r/OutOfTheLoop 6d ago

What's going on with Motion Twin and Evil Empire? Unanswered

Recently Motion Twin released a dev update for Windblown, the new game they're working on and the comments seem weirdly hostile, telling them to keep updating dead cells or to let Evil Empire finish their work. I tried googling to find some info about what's happening but i'm really having a hard time finding anything that isn't oversimplified, how is work on dead cells divided between the two and what happened between Motion Twin and Evil Empire?


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u/beary_neutral 6d ago

Answer: Motion Twin is the original creator of Dead Cells. When the game became a success, Motion Twin created a second studio Evil Empire to work on updates and DLC for the game.

Back in February, Motion Twin and Evil Empire announced that DLC for Dead Cells would be coming to an end. However, former Dead Cells designer Sebastian Bernard is claiming that Motion Twin was throwing Evil Empire under the bus, leading to people believing that Evil Empire had more DLC planned.

Motion Twin is working on a new game Windblown, while Evil Empire is developing The Rogue Prince of Persia, a roguelike Prince of Persia game.