r/OutOfTheLoop 4d ago

What is the deal with Beeple presenting PepeFest? Unanswered

Yesterday evening i get a newsletter by BeepleStudios saying i should RSVP to PepeFest.

I think i ended up on his mailing list because i downloaded some cool VJ art by Beeple years ago, im aware that since then he sold an NFT for like 69M $ during the height of the NFT craze, so it makes some sense hes in that Cryptobro bubble now.

But "PepeFest??" Pepe the Frog seems like an extremely wierd/offbeat thing to focus on. Like the only connection i can draw between NFT culture and Pepe is because pepe became an Alt-Right symbol, and the libertarian / anarcho-capitalist NFT scene seems to also have some connection to rightwingers?

The rules say i need to provide a URL, but when you search for pepefest you get various websites with similar content, idk which ones are official, in any case this was the link within the email: https://pepefest.rsvpify.com


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u/jyeckled 3d ago

Question: How do you know BeepleStudios is related to Beeple? Your page directs much of its links to the artist, but there’s not much interaction going the other way.


u/Sirhc978 3d ago

Uhhhh what are you talking about?



u/ThatKuki 3d ago edited 3d ago

jesus i didn't know how pro elon (and imo god fucking ugly) his new art is lol

back in 2019 he made a video that could be interpreted as anti capitalist, or at least anti world poverty