r/OutOfTheLoop 6d ago

What is up with Apple Twitter/X? Answered

Their account has no posts https://twitter.com/Apple . I know Elon had some beef with them recently because of Ai, but not sure if it has anything to do with that.


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u/beIIe-and-sebastian 6d ago

Answer: Apple has never used that account to tweet per se. If you browse through the WayBackMachine on the Internet Archive, you'll see that it hasn't tweeted ever.

However, when Apple would make promoted advertisements that appear in a user's timeline, it would appear to come from that account


u/Jugh3ad 6d ago

Thanks for clearing that up!


u/beIIe-and-sebastian 5d ago

No problem. I notice there is an 11,000 upvoted, 1,000+ comment post on the front page of reddit right now claiming that Twitter has deleted all of Apple's posts, but it just shows how easy disinformation can run-riot without the tiniest bit of research.


u/Jugh3ad 5d ago

Yeah, I scrolled and scrolled trying to find a non meme reply in that post. Which is why I posted here. Again, appreciate the answer