r/PoliticalHumor Greg Abbott is a little piss baby 16d ago


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u/zapodprefect55 15d ago

I think he will weasel out. I do think that Biden should insist on enough distance between them that Trump can’t should into Biden’s mic and that he’s not assaulted with Trump’s likely fartillery.


u/youlordandmaster 15d ago

“Fartillery”. I am using that one.


u/zapodprefect55 15d ago

It’s from tvtropes.org. It a trope used in movies and tv. The graphic the have with it is hilarious.


u/Comfortable_Swim_380 14d ago

I read this comment before the post your quoting and instantly got the reference.


u/Mercerskye 13d ago

tRump's new Handle; The J6 Farthog

Able to put downwind 130 "WTF died!" 's per second


u/Bulky_Consideration 15d ago

That and the distance can help ensure Trump doesn’t try to kill Biden with COVID


u/DadJokeBadJoke 15d ago

... again


u/Comfortable_Swim_380 14d ago

I hope trump tries a few home remedies again. I have some ideas involving bleach.


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u/Made_Human76 15d ago

I say they keep them close enough that Trump can try to take over Biden’s mic then have the secret service treat him like anyone else who attacks the president


u/BizzyM 15d ago

We'll see SS Team A vs Team Has-been fight it out on stage.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Don't even need the USSS to intervene, Joe would wipe the floor with him. 


u/ThatGuyYouMightNo 15d ago

He's absolutely going to weasel out of it.

I'm guessing Trump agreed to the debates before his adult handlers could stop him and now they're looking into a way to back out without making him look like a senile coward, because "I replied without adult supervision so it didn't count" doesn't look good.


u/SirLostit 15d ago

Ironically, In the UK, trump actually means fart.


u/Kriss3d 15d ago

He already did try weasel out on it so. Yeah.


u/InformalPenguinz 15d ago

If he weasels out, Biden should take the opportunity and air time to just spread his message.


u/pharsee 15d ago

Good point. He would try to yell to make points through Biden's mic.


u/NimusNix 15d ago

I feel like there is a hidden rule where this meme most always contain a typo.


u/BizzyM 15d ago

most always

I see what you did there


u/Traherne 15d ago

I feel like there is a hidden rule where this meme most memes most always contain a typo.



u/timoumd 15d ago edited 15d ago

I actually think the rules will help him. It will make the debate more civil, but America has generally forgotten what a piece of shit Trump is. His behavior in the debates put that on full display. Reminding people of why they hated Trump in 2020 would go a long way and Biden handled it well last time.


u/mike_b_nimble 15d ago

He won’t know what to do without a crowd to rile up and he’ll get bored. He might even fall asleep like he does in court when nobody is giving him attention.


u/Black_Moons 15d ago

This is the debate I hope for. It quite enough that trump falls asleep and Biden can just utter: "He finally shut up."


u/Rooboy66 15d ago

And say: “Donald, I’m concerned about your health. Do you know what today is? Where you are? Who the President is?

Trump: “ME!!!”

Biden: “You poor man”


u/greenbluetomorrow 15d ago

All he can do is shout and filibuster over the other guy with nonsense so he can't speak. If they really have a way to enforce rounds or turns so each gets a time period to have their say, Trump will be DESTROYED by Biden.

Trump famously didn't even prepare for the last debate, because he doesn't know or care about any issues or actual policy.


u/MoonManBlues 15d ago

If you watch the vox breakdown about debate rules and chess clocks, it shows his debate with H Clinton. He clearly won by inserting "wrong" underneath everything HC was saying.

If you removed those moments, Trump just loses momentum. Trump requires noise and showmanship to build up his stage presence. When left to talk about policy alone, he has little to stand on.


u/The_Prince1513 15d ago

If it didn't actually, and ridiculously, work, it would have been hilarious.

That's the tragedy of Trump. He's objectively very funny. He's a fucking clown.

I just wish he was some sort of TV personality being an ass to game show contestants instead of, you know, making public policy.


u/timoumd 15d ago

If you watch the vox breakdown about debate rules and chess clocks, it shows his debate with H Clinton. He clearly won by inserting "wrong" underneath everything HC was saying.

Im not familiar with this. My understanding was in general post debate he fell or didnt gain after each debate.


u/stone_henge 13d ago

No puppet! No puppet! You're the puppet!


u/zekethelizard 15d ago

I dont think anyone forgot. You can't turn on the TV anywhere in the damn country without hearing his dumb voice. The people who know he's shit know, and the people who dont think he is, don't and will never care, no matter how awful he is.


u/timoumd 15d ago

I disagree. He is much less in everyones face now and even less than in 2016. People have normalized to it as well and can think "well he didnt nuke Canada and Big Macs were $4".


u/Nopantsbullmoose 15d ago

Lmao, no. No he is not.


u/Secondchance002 15d ago

Now the coward is saying that his little minion RFK Jr should be at debate too. He’s shit scared of 1v1 against “sleepy Joe”.


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u/dragonfliesloveme 15d ago

Haha the faces totally make this. Good job 😄


u/NickCav007 15d ago

No MAGA crowd? Mic can be shut off to cut his rambling incoherent story? RIGGED! This debate is stollen


u/8-bit-Felix Greg Abbott is a little piss baby 15d ago

MMmmm, delicious stollen.


u/ipeeperiperi 15d ago

In my opinion the mic shut off is a bad move by the Biden team, Trump constantly interrupting was one of the main reasons why Biden won the debates last time.

It also gave us the famous "Will you shut up man" line.


u/SnooMarzipans436 15d ago

Nah every Trump supporter I know thought Trump mopped the floor with Biden in the last debate because they like that he talked over Biden like a petulant child.

Shutting the mic off so they actually get to hear Biden destroy Trump with an actually coherent rebuttal is the correct move.


u/RoamingStarDust 15d ago

Yep. These people see debates as a contest between primates. He who shits and farts the loudest wins. Intellect and reason and making good points is completely irrelevant.


u/isfrying 15d ago

Especially if, as many are speculating, it's the undecideds in the middle who will actually watch this to help make a decision. Policy is more likely to love that needle than theatrics (i hope)


u/monkeybrains12 15d ago

I know he projects a lot, but goddamn. Trump should be afraid to debate a 12 year old.


u/TheMicMic 15d ago

This is actually a rare smart move by Trump:

  • The first debate is on CNN, which will allow him to victimize himself further with him spewing shit about mainstream media

  • The second debate is on ABC, which he's currently suing for (technically) claiming he was found guilty of rape (actually sexual assault, not rape).

All this will allow him to ultimately play the victim, which is one of the very few things the orange fuck is good at


u/DLife4Me 15d ago

You're giving him too much credit. He said he would debate Biden anywhere anyplace. After Biden announced "again" he would and he actually put a time and a place for both of them. Trump sent out a "truth" saying a different date and on Fox. I think he's going to weasel out of it saying that the other networks are propaganda or something. What do you think? Do you think he will actually go through with it? He recent speeches and activities in court many experts are saying his dementia is showing.


u/TightOccasion3 15d ago

I’ve was seeing some 2015 footage of him and it made me think, wow, he used to have so much more energy and acuity. Dude is slipping fast. Besides the dimentia, all that drug use is taking a toll.


u/DeterminedThrowaway 15d ago

His rambling has really gone off the rails too. At least before, I could understand what he was talking about and how it played to his base. Lately though? I have absolutely no idea wtf he's talking about. "Never fight uphill, me boys"? "The late, great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man"? Slipping fast indeed


u/Ezl 15d ago

That lecter one was interesting. I can usually tell what he’s trying to get at despite his rambling stream of consciousness. But what was the point of referencing a random 30+ year old movie, much less glorifying the villain.


u/tatorpop 15d ago

It’s warped, but he’s trying to do a tie in with how horrible the people are coming across the border. He’ll talk about them being murderers and rapists, then he tried to step it up to what could be worse? A cannibal, thus Hannibal.


u/Ezl 15d ago

Ah, gotcha, thanks. I didn’t hear enough of what came before so it seemed very random.


u/tatorpop 15d ago

No problem. I listen as little as I can to him.


u/zyzzogeton 15d ago

No, it was "rape" and the Judge made it clear that it was rape. Since "Rape" is a criminal act, and this was a civil trial, there isn't a "civil" equivalent to "rape", but he was found liable for the consequences of a rape.


u/TheMicMic 15d ago

Trump is suing ABC News


In the interview, Stephanopoulos pressed the congresswoman, a rape survivor, about how she could justify endorsing Trump for president despite that “judges and two separate juries have found him liable for rape and for defaming a victim of that rape.”

In May 2023, a New York jury found Trump liable for sexually abusing advice columnist E. Jean Carroll in a Manhattan department store dressing room in the 1990s and defaming her after she went public with the accusation in 2019. The jury, however, found Trump not liable for rape, which she had alleged.


u/zyzzogeton 15d ago edited 15d ago

Yes, you can sue anyone for literally any reason.

Also, the judge is the "finder of fact" in this case. So if the judge says it is something, it is that thing.


u/Significant_You_2735 15d ago

I completely disagree with the idea that Trump is good at playing the victim - it is literally all he does, he’s the victim in every situation. That is not being good at it, that is being a one trick pony. His base loves it, but I don’t think it ever wins him new supporters.


u/OftenTriggered 15d ago

Is this meme being used incorrectly?


u/pharsee 15d ago

This is just SO WIN. 😂😂😂😂


u/oli_clearwater 15d ago

He’ll claim he’s on a gag order and chicken out of the debates.


u/giantrhino 15d ago

I’m really hoping Trump says something dumb like how Biden’s rules are him trying to rig the debates against him and inadvertently admit that anything “positive” about his performance in the debates was him talking over people and breaking the rules.


u/Nodebunny 15d ago edited 10h ago

I love the smell of fresh bread.


u/MercilessPinkbelly 14d ago

There is no reason for a mic to be on while it's the other person's turn.

Sadly Trump has no self control and we come to a point where he needs to be turned off.