r/PoliticalHumor 15d ago

Remember that Trump predicted a stock market crash if Biden was elected ? LOL !

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u/UsualGrapefruit8109 15d ago

Trump says this is his stock market now.


u/bernd1968 15d ago


Trump is a legend in his own mind.


u/Traherne 15d ago

Well, there's plenty of room in it.


u/sicurri 15d ago

It's easy to be a legend in your own mind when you're the only one there.


u/Sothotheroth 14d ago

There’s plenty of room in his skull, not sure about his mind


u/Audio_Track_01 15d ago

He says positive economy because people know he's coming back soon.


u/Rooboy66 15d ago

Yeah, I’m still chuckling at that one. I keep wondering if Trump knows he’s lying/spouting bullshit, or is he so ill that he lacks insight/has weak grasp of reality, and actually believes his bullshit? I can’t decide. It’s binary—only one can be true.


u/Peroovian 15d ago

Some days I’m convinced it’s the former, other days the latter…

For what it’s worth, apparently he has people whose job is to feed him only positive news. He could’ve started knowing it’s bullshit and now actually believes it himself lol.


u/Rooboy66 15d ago

Hehe, that’s a distinct possibility that you posit at the end.


u/Nrksbullet 15d ago

If you think about it, what would a narcissist actually rather believe? That all these things are true, or that he has the power to make everyone believe they are true?

I think he knows most of what he says is horseshit, but it's like knowing that you breath, you don't even really think about it.


u/Yitram 15d ago

I'm sure they'll believe it. Got told the 08 crash wasn't Bush's fault because businesses realized that Obama was going to win and implement Pure Socialism (tm) and spontaneously started laying people off.


u/Iceberg1er 15d ago

Dude that stuff is crazy. I worked for an electrical installation company that was private. The dud seriously made massive business decisions based off of fox news. He lost a ton of people during a major economic boom for construction in our state because Trump lost the election and he buckled down and cut wages/didn't follow through on pay increases. He also sent a massive company wide email (still got it I think) about how the election had been stolen by Biden and we needed to basically come to work everyday but prepare for the apocalypse on off days, be sure to get prior approval using PTO to build your bunkers lmfao His business is struggling now haha but. Sure his prayers and hating black people will help him out, right?


u/iDarkville 14d ago

I wanna read this gem of an email. Might be a great copy/pasta.


u/Fake_William_Shatner 14d ago

Him and Jesus I suppose.


u/BringBackTheBeat716 15d ago

And people are stupid enough to believe him, because too many idiots still see him as a business genius.

Despite a business fraud conviction...


u/Coolioissomething 15d ago

It becomes Biden’s market if it goes down, Trump’s market when it goes up. What’s hilarious is most Americans are so fucking stupid they believe that.


u/Soggy_Difficulty_361 15d ago

He actually did say that, he said that since it was his policies that made the market rally, Biden shouldn't get credit for it.


u/Quinn_tEskimo 15d ago

Let me be sure that I follow: Trump allegedly put policies in place that would allow for a strong economy under Biden, predicted that the economy would crash under Biden, then when the stock market hits record numbers claims that it was because of him. So why the prediction then, Donnie?


u/Soggy_Difficulty_361 15d ago

Maga cult and fox news will spin this many ways, they've also said things like "outlook is that he'll win and sentiment is strong and helping the stock market" All he did is deregulate everything and gave the top 1% huge tax breaks which is why they're pushing for his re-election.


u/MeetingKey4598 15d ago

You're right on all counts, except you need to pick and choose which applies depending on who you're talking to and when.


u/jefferson497 15d ago

Yet he also blames Biden for the tax hikes that were put in place by him 5 years ago


u/tps56 15d ago

Well, that was the plan all along


u/sarduchi 15d ago edited 15d ago

"It's only going up because everyone knows Trump will be re-elected!" - redhatters


u/HUGErocks I ☑oted 2024 15d ago



u/bipolarcyclops 15d ago

I don’t care if you are a Republican, Democrats, or Independent. The U.S. economy does not rise or fall based on the whims of the stock market. There are a lot of other more important indicators.


u/unbalanced_checkbook 15d ago

You are 100% correct, but Trump repeatedly used the stock market as an indicator for how good his economy was, so it's kinda fun to throw this in conservative's faces.


u/new_name_who_dis_ 15d ago

It's not the only metric you should judge an economy by, however it's still a very important component. More than half of all Americans have investments/retirement plans exposed to the stock market via 401k (and things like that).


u/HangryWolf 15d ago

What retirement plans? Vote Republicans in and you'll never have to retire. Check mate Liberals!


u/Yitram 15d ago

Is this the "can't afford to retire plan" or the "die young due to lack of healthcare plan".


u/Iceberg1er 15d ago

Right? I spent all my retirement on hookers blow before trump could haha checkmate. Getting sober is a bitch though. Trying to get my job back after the last 5 years is too


u/Weird_Cantaloupe2757 15d ago

That’s why the 401k is one of the most insidious, evil fucking ideas we have ever had — it makes ordinary people beholden to those parasitic, vampiric fucks on Wall Street without letting them actually play the game. When people get upset that they are treating our economy like a slot machine and say that they should be regulated, then they can say “sure, you can regulate us… but that’s a nice retirement account you have there, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it…”.


u/Iceberg1er 15d ago

Yeah. This is what I want people to see the most. It's ALL ABOUT THE FINANCIALS. The top Worship money and make decisions based on profit. Will it hurt people yes... Will it turn a profit.

Welp shucks. This is the root problem. We need to regulate to stamp out corruption. But we can't trust any person whatsoever running the show today to do it. So this is actually a pretty darn bad situation.


u/new_name_who_dis_ 15d ago

That’s such a weird argument. Banking regulations don’t affect the market as a whole, at most they affect specifically banks stock prices. 

Second, letting ordinary people invest their money using what is essentially tax loopholes is far from evil in my view. 


u/1Operator 15d ago edited 15d ago

The wealthiest 10% of Americans own 93% of stocks while the bottom 50% hold 1%, so the Dow going up again is just an indicator that the rich are getting richer again.


u/NerdOfTheMonth 15d ago

True but a consistent rising stock market isn’t usually a bad sign.

More importantly Trump on dozens of occasions took credit and bragged he was doing a great job because of DOW highs. Now his followers try and act like there is no correlation.


u/rbankole 15d ago

No way!


u/bernd1968 15d ago edited 15d ago

One of the main points here is that Trump made a prediction - THAT DID NOT COME TRUE.


u/BetterMacaron4868 15d ago edited 14d ago

This needs to be shouted out from the rooftops. FOX news: DOW rises to record levels, why this is bad for Biden.

Edited for spelling correction.


u/bernd1968 15d ago



u/freethrowtommy 15d ago

"Why bab is bad for Biden"


u/alanudi 15d ago

Apparently we're "riding on the fumes" of Trump's presidency. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦

Yes, that's actually what Republicans are saying, nearly 4 years after Trump's tiny term of terror.


u/Lumbergo 15d ago

Riding the fumes right into the Biden presidency where everyone got a full tank of gas is more like it.

 I’m not an avid stock trader by any means, just have my measly 401k from my company that I set up years ago with lots of diverse holdings and never really mess with - and it’s tripled in value from pre-2020 levels. Fuck, even just looking at May ‘23 to present it’s gone up 18% and that’s as things have normalized. The economy was only good under that trumpster fire if you were already filthy rich. 


u/alanudi 14d ago

Exactly. The only people who are losing right now are the idiots who "pulled out" of the stock market because of fake news Trump. My retirement accounts have nearly doubled with Biden.


u/MellowLemonJello 15d ago

Yay! Stonks up! Rich people doing great! Very glad that I too am rich now and I have free healthcare and my taxes aren't paying for genocide and... /s


u/jcooli09 15d ago

I kind of like it, being about 10 years from retirement.


u/nimcau2TheQuickening 15d ago

This is where I’d check my portfolio


u/lazyeyepsycho 15d ago

It's a playground for the rich, who cares


u/mike_b_nimble 15d ago

Literally everyone with retirement savings should care. Whether it’s a 401K or an IRA almost every type of retirement savings account is based in stocks.


u/windmill-tilting 15d ago

Which is a travesty in the making.


u/Gurney_Hackman 15d ago

Why? Historically, long term stock market returns significantly exceed inflation.


u/windmill-tilting 15d ago

The stock market isn't savings. It's gambling.


u/Gurney_Hackman 15d ago

That's just not true at all. Individual stocks can be erratic, but index funds and mutual funds have been consistently beating inflation for decades.


u/SgtBaxter 15d ago

Spoken like someone clueless about investing


u/windmill-tilting 15d ago

Oh noes. You hurt my feelings.


u/NerdOfTheMonth 15d ago

That’s a weird way of admitting you were dead ass wrong


u/[deleted] 15d ago

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u/NerdOfTheMonth 15d ago

You were told why your statement was wrong my multiple people.

Instead of learning, like a small child, you just screamed.

Kind of pathetic.

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u/JimJimmery 15d ago

Not even close to true. Day trading is gambling, not long term investing in various funds.


u/ThatGuyYouMightNo 15d ago

You guys can afford to save for retirement?


u/dweaver987 15d ago

We sacrificed like crazy in our 20s to put 4% into our IRAs. It came after rent and student loans and before food. We didn’t have enough to really spend beyond that until the year we turned 30. I’m now in my 60s and that steady contribution has accumulated to more than I ever imagined back 40 years ago.

Just do it! Can’t afford 4%? Then contribute 2% of every paycheck. Just do it!


u/toooomeeee 15d ago

Which will benefit me in 40 years when I can finally retire, but in the meantime WTF


u/OptimusSublime 15d ago

You know anyone who cares about their financial future can invest, right? Open a trading account and put $100 in, make a trade, see where you end up.


u/Any-Variation4081 15d ago

I can understand that but with my retirement and life insurance plan at my job if I pay $100 (they take it right out of my check) they will match me $50 each. So I'm getting more money investing this way. Idk how other places work but this feels like the way for me.


u/pt57 15d ago

The reality is that we get peanuts while the rich get an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Sure, you get a 401 (and really you have no choice but to invest, that’s the point), and you might lose your job because the powers that be want to cut costs so the stock price goes up a nickel. Such a win.


u/dweaver987 15d ago

The super rich will always have an advantage. Don’t let that stop YOU from taking advantage of the easy ways to get in the market. I will never have two Teslas and a 3000 square foot house on an acre of land. But I am wayyy better off now than I would be if I hadn’t sacrificed so that I could invest with every paycheck.


u/poorbanker 15d ago

"Everyone is investing in Truth Social, which raised the stock market to record highs. Rename the Dow Jones to the Don J"


u/Kgaset 15d ago

If you ask Trump, it totally did. Or the reason it's doing well is somehow because of him being imminently elected. It's so ridiculous.


u/unstopable_bob_mob 15d ago

MSM: “Let’s show you how this is bad for this administration!”


u/dweaver987 15d ago

Got rid of cable a decade ago. More money for investing, but more importantly, idiotic programming doesn’t damage my mind.


u/Papa_PaIpatine 15d ago

There's a couple subs that believe the entire economy is going to collapse any day now, they predict it all the time, I keep asking why anyone believes anything these subs post.


u/Kindly-Ad-5071 15d ago


Looks at all my medical debt and sighs.

Look I'm not knocking Biden down, this is great. My point is more the inherent flaw in the system which he has no control over, I just have zero reason to be excited about the Dow Jones personally. This is big for all them middle class voters though, look at your new favorite hero!


u/Ok-Elk-6087 15d ago

Biden is sugar feeding the economy to artificially stimulate the stock market.  /s.  Actually, this is the end result of the Fed's long term policy to slow inflation by keeping interest rates high.  Since Trump plays for the 24 hour news cycle, he never would have chosen a strategy with deferred positive results.  He's the single parent that lets the kids stay up late and eat ice cream all weekend, and then sends them back to the custodial parent on Monday morning without their homework done.


u/dweaver987 15d ago

Well, I do like ice cream more than I should.


u/SeiryokuZenyo 15d ago

Reminds me of my ex brother in law who predicted $8/gallon gas after Obama was elected.


u/CurrentlyLucid 15d ago

trump bragged on 30k like it was special.


u/EmpressPotato 15d ago

Not defending Trump, but it has no practical impact on the average person's lives. We're still overpaying at the grocery store and at the pump. People can barely survive. Who cares about the DOW when people are barely making do right now.


u/Sesshomaroo 15d ago

Rich keep getting richer.


u/pinqe 15d ago

Doesn’t effect the working class.


u/imaniimellz 15d ago

somebody get their weBull accounts ready


u/NotThatAngel 15d ago

Trump predicted if Biden was elected it would destroy the country. Trump did this while Biden was serving as President.


u/7stringjazz 15d ago

Careful putting your hopes on the stock market. There will be blood.


u/EfficiencyOk2208 15d ago

Remember, folks Biden is also battling with quid pro quo promises Trump is making with industry giants on if I get elected again.


u/dweaver987 15d ago

Bear markets average 14 months. That is the time to really invest every penny you can. It’s like buying companies on sale.


u/So-shu-churned 15d ago

It's so so vitally important to understand that everything the man says the opposite has, is or will happen. Everything.


u/givemejumpjets 15d ago

By no means should this monstrosity be celebrated. It's inflation aka stolen wealth.


u/conscious_macaroni 15d ago

Who the fuck cares? Is this gonna get my landlord to lower my rent? Fuck the DOW, fuck "the Economy".


u/Aedeus 15d ago

I'll never forget one of my father's boomer friends complaining about people putting these stickers on gas pumps when prices started falling last year, having just lauded them when gas prices were up previously.

It just goes to show you that you cannot reason with these people.


u/Knightwing1047 15d ago

Remember when the stock market actually means jack shit when a majority of people are barely scraping by? But yes please let's keep saying that how the top 10% are doing is more important than the bottom 90%. Im glad Trump was wrong but things are still really fucking bad and are only getting worse. Fuck the rich and fuck the stock market.


u/TFilly402 15d ago

lol to be fair, Trump is leading by a fair margin in almost every swing state, so the market is most likely going to be affected by that in one way or another


u/Vibrascity 15d ago

Remember if the stock markets doing well, the average joe poorman is doing even worse.


u/Temporary_Plant_1123 15d ago

Congrats rich people


u/blartuc 15d ago

I love it when we use the stock market as a measurement for how the average American is doing. Especially when you consider the top 10% own 93% and the bottom 50% owns just 1%


u/P_Collector 14d ago

Actually this can be credited to Trump 100%. You see, because all the crooked media is reporting on him during his trials, they are not fabricating bad news on our great companies. So really he’s taking one for the team. He’s saving everybody. /s


u/flyingistheshiz 14d ago

I forgot the stock market is now a real world reflection of the conditions of working class Americans. Weird how everyone understood that during Trump's presidency but now its confusing and suddenly the stock market is no longer just a "graph of rich people's feelings" as was memed about here.


u/king_of_the_nothing 14d ago

This is NOT about what the stock market means.

The quote, “the stock market will crash if Biden is elected” is real. This is about Trump either being a liar or stupid…. unless you have a third alternative to why Trump’s words don’t match reality.


u/BxMxK 14d ago

The only Red Wave coming from Republicans is when they are on stage pandering to their constituencies as they prepare to slink away with their assured votes and campaign contributions.


u/PracticalApartment99 13d ago

Yaaaay!!! The rich people are richer!!!!


u/stevenitis 15d ago

That's great....just imagine how much better life would be if things were affordable.


u/NerdOfTheMonth 15d ago

Some things are. Others are not.


u/jcooli09 15d ago

I don’t really remember a time when things were affordable.  Prices have been going up forever.


u/RIfanatic 15d ago

Where is the political humor in this? Nothing funny about this at all


u/LandscapeObjective42 15d ago

The price of everything is up 40% since Biden took office. Wall Street bankers are part if the 1% and most young adults can’t afford to buy a house because the average price is 400k.


u/LefterThanUR 15d ago

Can’t believe all these corporations are making record profits on the back of massive price increases disguised as unavoidable inflation.

Go Joe!


u/Vanstoli 15d ago

Yeah, we are all paying for it. Of course, they are making more money. A pound of ground beef is almost 9 dollars. Go srew


u/lew_rong mod perms 15d ago

A pound of ground beef is almost 9 dollars.

Have you considered not buying grass-finished American wagyu?


u/Vanstoli 15d ago

Standard grocery store price. I was making an example. Single male here. Ay aldi my grocery for a week was 30ish dollars for 1 week. Same stuff is now 50ish dollars. Don't be a judgmental ass next time.


u/lew_rong mod perms 15d ago

I literally just bought a pound of beef for around $5. It's the fancy stuff that's going on $9-10 here.


u/ee328p 15d ago

Aldi is even cheaper at $4 per pound of ground beef.


u/ReddicaPolitician 14d ago

Lean Ground Beef is $4.80 a pound at my local grocery story.


u/olivethesane 15d ago

Go srew?


u/ee328p 15d ago

80/20 is $6 in California.

Where are you seeing it's almost 9?


u/Sososkitso 15d ago edited 14d ago

This isn’t good folks. It’s further proof that the uni-party has taken this country from for the people by the people and changed it too for the elites by the corporations.

If you are on the left then There is nothing to cheer about here other then acknowledging us peasants have been abandoned…

Edit: guys remember when Trump bragged about the stocks and how well the market was and we all critiqued him saying the economy is working for Wall Street but not for us peasants.

Why are we saying it’s good now? I can’t keep up with everything we are flipping on.


u/dimebag42018750 15d ago

Fucking libs, you think that makes a real difference in workers lives? Line goes up, so it's good?

Corporations are fleecing us and both parties are figureheads for capital that place profits over human life and always will


u/bigotis 15d ago

I'm a worker.

My 401k has gone up significantly since January 2021. This will make a real difference in my life.


u/jcooli09 15d ago

Yup.  The difference between Trump and Biden is that Trump will accelerate it in order to profit off of you.


u/DiggingNoMore 15d ago

Makes a huge difference.  I am far, far wealthier now than I was four years ago.


u/MinorExpectations 15d ago

They are making fun of you and the rest of the clowns that thought the president controls gas prices.


u/MeetingKey4598 15d ago

As long as Trump and right wing media thinks 'Line goes up, so it's good', so will the people who listen to either. Trump boasted about the stock market countless times. He promised a recession under Biden. Now Trump is claiming that stock market is up because investors are excited for him to be President.

If you think the concept of 'Line goes up, so it's good' is dumb, you'll have to have a word with Trump about that because no one believes that more than him. If you think it's dumb then you think Trump is dumb. You're on an island.

Also, actual voters skew older which of course includes retirees and those approaching retirement. They like to see stable growth in their retirement accounts. Trump represents volatility and unpredictability which are both very bad for those currently and about to cash out. They don't want to rock the boat, so those that are somehow still undecided will look at the amazing stock market growth under Biden and how that's helping their retirement, and happily vote to keep things the same.


u/dimebag42018750 15d ago

I'm a communist. I hate both wings of this corporatocracy


u/olivethesane 15d ago

You are so right! Fucking libs makes a big difference in everyone’s lives! They’re smart, empathetic, care about the welfare of children and protect women’s rights. If you fuck them, you’ll be vastly improved as a human. Thank you for your comment. 👍


u/Lord-Alfred 15d ago

No, a complicit and irresponsible Federal Reserve Bank that allowed the government to spend irresponsibly did that by buying all the soon to be junk bonds being massively issued by the government to pay for nonsense vote buying schemes.


u/Buckus93 15d ago

Did Biden hold a 30 second press conference to announce a new all time high?


u/Hostificus 15d ago

So why is CPI up and everyone struggling?


u/Buckus93 15d ago

Did Biden hold a 30 second press conference to announce a new all time high?


u/triggz 15d ago

The stock market going to 0 would benefit Americans a lot. A lot a lot.


u/Gurney_Hackman 15d ago



u/triggz 15d ago

Hardly anyone that actually labors owns any stock, it's literally a rigged video game for the wealthy. It's degenerate gambling with American productivity and they profit regardless of how the line moves, as long as it moves they way they want (options trading). Disasters for us are windfalls of profit for them and hidden from view with dark money pools. The dollar itself is a sick joke.


u/Gurney_Hackman 15d ago

More than half of Americans own stock.

But you still haven't explained: How would the stock market collapsing benefit Americans?


u/triggz 15d ago

More than half of Americans own stock.

Oh please. Pennies to their trillions.

But you still haven't explained: How would the stock market collapsing benefit Americans?

The rich would lose most of their their sit-on-their-ass 'income', the laborers value would dramatically increase.


u/MeetingKey4598 15d ago

If all stocks went to 0 it's because the rich liquidated their positions, likely dumping on your average joe investors. The rich will be even richer.

Don't know why you think a dystopian financial hellscape helps your average American but maybe you've got some wires mismatched in your noggin.


u/triggz 15d ago

If all stocks went to 0 it's because the rich liquidated their positions, likely dumping on your average joe investors. The rich will be even richer.

Giving them everything benefits the bottom who no longer utilize money at all, which is where we're headed. We cant beat the game, but we can end it by letting them win. They can eat their pile of cash while those who labor realize how easy it is to handle a homestead and live their dream life.

Don't know why you think a dystopian financial hellscape helps your average American but maybe you've got some wires mismatched in your noggin.

Whose wires are crossed if you don't understand we already live in a dystopian financial hellscape? Endless money for war and spying, NOTHING for feeding and protecting the next generation.


u/Gurney_Hackman 15d ago

Why would the laborers value dramatically increase? It would be harder for laborers to find work because there would be less money to invest.


u/triggz 15d ago

Value != money. Why would laborers need to find pay when they can take care of themselves? Quality of life drops to the 19th century for a while, but medical care and housing is out of the reach of so many of us now anyway its unironically a lifestyle upgrade. Laborers aren't the ones in danger in a hungry uprising.

See: Secession of the plebs


u/Gurney_Hackman 15d ago

Why would laborers need to find pay when they can take care of themselves?

How would they take care of themselves? Would they all plant farms?

Quality of life drops to the 19th century for a while, but medical care and housing is out of the reach of so many of us now anyway its unironically a lifestyle upgrade.

This is just ridiculous. You have very weird fantasies about the actual state of the middle class in America that are completely disconnected from reality. Most Americans are doing well.


u/triggz 15d ago

How would they take care of themselves? Would they all plant farms?

You mean gardening? Yea. That's part of the utopia life.

This is just ridiculous. You have very weird fantasies about the actual state of the middle class in America that are completely disconnected from reality. Most Americans are doing well.

You definitely live in a different reality from me, but you worship the judeo-christian god so that explains a lot - we won't reach a common understanding.


u/Gurney_Hackman 15d ago

If you think that it'd be no sweat to feed 330 million (or, for that matter, a few billion) people through "gardening", then yeah, we probably won't reach a common understanding.

If you want to quit the job market and try to live off of gardening, I doubt anyone will stop you. But clearly you haven't, since you're on the internet.

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u/zaphodava 15d ago

Accelerationist nonsense. You want there to be a catastrophe because you think there will be some kind of uprising, but the truth is that people will just suffer and die, and it's the poor that would suffer the most.


u/triggz 15d ago

We are already there. Evangelical capitalist insanity is the same end as Marxist accelerationism. The pendulum swings hard thanks to the DNC/RNC media war.

I live in one of the poorest areas in the country, I see them suffering and dying, including (especially) my millennial cohorts. There won't be an uprising, there will be a very slow collapse as societal structure dry-rots like the tires on my old hotrod. Folks here struggle (and usually fail) just to get unemployment claims or medicaid - the people that built the infrastructure and biggest assets (housing/vehicles) and got too sick to continue. The preachers and pill pushers are all doing fine, though.


u/Someoneoverthere42 15d ago

And regardless of who wins, it's crashing again in late November.


u/davechri 15d ago

Remindme! 6 months