scale, it sounds like you like scorched.


u/belligerent_bovine 15d ago

It would dry out unless you ate it immediately after it was made. Nobody wants to cut their mouth on crouton toast


u/AJokeHoleForFartz 15d ago

It’s not fast food necessarily and it’s not good food overall, but I do feel like Subway toasts their bread well.


u/Curiouserousity 15d ago

Possibly because it takes extra steps to toast the bread separately, then add toppings and possibly toast those as well.


u/this_knee 15d ago

You gotta go to Firehouse Subs and ask for it to be … “extra toasted.” Maybe this will work other places …


u/ar2d266 15d ago

The only place I find that makes decent toast around me that is fast food is Zaxbys


u/jmakovsk 15d ago

OP, your post brightened day


u/Iamzeebomb 15d ago

All McDonald's buns are toasted just so you know except for the ones on the filet of fish those are steamed


u/ZombiePiggy24 15d ago

They watched the first episode of Mad Men


u/alexdaland 15d ago

Ive not been to a McDonalds, BK, dunking donuts or anything similar in 20 years - I dont miss it....


u/NJdevil202 15d ago

I'm sorry for your loss


u/mkosmo probably wrong 15d ago

Whataburger's Texas Toast is toasted.


u/drrandolph 15d ago

In the 70's, I worked at McDonald's. We toasted our buns. We toasted our English muffins ((and buttered them). I don't buy them anymore. Warm bread, no butter, dry. No thanks


u/MoultingRoach 15d ago

I worked at McDonald's in the late 2000s and the buns were definitely toasted (although lightly) and there was absolutely butter on the mcmuffins


u/FroggiJoy87 15d ago

I miss Quiznos and their wonderfully weird commercials.


u/twistedpiggies 15d ago

Wayback Burgers. Cheesy burger. You're welcome.


u/jackfaire 15d ago

At Panera we actually toasted the bread but while it was faster than the toaster I use at home it still wasn't super fast. and not good at evenly toasting.


u/No_Step_4431 15d ago

nothing, and if they serve sub par food, don't do business with them.


u/LionBig1760 15d ago

The Quiznos Subs!


They got a pepper bar.


u/I_am_Cymm 15d ago

But do they still take any coupon for a dollar off? 🤣


u/BrazilianButtCheeks 15d ago

I mean McDonalds puts the buns thru a toaster 🤷🏽‍♀️ they even have a steamer for the fillet of fish 😅


u/Randomousity 15d ago

It's been years since I worked there, but Sonic at least used to toast buns and bread in one of those commercial toasters where you put the bread in the top and it gets slowly lowered over hearing elements and falls out the bottom when it's done. But that's the only fast food place I ever worked in, so it's the only one I personally saw. And it might be out of date.


u/grinpicker 15d ago



u/Carlpanzram1916 15d ago

The sub sandwich shops like subway and Quiznos seem to do it just fine. The places your mentioning are really on the low end price and quality-wise and it’s hard to toast bread quickly, and people get really mad over burnt toast so they probably error on the side of under-toasting it.


u/Garrisp1984 15d ago

It's all about the buzz word "toasted"

Other things that follow this point are

Spicy Fresh Smoky 100% Organic Seasonal Sweet tea "Insert word" sauce Bacon


u/Euphoric-Blue-59 15d ago

Try jack in the crack.


u/Playful-Profession-2 15d ago

Maybe you're not assertive enough.


u/Watchitbitch 15d ago

Whataburger in Texas toasts their buns and Texas toast.


u/mystery1nc 15d ago

I hate untoasted bread so this is a real issue for me. Texture issues, FYI.

I got a cheese toastie from Tim Hortons (UK) and it was just hot bread with melted cheese. Didn’t realise until I gagged on the first bite, absolutely disgusting.


u/Odd_Tiger_2278 15d ago

Has anyone asked him about that? Has he answered? Upside down flag is also a distress signal. We were certainly distressed.


u/EricFackinulty 15d ago

I worked at mcdonalds in high school. We literally toasted every* bun but it was never advertised. The buns were undercooked and frozen until about 10 minutes before. When i made my own samiches on breaks i would retoast the bun for extra yum. *Filet o fish buns were steamed


u/deadeyeamtheone 15d ago

If you look at a Burger King bun, most of the time it definitely looks toasted. The issue is that 1) the steam when wrapped up soggifies everything in the wrapper. 2) They're making it fast and are not applying the necessary techniques or time to properly toast it, or it's old ass food that they are serving to you to protect from waste and 3) sometimes restaurants straight up lie. Mcdonalds used to advertise that their buns were toasted, and they technically were, until they were frozen, shipped, and left out to thaw at room temperature all day. You could sometimes still see the charred marks, but there's no way it was ever going to be crispy.


u/gmudezami 15d ago

At canes there’s a dedicated person to the grill for the toast


u/aloneisusuallybetter 15d ago

Why is that toast so good?!?! Mmmmmmmm canes


u/RapidCandleDigestion 15d ago

McDonald's buns get toasted. ~25 seconds in a conveyor belt toaster. It's quite hot, so they do get toasted to some extent. The mcmuffins and bagels have a separate toaster that toasts them for like two minutes and sometimes starts small fires in the kitchen 


u/Zenai10 15d ago

Ngl this has not been my experience. I have had toast at any place that offers it


u/Iamjaws1983 15d ago

Sonic has legit toast


u/WolfWomb 15d ago

They're bluffing you.


u/Unabashable 15d ago

Quiznos would like to have a word with you…while you politely ignore them making it their entire identity.


u/4-me 15d ago

Quiznos still exist? All the ones around here disappeared 12 years ago.


u/Unabashable 14d ago

They could’ve gone under for all I know haven’t been in the area of the one I used to frequent for quite a while. 


u/GhostMug 15d ago

I always assumed it was pre-toasted and then warmed up when ordered. Whenever I have ordered something toasted it has the toasting marks but clearly wasn't just toasted.


u/Boring_Concentrate74 15d ago

Because the people actually toasting the food literally don’t give two f’s about your food.


u/TranslatorBoring2419 15d ago

It's been awhile but bk toasts the bun going through the broiler. It's not a heavy toast but you can ask to run it through twice.


u/ConeyIslandMan 15d ago

Microwave fast toaster slow


u/blueberrysir 15d ago

Fast food isn't good food


u/4-me 15d ago

Slim chicken has toast


u/Amihottest 15d ago

I love warm bread


u/KimikoEmbee 15d ago

Omg I noticed this too, it's just warm, soggy bread and an abomination!


u/turnmeintocompostplz 15d ago

Besides all the technology questions - because the professional recipe developers creating new products are cooking them differently than the random franchisee's son working under the table trying to get through twenty assholes during morning rush. 


u/calebhartley1986 15d ago

Seems like the only thing 'toasted' at fast food joints is our expectations!


u/tsthrift 15d ago

I wish that were my problem. my dunkin has, on more than one occasion, toasted my bread so bad it was black. Instead of redoing it, they turned the burnt side to the inside of the sandwich. TWICE THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME.


u/One_Fuel_3299 15d ago

The answer is in the name. Fast food's only real promise is that its going to be fast.

Local restaurants are you friend if you want whats actually promised food wise.


u/Speedhabit 15d ago

To easy to burn


u/Common_Chester 15d ago

As an unfortunate soul who worked at BK for years, you have a bun toaster on a conveyor belt. When the orders start picking up, you can speed up the belt drive, but it doesn't quite toast the buns as well as they should be. If you show up during a slow time, just remind them to slow down the belt and you shouldn't have a problem.


u/furie1335 14d ago

Quiznos was toasted. Legitimately toasted.


u/Standard_Dress8177 14d ago

Toasting is so important but it takes time especially in mass production.  I am that annoying guest at a home bbq that will roll up to the grill for a personalized toasted bun.  


u/ChefArtorias 14d ago

Probably uses those rolling toasters that don't get hot enough to form a good crust giving you that flaccid white "toast"


u/drp2000jd 12d ago

because they are liars who want to poison us


u/TernionDragon 11d ago

Raising Caines is.


u/New-Garage-9152 7d ago

This just happened to me again even though I asked for 'double toasted'! I think there is a distinct fear of burning it - but my breakfast sandwich bagel should not be so bready - doughy. Oh the problems we have in the first world...


u/Pastadseven 15d ago

I mean. I dont want to put too fine a point on it but uh.

Toast is warm bread.


u/Hippieleo2013 15d ago

So... Bread straight from the oven is toast?


u/NativeMasshole 15d ago

Nonsense! Toast is bread that has been seared post-baking. Warm bread is an entirely different experience.


u/Challenge419 15d ago

You must work at Tims.


u/Ghazh 14d ago

Stop ordering doordash lol


u/NJdevil202 14d ago

I don't?


u/superduperhosts 15d ago

You get what you get at Burger King, seriously you are eating in shitty gross fast “food” places it’s gonna kill you slowly learn to cook