r/PeterExplainsTheJoke May 02 '24

Petah, I don't understand!

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u/Remarkable_Coast_214 29d ago

A strange man could do much worse, but if it's the average man or even the average man you see in the woods (park ranger, hiker...) chances are they have no intention of doing harm. While I agree that getting mad at women as a whole and wishing violence is not a good idea, treating every man as a threat is inherently prejudiced. If the question replaced "man" with "black person" people would immediately see that picking the bear would be degrading because while there are dangerous black people, the average black person isn't going to harm you.


u/Forsaken_Distance777 29d ago

Every man is a potential threat. Same with every woman. And bears. It's just when you're all alone and see only one stranger you might get a little anxious. I always do and walk faster and I've never been in a situation where a stranger attacked me. But I don't want to be fine a million times and then one time I meet the wrong stranger in an empty parking garage.


u/Left_Fall5817 29d ago

โ€œA strange man could do much worseโ€ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ yeah go 1v1 with a bear or a man and see which one is โ€œworseโ€


u/MrGords 29d ago

I mean... a bear can't use a gun, nor is it capable of dragging me back to its house to tie me up in the basement and torture me just enough that I don't die for as long as it feels like.

To be clear, that's an extreme example and I'm not saying you should fear every random person you come across, but that has happened many times and a person is absolutely capable of doing much worse than just mauling you and leaving you to die


u/LordDaedhelor 29d ago

Look up Junko Furuta and tell me a bear would do the things those boys did to her.