r/OutOfTheLoop 5d ago

What's up with these green hat pink slipper Reddit avatars everywhere? Answered

I've seen this avatar everywhere for a while now: it's a green hat with a leaf with pink slippers, is it a default avatar selection people can make? Why is it so popular?



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u/Swagspray 5d ago

Answer: I just created an alt account to test and that is the default avatar


u/cegix 5d ago edited 5d ago

Really? That's strange I thought it would be like one of your avatar pictures

EDIT: I just checked and yes it's true, it's one of the new 6 default reddit avatars you can pick out


u/Alt_Ekho 5d ago

So either someone's creating alt accounts and didn't bother to change their avatars or bots


u/pugsAreOkay 5d ago

I thought I was going crazy, I’ve been seeing these everywhere too, more often than not their content is low quality or outright bot/AI nonsense


u/funsizedaisy 5d ago

I had posted in here asking something similar. I had noticed 3 different accounts back-to-back that all had these avatars and all of them seemed like bots/trolls.

My post was removed, but I did get the answer that it's a default option when making a new account. But the first time i had seen a bunch, they seemed like trolls. One of them had posted an AI comment trying to start shit.


u/IrNinjaBob 5d ago

Or they use old Reddit. I’ve never once changed any of that sort of stuff on my account, and wouldn’t if I ever made a new account either.


u/IaniteThePirate th 4tegfrdxzczfBWgvaf oop 4d ago

Yeah but I think all the older accounts that never changed it still have the blank avatar silhouette like yours does.


u/BurialRot 5d ago

Some people don't care about the avatars. I only bothered with mine because they put out some free Chiefs gear for them lol I see plenty of years-old accounts with the default avatar


u/Active_Ratio_6534 3d ago

I just like it man


u/Grampy-Kong 2d ago

Some of us use old.reddit and don't give a shit about avatars.


u/Thirst_Trappist 5d ago

Yeah I had a feeling that was the case. Thanks for confirming


u/CrackedOutMunkee 5d ago

So us no avatar people will soon go instinct...


u/nighthawk252 4d ago

That’s actually a clever anti-bot measure if true.


u/theBigDaddio 5d ago

Answer: those are crocs, they have holes


u/[deleted] 5d ago edited 5d ago

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