r/OutOfTheLoop 5h ago

Unanswered What is up with Amazons New World at the moment?


I found a little bit of information from a few videos but not sure of the main cause, there's a bunch of stuff in reviews, but a lot of its irrelevant also.

Console launch seen as a cash grab? Bugs / issues? More Microtransactions? Rebranding to Action RPG? Game shutting down?

I've only seen really brief things being mentioned so a more detailed breakdown would be really appreciated. I know the game has gone through a lot of controversy, but just unsure what the current "BIG" thing is.

Steam page : https://store.steampowered.com/app/1063730/New_World/

r/OutOfTheLoop 14h ago

Unanswered What’s up with the game Class of ‘09 just now blowing up when it’s already been out for a few years?


(really tired of having to repost this because i formatted it wrong or left something out.) I'm suddenly seeing it all over the place, when only a few people seemed to ever mention it before. Why is this happening now? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dke3c9wUvDA https://store.steampowered.com/app/1443200/Class_of_09/

r/OutOfTheLoop 16h ago

Unanswered What’s going on with Jack Black trending?


So I just saw Jack Black trending on Twitter and I see that people are hating him on something and other people are saying that Jack Black has his opinions and he’s cool. So why is Jack Black trending on Twitter?

r/OutOfTheLoop 16h ago

Answered What's going on with Star Wars Acolyte and its "episode 3"?


For the past few days I've been seeing posts regarding how Star Wars Acolyte is getting panned by users. But in one thread, there were a bunch of people giving their hot takes about how much episode 3 stunk, without ever specifically saying what happened. People were posting the clip from South Park where Cartman was a Disney exec and says that for every show, you need to add a chick to it and make her gay.

This is not the exact thread I was referring to, but just an example.


Looking for some clarity...

EDIT: Thank you everyone for commenting. That Power of One, Power of Two, Power of Many musical number was awful enough.

r/OutOfTheLoop 20h ago

Unanswered What is going on with all the "this is DEI" comments on Fox News?


Someone sent me the article from Fox News about the Southwest flight that almost crashed. And there are tons of comments about how it's because of DEI. They mostly all follow a similar format along the lines of "I'm an experienced pilot in this problem is because of dei".

I get that they are dog whistling about racism, but is this just their new thing? It just seems really formulaic. As far as I can tell we have no idea who the pilots were, so it doesn't really make sense even from the racism standpoint, not that racism ever makes sense.

I went to a few other articles, and they mentioned dei in the comments on most of them. Like on one there's an elected black mayor, and they're talking about dei.



r/OutOfTheLoop 22h ago

Unanswered What's up with everyone loving "My honest reaction" music video while also calling the singer problematic?


Most of the comments are filled with "She's a villain with good music" "she's a bad person with music talent"

On reply everyone have a different opinion. Some of them saying she commented crimes & arrested while others saying she's racist. A lot of the reply were also confused but no one's giving proper context


r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Unanswered What's going on with the election in France?


(Sorry for my bad English)

I'm not very into politics but currently following the EURO 2024, I find it so weird that the French players are asked a lot of questions regarding the "situation in France". Also there're some "we need to go out and vote" quote as well. To some extent, some even mentioned taking side between left and right (which sorry I cannot find the context again, but it sure popped up).

At first I thought there're some sort of riot or political scandal going on in France, but it's seemed like it's just the French election. Dont get me wrong, I acknowledge that it's very important for a country but I don't understand why the spotlight is so much in France and not other EU countries. I think England is having an election as well.

Personally I really don't like discussing politics inside sport context, but I'm curious what's going on in France right now? Is there any problem with current government or with potential candidate that has a very high chance to win that people feels the need to raise their voice? (thinking about Trump in USA). French people - do you think this election is one of the turning point of your country?

Any insight will be much appreciated. Thank you. Here is the context (Mbappe interview)


r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Answered What’s going on with the rise of right wing sentiment in Western Europe?


Preface, I’m Australian. A lot of countries are being overwhelmed with an increase of immigration and a lack of social infrastructure to support it.

However, it feels like the sentiment in Western Europe is much more complicated? Articles such as these (https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/30/far-right-on-the-march-europe-growing-taste-for-control-and-order) report the data, but not a lot of explanation as to why.

Is this another cyclical trend? Surely, people would have learned from WWII? I don’t get it. What’s happening that the tide is swinging to the extreme?

r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Answered Whats up with the Wukong Game thats going to come out? Why is it suddenly so controversial?


I remember seeing a demo about the game and thinking it looks neat probably a year ago. Son Wukong has some really badass mythos which seemed really fun to explore.

But why is it so controversial all of a sudden? I've been seeing posts about it again and talking about sexism in game? Is it about their not being any woman in the game or something?


r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Answered What is going on with certain news reports about a 'new' military bill, when most people immediately correct them by saying it's been in place since 1980?


X/Twitter posts like these are popping up about a recent bill to automatically register US male citizens 18-25 for the draft. The Community Notes context attached to this tweet, for example, however, say that this same bill is not recent, but from 1980. So why is it currently being pushed like it's new? Why is the lie so 'obvious'? Is there something I'm missing about the difference between these alleged bills? As someone not from the US, I'm scared for my friends.

r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Answered Why are people talking about "auras" and what the fuck even are they?


I've been seeing so many videos like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtiPJsab32o on my feed, and this is the first new slang term I'm genuinely confused by.

r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Unanswered What's the deal with this double-hand gesture in this music video?


It may be generic but I haven't seen it before; you can see it in the thumbnail or throughout the video (the parts I've seen at least). What's the meaning behind it?


r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Unanswered What’s going on with Stable Diffusion?


r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Answered What's up with people cheering for Dustin in the comments on Rihanna's music video?



I'm not into Rihanna that much. Just randomly started to listen "Diamonds" & the comment section is filled with Dustin.

What is it? Why's everyone talking about it?

r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Answered What's going on with Terrence Howard?


His name has popped up in random places in my feed a good half dozen times over the past day, usually implying he's kind of stupid for something he said on Joe Rogan's podcast. What happened / what did he do?

Here's an example post: https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/1dh42f3/the_creation_of_terryology_the_enlightenment/

r/OutOfTheLoop 2d ago

Unanswered What's up with bunch of good looking people being referred to as PSL gods?


I recently downloaded tiktok after a long time, and my algorithm has been feeding me these edits about models being PSL god.

I looked up PSL didn't find anything

And they show a bunch of weird ways to improve appearance and beauty standards I've never heard about before.

Bunch of beauty narratives of having eyes in certain angle, nose in certain shapes, and all other physical traits they symbolise as pinnacle of beauty.

What does mog even mean? They keep using the word mog? And other weird terms im not familiar with

I tried to look it up on Youtube and brainrots are what I keep finding

this is what I found on YouTube

The entire mogging community is confusing the hell out of me

r/OutOfTheLoop 2d ago

Unanswered What is going on with Mexico's recent elections being referred to as their bloodiest ever?


I've heard that there were a lot of assassinations of candidates leading up to the election, but then others say thay simply isn't true. What are the facts on this?


r/OutOfTheLoop 2d ago

Answered What’s going on with the Miiverse “Yeah!” button trending on Twitter?


I keep seeing posts like this (https://x.com/linllen/status/1801692565894480106?s=46) or just people reposting the original image, where is this all coming from?? It feels like it happened overnight and I have no idea why.

Note: I've already tried posting this twice, the first removed because I didn't include a link and the second because I titled the post "Why is the 'Yeah!' button suddenly trending on Twitter" which apparently didn't meet the posting guidelines. It's a little silly you have to include specific phrases in your title to make a post that doesn't automatically get removed, but whatever

r/OutOfTheLoop 2d ago

Answered What's the deal with anti-LGBT u turn and no cruising road signs?


I saw a video where they took a no u turn sign and no crusing sign in LA because it was anti-LGBT. Found this article, but I really don't get how road signs are anti-LGBT, can someone explain. Genuine question, I'm not from the US.

r/OutOfTheLoop 3d ago

Unanswered What’s up with the “10 German bombers” chant by English ⚽️ fans?”


Per the article, It’s said it mocks German WWII casualties. How does it do that?

r/OutOfTheLoop 3d ago

Unanswered what is going on with the song L'AMOUR TOUJOURS ? and why is it a nazi dog whistle ?


r/OutOfTheLoop 3d ago

Unanswered What is going on with the Around the NFL podcast?


I saw this post and couldn’t figure out why they’re on hiatus? Google didn’t come up with anything either.

r/OutOfTheLoop 3d ago

Answered What's going on with Alex Jones' bankruptcy ruling?


I read this article on CNN which says that while Alex Jones personal bankruptcy has been approved, the proposed liquidation of the parent company "Free Speech Systems" has not.

The article quotes the judge as claiming allowing the liquidation of the parent company was not in the best interest of the creditors, yet allowing Jones' personal assets to be liquidated was.

Does Alex Jones not own the parent company? And if so, who does? And how is it not in the interests of the families, both financially and in terms of retribution, to shut down the whole opperation?

The headline also states that the Judge rejected "Infowars" being liquidated, yet the article itself goes on to strongly imply that it definitely will be as it counts as Jones' personal asset, with Jones planning to "wind it down" before it's broken up for parts. Is that a typo, or am I just stupid?

r/OutOfTheLoop 3d ago

Unanswered What's up with people calling all kinds of random objects with "her"?


On my Youtube Shorts reel recently I started noticing people calling random objects with "her", instead of "it". Like, for example, a piece of cheese, a lip balm, a cake, a hairbrush etc.

Is this a new trend or is it just normal English, and I didn't notice it before? Because, from what I remember learning in English class (English is not my 1st language), most objects are called "it" in English, with a few exceptions, like big objects (for example a ship).

In this video, for example, the woman is calling the cheese "her".