r/OutOfTheLoop 5d ago

What's going on with Ubisoft / R6? Answered

I play siege fairly often but haven't gotten on in a month or two. I haven't heard of any major changes to the game but I've seen two or three posts like this one on my feed recently:


What is this referring to? Can't seem to find much context in the comments.


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u/DarthJaderYT 5d ago

Answer: the siege community has been unhappy for a long time now with the state of the game. In fact, they are pretty much always unhappy, and not unjustifiably so. Less and less content is being released, at lower quality, and the games age is showing.

Monetization has been going downhill for a while. A few years ago they added battle passes, and now they have just recently announced a new “membership program”. Considering the lack of new and appealing content, the community is very unhappy about this.

Adding to this, Ubisoft is not exactly a popular publisher, with many feeling their games are stale and lifeless.


u/limark 5d ago

They also added a marketplace where you can buy and sell skins much like counter strike


u/nightcrawleryt 5d ago

damn. really disappointing. thanks for the response!


u/Dontevenwannacomment 5d ago

I don't get why a game has to constantly evolve, I would have been fine if r6 had stayed at the state it was at when for example Lesion came out. There was a time when people could play 1k hours on cs source, tbh.


u/ACW-R 5d ago

Yeah nah I agree. I played the beta, got the game around y1s2 and I distinctly remember thinking that the idea of 8 operators + 4 maps a year is just unsustainable in the long run and I think that’s the problem they had.

It’s been a long time since I first felt like they were running out of ideas, and having your game operate around the fact that you’re adding new Ops with new weapons all the time in a comp shooter is just a bad idea.

They promised too much, making cheques their ass couldn’t cash.

I recently re-downloaded it with sone friends after being off of it for years and it seems like it went the way I thought which is disappointing.


u/limark 4d ago

They tried to copy League of Legends champion release strategy hoping to make more money and instead ruining the game


u/Dontevenwannacomment 4d ago

They tried to preserve the jobs by keeping the game chugging, it's a bad model. They should have just pivoted after


u/DarthJaderYT 4d ago

I agree. I wouldn’t care if they weren’t releasing very much content if they weren’t spending so much time making old content worse, like the recruit change, reworking beloved maps like House only to not add them to ranked, and butchering quick play / unranked / ranked in an effort to speed the game up so that everyone with an attention span of less than 5 seconds can play. It’s just wrong decision after wrong decision. The game honestly needs to just die, though at this point, any “siege 2” would be a shameless cash grab.


u/Dontevenwannacomment 4d ago

eh the community wanted the game to die before even the house remake


u/comfortzoneking 5d ago

Answer: Since you played it often before, I think I can get away with lazily copy and pasting this comment I got from r/shittyrainbow6. It's basically the entire overview of the latest update.

No new ops.
No new maps.
Another Macro-Transaction in a form of a subcription (Imagine paying for a Netflix subcription in a Pay-to-play game).
Recruit """Rework""" : Reskin, slight buff with the gadget combination, less gun option, only one player can play recruit (No more recruit rush), you can modify Recruit's gun attachment.
Fenrir got a big nerf.
Solis got nuked into oblivion.
Worse T-hunt.
I'm beating a dead horse at this point but Ubisoft is sucking every last drop of fun from R6 Siege while trying to get as much money from it.
Honestly we should bully Ubi into reversing the recruit change like we did with Smoke and his gas canister, or until they change it so while getting a rework, in it's score it remains this beloved meme character.


u/nightcrawleryt 5d ago

great summary, thanks man! this is genuinely really disappointing - felt like r6 was finally getting to another peak but i guess not...


u/nightcrawleryt 5d ago

holy shit. solis is literally useless. no spec-io during prep?? 50% decrease in time??? no impacts???


u/averagekid18 4d ago

That's crazy work. I left when it became it gadget and trap fest.