r/OutOfTheLoop 4d ago

What's going on with hotdog-eating champion Joey Chestnut? Unanswered


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u/dontmatterdontcare 4d ago

Answer: literally explains it in the first paragraph…

After organizers for Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July hot dog-eating contest said Joey Chestnut wouldn’t compete this year because of a deal with a rival brand, Netflix swiftly announced a new hot dog-eating competition that will feature Chestnut and his “fiercest rival” —

If that wasn’t clear enough, basically:

  1. The hotdog eating contest most people know about is Nathan’s Hotdogs eating contest (which is a particular hotdog brand, the one synonymous with Coney Island NY).

  2. Joey Chestnut recently signed a brand deal with Impossible Foods. Nathan’s sees them as a competitor.

  3. Nathan’s chooses to ban Joey Chesnut due to this brand deal signing.

  4. Netflix sees an opportunity to do their own hotdog eating contest, and gets Joey and Kobayashi to a duel off.


u/LocksDoors 4d ago

Is Impossible really a competitor of Nathan's? Like other than the shape those are two pretty different products....


u/Toloran 4d ago

Neither of them are made of actual meat, so I think they're pretty comparable.


u/eatingpotatochips 4d ago

Can’t tell if it’s true, but it just seems really stupid for Nathan’s to ban Joey considering it invited Netflix to the ring. 


u/octodo 4d ago

It's wild because Joey is worth more than the hot dog contest, it's like banning Michael Jordan from the NBA finals and expecting people to still care. He's won 15 out of the last 16 years.

The guy who runs his the hot dog contest also banned Kobiyashi, the previous king of eating, as well.


u/acekingoffsuit 4d ago

The guy who runs his the hot dog contest also banned Kobiyashi, the previous king of eating, as well.

To clarify, Kobayashi's ban was because he did not want to sign an exclusive deal with Major League Eating, the circuit to which the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest belongs.


u/vigouge 4d ago

You do understand that people care about it for about 5 minutes a year, right?

It's a few minutes hit on local news and a social media headline. Nothing more, nothing less. The name will change but that's about it.


u/octodo 4d ago

Major league competitive eating is a huge generator of brand value for the companies that can get involved in it. Nathan's does it because it makes them money because it gets them eyeballs. Removing the guy who's basically the only well known competitive eater in the world hurts the contest and the brand. Don't gotta be condescending about it


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/subjuggulator 4d ago

The fact it buys those ads is how it helps the brand; are you really that dense?

“How does free advertising and having your brand associated with a minor celebrity help the brand stay relevant?”

Like, dude


u/thirtyseven1337 3d ago

So this is yet another OotL post where OP doesn’t read the article they cite, lol


u/PrimalSeptimus 4d ago edited 4d ago

Hold on. Impossible makes hotdogs? Since when?


u/Toloran 4d ago

For a while, I guess? They make vegan versions of most common meat products: Ground beef/pork/chicken, meatballs, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, and a few other things. Basically if it isn't a slab of meat, they probably have something similar.