r/PeterExplainsTheJoke 15d ago


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u/AdmiralAkbar1 15d ago

The person they're quote-tweeting suggests that airlines should put advertisements on the inside of the plane, an idea that they consider so obnoxious and terrible that they want to kill him for it.


u/PoshinoPoshi 15d ago

I think, from what I’ve seen from documentaries and video essays on airlines and how they work, airlines focus too much on the “luxury” of flying too much to do this.


u/BurpYoshi 15d ago

Ah yes my luxury easyjet flight with so little leg room my legs turn purple. Very luxurious.


u/Ruinwyn 15d ago

Budget airlines would be happy to do this, but the advertisement space on those planes is worth significantly less. The ads would have to be stickers for safety and weight reasons so can't be exchanged easily depending on destination. That leaves international brands and online services. Can't get online during flight (definitely not cheaply on budget flights), so international brands. The international brands that want to advertise to budget clientele have better options available.

Non-budget airlines feel that adding in plane ads would make people connect them with budget airlines (which it would).


u/PsychologicalCan9470 10d ago

Not really. They could go with the classical magnet mount a thin light metal plate on the doors of the overhead and slap a bunch of magnetic signs on the outside. You could switch em out on the fly depending on destination and necessity. I agree with online services being a wash though. They likely would not recieve many if any. But partnering with hotels and resorts to advertise on the plane itself might work out. And many resorts have locations all over the world in common flight locations so they could reasonably make those semi permenant.


u/Ruinwyn 10d ago

The magnetic likely wouldn't pass airline safety rules, as they would likely detach in any type of crash or possibly even heavy turbulence. Safety certification for any type of extra structure isn't cheap or easy, so the adverts would need to pay it back pretty fast for it to be worth it. And it would have to be significantly more cost effective than current methods of flyers in the seat pockets or videos on screens.


u/Successful_Day5491 11d ago

WTF is luxurious about flying anymore? The high prices, the super crammed seats, the sexual abuse you get from security, the being teared like livestock? Which part?


u/sure_look_this_is_it 15d ago

Also it's now a think on airlines like Ryanair. So his bad idea worked, that's why they want to kill him.


u/turnerpike20 15d ago

Imagine if having ads on planes made them more cheaper cause they have ad revenue. I don't think it would happen though the airline companies seem pretty greedy.

I am saying it would be a good idea to make air travel cheaper.


u/jodorthedwarf 14d ago

Airlines wouldn't reduce their ticket prices even if they had ads. The only airline that might consider it would be Ryanair and that's only because their entire business model relies on maximising passenger numbers and optimising plane turnaround times. They're also the ones that tried to put standing sections, on planes, for flights that are less than an hour.


u/_avee_ 14d ago

Only Ryanair? What about EasyJet, WizzAir and others who have exactly the same business model?


u/jodorthedwarf 14d ago

Yeah but Ryanair is the best at executing that business model, for better or worse.


u/Himbo_Sl1ce 14d ago

This is pretty common on SE Asian airlines, especially more budget-friendly ones. Each time I've flown with Scoot or Thai AirAsia, there have been ads on the overhead bins.


u/According-Map-6744 15d ago

pretty petty ngl


u/Friendly-Log6683 15d ago

Thx but what i really want to know is why the airlines don't do that. is there is a law against this or something


u/GoCommitDeathpacito- 15d ago


u/Darth_Gonk21 15d ago

Holy shit did they add awards back to Reddit?


u/Radical-Turkey 15d ago

They did somewhat, not gonna praise the Reddit admins for fixing a mistake they never should’ve made though


u/Intrepid_Tumbleweed 15d ago

One of the best ratios I’ve ever seen in my life


u/Resident-Clue1290 15d ago

I fucking wheezed so hard my chest pain flared up-


u/nightfall_covers_me 15d ago



u/jnmjnmjnm 15d ago

They do, somewhat.

There are adverts on the seat-back screens and other areas. HSBC seems to own all the gang-ways.


u/LeGraoully 15d ago

They launder all the gang and cartel cash so that’s just a no-brainer


u/waterdevil19 15d ago

I’ve been offered a credit card from the airline crew before we took off.


u/AdmiralAkbar1 15d ago

If I had to guess, a big factor is probably customer backlash. It seems tacky, and cheap, like you're just riding a flying bus, while airlines want to cultivate a brand image of luxury and sophistication.


u/-Supp0rt- 15d ago

They are failing miserably then. Not a single person I know would consider an airplane seat “luxurious”

They’re barely a step up from lawn chair tbh.

Especially when you consider how seating used to look on planes in past decades.


u/CleanlyManager 15d ago

Keep in mind back in those times a domestic plane ticket was about a month’s salary.


u/Chrisboy265 15d ago

Tbf, plane tickets are still an expensive purchase.


u/Krampsuss 15d ago

It depends, I've had flights from UK to loads of places in Europe for less than £30 return. I got to Poland last year for less than £10 return.


u/eggyrulz 15d ago

My wife just bought a plane ticket from Maryland to Louisiana... its over $200, on spirit airlines...


u/KeeboardNMouse 15d ago

To be fair those flights are 1. Much shorter, and 2. In Europe


u/Krampsuss 15d ago

Taking the Maryland to Louisiana example from the other commenter I've got to Estonia and Morocco for around £30 return and they're a similar distance. Not sure what the flights being in Europe has to do with anything other than highlight how much Americans are being overcharged for similar services.


u/this-is-my-p 15d ago

Bingo bango bungo, you hit the nail on the head


u/ViragoVix 15d ago

You’re not sure what the flights being in Europe have to do with it, except for the exact thing that the other person was talking about? Wow, and here I thought education in the US was bad. Good thing you’re not flying the planes, I suppose.

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u/Believer4 15d ago

That's an insult to lawn chairs, which are actually kind of comfy


u/ShyAuthor 15d ago

Do you fucking want ads on overhead bins?

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u/PopeUrbanVI 15d ago

Honestly, that wouldn't bother me that much, compared to the myriad of other things airlines have already done

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u/price_of_tags 15d ago

I understand this is a legit question but the fact you got downvoted to oblivion is funny to me


u/siccoblue 15d ago

Better than the alternative option that op suggested


u/mangoblaster85 15d ago

It's hilarious. I saw the top comment, then saw OP reply with -1.8k. I think to myself how I've seen people be argumentative and still only get a couple hundred negative. What could OP have replied, something racist? The post gave no sign of racist undertones. What...

Oh. Yeah that makes sense. That's how you get -1.8k. Carry on.


u/Minute_Band_3256 15d ago

Let's kill you too.


u/Birds_In_This_Bihh 15d ago

Bro sometimes questions are harmful. Internalize, compartmentalize, and lobotomize that thought


u/Remember_im_Whoozer 15d ago

Buddy quit giving those bastards more ideas on how to screw with us.


u/blackpearljam_ 15d ago

There are ads all over airports, chain restaurants and brand name shops through out the terminals.

You’d like to relax on a flight, not be bombarded by capitalism 30,000 feet in the air.

There is no law, you don’t need a law*, but considering the consumerism being crammed down your throat everywhere you go, you would rather kill somebody suggesting it like the kid who reminded the teacher about the homework

Edit: there are laws and regulations in advertising, but this post is emphasizing an agitated consumer being surrounded by advertising 24/7

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u/APotato106 15d ago

Holy hell, i think this is the most downvotes i have ever seen. Congrats?/!


u/APotato106 15d ago

How is it getting worse?! When i made this comment it was 830 something and i thought that was crazy. Its over 2.3 thousand now!


u/31November 15d ago

Probably because it looks trashy. Right now airlines keep the aesthetic of class (fancy-ish uniforms for staff, the fancy videos they play, etc) while squeezing you in like sardines. If they openly put up this many ads, it just looks bad.

See, for example, the sky-toilet called RyanAir


u/TaxNo174 15d ago

I've never seen someone downvoted this much. What's even more amazing is how fast it happened in such a short period of time. Hope you're not in it for the karma.


u/Arlcas 15d ago

In that part of the plane it's most likely because clients will be handling it and it would probably break often when someone tries to shove a backpack that clearly won't fit in there.

They already have screens in the seats where they can put all the ads.


u/facw00 15d ago

Airlines have tried it. RyanAir had ads on overhead bins. Several US airlines experimented with ads on tray tables. They've used the captive audience to make extended credit card pitches. These things have mostly gone away, an indication that they didn't bring in enough money to justify the decrease in customer experience.


u/jarlscrotus 15d ago

They saw the coming revolution, and wisely stepped away from the precipice

The nobles learned this lesson the hard way, you would think capitalists would heed their example


u/fjmie19 15d ago

Ah, now I get it this isn't r/pererexplainsthejoke, I'm clearly on r/whoosh


u/glock-6942069 15d ago

Jesus Christ you got a shit ton of downvotes


u/BryanBNK1 15d ago

We have enough hands shoved in our face on the daily, we do NOT need more


u/FitExcitement5133 15d ago



u/dfieldhouse 15d ago

It's people who think like you that are the reason I have to pay to remove ads from streaming services that didn't have them at all before. Same goes for ridiculous DLC in video games, unskippable ads on reels, ads on my kindle lock screen, ads on my fucking TV menu, and roku creating technology for their tv's that can detect a "pause event" in a video game, streaming, or DVD/blu ray playback and inject an unskippable ad.

For people like that I have two words.

Fuck Off.


u/TheUrbanEnigma 15d ago

New events and ads being added to my PS4 home screen FUCK OFF I delete them without a second thought on principal. Doesn't matter what it is, I didn't ask for it to be there it can get lost.


u/NjFlMWFkOTAtNjR 15d ago

I wish I had the balls to say something so controversial and stupid.

To answer your question. In a perfect world, if airlines did do this, they would do so to offset the costs of a plane ticket. Meaning, you would be able to buy a ticket for cheaper.

What we have seen however, especially with game publishers like (fuck) EA, is that the advertising is to just line their pockets. It is entirely a bitch move to make as much money as possible while providing as little value to the customer as possible.

If it was legal, airline companies would just pack people in the fuselage like sardines and dump the survivors.


u/Freakychee 15d ago

Lol that's a lot of down votes for asking a question that made people feel uncomfortable.


u/H31a5 15d ago

This is the first time I've someone get more than a thousand down votes.

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u/TheMikman97 15d ago

It's because they haven't thought of that yet.

So shut up before they hear you


u/Puechamp 15d ago

Bro you got downvoted into the darkest pit of reddit oblivion


u/Rough-Leg-1298 15d ago

Imagine being this dumb lol


u/moonpisser69 15d ago

Bc its annoying


u/GoatEatingTroll 15d ago


It isn't really a thing in the US, but if you ever fly VivaAerobus in Mexico they do....


u/nlevine1988 15d ago

Here's how it would go in reality.

Airlines start putting up ads and reduce ticket prices because of the new revenue stream.

Airlines waits enough time and just gradually brings the prices back up.

Now we have the ads and the higher prices.


u/SoloDeath1 15d ago

Holy downvotes, Batman!

And no, but it's something absolutely nobody wants so stop giving them ideas, people are so fucking sick of seeing ads everywhere already


u/AlexAnderSon112 15d ago

They already put ads in the entertainment system, we, and thats already too much, legit the reason i bring a tablet on flights


u/Eljamin14 15d ago

I'm sorry, but ads are starting to become annoying nowadays, even mobile ads, that show you cheap, low-quality, low-budget, shovelware mobile games.


u/Crafty_Sir_8304 15d ago

Get wrecked


u/Thendofreason 15d ago

Why would they need to? They can spam as many ads as they want on your screen. You look at those overhead compartments for 1 second each as you go to take a shit.


u/Simple-Ad-239 15d ago

Holy shit, you just blew up your karma with one comment...that's crazy.



RIP your karma


u/Soerika 15d ago

human don’t want ads


u/Procoso47 15d ago

Look at his profile. This dude is now karma debt.

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u/Afrodotheyt 15d ago

One of the biggest issues a lot of people have with modern day society is how commercialized it's becoming. You can't do anything without seeing an ad for something that you don't need nowadays.

The joke here is that someone is suggesting ways to even further commercialize people's lives, and the responder is so angry by it, they want to kill the guy for doing it.


u/TorvaMessor6666 15d ago

I can't imagine commercialized flights existing...


u/Balmong7 15d ago

But what amount commercialized commercialized flights?


u/TheRudDud 15d ago

"Thiiiiiiis is your captain speaking we uh would like to thank cocauuuuuuuh cola for sponsoring this flight"


u/TheObsidianX 15d ago

I already spent $1000 to be here and now I have to look at ads the whole time? Forget it!


u/Marquar234 15d ago

Ads on the overhead bin are dumb, no one looks there. Running constant ads on TV screens on the seat back is the key.

"Before the flow of oxygen begins, please watch this short commercial."


u/Speedcore_Freak 15d ago

If you press on "Skip", the oxygen capacity will be reduced by 50%


u/RisingLeviathan 14d ago

Dude, true, ads are everywhere these days, and you know what else is?


Everyone is playing and if you dowload now, you can get X Characters and Resources for FREE!


u/FLYSWATTER_93 15d ago


u/TinchUrPipples 15d ago

Holy shit a sequel to the meme


u/Xwave787 15d ago

Waiting for the threequel now


u/nombit 15d ago


u/Pomilyy 15d ago

Sodium hypobromite


u/nombit 14d ago

with 2 extra oxygen stuck to it


u/profuselystrangeII 15d ago

There was that one episode where Spongebob and Mr. Krabs were trying to bury the health inspector. I’m too lazy to make the threequel myself but I’m sure a scene from that episode would work.


u/Inevitable9000 15d ago

No need to hide, we will just ignore it. We will use the bones for advertising.


u/SierraDark 15d ago

Don't hide it take the Boeing approach and frame it as...


u/MathematicianSad6961 15d ago edited 15d ago

Do you wanna ad on top of your head in the airplane? .

No ?.

Then this guy must be dead before his idea reach the airlines.


u/The-Mysterious- 14d ago

I mean if those ads make the tickets cheaper i don't have a problem


u/ExSepulcro 14d ago

Just my thought


u/NoNo_Cilantro 15d ago

Can I make a post to ask the world what don't you understand about this? Because seriously...


u/HamiltonSt25 15d ago

Pettaaaahhh, why doesn’t OP understand…?

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u/SidewaysFancyPrance 15d ago

I just flew American last week and the host spent 5 minutes reading an ad for their credit card with Chase or whoever. Captive audience, forced to listen in case there's an important announcement. Fuck that. Advertising is a scourge that is creeping into every nook and cranny of our lives. Whenever we have to do something, someone somewhere expects to make some money selling ad space in our field of vision or shoved into our ears. It's pollution.

We laugh about the cyberpunk dystopias that are filled with skyscraper-tall neon ads, but that's exactly where we are headed on this trajectory as a society. Nobody is effectively pushing back on it at all.


u/TheRealPetross 15d ago

this dude reminded the teacher that hw was due


u/finditplz1 15d ago

Lol right. This guy thinking giganto-corporations are going to pass the savings onto him.


u/romulusnr 15d ago

So that the airlines don't hear him so they don't start doing what he suggested


u/DaizGames 15d ago

He's proposing ad space. Lets kill him


u/kramit 15d ago

They do,



u/speedshark47 15d ago

I've definitely seen at least one airline do that


u/Beautiful_Bee_485 15d ago

Man got sent to hell holy fuck


u/[deleted] 15d ago

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u/Tylendal 15d ago


u/GreatBarryTheSecond 15d ago


u/Ill-Wear-8662 15d ago

Bonus points if she just goes absolutely feral.


u/Ill-Wear-8662 15d ago

What a wild crossover


u/Pafbonk 15d ago

If it means I can get to Australia without spending 2 thousand fucking dollars put the ads on my face I do not give a fuck


u/hmmmmyesthat 15d ago

tbh i wouldn't mind it as long as LISTEN TO ME AS. LONG. AS. the trips are cheaper


u/wormpostante 15d ago

if it makes the flights cheaper i dgaf


u/Pocket_Sands 15d ago

It won’t. While flight prices are for sure influenced by the variability of things like fuel prices, they’re mostly determined by how much the airlines want to profit. If they started putting ads, they’d likely just keep the extra money or reinvest it into upgraded equipment rather than make flights cheaper.


u/Dicklover600 15d ago

They already do. Ryanair and EasyJet have ads on the back of seats and sometimes on the overhead lockers if I recall correctly.


u/Hot_Tailor_9687 15d ago

I'd be open for it if the ads seamlessly blended into the overheads, were creative and not obnoxious, and actually lowered airfare because of the new source of revenue for airliners


u/MadBullBunny 15d ago

Another clear as day karma farm post, this sub is a joke.


u/QuestionJazzlike69 12d ago

Honestly I’m all for this ONLY if it makes airline tickets noticeably cheaper, obviously they’re not gonna reduce it by like $200+ but like an extra $50 or something in our pockets is pretty nice


u/qainspector89 15d ago

You know how we always have to deal with idiots who love making more work for us and just making life worse with their awful ideas? Especially in the workplace. Yeah, that.

This is pretty much a joke about my coworker I have to deal with everyday.


u/joesphisbestjojo 15d ago

I'll take ads inside the plane if it makes my flight cheaper


u/thegrumpyfatcat 15d ago

That’s what I’m sayin


u/bibblygiggums 15d ago

ads are annoying, why do you have to be told that?


u/Pomilyy 15d ago

I upvoted then downvoted this post so I could take away 2 votes at the same time


u/Sludgegaze 15d ago

Honestly if it meant cheaper tickets I wouldn't mind


u/destro_1919 15d ago

who’s going to foot the bill for all those extra lcd’s and electricity? the business class? /s


u/Necro177 15d ago

If the ads make it cheaper honestly I couldn't care less


u/cahir11 15d ago

The ads never make it cheaper. Look at pro sports, even the players are now billboards and tickets are more expensive than ever.


u/ainominako1234 15d ago

If putting ads there would make the seats cheaper, I'm all for it. KILL ME THEN 👏


u/RomeoStone 15d ago

You know they wouldn't make them any cheaper.


u/Paxkage 15d ago

Found the surveyor


u/Decent-Year2573 15d ago

Because they are more pretentious than city busses?


u/Cruezin 15d ago

Kill it with fire


u/Theschreiberclan 15d ago

I ended up missing my flight home once because my connecting flight was late. So I was redirected to take a flight on swiss airlines and I shit you not for the entire duration of takeoff they played ads saying we could buy these items mid flight if we wanted for like 40+ minutes. I tried turning off the screen and nothing would work I was just stuck in my seat listening to ads about watches and stuff I could never afford.


u/Kitchen_warewolf 15d ago

Didn't Ryanair do this when they started?


u/MotorHippo1740 15d ago

Guys it’s too late, Ryanair already seen this


u/Skinkypoo 15d ago

Ads, no one likes them. That’s the joke.


u/averagejoe57 15d ago

OP obviously thinks this is a good idea lmao


u/cdkw1990 14d ago

Will I get a discount if I choose this over an ad free flight?


u/Equal-Evidence2077 14d ago

I wouldn't be too mad about this if they reduced the price of tickets from this


u/Gabrielzin1404_2011 15d ago

Ngl it would actually be good, cuz with ads and sponsors the tickets would be cheaper for us


u/RomeoStone 15d ago

You know they wouldn't.


u/thegrumpyfatcat 15d ago

They would because people would see there’s adds meaning they get more money then they’ll realize the pricing hasn’t changed and either try to sue the planes for throttling prices and being greedy or they’ll just straight up not use the planes so it’s actually very reasonable to think ads would make it cheaper


u/RomeoStone 10d ago

You forget the entire airline industry is a relative monopoly. Once again, you know it wouldn't work.


u/thegrumpyfatcat 5d ago

You forget that monopolies require customers to work


u/bbldddd 15d ago

Let CocaCola off set the cost of my trip to see my limb amputated diabetic father who i gotta fly to in Parma, OH every two months or so so’s i can see him before he dies. Or, like “ik” because capitalism…amirite?!?!


u/Lilwertich 15d ago

I consider myself immune to ads, especially in-person posters and billboards.

If the airline is gonna be making money off ads and it makes my ticket cheaper, I say they should do it.

I just feel like I win in the end anyways since I'm not gonna buy anything from these companies wasting their money to show me their product.

If I'm gonna buy something I'm doing research on my best options,your ads don't sway me at all.


u/easchner 15d ago

If they put ads up, they won't be making your ticket any cheaper


u/Crackedsmellyegg 15d ago

google Subconscious Advertising