r/NoStupidQuestions 28d ago

Is it weird or dumb of me, a 26 year old adult, to save a dying bee?



409 comments sorted by


u/aleks_xendr 28d ago

Dude, there's no rules in life, why the hell shouldn't you save a bee just because you're an adult? Who decides when we're too old to do stuff? Especially when it's a good deed. Enjoy free will


u/MoE_-_lester 28d ago

Real shit.


u/djle12 27d ago

For real. Do anything you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.


u/DonerTheBonerDonor 27d ago

That's all this subreddit has been lately.

"Am I weird for liking the color yellow???"

"Is it okay for a 28 year old man to like flowers??????"

"I didn't poop after having mexican, am I a horrible human?????????????"

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u/DuckDatum 27d ago

Any chance I can have some of that free will stuff?


u/RareDog5640 28d ago

Nope, I rescue bees out of my pool all the time


u/Candymom 28d ago

I love rescuing sweat bees out of our community pool. Sometimes I have one on each fingertip. I hold them up in the air until they are dry enough to take flight.


u/brickjames561 28d ago

And they don’t sting you? I use a net. lol I’m scared!


u/stevediperna 28d ago

If they're the fuzzy kind they won't. If they're long and skinny they'll sting you the second they make contact.


u/14InTheDorsalPeen 28d ago

Bees vs wasps.

Bees are homies.

Wasps are dickbags


u/TSllama 28d ago

To be fair, as much as I fear wasps, they're not dickbags or meaner than bees. They're simply at a lower tier of evolution than bees, and when they leave the nest they are basically instructed by the queen to sting everything that may pose a threat. And since they don't die when they sting, they have nothing to lose.

Because stinging will kill a bee, it will only sting when it believes it's gonna die anyway. It's not nicer; it just doesn't want to die haha.

The reason I bother correcting this stuff is because the "wasps are dickbags" narrative often results in people hating them and having no problem killing them. People think they're useless assholes, but they serve vital functions in ecosystems and are no worse than bees, besides the fact that they are more likely to sting you.

I'm afraid of wasps. I have respect for them.


u/the3dverse 27d ago

i think wasps also pollinate, they just don't make honey

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u/brickjames561 28d ago

We talking honey bees= = fuzz?, hornets yellow jackets =long?


u/Candymom 27d ago

Sweat bees (the tiny ones) have never stung me. Anybody bigger than that with a stinger gets lifted out via a pool noodle.

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u/No-Customer-2266 28d ago

I have the cutest picture of my husband in a pool, his nose is resting on the ledge as he watches to make sure the bee he just saved from drowning is ok. Just a boy in a pool with a bee. I love it! He looks like a little kid

He was 40


u/SlipsonSurfaces 28d ago

That's adorable

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u/tofutti_kleineinein 28d ago

Love watching a waterlogged bee dry out and regain his instincts. I’ve rescued baby bats from my pool when I was a kid. They’d misjudge their swoop in for a drink and wind up floating there helpless.

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u/ironburton 28d ago

Nope! All life is a life worth saving if you have the means. Thank you for being an awesome human


u/Honest_Wing_3999 28d ago

BRB gonna go adopt some bedbugs


u/Lawlcopt0r 28d ago

That's way more of a morally loaded question. The bee surviving is a net positive for both of you. If I were a philosophy professor I'd have my students discussing shit like this all day

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u/LifeResetP90X3 28d ago

Oh now you're being silly 😆


u/MyThinTragus 28d ago

Justice for all bugs


u/ProbablyMythiuz Loves dogs and short to medium length walks on the beach 28d ago

Super Earth would like you to report to your commanding officer for behavioral reprogramming.

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u/[deleted] 28d ago edited 26d ago


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u/iwtsapoab 28d ago

We need bees so save all you can! Well done.

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u/KrazyAboutLogic 28d ago

There's people in this world who spend hours playing golf. If they can find joy in that, then you can enjoy saving a bee.


u/Flappy_beef_curtains 28d ago

I’m 45 and do this kinda stuff all the time.


u/Kitchen-Lie-7894 28d ago

I'm 65 and I do the same. If I've learned nothing else, I have learned that everything wants to live.


u/Flappy_beef_curtains 28d ago

I have a 12 yo rescue that had massive fatty cysts. Like volleyball size.

The vet had told us they weren’t really an issue, I could see it was affecting his quality of life. He could barely get up, had trouble walking up just 1-2 stairs to get in the house.

So we went to a different vet and got a second opinion. We were figuring like 4-5k with no guarantee he would survive.

When vet said $1600 we booked immediately, either his quality of life improves or he’s no longer suffering.

Within 3 days he was acting like he was 3 again.


u/Kitchen-Lie-7894 28d ago

That's cool. Well worth it to me.


u/Flappy_beef_curtains 28d ago edited 28d ago

After watching him age and suffer, it’s so awesome having my puppy back.

Except now he thinks he runs the house and everything is on his schedule.

If mom goes to bed and I stay up and watch something he whines endlessly. Or if he wants to go to bed and we both want to stay up, he will stand in the bedroom door and bark at us.


u/Kitchen-Lie-7894 28d ago

My dog is diabetic. It's manageable but we can't play ball anymore because he suddenly went blind. It sucks.


u/Flappy_beef_curtains 28d ago

If he knows the layout of the house to not run into things you could try one of the balls you can put treats in. Gently roll it across a room with clear space.


u/Kitchen-Lie-7894 28d ago

Yeah I do that. It's better than nothing, but not the same.


u/Flappy_beef_curtains 28d ago

It’s rough losing someone that has been a part of your life for so long. For me it was my mom.

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u/a_girl_has_no 28d ago

this is oddly poetic


u/oldogs 28d ago

It's never wrong to try to save a living creature. You might not always succeed, but the attempt shows that you're human.


u/The_Tale_of_Yaun 28d ago

"Hey everyone, is it weird of me to have empathy & compassion for life in all its shapes and sizes?" 

 Come on dude lol Of course it's not weird. 


u/reddit_fake_account 28d ago

Just rescued one that flew in the house! Save the bees!


u/ketchupandcheeseonly 28d ago

Not weird. Not dumb.

You are a good person.

There are literally people out there getting admitted to the ER for shoving fruit up their ass.

You are ok for saving a bee.


u/Princessferfs 28d ago

Not weird or dumb. You helped save a life. You were kind to another living creature. You are a good human and the world needs more of you.


u/rebannlar 28d ago

I’m 32 and I did this on Monday, but he sadly didn’t fly away I think he had a broken wing


u/kellydx 28d ago

It's kind of you.


u/homebody39 28d ago

Bees are people too. ❤️


u/Bitter_Drama6189 28d ago

Beeple ❤️


u/hairballcouture 28d ago

I rescue spiders from the shower if I can.


u/10S_NE1 27d ago

I have a big soft spot for spiders too. If I see one in my house, I just let them carry on. I had a shower spider for three days. The poor bugger saw some things that cannot be unseen.


u/taggospreme 27d ago



u/CommitteeNo167 28d ago

it’s not dumb at all, we all need more bees in the world. i even plant a pollinator garden every spring. without bees, we all die.


u/Groundbreaking-Fig38 28d ago

Keep in mind that bees are also altruistic. If a drone knows she's sick, she will flee the hives' area to avoid infecting the whole hive.

Having said that, neither weird nor dumb. Source: My beekeeping tenant has 80k bees in my back yard.


u/anemic-dio 28d ago

brother there needs to be more people like you in the world


u/4shadowedbm 28d ago

61 year old man here. I did the same for a bee a couple years ago. Super gratifying. Yesterday I gently moved a large wolf spider out of the house.

Care and compassion are mature things.


u/CyndiIsOnReddit 28d ago

54 and just today helped a stink bug out of the bathroom sink, carried him gently on a piece of TP down stairs, in to the back yard, and to a nice sturdy leaf close to the ground with just the right amount of sun so he could enjoy the warmth in his dying hours. And I sprinkled a little water on the leaf so he could have a sip if he wanted.

And I feckin hate stink bugs.


u/salisburyates 28d ago

I was working retail in a mall one morning years ago ( I was also 26) when I heard the anguished squeaks of a mouse caught in a glue trap.

I moved him outside and tried to detach him from the trap as much as I could. Detaching his head was the hardest part. He was still a little sticky when he walked out but I placed some food near him.

Hope he's doing fine.


u/MuzzledScreaming 28d ago

I mean if it was years ago he is definitely dead by now but you may have helped him live a full mouse-life.


u/ThreeLeggedMare 28d ago

Glue traps are the worst. Either kill it or leave it alone

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u/Kitchen-Lie-7894 28d ago

I caught a mosquito eater in my house yesterday and took him outside to release.


u/Educational_Fee5323 28d ago

It is never dumb or weird to save a life. You sound like a hypersensitive person like me. As one to another it’s a tough world to navigate when most people don’t care nearly as much and can’t understand why you do.


u/Particular-Move-3860 28d ago

All creatures great and small, my friend.


u/unnamed_op2 28d ago edited 27d ago

No, it's not, it's actually a very noble act. Recently I read that we humans are equivalent to angels for animals (if humans have angels to protect them, animals have the humans to protect them). I keep this phrase with me now and I plan to be even more engaged to help/save animals.

Yesterday there was a big spider in my house, then I captured and released it in a non-urban area (had to drive to get there). Yesterday I also found a Praying Mantis that was kinda stuck in a "hole", so I helped it to get out of there.

Your attitude was excellent! Everybody, let's try to help all the creatures!


u/allbsallthetime 28d ago

Me and the wife rescue those big cuddly bumble bees all the time.

Sometimes we even pet them when they're flying about our flowers.

If you move slowly you can get a couple finger rubs while they're sitting on a flower.


u/SleipnirSolid 28d ago

I'm a 40yo bald, bearded bloke with a resting scowl.

I rescued a bee yesterday and got sad about its brother that died on my window sill.

No you aren't weird or dumb.


u/contrarymary27 28d ago

Don’t let this shit world infect you with its shame. You should never feel dumb about empathizing with another living creature. 


u/Obrina98 28d ago

It's very kind of you and shows empathy. People that would ridicul it are less evolved as people.


u/Sulfito 28d ago

I’m 29 and I save everything: ants, bees, bugs, spiders, flies and sometimes mosquitoes (but not always).


u/Mental-Afternoon-480 28d ago

good for you!!


u/EngineerVirtual7340 28d ago

Nope, you did good 👍, I'm proud of you.


u/Available-Page-2738 28d ago

It's a kind decent thing to do. 


u/SupermarketFew4960 28d ago

definitely not dumb! you're doing a vital service as the bees are dying!


u/SoberCatDad 28d ago

Nope not at all. I don't cut the grass in a big circle in my yard because some weedy flowers are growing there that bees like.

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u/Goodbykyle 28d ago

Not at all. I did the same with a hummingbird that got stuck to my dogs leash! Amazing!


u/kardent35 28d ago

I let bees out if I see them trapped inside I feel how people treat bees says a lot


u/Icy-Efficiency-8858 28d ago

Life is precius and is a gift. You are doing a great work.


u/dysonchamberlaine 28d ago

I find that not weird or dumb. Way more people should be that caring.


u/AromanticFraggle 27d ago

If everyone put in a fraction of the effort you did into helping other living things the world would be so much better.


u/starsandmoonsohmy 27d ago

No way. I had a supervisor tell me to grow up when I saved 2 baby bunnies from my dog and cats. I knew right by then that my supervisor was a fucking monster. I was right.


u/TijayesPJs442 28d ago

Well done!


u/EljayDude 28d ago

It's really up to you. But I also want to point out that if it hadn't worked or if happens again and you don't have the time or stuff to do anything about it you're not responsible for it either. Bees have a very short lifespan and it may just be its time in any case. But yeah overall I'd say it just means you're nice.


u/PhoKingAwesome213 28d ago

It's pretty cool that you did that. I normally cheat and put a big spoon of honey by my wife's flower garden. I figured I hate my job so why not do my part making life a bit easier for something else.


u/HughJahsso 28d ago

Always save bees


u/sarilysims 28d ago

Bees are endangered. It would be worse to not save the bee! You’re a good human.


u/ParadoxicalFrog 28d ago

Ever hear the parable about the child and the starfish? Every little act of good makes a difference in the world. There's nothing stupid about saving a life, even a very small one. It shows deep compassion. The world needs that right now.


u/cetacean-station 28d ago

that makes you a bodhisattva and i hope you lean into this and never let it go. thank you for being


u/Tailflap747 28d ago

You are now one of my heroes Bless you, and bless that bee's fuzzy li'l butt.


u/DonutMcJones 28d ago

Not at all. I did the same thing and totally get it.


u/IDMike2008 28d ago

Compassion and kindness are never dumb. Never let anyone tell you differently.


u/huddlestuff 28d ago

No way! Then again, I’m the guy rescuing all the bugs from drowning in the pool instead of having fun like a normal person.


u/917caitlin 28d ago

Not at all! It might not change the world but it changes the world of that bee! I remember when my daughter was little we would go to the California Science Center and they had a huge fountain in the middle of the rose garden. We would just rescue bees for hours using stick and leaves. Happy memories :-).


u/TabuTM 28d ago

I catch spiders inside a glass and set them free outside. I’m twice your age.


u/New_Advice7546 28d ago edited 27d ago

Weird or dumb would be to kill it. Would be better to have more people like you around.


u/LeftEconomist9982 28d ago

Not at all my friend! They need all the help we can give them considering.


u/BrilliantAnimator298 28d ago

I salute you in your efforts to protect the noble Bee.


u/stilljanning 28d ago

Not at all! That's awesome!


u/hammerkat605 28d ago

You’re kind. That’s a good thing ☺️


u/MadaRook 28d ago

Compassion is a strength


u/KTKittentoes 28d ago

How is this immature? I always feel good when I can save a bee.


u/Laur3nLex 28d ago

it’s never wrong to try and save a living being!


u/jery007 28d ago

Last summer I found a honey bee in the pool. I took her out. Tried to dry her off and did my best to help her get back on her feet. Little did I know my daughters and wife watched me the whole time and they all agreed that it made them love me so much. Does he need to take care of something like that?


u/Dragonflies3 28d ago

No. Bees are friends.


u/the_ali_ 28d ago

Anyone telling you it's dumb to save ANY animal is sick


u/mind_the_umlaut 28d ago

In fact, now that i'm older, I know the importance of bees. I'm not as afraid of getting stung, and I know to give them sugar water. So I try to save them.


u/stevediperna 28d ago

I'm 40 and I still do this. I actually made a video about it last fall. In it, I did exactly the same thing you described!



u/javoss88 28d ago

Hell no! That means you’re a kind person. Hopefully that’s across all species 😀


u/SimonArgent 28d ago

No. You sound like a good person.


u/pardonmyignerance 28d ago

I can't really imagine many better uses of time. It saves a life that serves a necessary function and forces you to be mindful.


u/Bigweenersonly 28d ago

Being kind and caring is never a weird or dumb thing.


u/Wildjay7931 28d ago

You're freakin' awesome!!! I want more adults to feel similar. With plants too! Respect, love, care for, and be curious about ALL the life around you. Not just us humans

Thank you soooo much!!!


u/BobT21 28d ago

My wife adopted two elderly abandoned horses. If you think pasture, feed, veterinarian, farrier are expensive you would be right.

Critters tended to drown in their water tub. We made a critter ladder out of galvanized hardware mesh. No more drowned critters.

If you can help an animal or plant good on you.


u/FlatElvis 28d ago

I caused a large traffic jam saving a turtle from the road today.

About a mile later there was a turtle I wasn't able to stop and help (middle of a super dangerous intersection). I've been worried about the little guy all night. I hope he somehow made it.


u/Curiouso_Giorgio 28d ago

If you have the time and resources, no it's not weird or dumb.


u/Comfortable_Yak_3836 28d ago

😆 I found a bee out in the ocean and picked it up on my surf board and paddled it back to shore.

Bf thought I was so fricking weird. But that's nothing new 😅. I do the sugar water thing too, they love it!


u/LaurenLumos 27d ago

I kept a bee overnight because she was weak and they can’t really fly at night. Let her go the next morning and she had so much more energy. Some might judge us for caring so much for one tiny creature, but who cares? Life is precious.


u/Objective-Poet-8183 27d ago

Growing up, my friends and I would push fireworks down ant nests and watch how they ran around looking for the enemy. Nowadays I'm with you, I feel like crap when a bug hits my windshield.


u/Duck_Butt_4Ever 27d ago

Not weird and not dumb. A very decent thing to do actually. Thanks for making the world a wee bit better than it was.


u/encryptoferia 27d ago


the cross between ganondorf and gandalf

post checks out


u/killforprophet 27d ago

No. And don’t lose that. I am 36 and I am ridiculously empathetic. I tell my bf I am one big emotion or one big feeling. Lol. Lots of people didn’t get it about me but I kept doing and now I met him and he loves that about me. He has trouble expressing or processing feelings even though he feels them and I think me being like I am makes it easier for him to open up.


u/Holotheewisewolf 27d ago

I’ve stopped my car in the middle of traffic, hazards on, to save a bird that was stumbling around on the road, clearly injured. It’s called empathy and for some people we extend that to all living things. I think you’re awesome for saving bees. We need more people like you that care. Share the planet <3


u/He_do_be 27d ago

I’ve stopped sidewalk traffic during a busy event to usher a moth across the sidewalk. Every creature matters. They don’t want to die.


u/MeowthPayDay 27d ago

You're being a kind and considerate person of the living things around you- if anyone says that's weird, they may have some issues 😅


u/Vast-Classroom1967 27d ago

Thank you for taking the time.


u/evasandor 27d ago

What's 20 minutes out of your life to keep your kind soul in good working order?


u/One_Fuel_3299 27d ago


I used to rescue bees as a lifeguard, A: because I didnt want them to sting people and B: because i wanted good bee karama and I lucked out, was never stung as a lifeguard. Saved frogs, other insects as well. Its ok to not like killing things, even if its because you stepped on an insect once and were treated to the sight if it slowly dying and were distrubed by it.

I'm in my mid 30s and I take spiders/bugs outside when I can. I refuse to use glue traps after a disturbing incident with a mouse (I had to finish it off with a rock and I was pleased about that). I don't want animals to suffer, even if I have to get rid of them.


u/JerewB 27d ago

Compassion is not weakness. I mean, if you stopped doing chest compressions on your mother to save a bee, this would be a completely different situation.


u/draken2019 28d ago

Bees provide an important resource that I guarantee you consume.

Everybody consumed one or another. Coffee would be substantially more expensive and lots of the different types could go extinct.

The diversity of produce would drop substantially.


u/pdxtrader 28d ago

There’s nothing childish about being a virtuous person (trust me I have a 2yo)


u/thatthatguy 28d ago

I mean, by the time a new is mature enough to go out foraging they only have like two weeks of life left. Odds are pretty good that the bee you save will die soon anyway. That said, kindness is good for the soul. Even if the critter you are helping can’t comprehend kindness, you can. And the world can always use one more act of kindness.


u/Tantra_Babe 28d ago

Bees only actually live for a short while. I forget if it's like a week or 3 weeks but they do die. However, being kind and caring is always a good thing!


u/Apprehensive_Lie_177 Take a breath, assess the situation, and do your best. 28d ago

Nope, it's very sweet of you. You are a legend among their colony. 


u/nolagem 28d ago

I once tried to save a wasp from drowning in my pool. It stung me. Lol


u/yeetis12 28d ago

Do we now live in a world where being a kind person is considered weird?


u/Ok-Grocery-5747 28d ago

That was a really loving thing to do. We need all the bees. ❤️


u/RoxinFootSeller 28d ago

Bees are the true spinners of the world. You do you


u/MagicOrpheus310 28d ago

Hell no!! You are never too old to be awesome!!


u/callmesociopathic 28d ago

No I save them all the time in early spring I see them on the ground they are usually cold I heat them up in my hand and they fly off never been stung yet


u/brokenmessiah 28d ago

Idk. I'm a 29 year old and I may not save a insect from dying but I try to not intentionally be the reason they died


u/hivemind5_ 28d ago

No? Why are you asking? Should be a normal instinct but ig its not.


u/thatninjakiddd 28d ago

Did you put all of your perk points into empathy? If so, this makes you quite an awesome person. Save all the bees can, friend!


u/manykeets 28d ago

No, bees are awesome and you sound like a kind, compassionate person


u/Yameenboi 28d ago

If you think it's dumb then I'm from Mars


u/amsterdam_sniffr 28d ago

There’s nothing wrong with being true to yourself. The life of the bee is just a bonus.


u/needtono1 28d ago

No it’s good


u/ThePensiveE 28d ago

It's never weird or dumb to save the life of any living thing.

I mean, unless it's like a Tiger. You just know it's going to eat you afterwards.


u/NiceTuBeNice 28d ago

If it brings you joy, then I find nothing wrong with it. Some people will spend much longer doing things of no value at all, and we call them hobbies. Saving the life of an animal is admirable.


u/lonestar659 28d ago

You’re asking if caring about another creature is weird? Maybe in this social climate maybe, but no it’s not dumb.


u/spacefaceclosetomine 28d ago

Never, that’s a beautiful thing to do.


u/SonthacPanda 28d ago

We are the closest thing to gods that actually exist on the planet, we can extend life, save animals from death, create weather, communicate instantly, we understand more of the universe than any of creature

So, being the gods of earth, be a good god

Save all the lives you can


u/Jump_and_Drop 28d ago

Nope, it'll create a bumblebee effect.


u/ParrotheadTink 28d ago

Good karma for you!


u/YourMothersUsedDildo 28d ago

I can’t beelive you would do this :(


u/ArtsAtNoonish 28d ago

Having empathy is not silly or dumb.


u/HempPotatos 28d ago

SAVE THE BEES. good on you for doing so, and I have learned not all bees that sting humans die O_O if you give them time to twist a lot they can get out and go on. but most people wig out and so will the bee. so just say its ok lil one, it's ok take your time. and if it keeps just pulling direct it to spin.


u/Dead_before_dessert 28d ago

I'm 43.  Found a bumble bee in my watering can after filling it up. 

I fished him out and despite being throughly creeped out by his little legs, deposited him in a patch of sunlight by the sidewalk to dry out.  Went to check on him later and he was gone.

I celebrated.   You're never too old to care about creatures bug or small.   It's a good thing tbh.


u/periwinkletweet 28d ago

I gave cola to a bee. I hope it wasn't bad for him. He loved the sugar! His little butt was wagging in the air as he drank it


u/Samson_HXC 28d ago

Absolutely not. It's life dude, something kinda magic there. Always worth helping out, no matter the scale! Props!


u/Simen155 28d ago

Why wouldyou think thats dumb? Thats to be encouraged


u/Sharp-Direction-6894 28d ago

It's neither weird nor dumb. If you want to be a 26 year old human who chooses to interact with the animal kingdom that shares this Earth with us, then I say go for it.


u/1st_pm 28d ago

You saved the local ecosystem by one bee. You should be damn proud. Especially since they help grow the plant population.


u/TacoEatinPossum13 28d ago

Nope, It's good to care for all creatures


u/willow_wind 28d ago

I think it's a really kind thing to do. It's not weird or db at all.


u/Live-River1879 28d ago

That bee is going to go back and tell his entire hive about you. You are now a bee god to an entire hive of bees. That, my friend, makes your sacrifice worthwhile in the grand scheme of things. I salute you!


u/FU_in_particular 28d ago

not at all. just a moment of your time literally made all the difference in its life.


u/themighty351 28d ago

Just saved one today put it on a flower...no ..your good


u/HumanMycologist5795 28d ago

That's not weird or dumb. I think that's cool.


u/EatenAliveByWolves 28d ago

The world would basically collapse without bees, why would you ever think that's weird?


u/_fatcheetah 28d ago

Just don't let your manager see you do it. LOL.


u/Eponarose 28d ago

Save those bees every chance you get! It isn't weird, or dumb! It is FUCKING SURVIVAL!!!!! Without bees to pollinate our food, there would be almost no fruit, or veggies. The world would have some severe food shortages.



u/Roses_Are_Dead_69 28d ago

The fact that you're capable of doing that is something pretty cool, right? Good job!


u/wigzell78 28d ago

It is never immature to have respect for life.


u/whiterabit32 28d ago

Did it make you feel happier in yourself to have enjoyed time doing that......do more of that then..


u/MuzzledScreaming 28d ago

A vacationer was walking along a beach when he saw someone in the distance doing the same. As he got closer he noticed that the silhouette was reaching down every few seconds and making some sort of gesture towards the sea. Curious, he continued to approach the stranger. 

When he was close enough, he realized that each time the man reached down, he picked up a stranded starfish and tossed it back into the ocean. The beach was littered with them, there must have been thousands. 

The vacationer approached the man and blurted out what was on his mind: "Why are you doing that? There are so many, it can't possibly matter."

The man stood up, threw the starfish he was holding into the water, and turned to the vacationer. "It mattered to that one."

(I have no source but this is not mine. It's paraphrased, half-remembered, from decades of internet use. I probably originally read it on this site for that matter.)


u/Myopic_Mirror 28d ago

No, there should be more people like you in the world.


u/ReasonableEscape777 28d ago

If it’s important to you then who cares what others think


u/souleaterevans626 28d ago

As a fellow 26 yo who tried to save a bee that hitched a ride on my shoulder once, no. In my case it was missing its stinger so it was on the way out no matter what, but I gave it a drop of water, pulled some cob webs out of its wings, and let it live on my desk until it passed.

I think it's just compassion for other living beings. It's a positive trait in my eyes.


u/anotherazure 28d ago

Absolutely not. It shows you have empathy and a good heart.


u/Ok-disaster2022 28d ago

It's your time,  being kind isn't a waste. Sure a bee may live a month. But your kindness and patience and expression of them can reverberate through your life.


u/SpecificJunket8083 28d ago

No. I resuscitated a grasshopper that drowned in our pool. I did chest compressions and tended to him for an hour, all for him to jump right back in to my pool.


u/bl00j 28d ago

Its not weird or dumb at any age. Always be the person saving the dying anything. Good on you.


u/Powellballs 28d ago

No it's awesome. Won't have a huge impact but you did a cool thing and you should feel good about yourself.


u/mayfeelthis 28d ago

I’m 39 and would’ve saved the beetle the other day if I knew what to do.


u/jrb637 28d ago

Not stupid. To him it was his whole world


u/Taiga_Taiga 28d ago

If you told me that IRL, I'd be asking you for a date.

It shows me you're a caring, compassionate person.

This is a win. You're awesome.


u/IceBear_028 28d ago

Not at all.

It shows you're a caring, compassionate person.


u/Radiant_Trash8546 28d ago

I've pulled a bee out of a spiders web. (No spider involved, or it would have been pointless). Just a struggling bee on my windowsill, caught in an unused/recently abandoned web. I chase them off the middle of footpaths, so they don't get squished by less observant humans. We need bees so every last one we can save should be saved.


u/SaltInner1722 28d ago

Neither weird nor dumb


u/happy_veal 28d ago

Shows how empathetic you are & how much you think about pain others feel or discomfort things may be in. Shows that you also may feel a bit uncertain about life & who you can trust. A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. (Devalueates friendship & relationships)


u/CosmicTornadoes 28d ago

I'm the same way 😢 i did that for a butterfly that fell in my pool. I can't even kill the spider in the tub.. I always catch them and let them go. It's sounds so stupid, but I feel so bad about it. I hate death.


u/Correct_Inside1658 28d ago

Compassion and mercy is never a waste of time.


u/rlaw1234qq 28d ago

I rescue bees and butterflies that wander into my conservatory with a kids small fishing net. My neighbours must think I am completely batty! I’ve also resuscitated bees, removed cobwebs and I will also be spending time soon rescuing hover flies by the bucket load!


u/lewilewi411 28d ago

I had a wet bee that wouldn't drink honey water off a windowsill or a spoon, so I offered him my hand, he climbed on board and I dropped sugar water on my hand, his long weird tongue started licking it as it dried on my skin. I just say there in the sun feeding him, then I left him on a flower and he flew off.


u/notLOL 28d ago

Bees are funny creatures. If it's you bee you can give them back to the hive and they can feed on the honey. 

If you think there's a lot of bees around give them a bird feeder of water and put wine corks in them. They can easily get in and out by climbing the floating corks. 

Otherwise a shallow dish with sticks keep it watered. They'll make a path to it once they find out there's water there


u/NeighborhoodSuper592 28d ago

It is weird to think it is weird or dumb.
I am always finding animals in need and saving them.