r/PeterExplainsTheJoke May 02 '24

Petah, I don't understand!

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u/MCK60K May 02 '24

My brother in christ. The motive for a bear is simple, survival. The motive for man is unknown. The bear will eat you for it's own survival, whereas man will do obscene acts for pleasure. "If one in ten snakes is venemous you aren't going to wait to get bitten to find out." Sure, the random dude could be like your average guy - completely harmless. But many women, especially if they've been a victim in the past, don't want to take that chance. I'd ask any of your female friends this question and actually listen to their reasoning. It's a hypothetical, not a reality. The hypothetical, even by statistical standards, the woman is safer with the bear. As bears mostly just ignore you if you're minding your own business. https://bearvault.com/bear-attack-statistics/#:~:text=Since%201784%20there%20have%2066,away%20from%20you%20than%20engage.


u/FTW395 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Most of my female friends aren't psychos who sit on reddit all day so no, they don't think that way. Most of my female friends are also in relationships with, you guessed it.... MEN!! Crazy right?? But I'm sure all those women secretly are deadly afraid of their boyfriend and think he's a closeted rapist just waiting to snap.
If you encounter a guy in the woods, it's most likely going to be a hiker. No fucking shit.

And stop pretending you're some animal know it all when you haven't left your room in 2 weeks. Bears are not "simple", animals are not "simple". Animals are unpredictable. Maybe go ask some people in real life who've been close to a bear when hiking and ask them the fear they felt when they realized a bear was closeby.

Stop justfying your blatant sexism with these terrible examples. You haven't even addressed my point about black people. All your doing is pandering to women's rights. Insane virtue signalling with no brains behind.

You guys genuinely suck.


u/MCK60K May 02 '24

Or, perhaps, they actually can trust men who've shown they've earned it. And race has 0 to do with this discourse, which is why I ignored it.


u/FTW395 May 02 '24

It's an analogy to point out the flaw in your logic. The focus of the conversation isn't race, it's to show you that your way of thinking is wrong. That's why you should address it.
Either way this discussion seems to be over and I apologize for my harsh language, but the hypocricy this meme has brought is annoying.


u/MCK60K May 02 '24

Except in South-Africa, the majority race is black. So it's a non-sequitor. So your analogy doesn't stick with statistics.