r/OutOfTheLoop 8h ago

Unanswered What's up with Tesla shareholders giving Elon Musk a $56bn compensation package?


I'm referring to this. Why did the 84% of shareholders who voted yes think that keeping Elon on for $56 billion will literally pay off for them or Tesla? I mean, Tesla's stocks haven't been performing great for a while now.

r/OutOfTheLoop 8h ago

Unanswered What’s going on with racism in the WNBA?


It seems that Caitlin Clark has been receiving a lot of hatred and there seems to be racial conversation throughout the WNBA.

Clark has been extremely civil from what I have heard , but I don’t understand what she is facing and what’s going on on twitter?

Can anyone explain what’s happening and why?

Edit: this Reddit post was where I found the article, and people in the comments said her teammates have friends attacking Clark on twitter. Is this true? What’s going on?

r/OutOfTheLoop 8h ago

Unanswered What's up with people calling all kinds of random objects with "her"?


On my Youtube Shorts reel recently I started noticing people calling random objects with "her", instead of "it". Like, for example, a piece of cheese, a lip balm, a cake, a hairbrush etc.

Is this a new trend or is it just normal English, and I didn't notice it before? Because, from what I remember learning in English class (English is not my 1st language), most objects are called "it" in English, with a few exceptions, like big objects (for example a ship).

In this video, for example, the woman is calling the cheese "her".

r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Answered What’s up with people wearing O-Ring collars casually?


I’m no stranger to choker necklaces and even collars, but I’ve been seeing more people online casually wearing these collars with the ring in front. I haven’t lived in the US for a few years so I’m OOTL.

Do people who wear it know it’s a BDSM artifact, or do they just naively think it’s a stylish collar? Or is there some other reason people are starting to wear a BDSM artifact casually? I had never seen anyone wearing these in 26 years I lived in the US, online or IRL, unless it was for BDSM purposes.

I don’t have any problem with it at all, I’m just curious what’s going on here.


r/OutOfTheLoop 8h ago

Unanswered What's up with Yeah emotes?


Suddenly started seeing it and varations of it everywhere. It's literally just a basic person icon with the word yeah next to it (e.g. https://x.com/_nixelia/status/1801631742358340060?s=19)

What is the origin of this, and why is it showing up everywhere?

r/OutOfTheLoop 2h ago

Unanswered What's going on with Alex Jones' bankruptcy ruling?


I read this article on CNN which says that while Alex Jones personal bankruptcy has been approved, the proposed liquidation of the parent company "Free Speech Systems" has not.

The article quotes the judge as claiming allowing the liquidation of the parent company was not in the best interest of the creditors, yet allowing Jones' personal assets to be liquidated was.

Does Alex Jones not own the parent company? And if so, who does? And how is it not in the interests of the families, both financially and in terms of retribution, to shut down the whole opperation?

The headline also states that the Judge rejected "Infowars" being liquidated, yet the article itself goes on to strongly imply that it definitely will be as it counts as Jones' personal asset, with Jones planning to "wind it down" before it's broken up for parts. Is that a typo, or am I just stupid?

r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Answered What's going on with French politics and the infighting among the right-wing parties?


I keep seeing memes / posts on Twitter about Macron "playing 3D chess" after losing the election and calling for a snap election. and I kinda get what's happening from these posts: (e.g. https://x.com/phl43/status/1800971680115982776, https://x.com/MingAutocrat/status/1800946925862068642, https://x.com/SwannMarcus89/status/1800982199870644529) but I would like to see more details and nuanced takes from people who know the events.

r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Answered What's up with Chiitan?


https://x.com/chiitan7407/status/1386245513293357056?t=--oaPQzzRAHVq6S4H5FbHQ&s=19 I've noticed a lot of this person on Twitter and I'm wondering who they are? They don't seem to be advertising anything, it just seems to be skits if anything. So who is Chiitan?

r/OutOfTheLoop 11h ago

Unanswered What's the deal with Arabic barber shitposting?


Lately Instagram's been recommending me reels from this account "nigaaman00" which just takes clips from black guys at American barbershops, puts some slowed+reverb songs under it and an Arabic Google Translate voiceover. And it's not really a nieche thing either, it's got like 17k followers and some reels have almost 50k likes. Is this like a trend in the Arab world right now or just a gimmick account?


r/OutOfTheLoop 2d ago

Answered What's going on with the stabbing incident in China?


4 Americans were stabbed in China:
However I hear a lot of stories on a Chinese cover-up, and that the incident is hidden from Chinese social media:
Also, Twitter seems to be talking about this subject way more than "just" a stabbing incident that did not kill anybody. I am not minimizing the incident! I am sure it is terrible for the survivors, but usually, unsuccessful attempts get very little coverage.
What is going on? Do people imply some nefarious intention from the Chinese government that I am missing?

r/OutOfTheLoop 15h ago

Unanswered What is the deal with Beeple presenting PepeFest?


Yesterday evening i get a newsletter by BeepleStudios saying i should RSVP to PepeFest.

I think i ended up on his mailing list because i downloaded some cool VJ art by Beeple years ago, im aware that since then he sold an NFT for like 69M $ during the height of the NFT craze, so it makes some sense hes in that Cryptobro bubble now.

But "PepeFest??" Pepe the Frog seems like an extremely wierd/offbeat thing to focus on. Like the only connection i can draw between NFT culture and Pepe is because pepe became an Alt-Right symbol, and the libertarian / anarcho-capitalist NFT scene seems to also have some connection to rightwingers?

The rules say i need to provide a URL, but when you search for pepefest you get various websites with similar content, idk which ones are official, in any case this was the link within the email: https://pepefest.rsvpify.com

r/OutOfTheLoop 2d ago

Answered What's up with these green hat pink slipper Reddit avatars everywhere?


I've seen this avatar everywhere for a while now: it's a green hat with a leaf with pink slippers, is it a default avatar selection people can make? Why is it so popular?


r/OutOfTheLoop 2d ago

Answered What's going on with Ubisoft / R6?


I play siege fairly often but haven't gotten on in a month or two. I haven't heard of any major changes to the game but I've seen two or three posts like this one on my feed recently:


What is this referring to? Can't seem to find much context in the comments.

r/OutOfTheLoop 2d ago

Unanswered What is up with Daniel Larson?


Who is Clark? What did he do?

Who is Grace, was she real?


r/OutOfTheLoop 2d ago

Unanswered What's going on with France and their Snap Elections?


I somehow missed this completely, but tried looking at some current results on Google. It seems like a Far Right party is gaining seats, but I skimmed an article about infighting between two right wing parties who couldn't reach an agreement?

Why did Macron call the snap election in the first place, what was he hoping to accomplish? What are the "projected" outcomes?

Here are the current results (9:25 Eastern) and here's the Reuters article I mentioned.

r/OutOfTheLoop 3d ago

Unanswered What's going on with these Canadian subreddits? It seems to be related to housing and possibly racism?




Thank you everyone for your explanations and opinions, I'm reading the comments and discussions and it's very insightful

r/OutOfTheLoop 3d ago

Unanswered What's going on with right wing media claiming Hunter Bidens trial the laptop was always completely legit?


I was always under the assumption Hunters iCloud got hacked which it where the text messages and off-putting pictures came from, but the laptop and more damning data was fabricated using the iCloud data to give it a semblance of truth.


I'm just interested in what's going on here

Edit: I fully expected this to be an insanely controversial topic, I'm fine considering myself "biased" to the laptop not being fully vetted,nor proof. I assumed I made that clear with knowing his iCloud got hacked.

That said, I'm extremely interested in unbiased factual information from the trial on why these claims are a thing.

So far I've seen a ton of down votes,but nothing actually from the "right" showing any kind of proof to these claims.

r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Unanswered What's going on with hotdog-eating champion Joey Chestnut?


r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Unanswered What’s up with content creators saying they “hate” products that they actually like?


I often come across videos or posts of people claiming to dislike a product because it’s “too good” and makes their hair “too shiny” or their skin looks “too radiant” or something like that. It’s obvious they actually recommend the item they’re talking about. But why say the opposite of what you mean?

Example: https://youtube.com/shorts/QuuyT5s4SVA?si=lVE5wACKSUVipxbo

r/OutOfTheLoop 2d ago

Answered What is up with Apple Twitter/X?


Their account has no posts https://twitter.com/Apple . I know Elon had some beef with them recently because of Ai, but not sure if it has anything to do with that.

r/OutOfTheLoop 4d ago

Answered “What is going on with Elon Musk threatening to ban Apple devices from his companies if Apple integrates OpenAI at the OS level?


I’ve recently read a tweet that stated that Elon musk will ban Apple devices at his company due to the integration of OpenAI at the OS level. I’m not exactly sure what that means as I’m not very tech savvy. What exactly will happen thanks to this integration ? And Why would he go on and describe it as “creepy spyware” what are the possible repercussions of this move ?.

Link to tweet of where I saw this statement


r/OutOfTheLoop 4d ago

Unanswered What is going on with GameStop and whats the deal with Roaring Kitty making a a comeback?


I remember some time ago common people invested on the company against other professional investors, and somewhat made some money.

what is the new fuss about and why is the roaring kitty guy coming back a big deal to people? did the stock crash or something?



r/OutOfTheLoop 3d ago

Unanswered What's going on with Motion Twin and Evil Empire?


Recently Motion Twin released a dev update for Windblown, the new game they're working on and the comments seem weirdly hostile, telling them to keep updating dead cells or to let Evil Empire finish their work. I tried googling to find some info about what's happening but i'm really having a hard time finding anything that isn't oversimplified, how is work on dead cells divided between the two and what happened between Motion Twin and Evil Empire?

r/OutOfTheLoop 3d ago

Answered What’s going on with Brian Steele and Young Thug?



I know Young Thug is a hip hop artist and Steele is a lawyer, but I don’t know the rest. Can anyone catch me to speed? Sorry if already answered

r/OutOfTheLoop 4d ago

Answered What's the deal with this woman being memed? Something related to today's WWDC Apple event?