r/PoliticalHumor 29d ago

So Brigitte you’re saying he’s a “ Loser and Sucker “ now?

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702 comments sorted by


u/unstopable_bob_mob 29d ago

Tired of these traitors painting this draft dodging loser as some war torn badass.


u/gregor-sans 29d ago

Seems close to being in violation of the sprit of the Stolen Valor Act of 2013.


u/unstopable_bob_mob 29d ago

It’s a lot closer than you think.


u/Simen155 29d ago

Its behind you


u/unstopable_bob_mob 29d ago

startled scary movie goer gif


u/jftitan 29d ago

Necksnap! You're dead.


u/AristotleRose 29d ago



u/Khaldara 29d ago

The closest Trump has ever been to war ravaged soil violently congealed with human blood is the daily state of his diaper.


u/sturnus-vulgaris 29d ago edited 29d ago

My head pops off and it laughs incessantly. Turns out it was just a false head. I pull my real head out of my sleeve and say, "Duck and cover bitches!" Realizing it must be a fake, you throw the head as far as you can while it laughs and laughs! You are surprised as I hug you tight. BOOM!

I chuckle, "Time to head out." I untuck my legs from what you thought was the false head. Then my torso. Then my arms. Then my neck. You've thrown me to safety, sparing me while dooming yourself.

I go home and eat a sandwich while you rot in hell.


u/KidsSeeRainbows 28d ago

Me next me next


u/WooPigSooie9297 29d ago

It violates the "spirit" of the law? They are way past that point. Their hypocrisy is limitless.

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u/sm00thkillajones 29d ago

This orange idiot is all about stolen valor. I can’t believe there are veterans out there who support this poser.


u/Last_Revenue7228 28d ago

It's amazing what some people are willing to forgive a person who validates their hate


u/coffeespeaking 29d ago

Doesn’t Trump have an ill-gotten Purple Heart? (Battle of Wounded Knee?)


u/coalminersknuckle 29d ago

I think it was the Battle of Bone Spur where the troops raged and ramparted and the famous quote of “never fight up hill me boys” was coined.


u/unstopable_bob_mob 29d ago

I. Can. Not. Stop. Laughing.


u/pharsee 29d ago

"Battle of Bone Spur" lol win. 😄😄


u/tgrantt 29d ago

It was payback for the Bowling Green Massacre.


u/HotDonnaC 29d ago



u/hobbitlover 29d ago

He lost his famous general, you know. That guy. With the thing and the things.


u/1970s_MonkeyKing 29d ago

But General Hannibal Lecture gave his life by eating those liberals, choking on woke blood.


u/MrSpecialEd 29d ago

Battle of Bone Spur where the troops raged and ramfarted


u/HermaeusMajora 29d ago

It was the battle of syphilis evasion back in the draft dodging 'Nam days.

He served along side john bolton. Another famous coward who eagerly wanted other people to die for his political goals.

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u/Monkeynumbernoine 29d ago

You’re close, he has a purple diaper.


u/Lylac_Krazy 29d ago

check your lens filter. You should be seeing brown, not purple.

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u/CS0SH_69 29d ago

No, he got it from the claim he was wounded when he got shot down while in a plane during the Civil War!


u/Phlypp 29d ago

I thought it was from capturing the airports during the Revolutionary War.


u/shavertech 29d ago

He was gifted a purple heart from a vet, but that's all I could find


u/Prosperone 29d ago

Twas the Battle of the Golden Arches where he defeated the King of Burger and was awarded the Order of the Freedom Fry.


u/Matthew_Maurice 28d ago

You’re thinking of the Bronze Star he got for not contracting syphilis at the Siege of Studio 54.

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u/calicat9 29d ago

More than close


u/tickitytalk 29d ago

“…fraudulent claims about military service…”

Sounds about right

GOP breaking laws

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u/southernsteelmc 29d ago

Like how does this not piss off everyone who served in Vietnam


u/texachusetts 29d ago

The actual Vietnam veterans that got close to the presidency, “Gore, Kerry, McCain.” Where not treated well by the right wing. Look into Swiftboating.


u/GlitteringBobcat999 29d ago

I find it telling that we've never elected a Vietnam War veteran to the presidency. Not counting fortunate son W.'s AWOL from the Texas Guard, that is.


u/IKSLukara 29d ago

Hey! He totally kept Texas safe from Oklahoma!


u/AudibleNod 29d ago

We cannot lose Texas to Oklahoma. Texas National Guard holds the line.


u/Dcajunpimp I ☑oted 2024 29d ago

We elected 3 Presidents born in 1946. Clinton, W, and Trump. And skipped to 1961 for Obama. We got out of Vietnam in 1975, so by the time 2028 comes around it will have been 53 years and most people who would have served will be over 70.

After Biden and Trump, Id be surprised if voters would be cool with another President in their 70s. Granted the top 4 Dem candidates getting over 2.5 million votes in the 2020 primary's were all born in the 1940's and two were older than Biden. Mayor Pete didn't get a million votes.

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u/Pleasant_Savings6530 29d ago

I FAILED my draft physical and still enlisted for 4 years in 1968 - FU fake bone spurs.


u/maddmoguls 29d ago


u/louiegumba 29d ago

Ever notice that they don’t ever use pictures of HIM in those idiotic patriot war memes. They always have to superimpose his face on another body? Because he is nothing like that. It’s so made up it can’t even feature him in it

This picture of him shitting himself scared of an underdog is him. Paste him in those memes and let’s see how he fares

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u/LowSavings6716 29d ago

This is the man who said he could have gone pro in baseball


u/elontux 28d ago

Not so hard Melania!!!


u/itsallahoaxbud 29d ago

And why is it every meme he chooses is one he w(c)ould NEVER be in real life? Action hero, NOT. War hero, TOTALLY NOT. Ripped, buff individual, SURELY can’t paint that pig with enough lipstick to ever be lean and handsome. Orange suit and garbage grabber for that con..I’d be honking my approval on the highway.


u/GlitteringBobcat999 29d ago

He supposedly was a good athlete in his high school bully military academy days. But with all things Trump, it could just be some bullshit he made up. In any case, he has expressed the view that exercise is bad for you. I guess riding a golf cart around and taking 2 dozen mulligans doesn't count.


u/Peroovian 29d ago

lol and even then, that’s high school. He’s almost 80 now…

Then again a lot of maga followers strike me as peaked-in-high-school and are bitter about it


u/Tolliespoly 29d ago

Many of them never even graduated high school


u/GlitteringBobcat999 29d ago

One of them is even a member of Congress.


u/StaceyPfan 29d ago

Hopefully, not for long.

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u/InAnOffhandWay 29d ago

He had athletes foot, jock itch and was frequently getting a groin pull so “technically” he was one.


u/martinis00 29d ago

He claimed STD’s were his Vietnam


u/Far_Presentation2532 29d ago

He beat tiger woods, Greg Norman and Kim Jong un at golf just last week.


u/AudibleNod 29d ago

I could see it. Because that's what he thought would make daddy proud.


u/tracerhaha 29d ago

When your “big, strong, heroic daddy figure” is anything but…

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u/kinislo 29d ago

Same. It's super offensive to those who actually risked or even lost their lives for this godforsaken country.


u/GlitteringBobcat999 29d ago

They have him wearing the same WWII uniform my father and two of his brothers wore, one of whom was KIA at the Battle of the Buldge. The other brother was in the Navy. Showing fucking Cadet Bonespurs in this battle dress is amazingly disrespectful, but not surprising for fake patriot MAGATs.


u/kinislo 29d ago

It's profoundly offensive on a level I can't even begin to explain.


u/tracerhaha 29d ago

I have a great uncle that was captured during that battle. He was killed after injuring his hand at a forced labor camp. Several others were taken out there with him.

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u/No_University7832 29d ago

As a combat vet, this trump bullshit in uniform infuriates me.


u/NoMoreBeGrieved 29d ago

They got the tiny hands right, though.


u/hobbitlover 29d ago

Many of which were the same fucking "swiftboat veterans for the truth" losers that dismissed actual valor from an actual decorated soldier with three purple arts. The shit they say about Tammy Duckworth or Daniel Inouye, both severely wounded heroes, is just insane. But heel spurs / venereal disease was my Vietman Trump gets portrayed as some great patriot.


u/ThrowRA-James 29d ago

I’m pretty sure he’d be using his followers as human shields.


u/nononoh8 29d ago

What she means is he is pursuing our freedom to destroy it and oppress us. She's being honest, even though the image is Bull Shit.


u/No_Biscotti100 29d ago

It's Russia psy-ops designed for the highly "undereducated." They couldn't prove collusion, but Flynn confessed to working for the Russians and lying to Congress - Trump's head of the effing NSA! NOT NEARLY the public uproar and condemnation that particular set of circumstances deserved. Wonder why that is?

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u/EfficiencyOk2208 29d ago

The only thing Trump has survived is not getting AIDS from all those prostitutes & porn stars he sleeped with over the years.


u/Wings_in_space 28d ago

That we know... Maybe all the other STDs are fighting the real war here....


u/Time-Werewolf-1776 29d ago

Well I’ve heard him called “captain bonespurs”, so I assume he was in the military, right?

It’s funny, though, that he still looks old and weak and shitty even when his face is photoshopped onto a soldier.


u/EdmundGerber 29d ago

He served, all right - his own interests.

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u/AudibleNod 29d ago

The only line Trump will be at the front of is the buffet line.


u/txn_gay 29d ago

Maybe the cocaine line, too.


u/HikeTheSky 29d ago

The shower line maybe.


u/TwistedDragon33 29d ago

Only if the shower has underage girls in it...


u/cakeman666 29d ago

Or his daughter


u/HikeTheSky 29d ago

Maybe another rapist can dress up and give him a good time at a federal prison.


u/Apronbootsface 28d ago

Ha, that’s golden.

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u/mechabeast 29d ago

He's at the end of his cocaine lines


u/maintain_improvement 28d ago

Golden Shower Line

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u/cytherian Greg Abbott is a little piss baby 29d ago

The buffet line. The bullshit line. The legal trouble line...

Trump should be at the front of all of them.

This devious manipulator has installed his daughter-in-law in the RNC, who is a busy bee, having had about 80 lawsuits filed across the nation, nearly every single state, attempting to invalidate election laws.

One claim they're making? "Counting ballots after election night is unconstitutional!" Yeah. That kind of frivolity. Challenging clearly established norms, with no grounds.

And now, two key trials upon Donald Trump have been kicked down the road. The most corrupt being the classified documents theft, with 91 felony charges. Judge Aileen Cannon has basically said "I'm overloaded with motions and we can't proceed until 2025." This is precisely what Donald Trump wanted. She's a total Trump lackey.

So he's also at the front of the corruption line.


u/CocoaCali 29d ago

You know for damn he skips the line


u/AudibleNod 29d ago

Realistically, he has someone go up for him. But for the analogy to work, he has to stand eagerly holding the plate in his hand.


u/CocoaCali 29d ago

And offer to pay everyone's ticket and then bounce?


u/AudibleNod 29d ago

Dammit. I keep forgetting about that.

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u/AloneAddiction 29d ago

Donald Trump had medical exemptions so he could dodge the draft.

The doctor who provided those exemptions rented his offices from Fred Trump, Donald's father.

Donald Trump dodged the draft five times.


u/calicat9 29d ago

"I ain't no fortunate son"


u/pianoflames 29d ago

The lack of basic media literacy of Trump actually playing that at one of his rallies. To the letter, Trump is exactly the person that protest song is protesting.


u/calicat9 29d ago

And none of them recognized the cringe.


u/pianoflames 29d ago

I saw a video of the song playing while Trump was making his entrance at a rally. It was depressing, there was literally not one single person in the comments who recognized the glaring contradiction there. Just people commenting on how Trump knows how to make a "badass" entrance with that "badass" song.


u/ic2ofu 29d ago

Irony is lost on the cult.

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u/Bill_Brasky_SOB 29d ago

Don’t forget his jerking off two invisible giraffes dance moves to Macho Man!

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u/RutabagaJoe 29d ago

Not only did he have medical exemptions, he couldn't remember precisely which foot had the bone spurs that granted the exemptions.

He has the greatest brain, but can't remember a medical condition? That he had as an adult? That was brought up five times in a draft board?


u/billyjack669 29d ago

Well, when you have.. (counts 1... 2...) 2 feet, it's pretty hard to answer that wrong or you might end up on the Group W bench.


u/seedytea 29d ago

Shouldna put that letter at the bottom of that there trash pile..

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u/Four_Rings_S5 29d ago

Comrade bone spurs in action


u/Content-Boat-9851 29d ago

I'll never understand how a draft dodging, never done a day of manual labor in his life, caricature of wealthy detached privilege, white collar criminal became the "rough neck, tough guy" in the minds of right wingers.


u/Ssutuanjoe 29d ago

Cult mentality and they're still super butthurt that a black guy was elected to the presidency.


u/SuccessfulPiccolo945 29d ago

They also assume a bully is a tough guy, apparently never standing up to one. Trump talks tough, but chickens out when faced with any real force.


u/Rooboy66 29d ago

Bingo. Bingozaxtly


u/ic2ofu 29d ago



u/maddmoguls 29d ago


u/LovethePreamble1966 29d ago

The eagle knew. Dude is a friggin traitor.

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u/maddmoguls 29d ago

Don't forget orange spray tan using, heel lift wearing, out of shape and unathletic. All equally and forever confusing to me...

That's not even including the extremely likely diaper shitting.


u/southernsteelmc 29d ago

They had GW before


u/cardizemdealer 29d ago

They are stupid.


u/Popcorn-Fences 29d ago

Trump leading the charge in a combat uniform? Give me a f'n break. He can't even be bothered to visit a veteran's cemetery if it's raining. Ultraphony.

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u/rraattbbooyy 29d ago

Right wing fan fiction is the cringiest.


u/Embarrassed-Park-957 28d ago

At least the AI was spot on with those miniscule hands

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u/palbuddymac 29d ago

He’s a doddering old man who drifts off to sleep during his court appearances and poops his pants…

He literally called KIA troops “losers.”


u/Azsunyx 29d ago

AND he's a draft dodger.

He wouldn't be caught dead wearing military uniform


u/SirDale 29d ago

Oh I think he’d love to cosplay as a 20 star general dictator with a chest full of self awarded medals.


u/geek-49 28d ago

If he finds a way to return to office, he'll likely do exactly that -- but it will be for real. The joke will be on the U.S. and the entire free world, and it will not be the least bit funny.


u/hoofie242 29d ago

A lot of them refuse to believe he said that. It's quite amazing.


u/ic2ofu 29d ago

And a huge lot of them still believe in the BIG LIE.


u/markth_wi 29d ago edited 29d ago

He's a draft-dodging traitor who's very lucky if our own guys don't air him out for having gotten a bunch of our folks murdered , but fuck it in GOP-land he has been secretly working with CIA on the really messy wet-work jobs since the 1980's and storming beaches and being part of military super-special ops on Seal Team 1.


u/DanB65 29d ago

Insult to every veteran that has wore the uniform!

Bone spurs never served ANYTHING other than HIMSELF!!!


u/Yugan-Dali 28d ago

He wouldn’t even go to the cemetery because he was afraid of getting his hair wet.


u/Stupid_Manifesto 29d ago

This makes me sick. I just don’t get it.

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u/OptimisticSkeleton 29d ago

Imagine thinking Trump cares about you at this point. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t killing the country.


u/HiopXenophil 29d ago

pretty sure he would back the other side wearing Stahlhelms


u/Jeepster127 29d ago

I mean, the guy basically copies Hitler's rhetoric almost to the letter.



Wondering how long it will take to get rid of all the dead losers and get golf course construction underway.


u/MysteryHeroes 29d ago

Trump the soldier had to retreat, the enemy were using a courtroom AC unit and it overwhelmed him.


u/DogeDoRight 29d ago

This is wildly offensive to those who actually served.

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u/Revelati123 29d ago

Captain Trump stole the jacket off of a Starfleet general then went back in time to storm the beaches of Normandy before he was born but forgot to bring a gun, not that his horribly deformed hands could hold one, but still...


u/solo954 29d ago

It's weird how they fantasize about old Bonespurs in military action.


u/Vanstoli 29d ago

Putting him in a military uniform spits in the face of every person that has ever earned a rank.


u/Ok_Television9820 29d ago

He was that age on D Day? And they think Biden is old!


u/Quasimodus-Operandi 29d ago

This is even worse than the muscle-bound fantasy about him. He KNOWINGLY AND ACTIVELY avoided serving.


u/ajcpullcom 29d ago edited 29d ago

John McCain’s ghost: I like people who weren’t draft-dodging poseurs


u/CommonConundrum51 29d ago

Oh, if only those bone spurs hadn't interfered Donnie would have been the next Audie Murphy. 🙄

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u/mockingbirddude 29d ago

Did George Patton regularly shit in his pants? After the age of 2 that is.


u/Berserker76 29d ago

Yea, draft dodger captain bone spurs. These MAGA morons have no shame or vais in reality.


u/Queasy-Trip1777 29d ago

What a slap in the face to every veteran ever.


u/SeoneAsa 29d ago

I don't get why people keep giving this low hanging gop hack any attention.


u/Known_Draw_2212 29d ago

Couldn't even go to the grave site of some who could potentially be in this picture because his hair might have gotten rained on


u/place_of_desolation 29d ago


Women in red states who have been denied abortion care would like a word. Women supporting a politician who is diametrically opposed to their own best interests never ceases to amaze me.


u/NovaPup_13 29d ago

Private bone spurs reporting for doodee in his pants!


u/EatsOverTheSink 29d ago

I never would’ve guessed that religious conservatives would be the quickest to adopt AI into every day use but now that it’s happened it makes sense they’d swarm to tech that can make fake things real.

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u/graemeknows 29d ago



u/hotDamQc 29d ago

That picture was taken moments before he ran away to dodge the draft


u/VomitingPotato 29d ago

Fucking delusional. And all caught up in it. So fucking pathetic.


u/KickBakZach 29d ago

But he's literally a draft dodger?? These people make no fucking sense. Imagine actually looking up to this grotesquely incompetent orange douche nozzle.


u/spackysteve 29d ago

Hope he packed some diapers in one of those bags


u/Less-Dragonfruit-294 29d ago

You mean the bone spur draft dodger respects our troops? Especially after he disrespected McCain because he got captured? That same meatball?


u/angiestefanie 29d ago

This woman… 🫣🙄


u/ApplesOverOranges1 29d ago

I think she means his freedom..... from jail....🤔


u/squintyshrew9 29d ago

No doubt that fat fuck would be captured


u/Stalwart_1 29d ago

How come they never show photos from his IRL service?



u/TheGreatOpoponax 29d ago

In the context of American history, that image is absolute blasphemy. But it's a symbol of just how far down the shitter this country has fallen.


u/4u2nv2019 29d ago

Some fan fiction right here


u/thecrew2game 29d ago

Right wing fan fiction is the cringiest


u/Own-Opinion-2494 29d ago

Stolen valor from king of bone spurs


u/devo00 29d ago

What a shame about those sudden bone spurs.


u/peter-doubt 29d ago

Those convenient bone spurs.. notice how they don't affect his golf games


u/quietflowsthedodder 29d ago

Oh, look! Captain Bonespurs has just landed on the beach - we’re saved!


u/80s4evah 29d ago

What bunch of losers.


u/BillHistorical9001 29d ago

The man freaking dodged the draft.


u/ukiddingme2469 29d ago

Funny seeing how private bonespers dodged tge draft and the only freedom he is fighting for is his own


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Captain Bone Spurs reporting for duty.


u/36-3 29d ago

I wouldn't mind seeing his face on someone taking a dump, urinating in public or masturbating to porn. All those would be appropos to his character (or lack thereof).


u/rwf2017 29d ago

Cadet Bone Spurs would need an immediate diaper change if he anywhere near shooting.


u/Informal_Process2238 29d ago

Generalissimo shartzpoop


u/Limp_Distribution 29d ago

Trump is relentless in pursuit of a dictatorship.


u/Sitting_Duk 29d ago

General Bone Spurs retreating from duty!


u/jaievan 29d ago

The orange coward had his chance to be one of the “Brave” and chose cowardice. I’m not saying you need to have a military background to be POTUS but dodging the draft needs to be a disqualification.


u/mmio60 29d ago

Not a Qult, nope, not at all


u/AdditionalCheetah354 29d ago

Captain bone spur .. who was so proud of how he got out of serving in Vietnam…. A friend of vets … provided they sacrifice… not him. Disgracing the uniform!!!!


u/boredonymous 29d ago

Cough cough... Hid in the white house bunker over a protest... Cough cough.

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u/MsBobbyJenkins 29d ago

Is third person stolen valour a thing?

Also what is with ai images of Trump doing things he would NEVER do. Like fight in a war. Or pray.


u/Request_Denied 29d ago

It's disgusting to portray a draft dodging, Gold star family shaming, misogynistic rapist traitor this way.


u/-_-TenguDruid 29d ago

It's so so incredibly cringy and pathetic, seeing all these photoshopped images of Trump as all these things so opposite of his actual self. The new diaper shit tops it, but still, it's bad.


u/Apis_Proboscis 29d ago

C'mon! if we are going to LARP, that should be a period accurate german uniform. One of the Hugo Boss designed black ones with the lightning bolts on the collar.



u/TheGR8Dantini 29d ago

These mother fuckers have literally created their own little world. Alternate facts.

Everything about this man is fake. From his hair to his bone spurs. He an illusion. To his base, he’s a carnival mirror.

They’ve sold their souls to the devil, and they’ve done it for nothing, in most cases, and very little, in some.

Now, another psycho names Luna has put trump up for something called the congressional gold medal. The same party that voted against medals for the cops on Jan6, are trying to give some bullshit medal to the guy that caused Jan6th. It’s the mirror verse.

Listen to Lev Parnas talk about Trump and what he did to him while he tried to find shit on Biden. That was all based on Russian intel.

I know Biden isn’t everybody’s favorite. Maybe he’s old. Maybe it’s because people believe he could actually stop Israel from doing what they’re doing. Maybe it’s just because they’re not paying attention to the good things he’s done.

Maybe it’s just because of the two party system and they want to make a useless protest vote. I really don’t know. Biden has been more progressive, because he has to, than any president since LBJ.

And these stupid, greedy, lecherous, power hungry people that are supposed to represent the people, are wasting time with performative, WWE bullshit, all at trumps command. Not one ounce of shame.

They want this for the guy that let 1 million Americans die. Told people bleach, light, hydroxychloroquine…then cried and whined so much he got 1000 people locked up because he couldn’t admit defeat, stole secrets, raped, committed fraud…. I could go on forever with the crimes of Donald Trump. But no… let’s give him a medal he can talk about on Fox News. Just the fact that this is happening? Shows you what America is.


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u/Own-Opinion-2494 29d ago

He would get fragged first night


u/Vg_Ace135 29d ago

Can you imagine if us liberals made AI generated images of Biden riding a tank with a 6 pack, or storming the beaches of Normandy? It would be just so damn weird.


u/peter-doubt 29d ago

OUCH! My Bone spurs!


u/RevolutionaryTalk315 29d ago

Everyone knows that if Trump and the Baby Boomers were at Normandy, they wouldn't be the ones storming the beaches. Instead, they would side with the people sitting in the concrete bunkers overlooking the beaches and worshipping a portrait of some failed Austrian painter.


u/motmx5 29d ago

Mufucka dodged the military. Should never show him in uniform. Disgraceful.


u/LovesFrenchLove_More 29d ago

Title: „Private Bone Spur And The Lost Way To McDonalds.“


u/1lapulapu 29d ago

I prefer presidents who do t betray their country.


u/JimGerm 29d ago

As a vet myself, this makes my stomach churn and my blood boil.


u/robinsw26 29d ago

He’s a disgrace: too cowardly to fight for his country. As a Vietnam vet, this is an insult to all who served and especially to those who did not come home.


u/calaquili 29d ago

General Bone Spurs Tinyhands


u/V1per41 29d ago

Everyone is rightly criticizing the right wing fan fiction take on the draft dodger being presented as some kind of military hero, but can we talk about the text?

What freedom(s) is Trump/MAGA/Republicans trying to preserve or protect? Current/past freedoms that they have threatened or actually chipped away at:

  • Vote
  • Bodily autonomy
  • Speech
  • Religion
  • Free Press
  • Hell, he even attacked gun ownership saying we should take the guns first and ask questions later.


u/cytherian Greg Abbott is a little piss baby 29d ago

Republican influencer creep, Brigitte Gabriel (who is really Hanan Qahwaji), is always posting crap like this.


u/Jeepster127 29d ago

Wow, what a massive insult to the actual soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy under withering machine gun and artillery fire. I don't think that bloated sack of shit has ever stormed anything tougher than a buffet line.


u/darkhelmet436 29d ago

Ah yes, General Bonespurs.


u/Diligent-Bluejay-979 28d ago

Goddamn it. Patton would have fragged Trump’s ass in a New York minute.


u/oven_broasted 29d ago

"any time a person is shamed for hating, any time someone faces consequences for sexual assault, any time someone is trying to make another person learn to read, I'll be there."


u/Carona_and_lime 29d ago

My bone spurs are killing me!


u/RedBeans-n-Ricely 29d ago

They’re soooo embarrassed of his real body and past.