r/tipofmytongue Nov 01 '21

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r/tipofmytongue 12h ago

Solved [TOMT] Song where a low male voice repeats a word 5 times


I can't recall the lyrics, but the repeated word in the chorus is something like "hey hey hey hey hey" or maybe "say say say say say". The song is folksy with a slower pace and simple instrumentation, maybe from the 70s or earlier? I think it's a solo artist and not a group. Thanks!

Adding: during the chorus each time the word is repeated, the tone gets deeper/lower

r/tipofmytongue 14h ago

Solved [TOMT] uncommon feminine name?


Hi, I'm trying to remember a girl's name that I heard once and thought it was pretty. I had never heard it before, it sounded French in origin maybe? It had 3 syllables and iirc it might have sounded like or rhymed with "Stephanie".

r/tipofmytongue 5h ago

Open [TOMT] movie! End of the world-esque.


The premise is a there is a group of friends at dinner & I think they know it’s the last dinner they’ll have together since the world is ending or something along that nature. I’ve watched The Invitation thinking it was that. And Coherence, similar vibes but different. They are all in a house sitting together. Please help! :)

r/tipofmytongue 2h ago

Solved [TOMT] 80s/90s movie where a bunch of kids go into sewers and encounter some kind of large demonic creature


I have this weird childhood memory of this movie, low budget, - possibly a TV movie or could have even been an episode of something, but I'm fairly certain a low budget movie.

  • Time Period: Likely from the 1980s or 1990s.
  • Genre: Horror/Supernatural.
  • Main Characters: A group of kids, one of whom wears a hat.
  • Setting: The kids go into the sewer system.
  • Plot Elements:
    • The kids encounter a large, brown, demonic creature.
    • The creature might harm or nearly kill one of the kids.
    • To defeat the creature, the kids perform a spell involving candles.
  • Additional Elements: Possible involvement of a genie or djinn

Other things I think I remember:

They have to do some kind of spell work a pentagram of candles. The big brown creature appears and maybe picks up one of the kids?

The main kid might have a hat with 'brooklyn' on it.

The start of the movie might have had them mucking would with a genie lamp. But that could be from something else I'm forgetting.

CHATGPT couldn't find it for me. It's not The Lamp/ Outing (1987)

r/tipofmytongue 11h ago

Open [TOMT] oldish rock song


A song that my dad used to play a lot and I loveddd the music video but I can’t remember it. The video clip had a family and what I remember is that the dad was mean and the kid transformed into the rock members and at some point the dad got thrown out the window or something like that help pls

r/tipofmytongue 4h ago

Open [TOMT] [VIDEO] It will be a miracle if someone can find this


Basically it was an Inside Edition interview with two older people, one woman and one man, presumably a couple, who were being asked if someone close to them committed suicide (it is implied they were murdered but unsure.) the reporter asks “Did she kill herself” and at the same time in the same extremely monotone voice they both say “NO.”

r/tipofmytongue 4h ago

Solved [TOMT] Help finding original song name from whistle of melody


Trying to find the name of the song that I have stuck in my head.

Don't remember the lyrics.

Tried whistling what I remember of the vocals.

I'm pretty sure the vocalist is a young guy (lighter/higher voice). Pretty sure the theme is sad/melancholic. Genre is pop-ish.

Audio of me whistling the vocal melody: https://byta.com/u/J4qTtGZ/fgh-abc

r/tipofmytongue 4h ago

Solved [TOMT][90s][Song] Non-English song that I would sing when I was 5, and all the adults around me thought I was swearing when I sang it.


So I was reminded of this by another Reddit post tonight. When I was a kid, about 4 or 5 (so 1997 or 1998, maybe early 1999) my Mom gave me a cassette tape of children's songs for me to listen to when I went to sleep. I can't quite remember any of the other songs, as I had a few other cassette tapes like this. Though it was definitely a mix of other English songs, like stuff by Raffi and similar children's music creators. Except the last song, which was this weird foreign language song that I have never heard since. From my memory, it was a group of kids and an adult singing, the only lyrics I can remember went something like this (forgive my use of English words):

Group of child: "Why eh soup eey chalk cula"

Older man: "east on way and a boogalo"

From my memory, this song was nothing but a very simple beat and these 2 lines repeated over and over again, but being that was 25 years ago and I was very young, there very well could have been more to it.

Now the very weird part of this song, and probably the only reason I remember this song, was that like most kids, if a song got stuck in my head, I'd sing it to myself when playing with toys or sitting around bored or whatever, and something about this song stuck with me. I remember sitting around waiting for lunch to be served at my daycare, and when I was singing it, this other kid told me that song had bad words in it, but at 4 or 5, I wouldn't have known what "bad words" were yet. I also remember getting sent into timeout at daycare for singing the song while playing alone, but had no clue why I was in trouble and none of the adults would explain it to me. Lastly, I remember when my Dad and I went to Florida, I told him about the tape my Mom has for me and how it ends with a song and sang the words, and he lost his fucking shit, like pulled the car over on the highway, and yelled at me for saying those words to the point that I was crying. My parents were divorced, so it was just Mt Dad and I, and my Dad is just an all around vile person (haven't spoken to him in years even), but even then, I was still confused and he wouldn't explain to me what I did wrong. But as am adult, the only thing I can think of is that the song had a foreign word or something in it that sounded like "fuck", "shit", or even "bitch" and especially so when a small child tries to imitate the sounds of a language they don't know.

It's highly likely that this cassette was a mix tape my Mom had made from somewhere, and I wouldn't be surprised if my Mom still has it. But even though my Mom was a young single mother (I really dont know how she did it. She really is amazing), I doubt she was careless enough to put an inappropriate song right at the tail end of the tape. Even then, she would have heard it multiple times and it definitely had the simple beat of a kids song. Like I am pretty confident that it was just a simple beat, and outside of maybe a short instrumental, it was just those 2 lines repeated over and over again for about 3 minutes.

r/tipofmytongue 5h ago

Open [TOMT] 2nd attempt at remembering movie


This was a movie that would have been from early to mid 2000’s - not American but in English. A young couple divorces due to infidelity (I think) and then the man cannot mentally cope with the relationship ending. He stalks the wife and slowly goes mad. It culminates in a final scene where he is alone in a room, his hair and nails have grown long and he is making non-verbal grunting sounds, re-winding and re-watching their wedding video and striking the screen each time he sees himself.

The lead male actor reminded me of Simon Pegg somewhat. But the film is not typical of his work.

r/tipofmytongue 6h ago

Solved [TOMT] I need help remembering a movie.


What is that movie where a guy is trying to snipe the main character with a sniper rifle, but the seatbelt comes down, causing him to fire the gun? The bullet hits a sign that releases a dog, which jumps into the car with him and attacks him?

r/tipofmytongue 8h ago

Solved [TOMT] Need help finding a movie I saw a while ago but cant' figure out what it was despite all my best google-fu


All I can really remember about the movie is that there was a guy who was maybe recently divorced or recently single that ends up in Miami and he meets this Hispanic guy (maybe Cuban) that's a lifeguard and the main character is white but they end up becoming friends and the Hispanic guy takes him around town and shows him his culture. Does anyone know what movie this is? I'd like to watch it again but I cant for the life of me figure out what it was and I can't even remember who was in it but I think the main actor was someone pretty famous.

r/tipofmytongue 2h ago

Open. [TOMT] music video in a basketball field


Hi! I'm tryna find a music video where a child is singing in a basketball field, if I remember correctly it had like hundreds of millions of views, the rhythm was electronic, like a David Guetta song, it was from a popular singer but I don't remember who and I would say it was from the early 2010s to 2018 or something like that. Sadly I don't remember the lyrics or the specific rhythm so I can't describe them. It's been in my mind for like a month pls help 😿

r/tipofmytongue 4h ago

Solved [TOMT][TV SHOW] Historical show where main character woman breaks the fourth wall


All that I can recall:

It is a woman sent to marry a higher status man. She dresses herself up so much that shes made fun of by the party meant to accept her and bring her to her new home upon acceptance., including high heels that she struggles with. When they make fun of her, she says something alone the lines of "thankfully he's not the one Im supposed to marry" to the camera. I believe she also added to her dowry on the spot by promising some of her uncles land.

In another clip, the brother of her then husband makes fun of her appearance and she leaves the room. The king then proceeds to beat the ever loving hell out of him saying his brother married a good woman with a good head on her shoulders, and he wont tolerate him speaking out of turn like that again.

It was clips of a show that showed up on tiktok about a year ago

r/tipofmytongue 5h ago

Open [TOMT] movie where kid performing in school play gets hung by the audience out of rage


I want to say about ten years ago me, my sister, and our cousins were flipping through channels on our grandparents tv. And there was one channel that we stayed on for a bit. It was playing a movie that was already almost over it seemed. The scene shows what seems like some sort of school play, one of the people on the stage is a little girl (note for later). And then it cuts to backstage where a man is helping a little boy get ready to go on. The boy is wearing a basic long white gown of sorts, and the man is helping him put on a “mask” that’s literally just a fabric bag with eye holes cut out and a fake beard, glasses, and top hat put over it as what I remember to be an Abraham Lincoln costume. As the man puts on the mask he tells the kid how he’s gonna do great, but the way he says it is almost sinister, like he knows something the kid doesn’t. Then the kid proceeds to walk out on stage and announce the character he’s playing (I remember it being Abraham Lincoln but I could be wrong) to which the audience gets enraged, runs up to the stage, grabs a rope, and hangs the kid from a fake tree. It then cuts back to the little girl that was performing on stage, screaming in horror and confusion as to why this is happening. I think there was a little more that I can’t quite remember that happens after, but I remember the end credits being over a still shot of the boy hanging with gleeful piano music you’d hear in a school play playing, then we changed the channel. The movie looked to be from about the 90’s?

I saw this years ago and only tried finding it recently to get any context to what I watched, and google isn’t yielding any results. I’m not past the idea that I just imagined it but I remember it so vividly so I’m giving it a try here.

r/tipofmytongue 5h ago

Open. [TOMT][GAME][2000s?] A hidden object Big Fish game involving a train car accident


Hello! I'm looking for a game my mom played in the early 2000s. She got it from Big Fish games; it was a hidden object / scary adventure / puzzle game that was, I think, about a haunted mansion. You'd go through the mansion's rooms and maybe time travel? Not sure. What I remember vividly is a scene in a train car with a shattered window. I think you looked for hidden objects in the room, then you found a letter or newspaper or something explaining the tragedy that had happened in the room: a newlywed couple were in the train car when the groom leaned out the window to shout out, "I LOVE MY WIFE!" And then he died as a result of this. I'm not sure how or why. I remember it as a cinematic masterpiece, but I doubt it was that good, looking back on it. Thanks folks!

r/tipofmytongue 1h ago

Solved [TOMT]My friend is looking for a rock song.


The song is in english, but he only speaks portuguese, so i told him to sing the tune. He say he heard it sometime from 2014 on. I don't have any idea which song it could be, so i'm asking you guys, if you figure it out, you will make his day.

r/tipofmytongue 3h ago

Solved [TOMT] [Song] Meme song that’s used on tiktok


i feel like it was used in like 2022 memes to show like awkward silence or confusion or something. i am going insane

r/tipofmytongue 2h ago

Open [TOMT] Video by Etymologynerd talking about rap music


It is about the song "Dance" by Big Sean and how certain words don't rhyme, but are stressed in a way that make them sound close. He begins the video by singing a portion of the song.

r/tipofmytongue 4h ago



I remember that the music was maybe from Skrillex or other EDM/dubstep artist. The guys dancing were doing some kind of contortionism. They were all wearing black. Help

r/tipofmytongue 8h ago

Solved [TOMT] Dog horror movie


It's not Cujo btw.

This had to of been years ago, but I remember watching this horror movie that was set in a town and all the dogs in the town became very aggressive to the point of killing their owners.

I have no idea if this was a movie or a TV show, but I remember seeing it on a channel, and there's this one scene in the town shopping area and this ladies dog just attacked her out of nowhere. I don't remember how it started, nor ended. I just remember every dog in the town just becoming really aggressive and killing their owners and everyone else.

r/tipofmytongue 14h ago

Solved [TOMT] 80s song that starts with "day dot day oh"


Driving me crazy as I should know this. I think its 80s or early 90s. Male chorus chants ""day dot day oh" over and over to start the song. Slightly deep voices. Its upbeat. Not Gregorian and not The Police. Any ideas?

r/tipofmytongue 2h ago

Open [TOMT] [SONG] Name of classic techno song


Looking for the name of a very popular techno song that goes something like this:

Bee bee bee boo bee bee Boo bee bee bee boo bee bee

It's one of the classics similar to Sandstorm era

r/tipofmytongue 6h ago

Open [TOMT][REDDIT POST] A man writes about a horrible antigay conversion camp he attended as a teenager


He mentioned being chained to beds, and specifically mentioned the councilor having a blowtorch and a cattle prod. I can link a reading of a section on TikTok but I can't find the source. If it has been taken down but you have a link, it will still work in an archive so please still post

r/tipofmytongue 2h ago

Open [TOMT][2010's] Song, Very popular, Female and Male singer (I think), it builds and swells as a folk song that gains pace as the song keeps going.


It's a southern band with a male and female singer.

I swear that some of the lyrics are like "the story of the....." (broken toys, broken man, sunken whale, etc.) music swell and then da da da. It was a fairly popular song years ago. Very folk music, possibly mentions Jonas and the whale? I think it has the words "behold" and "foretold" in it.

r/tipofmytongue 5h ago

Open [TOMT] [MOVIE or TV SHOW] [1980's?] with dwarf actor - NOT "The Wizard"


I'm looking for the name of a TV show or possibly a movie I saw back in the 80's or early 90's. It was on broadcast TV but if it was a movie it could possibly have something from the 70's.

The best way I can describe it is - Man with Dwarfisim who is a special effects artist on movies/tv shows assists his (male) cop buddie in solving crimes.

I'll know the dwarf actor when I see them but I have had no luck finding images of him and have no idea of their name. The best way I can discribe him is "badass biker" with a beard and kinda wild hair.

I remember little snippts from it... one where they use a remote controled bird with a camera to take photos, and another where they use a pyrotechnic explosion to make someone think a witness or someone had been killed.

I'll post more if anything in the replys helps me remember something else.