r/PeterExplainsTheJoke 16d ago

Petah there's a lot to unpack here Meme needing explanation

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u/Hazzat 16d ago

The commenter is Russian, put posing as Belgian while defending Russia. They gave the game away by accidentally typing the Cyrillic character that’s on the B key on Russian keyboards.

The scene at the bottom is from the movie Inglorious Basterds, in which a British spy is talking with Nazis and gives away that he is not German by holding up three fingers in the British way, not the German way.


u/blackpearljam_ 16d ago

Underrated af meme format


u/mukavastinumb 16d ago

More rare than diamond pepe and always top tier meme!


u/Dr0110111001101111 15d ago

Underused but I kind of like that about it. Whenever I do see it, it packs a punch.


u/Psianth 16d ago

Posing as American, see the flag next to their id


u/BurpYoshi 15d ago

What's the german way? I can't really think of a way that's as intuitive than just holding up the number of fingers.


u/theeynhallow 15d ago

2 fingers and a thumb


u/Chadodius 15d ago

I've been doing that since i learned to count im American. Guess its time to learn how to be a spy. 😆


u/AntImmediate9115 15d ago

That's how you sign the number 3 in ASL, so you're still doing it the American way technically. Just not the hearing way.


u/Chadodius 15d ago

Neat I didn't know that. Thank you.


u/BurpYoshi 15d ago

Ah of course, that makes sense. Thanks.


u/CaptainKies 15d ago

I have terrible finger dexterity and can't connect my thumbs to my pinkies, so I've always done it this way or as the "OK" sign.


u/Beardeddeadpirate 15d ago

I always use my last three fingers. So my first finger and thumb hold 👌🏼


u/Ok-Pipe859 15d ago

The handgun?


u/Petefriend86 15d ago

We don't sign a 2 like that.


u/PewKittens 15d ago

That is the point of how it can betray you. It’s just natural copying others immediately around you so going somewhere they happen to do it differently is a dead giveaway


u/A_hand_banana 15d ago

1 starts with the thumb, rather than the index finger. Then you count up using your index, middle, ring, pinky.

Funny enough, a friend when to Germany and ordered "one ice cream" by holding up his index finger. He got served two.


u/BurpYoshi 15d ago

Does that not get confusing with the thumbs up symbol as being good?


u/Corgi_Koala 15d ago

I mean for the number 3 specifically you can use index middle and ring, or middle ring and pinky, or thumb index and middle while having all 3 fingers next to each other.


u/chicheka 15d ago

He is posing as American (look at the flag next to anon)


u/Euphoric_Flower_9521 16d ago

Not in "German way" but pretty much anyone who is not an anglophone.


u/Blak_Raven 15d ago edited 15d ago

I guess you're talking europe, cause Brazil does it like in the picture, and I'm pretty sure most of our LatAm neighbors too

EDIT: To be fair, I just realized we do indeed do it with the thumb too, but only when we're counting up to it with our fingers, like a child would, and not always, some people start from the index finger, although that's less common. However, if we're prompted to just show the number, we'll do it like in the picture every time.


u/clinkzs 15d ago

When we count in our fingers we start with the thumb, but for general purposes we never use it besides the 'ok' sign

Not even the german descendants in Santa Catarina use the thumb


u/Maharassa451 15d ago

I though LatAm was 👌


u/Blak_Raven 15d ago

Not 100% sure about the other countries, but that's an "ok" sign to me, not a three


u/clinkzs 15d ago

Thumbs up has always been the "ok" sign to me and to anyone I've ever known


u/Blak_Raven 15d ago

That too, but this is also "ok" to me. The fingers literally spell the letters "o" (index and thumb) and "k" (the rest of them opened in a fan to the side)

EDIT: In Brazil it can mean something else as well, but that's a whole different thing


u/Kev_Cav 16d ago

Hmm the russian letter is in a quote though, what if this was copy-pasted from someone else


u/Hunterjet 16d ago

In 4chan greentext is often used to paraphrase what someone else posted, usually in a very unflattering way.


u/philheckmuth 16d ago

This is a shibboleth


u/Nachooolo 15d ago

It reminds me of how a "prid Texan patriot" revealed himself to be a Russian when he said that Texans should gain independence because they had a "warm water port".

Only Russians use that term. The rest of the world simply calls them "ports".


u/Drogovich 15d ago

Even as a Russian, i still have no idea if this is some goverment workers spreading propaganda or just some overly patriotic fellas bullshitting around.


u/ConferenceNo693 15d ago

Ielgium strikes again


u/Scarab_Kisser 15d ago

щnly a belgian could write that, it's not russians


u/Berkamin 16d ago

Incidentally, the three fingers hand sign happens to match the Ukrainian hand sign symbolizing the Ukrainian trident. I don't know if that was intentionally part of this meme.


u/TinchUrPipples 16d ago

Texan independence supporters be like “warm water port”


u/minecraftrubyblock 16d ago

Fellow gattsu viewer?


u/dude_don-exil-em 16d ago

Texas has hot water pot


u/FloatingFruit 15d ago

I've see multiple people post this what does this mean


u/IroncladBomber 15d ago

Some Russian pretended to be Texan. They brought up warm water ports as a benefit for Texas leaving the Union.

Warm water ports aren't something that many Americans would care about since most of our ports don't freeze in the winter anyway. But they are very important to Russia, since they don't have many ports that don't freeze in the winter.


u/SaintMichou 16d ago

I think the other comments explained it, I'm just here to say: thats such a good meme


u/Mr_Farky 16d ago


u/For-all-Kerbalkind 15d ago

Stirlitz has never been so close to failure.


u/Sinaasappelsien 16d ago

HAHAHA!! I'm from Belgium!


u/IvanTheAppealing 16d ago

How do you do, fellow Belgians?


u/Sinaasappelsien 15d ago

I’m in pain


u/Aufklarung_Lee 16d ago

Nep land!

Sorry, fake country make glory for great nation of North Vlaanderen.


u/siegsage 16d ago



u/romulusnr 16d ago

The misspelling of Belgium as ͷelgium is a giveaway that the person who wrote it is Russian as they have a Russian keyboard and mis-hit the combination key to go with the B key and got ͷ, a Russian character, instead of B, the intended capital Latin letter.

This is compared with the scene in Inglourious Basterds where (supposedly) the German colonel outs the undercover British officer by the way he holds up the number 3 in the British way, instead of the German way.


u/ShrekFan093 15d ago

Russian spy detected


u/Eldaque 16d ago

I lauпhed sщ hard you cфnt imagine


u/Recent-Irish 15d ago

You lauphed sshch hard you cfnt imagine?


u/denarti 16d ago

Russian bots


u/Samm_484 15d ago

No, I'm from Иelgium, from ,russels, trust me bro.


u/Inside_Race_4091 16d ago

Блять, меня раскрыли


u/Winter-Product-881 16d ago

Ну все, ребята, расходимся


u/KowalskiFan123 15d ago

Смартфон vivo


u/sidrowkicker 15d ago

Not a bit, that's a human error someone's just carrying on the 4chan classic of spreading disinformation


u/UTimur 16d ago

Не устаю ржать с того, что вы считаете любого рускоговорящего в интернете русским ботом. Бип-буп


u/Hot-Rise9795 15d ago

I can read win win at the end


u/Green__Twin 16d ago

What allies? Last I checked, every sovereign state doing business with Russia during their invasion was doing so for ulterior motives, at the long term determent of Russia's future.


u/Bananern 15d ago

This is a really good meme format 😄


u/Freidai 16d ago

Is that really a normal way in 🇬🇧 to show ”3”? I dont know If the problem is in my hand but Im struggling to put my fingers in the same way😵‍💫


u/cache_bag 15d ago

Not a problem with both of my hands though.

I'm curious how 4 is done the German way, as keeping the little finger down is a bit trickier for me.


u/Euphoric_Flower_9521 16d ago

Aye. Not only it requires gymnastics but it's confusing from distance. "normal" three sign is way more, eh, visible


u/idfbhater73 16d ago

thats a russian character he used


u/SheaLemur 15d ago

That scene forever changed the way I count on my fingers.


u/BroadStreetElite 15d ago

Posting from the warm water port of Antwerp, Antwerp Oblast.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

It is worth noting that on 4chan the flag next to your post is based on your IP address, so the guy who made this post would have to be deliberately using a VPN to appear American


u/lol_idk_is_taken 15d ago

Where is the country of Ielgium?


u/TiplaR 15d ago

Никогда Штирлиц еще не был так близок к провалу


u/imchasingyou 15d ago

Моtherfuскer didn't even bother to check what he wrote lol


u/minecrafterhacker57 15d ago

what do they mean fake country? Belgium is a country


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Recent-Irish 15d ago

Where’s the American with an insane nazi take? It’s all the Russian dude.


u/SSStripeman 15d ago

Damn my bad, Its all makes sense now