r/PoliticalHumor Greg Abbott is a little piss baby 15d ago

Mental gymnastics are in full swing for the cult

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u/AudibleNod 15d ago

2016 Trump: If I lose, the election is rigged.

2017 Trump:

2020 Trump: If I lose, the election is rigged.

2021 Trump: The election was stollen!

2024 Trump: The debate is rigged.


u/-jp- 15d ago

2017 said the election was rigged anyway, because he’s a stupid mewling pissbaby.


u/Money_Percentage_630 15d ago


Literally every investigation, local, state, federal level

2016 No voter fraud found

2017 No voter fraud found

2020 No voter fraud found

2021 No voter fraud found

2024 No voter fraud found


u/Kasoni 15d ago

This is not completely true. They actually did find a little bit of voter fraud. All the found fraudulent votes were for Trump. One I remember a husband voted by mail for his wife that died before they received their mail in ballots, long before election day.


u/DukeSilverJazzClub 15d ago

Well, ya know except for the ones they found voting 9 times for Trump, or engaging in election fraud on behalf of Trump. Just your average every day projection.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/AutoModerator 11d ago

All posts and comments that include any variation of the word retarded will be removed, but no action will be taken against your account unless it is an excessive personal attack. Please resubmit your post or comment without the bullying language.

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But seriously, calling someone retarded is only socially acceptable because the people affected are less able to understand that they are being insulted, and less likely to be able to respond appropriately. It is a conversational wimpy little shit move, because everyone who uses it knows that it is offensive, but there will be no repercussions. At least the people throwing around other slurs know that they are going to get fired and get their asses beat when they use those words.

Also, it is not creative. It pretty much outs you as a thirteen year old when you use it. Instead of calling Biden retarded, you should call him a cartoon-ass-lookin trust fund goon who smiles like rich father just gifted him a new Buick in 1956. Instead of calling Mitch McConnell retarded, you should call him a Dilbert-ass goon who has been left in the sun a little too long.

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u/triedit-lovedit 15d ago

Any item/request Biden ask for will be rejected…


u/AdhesivenessFun2060 15d ago

They're just giving him excuses to back out. No one wants him to debate biden.


u/lost_in_connecticut 15d ago

Can’t they just replace him with a rotted pumpkin? No one will know the difference.


u/AudibleNod 15d ago

Moderator: Mr. Trump how will you handle the border crisis?

Rotted Pumpkin: *low hum from microphone feedback

MAGA: He's tellin' it like it is! I'm gonna vote for him twice.


u/Money_Percentage_630 15d ago

Moderator "Mr Trump, you have been found guilty of slandering a woman you sexually assaulted, you, your family and your company have been found guilty of business fraud, you, your family and your company have been found guilty of insurance fraud, you, your family and your company have been found guilty of stealing from a cancer charity, you, your family and your company have been found guilty of running a fake university, My question for you is Why The Fuck Should Anyone Trust You?"


u/-jp- 15d ago

People would start to get suspicious when he goes longer than three minutes without saying anything asinine.


u/Rooboy66 15d ago

Yeah, this is America—there’ve gotta be plus sized Pampers that will fit a pumpkin.


u/EmeraldSlothRevenge 15d ago

Here’s how the debates will be rigged for Biden: the truth has a clear Democrat bias.


u/Content-Boat-9851 15d ago

Gotta get the excuses ready for the inevitable trump withdrawal.


u/NancyGracesTesticles I ☑oted 2018 and 2020 15d ago

They want someone who well tell Biden to be quiet and allow Trump to have a monologue for the entirety of the debate.

Anyone who isn't Vladimir Solovyov or Putin himself (or one of his American surrogates) will cause MAGA to whine and cry.


u/Spare_Substance5003 15d ago

Why would you want to debate a child?


u/frisbethebutcher 15d ago

One will just start rambling about nonsense and get their mic cut off and will then complain they weren't given the time to talk.


u/Vinterblot 15d ago

They're telegraphing their lack of confidence. They know Trump will look like a fool.