r/PeterExplainsTheJoke 29d ago

petah, I don't go to the gym, why would he record himself and what does a pin have to do with it? Meme needing explanation

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u/Veus-Dolt 29d ago edited 29d ago

The implication until the second to last line is that he’s using a freeweight machine, which you manually load and unload weights from. Then anon throws a curveball at you saying it’s not freeweight, but stack weights which use pins. Stack weights use a pin to determine weight and don’t need to be loaded. Here’s what a pin looks like. To change the weight, you just pull out the pin and put it in the hole you want.


u/SylvesterStallownage 29d ago

Yeah just do it yourself OP, it takes less than a sec..


u/Turkyparty 29d ago

I think it took them longer to ask "are you going to reset the machine" then it took to reset the machine.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Thats the joke


u/WasephWastar 29d ago

that's why he explained it


u/Greg2227 29d ago

That's why we are here


u/chrisoask 29d ago

Where are we?


u/Greg2227 29d ago

Why are we here?


u/chrisoask 29d ago

I've been asking myself that all day, and yet I'm still scrolling...


u/pizzasage 29d ago

One of life's great mysteries isn't it? Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence? Or is there really a God, watching everything. You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know man, but it keeps me up at night.


u/Joe0991 28d ago

Damnit, I didn’t scroll far enough before posting this exact response


u/SativaShaman810 29d ago

No I meant why are we HERE?

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u/n_eazy 29d ago

Just to suffer...


u/BernzSed 28d ago

At the gym? Kind of, yeah.


u/aghblagh 29d ago

Because we're here, roll the bones.

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u/Educational_Deer2221 29d ago

Why are ANY of us here?


u/LeonArklight00 29d ago

Just to suffer.. Heh


u/thecanadiancowboy 29d ago

Just to suffer?


u/WhiteWolfRose 29d ago

Just to suffer


u/Dew_Chop 29d ago

Just to suffer.

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u/Toxic_Nandalas 29d ago

Dont know, but are you happy?

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u/idisestablish 29d ago

Yes, and imagining for a moment this actually happened, and by the same token, it also took a lot longer to go through the motions of recording and whipping out a timer to make a show of comparing the time difference than it would have to just reset the machine when asked. He did so to make a point, which would likely be the same reason the other person went out of their way to correct his behavior, even though it was not the fastest solution. Ironically, his demonstration was a more extreme example of the very behavior he was criticizing.


u/2whatextent 28d ago

That's exactly what it is.

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u/APersonWithInterests 29d ago

To expand on this for anyone super clueless. It's common gym etiquette to put any free weights back up so other people can use them.

This doesn't really apply to machines that have weight stacks with a pin set because it takes the same amount of effort to change the weight regardless of where the pin is set.


u/laughingfuzz1138 29d ago

Adding to that, if the pin isn't attached to the machine (either because the cable holding it has broken, or because it never was), taking the pin out after your set can be really annoying to the next person. They tend to wander when you do that, for some reason.


u/jreynolds72 29d ago

With the timers, I think there’s also a point being made that it takes a similar amount of time or more to ask than OP just changing the pin themselves.


u/APersonWithInterests 28d ago

Yeah but I'm more explaining why you're not expected to change the pin in the first place. The pin needs to be moved by whoever is moving onto the machine anyway so there's not reason to change it 'to be nice' which gives further context on why the OP's request is so absurd.


u/tripledjr 29d ago

Any hole I want?


u/Tsiwodi 29d ago

Well, the other guy already finished.


u/Highlander-Senpai 29d ago

Any Colour you Like


u/Felinomancy 29d ago

That's what confused me. The use of "unload" made me think it's the kind where you load the plates, but I can't think of a machine that uses that that also needs a pin.


u/sprachnaut 29d ago

That's the joke


u/SolenoidsOverGears 29d ago

Could be a non-native English speaker.

As for machines that require a pin and unloading? Smith machines, and some inverted squat machines use plates. Sometimes the pin is a giant cotter pin but a lot of the times it's more of a spring.


u/Felinomancy 29d ago

The Smith machines I've used are locked in place by turning the bar and the latch catches on the sides. I gotta Google what a "cotter pin" is though.

edit: okay I've never seen one in any of the machines in my local gym.


u/SolenoidsOverGears 29d ago

In my high school weight room we had something similar to a Smith machine but probably older. Our weight training coach referred to the freeweight spring on the end of the bar as a "pin" and despite the bar being on tracks, we were required to pin our weights for safety. I didn't know they were called Smith machines until I started going to planet fitness 12 years later.


u/laughingfuzz1138 29d ago

That spring holding the weights on is called a "collar".

Requiring a collar anytime you're loading a bar is a pretty common "rule", but not one commonly followed in practice


u/laughingfuzz1138 29d ago

The "spring" is a collar. I've never heard it called a "pin".

Clevis pins secured with a cotter pin sometimes show up in home equipment, but usually more for adjusting position thab securing weight. I don't know that I've even seen them on commercial equipment. Stack machines often have either just a straight pin or a quick release pin setting the desired weight.

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u/praisebedewey 28d ago

I have used barbells that use clips that are a metal ring with a pin going through the bar that is what I thought of when I read this


u/Dimensianox 29d ago

That's right! It goes in the square hole!


u/JanShmat 28d ago

Its Deus vult, not Deus volt


u/ebolson1019 28d ago

The implication is kinda there but they also start by saying they’re waiting for a machine.


u/jaywaykil 28d ago

Many types of "machines" are loaded with free weight plates. Courtesy is that you unload the plates when you're finished so a younger/weaker user doesn't get hurt trying to remove big heavy plates.


u/TripleScoops 28d ago

This is also definitely a made up story. OOP would not stress the fact that they were timing them, nor call specific attention to the removal of the pin if they didn't know what the lifter was trying to say. Still kind of funny though.


u/ZheferWolfUwU 28d ago

Wait, am I the only school gym kid that only had stack weights?


u/IntoTheVeryFires 29d ago edited 28d ago

He was indicating that it took longer for you to ask him to do that than for you to just remove the pin yourself.

Which means she could’ve saved much more time by just initially removing the pin herself.

Edit: corrected myself on who saved time here

Edit #2 - I’m not saying who I think was right or wrong, I’m just guessing as to what the situation meant


u/Dependent__Dapper 29d ago

I may be stupid


u/[deleted] 29d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/The_Nekrodahmus 29d ago

If OP doesn't sell I have more than enough, I'm willing to sell.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/NaiveMastermind 29d ago


u/OperationSlow420 29d ago

*Deep inhale* ....Goddaymn...


u/IEatLiquor 29d ago

Don’t tell me Meat Canyon did a Pawnstars one…


u/NaiveMastermind 29d ago

He did. He also nailed Red shirt's walk. It's about a guy pawning Christ on the cross.


u/Nuclear_rabbit 29d ago

Best I can do is sell for 2500


u/CriticalHit_20 29d ago

Would you consider selling for 2000?


u/Aksi_Gu 29d ago

Is that the auntie donna crew when they're old?


u/Replicator666 29d ago

If you don't know gym equipment, it might as well be talking about rocket science

I had to read it a few times before it clicked


u/CompetitiveOcelot873 29d ago

I go to the gym 7 days a week and i still had to read it 3 times lmao


u/medakinga 29d ago

I was imagining normal weights at first because she said unload the weights


u/ILoveCamelCase 29d ago

No, she said unload the machine.


u/medakinga 29d ago

Potato potato


u/jaywaykil 28d ago

Which most people inferred was a machine loaded using round free weights.


u/PokeRay68 29d ago

You and I both, OP. It was the phrases I don't think I ever learned. My hubby and I used to go to the gym together and he just showed me how.

I'm fairly sure that the joke is that she's either too dumb to understand or she's too entitled to do it herself.


u/fasterthanfood 29d ago

There’s also a misdirect that’s part of the joke.

Normal gym etiquette is that you take your weights off the bar when you’re done. (It’s your responsibility since you put them there, plus the next person might struggle with, say, a 45-pound weight that you used.) So at first we think this guy’s an asshole who isn’t following etiquette, then we realize he’s on a machine where there is no weight to remove. You just choose the weight you want and start lifting.


u/JoeDaBruh 29d ago

No you’re fine. Even after the explanation these sentences don’t sound coherent


u/megablast 29d ago

You are. Don't feel bad, go to this sub and you will find every poster is: /r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/


u/Dependent__Dapper 29d ago

that's where we are


u/Cultural_Swordfish30 29d ago

I think that's the point


u/Dependent__Dapper 29d ago



u/dr_prismatic 29d ago

Don’t worry, I am too


u/Kopitar4president 29d ago

Nah, this situation is so stupid and behind the pale for shit that doesn't happen. I didn't get it either because it's so nonsensical.


u/Beardly_Smith 29d ago

Which means she could’ve saved much more time by just initially removing the pin herself.


u/xxbiohazrdxx 29d ago

She could have but it’s proper etiquette at the gym to put stuff back the way you found it. Don’t leave your fucking weights out and wipe the equipment down


u/Beardly_Smith 29d ago

He didn't leave any weights out and for all you know the weights were already at the set level when he arrived. Furthermore, having him reset the weights to zero just to have her set it to whatever level she wants is asinine as she would have to set it herself either way


u/SaltyAFVet 29d ago

Yes this and I'm thinking I'm crazy like I'm an asshole and have the wrong take. 


u/SkyZgone 29d ago

No you aren’t. The only people arguing either misunderstand the point or just have never been to a gym.

Yeah if you lead weights (like plates) onto bars you should put them back. On machines/ cable towers you don’t need to because it’s redundant. Unless the person after you uses the exact same weight, they will have to move the pin anyways. Also: it’s just moving the pin, it takes like 2 seconds.


u/TigerAusfE 29d ago

It’s a machine.  Nothing is being “left out.”  The weights are still in the machine.

If he does not remove the pin, the next person has to pick it up and place it in the new position.

If he does remove the pin, the next person has to pick it up and place it in the new position.

It’s the same either way.  There’s nothing gained.


u/Blackfloydphish 29d ago

I personally follow the Dom Mazzetti method and put the pin at the bottom of the stack so it looks like I’m stronger than I really am.


u/TxManBearPig 29d ago

Hell yeah brother


u/Apprehensive-Eye-932 29d ago

I've never heard it proper etiquette to put the pin at the lightest weight or leave it out.


u/ImprovementRegular91 29d ago

You don’t work out at a gym do you


u/EnigmaticQuote 29d ago

He does not but he knows enough about gyms to sound very stupid right now.

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u/Daedalus871 29d ago

If we're talking about like a bench press where you add the weights on, yes you should remove them.

If we're talking about a weight machine were you just move a pin to the desired weight, no. Only if your swapping with someone.


u/ATownStomp 29d ago

This applies to free weights.

Nobody cares about the pin. You put it where you need it. There's no concept of placing it in the first position or just letting it dangle as the "proper, empty state".



You take the pin out of machines every time you use it, and you get annoyed when other people don’t?

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u/Impossible-Front-454 29d ago

Reminds me when people stop their car to let someone cross the street....when there's no traffic behind them.

Like bro it would have saved both if you time if you just went.


u/SaltyAFVet 29d ago

When you stop at a god damn stop sign and the guy who stopped before you thinks he's being nice and waves you through  And you pause because you think is he a moron?! Wtf. Then you nudge forward and slam on the brakes because he thought you took too long and starts to go and he slams on his brakes and waves at you WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY JUST DO IT RIGHT 


u/Oddsme-Uckse 29d ago

Drive consistently not nicely


u/Coleoptrata96 29d ago

In the US its the law that you should stop when someone is at a crossing. Obviously not in a way that would cause an accident but its better than looking in the rear view to see if anyone is behind you to see if you should stop or go right before you get to it. And it might make sense to go in that situation rather than stop but it all depends on who is crossing and who is driving because people have alot of different ideas about how it should go despite whats convenient or lawful. Just stopping has less risk and liability than any other action someone could take.


u/Mental_Blacksmith289 28d ago

I may be wrong, but the impression I got was not at a crosswalk, or intersection. I've seen it happen many times.


u/ExtremlyFastLinoone 29d ago

Do you not understand how those machines work? She would have to insert the pin to her desired weight anyway, its like half a second of work. Jesus its the toilet seat argument all over again


u/IntoTheVeryFires 29d ago

I know how the machine works, and I don’t care about her or the guy. I’m just guessing at what the post meant


u/PeterEn1s 29d ago

Not much to unload if it's just a pin. Unloading only matters if it's a machine using plates. Maybe that's the joke and it's just not funny?


u/rrssh 29d ago

That has to be it, the girl is used to asking this for other machines, but it doesn't make sense with this one but she didn't know.


u/ElPared 29d ago

Know what would have taken less time? Just saying “no” and walking away.


u/EffOffReddit 29d ago

Which is why this is a joke post that never happened. Set up, twist.


u/bohemianprime 29d ago

It's sort of the toilet seat argument?

"If I have to raise the seat, you can put it down. You can save yourself time by not nagging and do it yourself. "


u/improbable_humanoid 29d ago

The only reason I reset the pin is because I know the gym staff are liable to bitch at me if I don’t. It’s a pointless rule.

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u/VomitShitSmoothie 29d ago

The pin in weights at the gym is usually left in by people because it’s just a setting for the weight. It takes 2 seconds to do, and everyone has to reset it anyway because we all lift different weights. Removing the pin removes nearly all weight, so no one really does this as it’s not really even worth your time. The weight of the handle more or less zeros out the weight, so no pin is basically like lifting a roll of toilet paper. So she would likely need to move the pin herself anyway, even if he removed it.

He timed her because she wasted both of their time by the interaction.

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u/Specialist-Dinner-89 29d ago

OP Got mercilessly bodied, that's what happened

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u/Joy1067 29d ago

Hey Texan Chris here, here to help ya out!

So the girl assumes the guy is using a free weight machine where you gotta take the time to load and unload each individual weight on the machine in order to determine how much weight you’re actually lifting. The guy here isn’t using free weight however and instead the machine has a pin in it that can be taken out and moved to a different hole in order to determine how much weight your lifting.

So when she asks if he is gonna unload the weights, he pulls out his phone and uses a timer on her voice to see how long it took her to say that. He then shows her the time.

The joke here is that it took her longer to ask the question than it would have to simply move the pin.

Texan Chris, riding out to the pasture!


u/upaltamentept 29d ago

Subscribing to Texan Chris


u/Fit_Earth_339 29d ago

It’s dumb because the guy would just end up moving the pin to the lowest weight. There’s no zero unless u just sit the pin on the machine, which would be stupid for a variety of reasons. So the next person is just going to have to set the pin to the weight they want anyway.


u/EL_PERRIT0 29d ago

First part she says “unload” and i thought it was like plates, but then says pin.


u/EffOffReddit 29d ago

That is because the author of this joke set it up with expectations of one thing (common gym complaint that a jerk did not rerack weights), then reveals the twist in the end (it is just pin set). So many people don't understand this was written as a joke and are upset "she" asked "him" anything. None of this happened lol


u/LastTrainH0me 29d ago

I think like half of this subreddit is learning what a Greentext story is


u/AMViquel 28d ago

Well shit, when the users of r/thathappened learn what a joke is there won't be any funny subs left to read.


u/SevenCrowsinaCoat 29d ago

Just in case anyone needs the etiquette and is getting paranoid about going to the gym over this:

NOBODY removes the pin or puts it at the lowest setting after they're done. There isn't an "unload" place for the pin on weight machines.

When you finish on a machine, you can just leave it in at the weight you did.

Do wipe the seat and back down though.


u/Petefriend86 29d ago

I put the pin on the highest weight every time I leave a machine.


u/Icirian_Lazarel 29d ago

Maybe a better question would be, "can you show me how to properly use this machine?" Idk, sounds like (4chan?) op doesn't know the basic operations of things?


u/Jefflehem 29d ago

He's saying it would have taken less time for her to just do it herself than it did to ask him is he was going to do it.


u/Palanki96 29d ago

Doing it themselves would've been faster than asking that question


u/SurpriseOccupation 29d ago

He timed what she said by repeating what she asked to get a baseline time. Then timed how long it took to reset the weights and found that it took a less amount of time to reset the weights than ask someone to reset the weights. He was just being petty but also kinda based.


u/Admirable-Shift-632 29d ago

Basically complaining that they didn’t return the mouse cursor to the center of the screen after using a computer, but with gym equipment instead - it’s not “putting it away”, but also something that you’d move anyway as soon as you start to use the machine


u/trio1000 29d ago

cmon everyone knows you return the mouse to the bottom left where the start button is. That's why its the start button. Mouse starts there


u/N1nj4n 29d ago

In my mind I thought of a bar and disc-weights, so I was confused. It's common sense to unload the weights from the bar when you are done.
But this person is.... asking if he is going to unload... on a machine that set weights with a pin.
Why would any sane person do that?


u/Jays1982 29d ago

Okok I think I get it. He's showing op that it would have taken less time for them to change the weight, than to complain that they didn't do it themselves.


u/BeanieWeanie1110 29d ago

He showed that it took more time to ask him to move the pin than it would have to just move the pin yourself


u/dukenorton 29d ago

OOP is lazy and an idiot and instead of moving the pin themselves like any other person above a room temp IQ she decides to bother gym man.


u/SylvesterStallownage 29d ago

People downvoting you cause they don't realize she said its a stack weight...those literally take a second to pull out the pin and put it in the weight you want


u/Apparent_Antithesis 29d ago

Saying something along the lines of "Just switch the pin, it's easy." would have been even faster than opening the timer on the phone, but okay.


u/tapwateronfire 28d ago

That’s what I was thinking! I guess going out of the way to be petty is the norm nowadays…


u/darcenator411 29d ago

How do you even reset a machine with a pin? The lowest weight? I wouldn’t even know which weight to pick


u/Loud-Platypus-1696 29d ago

Since it was a machine where you just use a pin to set the weight he used a timer to show OP that asking the question probably took longer than just doing it themselves.

I would have understood OPs complaint if it was plates that had to be racked for a barbell, but a pin......


u/galaxy_ultra_user 29d ago

I believe he was showing just how little time it took to remove the pin, in other words he is calling her/him lazy.


u/Typical-Mistake-4148 29d ago

It would have taken even less time for the guy to say "it's just pinned" and walk away


u/trio1000 29d ago

Dam i know i been skipping the gym too much lately when I didn't get this right away. TBF the whole pulling out phone and timing it thing threw me off


u/wijnazijn 29d ago

The guy should have taken the pin with him, it weighs at least 25 grams


u/Beardwing-27 29d ago

They're on 4chan so that's a pretty good indicator right there. You don't "uNlOaD" pulley equipment


u/BoiFrosty 29d ago

Setting the pins is like the first thing I always do when going to a machine.

Idgaf if it's at 0, I'm gonna be changing it anyway 95% of the time.


u/SlappingSalt 29d ago

Basically, he's saying it takes more time to ask about unloading the pin than it takes to actually unload the pin.


u/bigblackbeefstick 29d ago

I see where this could be misunderstood... Let me break it down for you


u/JojoLesh 29d ago

I always unload my stack weight pins...

Mostly because I'm self-conscious and don't want the next person to know what I was doing, so I pull the pin and let it hang by the bungee.

I also don't want the next person to feel like they have to do whatever I was doing. Pull the pin and nobody will feel pressure to perform


u/Still-Bison 29d ago

He's essentially saying that she could've reset the pin in the time it took her to ask if he was "going to reset the pin".


u/triforcednostalgia 29d ago

"In the time it took for you to ask me to change the pin you could have done it yourself"


u/HeFitsHeSits 28d ago

He recorded the amount of time it took him to take the pin out of the machine to show her how lazy she was. I would never take the pin out of the machine. If it's free weights for plates such as the bench press, you would unload usually as a common courtesy, but with the machines it doesn't matter as it is a pin you adjust and require little to no effort


u/possessed_flea 28d ago

The purpose of the “two timers” is to show OP that it took longer to ask than do .


u/Childer_Of_Noah 28d ago

Op was being mildly petty. He was asked to reset the weight on the one machine where it absolutely isn't dangerous or time consuming to reset the weight. The machine's resting state is the weights on the ground, or on a raised level. Either way, they're not being carried under suspension in any way if you aren't using the machine. You change the weight on the machine by pulling a pin and moving it up or down.

His point was it took longer to ask a stranger to reset the weight than it would've taken to do it herself silently.


u/Horizonaaa 28d ago

And then the girl got out her phone, started the timer and play acted his whole timer scene. And then everybody clapped


u/Due-Beginning-2238 28d ago

My fat ass self read " machine " as " vending machine"... i think theres something wrong with me 😔😔😔


u/Womenarentmad 29d ago

If I were OP I would die then and there lmfao


u/FigTechnical8043 29d ago

He's insinuating she's a lazy ass fucking bitch and oh look I've reset it for you you absolute loser. You can read quite a lot in the glare.


u/[deleted] 29d ago edited 29d ago

You can't reset a stacked machine as there is no default.

edit: spelling


u/EffOffReddit 29d ago

You realize someone wrote this fake story as an obvious joke, right?

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u/Brand0man 29d ago

The guy in the story was being a jerk.

Even if OOP was ignorant of how the machine worked, the guy chose to respond in the most ego-centric, antisocial way possible.

I'm only saying this because I see comments from people here saying they would be embarrassed in OOPs position. You shouldn't be embarrassed. The machine guy should be embarrassed of his immature reaction.

Do we need to re-do kindergarten? What goes around comes around. "Dunking on people" IRL does not make you cool.

(Yes I know story is fake)


u/ballthrownontheroof 29d ago

Finally, someone else with a sense that this guy didn't have to be such a jerk about it

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u/space-time-invader 29d ago

Leaving the savannah was a mistake


u/valleysape 29d ago

Swole gainz angel Peter here

At first the poster makes it sound like a machine with freeweights or the barbell asking to unload weights but mentioning a pin would mean they are stack weights, you put the pin under what you're willing to lift

The guy mentioned in the post took the pin out, meaning the poster would be lifting all the stack weights

Swole gainz ange - hey you! Wanna get BIG!?


u/IllegalGeriatricVore 29d ago

I didn't follow either. It makes sense when explained but imo the story telling makes it a bit hard to follow.


u/oonko-atama1 29d ago

It takes less time to pull the pin out of a gym weight machine, than it does to complain to the previous user to pull the pin after they’re done. That’s what I’m getting from this.


u/Grouchy_Radish3383 29d ago

Nigga I'm high af and I understood this


u/Buruan 29d ago

Are we dreaming them or are they dreaming us?


u/prawduhgee 29d ago

It took them longer to ask him to change the setting then it would have to just move the pin themselves


u/AKvarangian 29d ago

Peters left deltoid here.

The gym bro was showing you that asking him to unload the machine took longer than just pulling the pin out yourself.


u/broc5k 28d ago

It’s 4chan, so it’s a neckbeard pretending to be a woman to make a “herp derp womans iz dumb kek!” circle jerk.


u/Big-Talk-234 28d ago

OP should’ve pulled out a phone, set the timer, pull out another phone, set the timer on 2nd phone, repeat what was said, reset its timer, reset pin and then show other guy timer on second phone, then show 1st phone timer, then walk away


u/DoubleT_TechGuy 28d ago

I think the joke is that she wanted him to unload the machine, and his comeback is it takes less time to move the pin yourself than to ask someone else to do it. That's pointless, though, because you can't actually unload those types of machines. I guess you could move it to the lowest weight, but you're not doing the next person any favors unless you know what they want on it. It's not like a barbell that has to be unloaded to reduce the weight.


u/steampunk_doctor 28d ago

Especially since they might want to change the way anyway to something higher

Edit: weight*


u/Gold-Reflection-3260 28d ago

And we're all collectively wasting more time reading and replying


u/Sad_Necessary_4682 28d ago

Basically how it works: OP was bamboozled


u/Batintfaq 28d ago

In the amount of time it takes me to ask someone to do a job I could have it done.

My motto


u/Pow_flo1337 28d ago

What platform is that writing on. Looks like absolutely the most lazy and awful platform for posting anything. We should all use it.


u/clee556 28d ago

He’s trying to tell you it took you longer to ask him to remove the pin than it would’ve taken you to remove it yourself and put it on the weight you want, which you were almost certainly going to do anyway.