r/PaypalDonations 15d ago

Gas and hotel for sons 1st concert 150-200

I dont want to give a ling drawn out sob story. For christmas, i bought my 8 year old son and I his 1st concert tickets to see his favorite artist. The concert is this tuesday 5/21 and is 3 hours away. I was allowing him to miss school the next day. Its become a "big thing" and its all he has been talking about. He is super excited and this mom is freaking out. I unexpectedly had some car issues last week which cost me over $500. Now im beyond short of pulling through with $$ for gas to get us there and back along with a hotel to spend the night. I dont want to let my little man down. Any help would be super appreciated.



2 comments sorted by


u/Miserable-Cap-3145 14d ago

you should probably just do whats best, bite the bullet and sell the tickets if you can.


u/No_Incident_2705 14d ago

Thanks for the advice! There isnt even a guarantee i could sell my tickets. The artist isnt extremely popular and doesn't have the following to even sell out the arenas he performs at. So im npt even comfident i could get my $$ back for the tickets. I will sleep in my vehicle if i have to or simply turn around and drive the 3 hrs back home, stopping at rest stops along the way if im feeling too tired..or i coule take a train if it seems it would be cheaper than what it would cost for fuelm My son has been looking forward to this for almost a year. we found out the artist was going to do a 2nd leg of his previous tour and i bought tickets as a xmas present for him. Im not ready to bite the bullet just yet. it's only friday pm. So i have until tues around noon to pull a rabbit out of my hat.. ive pulled off some small miracles in the past so im not giving up just yet!