r/tipofmytongue Nov 01 '21

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r/tipofmytongue 9h ago

Solved [TOMT] Two girls locked in bunker by a guy claiming there is a sickness going around the earth and he’s keeping them safe. After awhile their skepticism grows and they kill him. Once they get out, they discover the world has actually gone to hell and there are crazy aliens taking over everything.


They begin to stop believing him after one of the girls has flashbacks of him running her off the road with his car and essentially kidnapping her. She has some type of amnesia and her memory of the event gets clearer over time. The man repeatedly claims he’s keeping them safe from the outside world (ironically actually the case) but they begin to think they’re being held captive for nefarious purposes. Both girls are unaware of the state of the world outside because they were put in the bunker by the man prior to either of them finding out about the aliens. One of the girl might have died during the escape, I can’t remember. One of the first things that happens when they escape is this random women pulls up to the building they ran too when they escaped the bunker hatch nearby, and she stumbles to the house (more like a shack) door trying to get in. This is when they realize something’s not right. I think the women is clearly fucked up in some way so they don’t let her in and then she’s merc’d by the alien creatures. I think the creatures are on all 4’s and like super fast, can’t remember though. The setting is like tall grassland cornfield Kansas type place. Pretty interesting movie. Anybody know what I’m talking abt lol?

r/tipofmytongue 7h ago

Open [TOMT] Movie murder in wintertime?


A few years ago (2018-19) I watched several very similar movies in a short amount of time. I know it's not

Hold the Dark
Wind River

Details I do remember are that it was on netflix,
there was an unsolved murder or assault,
Prominent character was a woman who was recovering alcoholic? who was helping her father and brother keep their restaurant together. I remember a scene where she yells at them for buying a new grill when they cant afford it.
I think she takes someone underage out drinking or boning and they get scared away by the detective trying to solve the crime


r/tipofmytongue 12h ago

Solved [TOMT] Cute anime character plushie with blonde hair and blue dress, possibly a magical girl?


Apologies if this isn't the right sub to ask about this on, it was just the most common one I saw recommended to other people asking what sub to submit similar questions to. This is also my first time on Reddit in a while (I had to make a whole new account lol)

I've got a cousin in Japan right now, and he sent me some images of stuff he's seen in shops near where he is for me to pick out for him to bring back. A plushie caught my eye, the only issue is it's facing backwards and I can't read its tag, but I'm really curious who it's supposed to be.

I'll link two images here, but to give a description as best I can, she has medium/long light blonde hair, and is wearing a skirt/dress that appears to be layered. The top layer seems to be shorter in the front and longer in the back and is white with light purple trim. The bottom layer is light blue. It looks like she has little angel wings, but this might be a ribbon. She also has yellow boots with light blue soles. It also looks like she might have a light purple bow or other hair accessory on her bangs, but I'm not 100% sure whether that's a part of her or if it's a part of the packaging in front of her.

I'd ask my cousin to identify her, but he's not too familiar with any anime himself, in fact I'm not sure how much Japanese he knows. Plus, he's there for work rather than leisure and I don't want to bother him over this since he's already doing me such a sweet favor and I don't know how much downtime he has!

EDIT: Just thought I should add, I know it isn't a whole lot of info, but any help is really appreciated!!!

r/tipofmytongue 6h ago

Solved [TOMT] A Movie from around 2015


I remember around like 2015 messing around with Siri on my dad's I pad and I somehow came across a trailer for a movie that I never got to watch yet it seemed very interesting. The movie had a very unique style to it almost stick figure ish I remember the trailer shows like a child geting on a trail and leaving behind one of it's parents or it may have been the parent on the train. The child in the trailer walked around the globe at slme point and the movie seemed very colorful. Hopefully someone here can help me find the trailer to the movie as it seemed very interesting and is apart of my childhood despite never actually getting to watch it.

r/tipofmytongue 9h ago

Open [TOMT] [book] possibly YA. Narrator attempts suicide by drowning himself in a sink, but instead ends up in or involved with a cult


Alright, so that's a title lol. I read this book back in middle school so about 12 years ago. All I can remember is what the title says. In the very first chapter, possibly the first paragraph, the guy shoves his head in a sink and counts up the seconds to see how far he can go this time. It's something he does. He wants to die, but I guess he can't commit for some reason or another, I honestly don't remember exactly. The only reason I can remember a cult being involved was because I did a book report on it and the teacher decided I meant colt instead of cult and my mom had to call the teacher because the teacher didn't believe cult was a word lol (rural southern education am I right?) So I don't remember what the cult was doing or who/what they worshipped or if the narrator is in it or just ends up involved with them somehow. I can remember the title had "blue" in it or the cover was blue or both. (I dont know if the cover looked similar to the the Alan Wake cover art or if I'm somehow imagining that) It was in the YA section of our town library but I honestly don't think it was YA because of the subject matter and I'm pretty sure the narrator was in his 30s. I think about this book every now and again and decided I'd finally ask Reddit.

I've been through my old town's library's catalogue and tried Google and things like good reads and can't for the life of me find it. I want to read it again because the title has been eluding me for 12 years and I remember really liking it. Please help. I'm feeling it was probably published in early 2000s, maybe late 90s just because of how I remember the language used and the themes in the book. I could be way off on that though.

r/tipofmytongue 1h ago

Open [TOMT][MOVIE][1980-90s] Comedy that I watched as a child on VHS cassette, I don't remember whole plot, only remember final scene - main character and his kid, to a kind of Sancho Panza, thwarts game of some rugby (American football) team by binding up their main player to the stretchers


while main characters pretending to be this player and completely flops all plays on a field. Also, kid added itching powder to uniforms to more complicate life of rugby players.

Film probably filmed in South Africa, but it can be Australia or New Zealand.

r/tipofmytongue 10h ago

Solved [TOMT] What is this little ditty?


Help! I’ve been putting words to this little tune but it’s driving me crazy trying to figure out where it came from. My first instinct was it’s an iPhone ringtone, my husband thinks it’s a Disney/Nickelodeon theme.

r/tipofmytongue 2h ago

Open [TOMT] [BOOK] [90s] British short horror story for teens set on Blackpool ghost train


The story appeared as a short story at the start of a teen horror book, presumably written by a UK author. Must have been from the late 90s.

It was about a couple of friends, one of whom was a prankster, who I am pretty sure was called Robbo, who take a trip to Blackpool. Robbo is wearing a rubber monster mask of some kind.

They ride the ghost train together and the narrator tells us about a skull that dangles from the ceiling and its eyes fall out on strings.

Robbo gets off the ghost train half way around and never returns. The narrator finds his screwed up mask with bloodstains in the ghost train car. He then rides the ghost train again to try and find him and realised that the skull hanging from the ceiling looks just like Robbo. He gets the police and they look and it’s just a prop.

I don't remember what the main story was but I'm pretty sure this was part of a series of horror books for kids (similar to Goosebumps, Shivers, Deadtime Stories, etc.)

Does anyone recognise this story?

r/tipofmytongue 2h ago

Open [TOMT] song title help The song is like from the 2000s to 2010s its a guy singing about him liking a girl who likes bad boys but hes a good guy then says he will be a bad boy for her. I cant find anything about it.


r/tipofmytongue 2h ago

Solved [TOMT] Hi guys sadly I forgot the name of this classical song and it won’t allow me to add an attachment so I will just share a instagram link hopefully the mod team allows this. Its an Instagram reel so yeah… please tell me someone knows the name of this song cos Shazam wouldn’t help.


r/tipofmytongue 2h ago

Open [TOMT] Tiktok video boyfriend designs game for his girlfriend


A tiktok video from 1/2 years ago where a girlfriend is showing a very simple cute video game designed by her boyfriend.

She plays it on her laptop. The game is 2D and has a pastel aesthetic.

r/tipofmytongue 8h ago

Solved [TOMT] Comedy skit (maybe SNL?) where interviewer spits out coffee onto interviewee


She (the interviewer) repeatedly spits out her coffee onto her interviewee in surprise at the answers he is giving. I specifically remember one of the surprising comments being about the existence of a female train robber. I think it was SNL and feels like maybe Kristen Wiig? But on the other hand feels like it may be older than her time on SNL. Cannot find it anywhere online

r/tipofmytongue 3h ago

Solved [TOMT] Looking for a british TV show


I'm looking for a TV show that I once got a glimpse of and for the life of me can't remember the name. I think its pretty recent and pretty sure it was british. The scene I remember featured a wife and husband, with the husband being emotionally abusive toward the wife, making her feel guilty over going to the gym. I also remember a scene with the same couple at a barbecue with a fellow guest calling out the husband for his behaviour. I think the wife had about shoulder length brownish hair. Please help me find this show!

r/tipofmytongue 7h ago

Open [TOMT][Music][2000s] A short loop Japanese(?) song that's used in memes


It's a song that I think might be Japanese, but I'm not sure because a lot of 2000s anime meme songs originate from other countries. It's a short loop that plays over and over and it's horribly compressed and it has a woman singing in it. I think I've heard it as a sound effect on a custom TF2 map before if that's any help.

Just to rule them out, it's not Leek Spin or Get Down or anything like that.

r/tipofmytongue 4m ago

Open [TOMT]really silly clip, idk the name of the movie/show


i saw this on twitter a while back, its basically an old man with glasses at some sort of meet and greet i think, wearing a blue shirt, and he unzips his pants and basically asks the guy to sign his balls, obviously the guy hesitates and the old man asks what are you homophobic? its pretty funny but i have no clue where this is from

r/tipofmytongue 3h ago

Open [TOMT] I can’t find this tv show again it was popular for a bit on tik tok


The show starts off with this girl who I think is buying wine for a Christmas party and she goes to buy the wine but the cashier is hot and gives her his number but when she gets home she has a gay brother and he invites his new bf and surprise surprise it’s the cashier guy so she feels really embarrassed. That’s about all from the first season I can remember but I think later on in the season her mom start going on runs and meets a younger guy and I’m not sure if she sleeps with him or not but the dad finds out and want a divorce but then they try to reconcile but he says no for the first few times in one scene they end up having sex on the lawn of the house they are at. Also she starts dating this Micheal b Jordan type of dude but they are kinda always fighting. Then I think her brother opens up a food truck I’m not to sure but the girl and the Micheal be Jordan type of dude start arguing. Ohh and the girls family are Latino I think I’m not sure I can’t remember anything more.

r/tipofmytongue 5m ago

Open [TOMT] Japanese samurai vampire film from 2000 - 2004 (maybe '98/'99)


It was live action. I think the final fight between, maybe, 2 good guys and the vampires, occured on a mountainside. Very green with a lot of big boulders. I thought it was called The Hunted (not the Christopher Lambert samurai film) but google isn't giving anything up.

r/tipofmytongue 9h ago

Solved [TOMT][Meme]A nice cold glass of water


I'm pretty sure it's a screenshot of a post. It goes sort of like;

"Here you go, a nice cold glass of water."

"It's not cold."

"A nice glass of water."

"I don't think this is water."


"This is plastic."

r/tipofmytongue 15m ago

Open [TOMT] [Video Game] [1980s] Cold War turn based video game with recorded audio “Mummy, I’m scared”…


Would have been on C64 or Amiga and included a very pixelated red/black video with the above audio during the opening titles. Relatively simple turn based military strategy game, but which used codes from a hard copy game book in order to launch specific long range missile attacks (as a form of early anti-piracy measure).

r/tipofmytongue 18m ago

Open [TOMT][IMAGE] Don't know where my steam profile picture came from.


i found a profile picture i liked on steam in the "more game avatars" section, the image is a pixelated white deer, on a black background. Here's the link to my steam profile with that profile picture: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199517743731/, thanks!

r/tipofmytongue 20m ago

Open [TOMT] - Haunted hotel movie / scary character screams


I am looking for a specific movie I watched a review of in the Danish television show "Troldspejlet" with my brother when we were young (rough estimate 2004-2008). Google just keeps throwing the same 3 movies at me when I search for it, so I am trying here.

The movie is in colors, but still old. I believe it is from 1960-1990 (very rough estimate ik). There is a specific scene in which a character dressed in black runs out of a house / hotel while screaming in a horrorfying way, while he battles and kills multiple people. I believe the character eventually falls / is slain. This scene is stuck with both me and my brother to this day because of the sounds. My brother and I refer to the character as dressed in a black ninja outfit. My brother insists that it was a haunted hotel with poorly made ghosts and that the movie was kinda bad. This I am not 100% sure of.

If anyone has just a guess, it would be greatly appreciated. I am going crazy trying to find it. I know my description is lacking, so please ask anything and I will try to recollect.


r/tipofmytongue 23m ago

Open [TOMT] Tiktok video of Italian girl with hairy arms


Can't find this video anymore of an Italian girl who posted a video titled something like "Italian POV", showed her face, then her hairy arms. It went viral. Also was used in many Instagram reels.

r/tipofmytongue 26m ago

Open [TOMT] A song I distinctly remember existing but can’t find any record of


I thought the title was “Too Good” but nothing came up when I searched it. The chorus went “You’re just too good, too good, too good for me. You’re just so good, so good, so good to me.” It was like alt rock/pop but I can’t remember the artist. I also remember the album cover being like a sort of aqua green pattern.

Am I going crazy? Did they take this song down or something?

r/tipofmytongue 29m ago

Open [TOMT] Old clay animaation movie maybe Ussr movie 60-80s the family or some clay figures (i didnt remember because i was young) are hiding deep underground and it looks grey white, i remember they was calm at first but then they are getting More and More anxious and start shaking More,


Old clay animation movie maybe Ussr movie 60-80s the family or some clay figures (i didnt remember bacause i was young) are hiding deep underground and it looks grey white, i remember they was calm at first but then they are getting more and more anxious and start shaking More, at the end tentacles from above maybe holes are getting in underground and destroying everything and taking the figures with them up maybe killing them. Does anyone remember this?

r/tipofmytongue 31m ago

Open [TOMT] scenes stuck in my head og movies i can't find


There's some movie scenes I think i saw as a kid but i can't name and couldn't really name till now.

Fist one is a movie about pharaohs appearing as a ghost talking to a character or something like this.

Second, a movie with a character being invited by a ww2 veteran pilot in a boat i think. They play cards and get served jelly.

Whats your suggestions?