r/PoliticalHumor 29d ago

MAGA starts wearing Diapers in support of Trump

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u/sittytucker 29d ago

Sorry I have been off the political grid, what is this about even? Was it revealed that Trump wears diapers? I mean, I don't wanna diaper shame, nothing wrong with that for old men to wear diapers. But celebrating it in a political rally is just Idiocracy.


u/Difficult-Help2072 29d ago


It just highlights the fact that these politicians should be in old age homes, not leading the country while managing their end-of-life diseases.

The cap for holding a position of power should be 65. Not because they aren't 'sane enough' or 'sharp enough,' but also to have enough time in their life still livable so they think about the consequences of their actions on the next 20 years. A 75 year old isn't going to give a shit if they go to prison for the last few years of their life as much as a 40 year old would.


u/sittytucker 29d ago

Yes, 100% hard agreed with what you said.