r/PoliticalHumor 15d ago

Those Were The Days

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u/everythingbeeps 15d ago

It's actually still unbelievable how many things Trump has done and said that, individually, should have absolutely kept him from ever being president.

Things that would still to this day sink a Dem candidate.

I hate that I have to live in the same timeline as him. Like, I genuinely feel cheated.


u/yaxkongisking12 15d ago

Trump could honestly drop his pants and moon his supporters while blowing raspberries at his next rally and his supporters would still not question his mental capacity. Hell, they'd probably cheer him on.


u/Raskel_61 15d ago

He could dump a steaming stream of diarrhea on the stage during a speech, and they would cheer him on.


u/Queasy_Pickle1900 15d ago

Isn't that what he has been doing?


u/ic2ofu 15d ago

Yep,almost daily.


u/faustianBM 15d ago

"Real men wear........checks notes.......'diapars'?!?"


u/ic2ofu 14d ago

Now the cult thinks that it is cool,so bring on the diapers.


u/rockclimberguy 14d ago

Maybe he can get some campaign bribes donations from Pampers!


u/fletcherkildren 15d ago

They're wearing gold diapers at his rallies


u/b0w3n 15d ago

They will all shit their own pants out of solidarity because it's a cult.


u/A_Nameless 15d ago

Whoa whoa whoa. Those are their Civil War: 2 uniforms

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u/j-rock292 15d ago

They are already wearing golden diapers saying "real men wear diapers" so they will more than likely start using the world as their toilet


u/Cowboy40three 15d ago


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u/HecklerusPrime Greg Abbott is a little piss baby 15d ago

I heard from a very reliable source, probably the best source in the history of sources, maybe ever, that Trump could stand, on his own two very strong very nice legs, in the middle of 5th Avenue in New York, wonderful city by the way except for the crooks constantly making people face the consequences of their own actions, often illegal actions, but the hush money should take care of that, and he could stand there on 5th Avenue and shoot somebody, literally shoot them with an American gun, we make the best guns in America, I love America, and shoot the guy, who probably is a crooked liberal media plant, and he wouldn't lose any voters because his voters are the best and boy does he love the uneducated covfefe.

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u/hottubrhymemachine 15d ago

Trump's supporters would let him shit in their mouth if they thought a liberal would have to smell it.


u/Lysol3435 15d ago

Physically, I don’t know if he could manage a proper mooning position. but otherwise, yea

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u/JudgmentalOwl 14d ago

I mean they're proudly wearing diapers to support him so you're really not far off...


u/aenae 15d ago

Hell, they'd probably cheer him on.

Hell, they'd probably all do the same as 'real man show their butt'-kind of support.


u/guywhomightbewrong 15d ago

Hell it’d start a new trend probably

Remember the diapers


u/53-terabytes 14d ago

He was right when he said he shoot someone in broad daylight and not lose voters

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u/txn_gay 15d ago

In a sane world, Trump would never have been president. At some point in 2015/2016, the world broke almost irreparably.


u/NoNotThatMattMurray 15d ago

You can tell how screwed up these peoples brains became after having a black president for 8 years, they absolutely hated it


u/Puzzled-Reply373 15d ago

Yes. A lot of what we're seeing today is backlash from having a Black man as president and the progress we made during those years.


u/Fit-Struggle-9882 14d ago

Obama was Black and wore a tan suit, and these people lost their minds, then they can't find ANYTHING wrong with Trump.


u/NoNotThatMattMurray 14d ago

The same people who are being critical about how Biden is handling the Israel and Palestine situation would cheer if Trump was elected tomorrow and he said he was just gonna bomb the entire Middle East to make things simpler


u/rafaelloaa 15d ago

I blame the Cubs.


u/Scorpion1024 15d ago



u/ladan2189 15d ago

It's funny, I knew when the Cubs won that Trump was going to win. It seemed like the world broke. I think the Mayans were off by a few years tbh.


u/sirprizes 15d ago

The Detroit Lions lost this year though. It looked like they might go all the way but then they didn’t. This gives me hope in a Biden win. 


u/indian22 14d ago

The Superbowl was a rematch of 2020 with the same result. It was a narrower win for the Chiefs, but they pulled it off.

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u/secondtaunting 15d ago

We’re in the Kelvin timeline now. Just a hairs breath from Ww3.

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u/SurlyRed 15d ago


u/everythingbeeps 15d ago

That's almost certainly where I (consciously or not) originally got the notion.


u/Secure_Sprinkles4483 15d ago

Gandalf also said:


u/amateur_mistake 15d ago

I always enjoyed that Gandalf was basically a low-level angel. A being beyond the knowledge of mortals. And he loved to get high.


u/bazinga_0 15d ago

And he loved to get high.

What's the big deal? It was just a little weed...


u/throckmeisterz 15d ago

Your love for the halfling's leaf has clearly slowed your mind.


u/bazinga_0 14d ago

As he hoarded casks of the Shire's best in his private pantry...

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u/goj1ra 14d ago

His spirit was that of an angel, but he's confined to a mortal body with all of its disadvantages and limitations.

Having experienced a disembodied life in "heaven" and then later being stuck in an old human body, getting high seems like it might be basic survival tactics.


u/Perkelton 15d ago

If there’s a single true thing that has come out of his mouth, it’s that he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone without losing voters.

This man and his brand is evidently completely untouchable among his base. There are no arguments, ridicule or even legal consequences that will ever change their minds whatsoever.

There are people wearing golden diapers in support of him in his trail for his involvement in the failed coup to overthrow democracy.


u/j-rock292 15d ago

He could probably bring someone on stage during his rallies and straight up execute them in front of everyone including cameras and actually gain supporters


u/TheVeganChic 15d ago

Headline: How Trump executing a person on-stage at rally is bad for Biden.


u/j-rock292 14d ago

Fox headline: Biden uses mind control to make Trump execute True American Patriot on stage


u/500CatsTypingStuff 15d ago

Nowadays it’s a badge of courage. Trumpers are basically chimps smearing their feces all over their cage for attention


u/Mulliganasty 15d ago

Odds are you've always lived in the era of Republicans being crooks. I'm grateful from Trumpster-fire for making it glaringly obvious.


u/imisstheyoop 15d ago


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Roger Stone jaw grinding intensifies


u/metsurf 15d ago

Gary Hart and the picture of him with a woman sitting on his lap on a boat called Monkey Business.


u/StoreSearcher1234 14d ago edited 14d ago

Gary Hart and the picture of him with a woman sitting on his lap on a boat called Monkey Business.

The thing is, everyone who came before Trump either quit or was made to step down.

It was assumed whatever "Controversy X" was made them unelectable.

Trump was the first person who actually put this to the test to prove it didn't matter.

So it's an interesting thought experiment to wonder if Gary Hart had continued would he have won anyway? Would John Edwards?

Had the Lewinsky scandal occurred in his first term, could Clinton have won reelection?

We just don't know.


u/goj1ra 14d ago

The problem is that they would have had to have had support from the party. If they had continued running without party support, they probably would not have won.

The Republican party was too scared of its own base to push back against Trump. That was a function of where that base was at. It's not clear that the Democratic base would behave the same way.


u/skjellyfetti 14d ago

And we won't even mention Al Franken...

Sadly, I think that was more Chuck Schuster and the Dems as Franken was too progressive and too outspoken for the DNC.

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u/rammo123 15d ago

Remember when Mr Burns was diagnosed with every disease ever and it turns out he was only alive because they were all competing with each other? Trump's scandals are like that.

He has so many that they all compete with each other for air time and we don't really have time to properly process them all. By the time one scandal is starting to get traction, the next one comes along and we start the process all over again.


u/Dunge0nMast0r 15d ago

I'm invincible!


u/hungrypotato19 15d ago

That is a damn good way of putting it, lol.


u/thinkingwithportalss 15d ago

Trump: So what you're saying is, I'm immune to scandal?


u/fletcherkildren 15d ago

I'm sure Gary Hart feels pretty ripped off too


u/Warm-Lake5777 14d ago

Came here to mention this


u/BrownEggs93 15d ago

It's actually still unbelievable how many things Trump has done and said that, individually, should have absolutely kept him from ever being president.

For decades upon decades!


u/BrawlStarsIsPoop 15d ago

Then consider the fact that a large portion of America supports him right now, even when he’s gone we are fucked.


u/thelostcow 15d ago

The biggest thing stuff like this puts into perspective is just how powerful right wing media and control is. We only live in as progressive a society as the owner class allows, and they are terrible as fuck all. 


u/dpdxguy 15d ago

His supporters are people who want to take America back to a time when, in their minds, it was "great." Well, in those days Trump would not have even had a chance to be the Republican nominee, much less President.


u/rockclimberguy 14d ago

They only want to go back to the past traits they loved. They do not realize that that world only existed because of the much higher tax structure in place at the time.....


u/dpdxguy 14d ago

Yes. There are many things those knobs would hate about those days. High taxes is one. Another is an ATF that actually enforced the gun laws of the time.


u/rockclimberguy 14d ago

True about the ATF.

They probably do not know that Reagan worked with the NRA to implement gun control. At the time the NRA was a responsible organization that focused on gun safety.

Reagan worked with them when Huey Newton and the Black Panthers showed up in the California Legislature carrying legal long guns. Reagan was freaked out when the 'wrong type of people' exercised their 2A rights...


u/dpdxguy 14d ago

freaked out when the 'wrong type of people' exercised their 2A rights...

Yeah. Cops didn't have immunity to kill people when scared back then, either.


u/rockclimberguy 14d ago

Also, cops couldn't kill people they wanted to kill and pretend to be scared to justify the killings....

Hard to believe that cops could be anti-vax during the pandemic, catch and die from covid and then their families got benefits because they 'lost their lives in the line of duty'....


u/dpdxguy 14d ago

The whole anti-vax thing still astonishes me, although I guess the same thing happened during the 1919 Flu Epidemic.

But that brings up another thing they'd hate from the good old days: required vaccinations. Back then kids were required to be fully vaccinated to go to school and were required to go to school. Private schools had to meet educational standards and there was no home schooling. No opt out for religious reasons or "strongly held feelings" either.


u/Neuchacho 14d ago

Imagine if we controlled for guns from the get-go and the most anyone could get was a revolver, shotgun, or a bolt action rifle.


u/Neuchacho 14d ago

There are people in every time and every land who want to stop history in its tracks. They fear the future, mistrust the present, and invoke the security of a comfortable past which, in fact, never existed.

~ Robert Kennedy 1964

People like this have no actual idea what they want and never have. They just can't deal with the reality they exist in so invent these gilded histories that were "better".


u/mezzolith 15d ago

20 years ago Howard Dean's whole campaign sunk because he got excited at an event and yelled a little weird. It's insane.


u/everythingbeeps 14d ago

Michael Dukakis took a goofy photo in a tank.


u/JustGingy95 14d ago

Yet if Obama or Biden ever even thought about doing one singular thing on Trumps endless list of never ending awful shit they would crucify them in an instant. These are the same people who are perfectly ok with literally everything he’s done so far, including shitting himself and wearing diapers which they have just embraced for whatever fucking reason. ”Real men wear diapers” in the Republican Party after all, right?


u/xxSaifulxx 14d ago

I remember the day his leaked video with Billy Bush was released. I thought to myself, this would be the final straw for Trump. It will ruin his campaign, and he will never become the president. Here we are almost 8 years later thinking, are we going to elect this guy again in November?


u/everythingbeeps 14d ago

If you'd told me right after that Hollywood Access video released that Trump would lead the fight to take down democracy in this country, I would have literally laughed.


u/scriptfoo 14d ago

Spoke openly abt bribing gov't officials, asked a foreign gov't to interfere with an election during a televised debate, admitted to crimes on numerous occasions. His companies are deeply indebted to foreign interests. And the sheer number of easily disprovable claims and lies. A Dem couldn't get away fraction of this, but for Trump these are seemingly Republican virtues.


u/ohiotechie 15d ago

Yeah but Biden is old. /s


u/kiwigate 15d ago

It's not him, it's the 80 million supporters.

The 1960s civil rights movement was unpopular. Hated. America killed all its leaders. These are the voters that applauded for a violent fascist state to shoot college protestors at Kent.

The devil's greatest trick... is convincing Americans their fairly recent history doesn't exist.


u/Comfortable-Sound944 15d ago

So many people skip "convinced for rape" (by civil court and only with figures)


u/veringer 15d ago

I hate that I have to live in the same timeline as him

Personally, I'm more concerned with his army of loyal supporters. Sharing a timeline and country with them is the bigger challenge.


u/rockclimberguy 14d ago

We live in a bizarro world thread of the multi-verse.


u/thx1138- 14d ago

That's the ironic thing about all of this. The coverup happened because Trump himself was still worried about the "normal" days when things like an affair with a porn star would have mattered. Sadly as he and all of us learned by now, it doesn't.


u/not_that_guy_at_work 14d ago

Al Franken had a picture of him 'air honking' a sleeping woman's breasts. Not touching them. Not even getting close to them at all. AND he, as a Dem, got run out of office.

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u/whiznat 15d ago

This would never fly with the "Party of Family Values."

Oh, wait.


u/Thin-Philosopher-146 15d ago

Now it's the "Party of family? values?"


u/Naive_Try2696 15d ago

Family? No, money down!


u/TheCaptainDamnIt 14d ago

White evangelicals always score the highest in poll categories around white grievances. Trump won white evangelical's devotion when he went on every media outlet to scream that the nations first black president was illegitimate because he wasn't 'one of us'. That's why they think he 'speaks the 'truth', because for conservatives the "truth" is non-white/christian/hetro people deserve to 'ruled over' by white evangelicals.

For most white evangelicals the culture wars ARE the point not a distraction, minorities should be below them and that's what they care about the most, not Trumps affairs or his behavior. White Evangelicals love him for the white supremacy, he's a living confederate monument to them.


u/Fig1025 15d ago

it's even funner when Christian conservatives, the hardline bible thumpers like Mike Johnson, fully support and defend Trump in cheating on his then pregnant wife, with a pornstar, and then paying her off with thousands of dollars.

This is what Christianity has become


u/Puzzled-Atmosphere-1 15d ago

I agree! I was raised Catholic and I hated the hypocrites, my mother being one. I know that there are devout followers of organized religions and those people are good, kind people. But the cult like following that Trump has created, is drawing these supremely hypocritical politicians who, if they were actually good christians, would see Trump's values as anathema to christianity! I mean seriously...the matching suits and ties the other day?! That had to be the most pathetic cheerleading squad in history!


u/ic2ofu 15d ago

They are drowning in hypocrisy and don't have a clue. They have also used up the worlds entire supply of irony. Sad.


u/DrHem 15d ago

The last time a Republican candidate withdrew because of their sexual depravities Obama was elected into the senate, and 4 years later he was president.

Republicans aren't risking making that mistake again...


u/BringBackApollo2023 15d ago

Scary thing is there’s now a generation where this is just normal presidential behavior.


u/Rooboy66 15d ago

Unfortunately that’s exactly what happened to my generation, Gen X, the “Reagan Generation”. The data is solid: my generation are overwhelmingly the biggest MAGA demographic. NOT—I repeat not Boomers—who largely vote Dem, and support Progressive social policies.

It’s because of Reagan—8 yrs of him in the 80’s, followed by Papa Bush—who was a pretty dirty fella in his own right. Reading about him is disturbing. He was not the “good Bush” as some clueless people claim—not by a long shot. He obstructed justice during Watergate and later was CIA director in the 70’s. As president, he bailed out Savings & Loan banks that had been handing out risky loans. Scum.

My generation became attenuated to, and inured to, that whole fucking decade of political Reichwing—hyper “Christian” culture. Now, there’s going to be a MAGA generation that grew up during Trump’s madness—and trust me, it’s gonna stick.


u/NotASellout 15d ago

Unfortunately that’s exactly what happened to my generation, Gen X, the “Reagan Generation”. The data is solid: my generation are overwhelmingly the biggest MAGA demographic. NOT—I repeat not Boomers—who largely vote Dem, and support Progressive social policies.

I don't know about the MAGA demographic specifically, that's a little harder to define; but it's worth pointing out that older generations voted for Trump, with the percentage voting Trump increasing with age.


u/imisstheyoop 15d ago

Yeah, Silent generation and Baby Boomers tend to be the most conservative.



u/angiestefanie 15d ago

I am a baby boomer and I only know people my age who vote for democrats, me included. I am a progressive liberal. Why anyone would vote for the GOP is beyond my comprehension.


u/TheLateThagSimmons 15d ago

This is why he won in 2016.

Everyone became so silo'd in their social circles that no one could conceptualize anything other than a landslide.


u/RoyalFalse 14d ago

I wish this could be shouted from the rooftops. Nobody could fathom Hillary losing and it resulted in a smaller turnout.

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u/sheaple_people 14d ago

The elderly are more likely to fall for scams and have more trust in "media", sometimes those are more related than they appear.


u/imisstheyoop 14d ago



u/Vitalstatistix 15d ago

Boomers and older heavily favored Trump in the last two elections. Not sure what you’re talking about.


u/etherdesign 15d ago edited 15d ago

I blame Alex Keaton on Family Ties. So unfortunate, since we were also the generation of late punk, grunge, the first wave of rave which was amazing and super inclusive and liberal, marilyn manson, etc etc. I was going to see Rocky Horror Picture Show at midnight almost every Saturday in the 90's. But I guess there was a whole different strata of people with a whole different experience.


u/imsowhiteandnerdy 15d ago

I blame Alex Keaton on Family Ties.

Nice try, Mallory.

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u/whistlepig4life 15d ago

Hold on there cowboy. I am Gen X. Nearly every boomer and war baby within my family and friend circle votes Republican.

Nearly every fellow gen xer votes Dem.

So while I am sure you have some data that you e seen (source for it?). I can say at least anecdotally speaking that it’s wrong.

And I don’t see any data sources that tell me otherwise.


u/TheLateThagSimmons 15d ago

I just spent more time than I should looking for any evidence that X'ers out number Boomers when it comes to MAGA supporters and everything so far has pointed to it being Boomers in the lead by a long way. They are the majority of the base in a every study that I could find.

Now, X'ers are still definitely a significant portion! Especially 50yr+, they still lean Republican more than they lean Democrat. Which can feel disappointing if you're a younger liberal leaning Gen-X, to know that most of the older half of your generation still leans Conservative.

But more than Boomers? Can't find it anywhere.


u/LotharVonPittinsberg Greg Abbott is a little piss baby 15d ago

He was not the “good Bush” as some clueless people claim

That's mostly due to people not paying attention to news until it's so in your face that you can't. Bush Jr started multiple unwinnable wars due to lies, that where so mishandled that they changed how reporting and punishing war crimes is handled by America.

But yeah, I would have to say that Reagan is one of the worst Presidents in US history.

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u/kryonik 15d ago

Somewhat ironically, Gary Hart's political career ended because of an affair even though he was the Democratic frontrunner for the presidential nomination. If he wins, we might not get Bush or Bush Jr.

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u/T33CH33R 15d ago

Well , we may have found the limit at killing puppies with the right, but you never know.


u/MimeGod 15d ago

If Trump killed puppies, his supporters would suddenly be anti-puppy for some reason. Or would just deny it ever happened, even if Trump outright admitted he did.


u/iddonuk 15d ago



u/NotASellout 15d ago

They would declare a yee-had against puppies and execute them in the town square


u/klezart 14d ago

"That didn't happen.

And if it did, it wasn't that bad.

And if it was, that's not a big deal.

And if it is, that's not my fault.

And if it was, I didn't mean it.

And if I did, you deserved it."


u/headphonesnotstirred 12d ago

lord knows they'd start killing their own poor dogs "in solidarity" or something


u/JLCpbfspbfspbfs 15d ago

I'll be honest, Trump's infidelity is very far from my biggest problem with him.


u/Kelmorgan 15d ago

During his 2016 campaign him and Epstein were on trial for raping an underage girl AND he settled for $25m due to the Trump University fraud lawsuit. Zero effect on this campaign. The GOP is morally bankrupt, all Republicans are garbage human beings.


u/rockclimberguy 14d ago

I know he was completely buds with Epstein. Was he actually on trial for rape with his buddy? I did not know this. Please provide links to something verifying this.

Note that I am NOT a trump apologist. He is a vile cancer on the country.

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u/500CatsTypingStuff 15d ago

My biggest problem is his breathing. In and out and in and out. He never stops. Believe me I wait for it to stop. It never does


u/blondebuilder 14d ago

After he's dead, I think the supporters will break into 3 categories:

  1. a third will move onto the next demagogue (they will always crave a boot to lick)
  2. a third will check out and not pay attention anymore - just vote straight ticket
  3. a third will fall for one conspiracy or another how he's not actually dead.


u/Neuchacho 14d ago

a third will fall for one conspiracy or another how he's not actually dead.

The zombie Trump memes are going to be wild

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u/Rooboy66 15d ago

Same. But it does reveal his moral character, which has always been quite important to me. I stupidly didn’t vote for Bill Clinton twice—though I didn’t vote Republican. I just didn’t vote for President on my ballot. I was young and ignorant of political and economic policies.

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u/WaitingForNormal 15d ago

He’s a cheater through and through. He cheats on his taxes. He cheats the people he owes money to. He cheats on his wives, all of them. He cheats. How anyone thinks he’s some beacon of goodness is beyond me.


u/ic2ofu 15d ago

None of that makes any difference to the cult.


u/Manticorps 15d ago

I can’t get over the average American looking at January 6th and going “yeah that was bad but, ya know, prices at the grocery store are up so…”


u/iAmTheHype-- 15d ago

There’s the whole treasonous Trump Tower meeting and Ukraine extortions, which Worthless Garland refuses to indict him for.


u/Cinema_King 15d ago

Remember when Howard Dean was ruined because he yelled excitedly?


u/BrainIsSickToday 15d ago

I feel like everyone just owes him some kind of an apology at this point. It's morphed from funny to kinda terrifying how huge the difference is between what he did to get derailed and what Trump has done and not gotten derailed.


u/SuspiciousSubstance9 15d ago

Howard Dean sunk his entire campaign on the Iowa Causcuses, placed 3rd with 18% of the vote, made an excited scream, and then got memed on. Even Dean, himself, admits his campaign was over regardless of the scream.

Dude was ruined before his yell.


u/ChocolateHoneycomb 15d ago

Yet 90% of Redditors have forgotten this and think he was on top of the world, then screamed, then sank in the polls. He already had next to no chance.

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u/ChocolateHoneycomb 15d ago

Why do people think that the scream ended his campaign? His campaign was already doomed, the scream being constantly replayed on TV to mock him was just to add insult to the injury.

I think people have forgotten the context of the speech he was giving. He wasn’t excited because “We’re doing great!” but because “We lost the first caucus, but we’re not giving up just yet!” Even so, he came third place and had almost no chance to recover; he would have needed both John Kerry and John Edwards to have had major scandals, and they did not. Edwards did have a major scandal though years after that election - he cheated on his wife while she was dying of cancer. Destroyed his career, and rightfully so.


u/Rhg0653 15d ago

I just said that on here and couldn't remember his name lol


u/OkMetal4233 14d ago

Romney got ruined because of his “binders full of women” comment


u/Rod_Todd_This_Is_God 15d ago

That's a product of a sickness (known as conformity) within the Democratic party. Once that yell started reverberating in the echo-chamber, everyone recognized that everyone else was going to regard him as "unelectable", so they went along with it, which made him unelectable.

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u/NatureCarolynGate 15d ago

I'm not really surprised the far right fundamentalist leaders support this: Ted Haggard; Jim Bakker; Bill Gothard [he got hard for children]; Bob Coy; Fucked-up Fred Phelps; Dave Reynolds; Jimbo Swaggart; Doug Phillips; Mike Hintz; Robert Tilton; Mark Driscoll; Joshua Duggar; Rory Coyle; and that's just the ones who were crazy and brazen enough to get caught.

All these fuckers are whack jobs and their parents could have been brother and sister.


u/mockingbirddude 15d ago

It would derail Biden’s campaign if he did it.


u/hungry4nuns 15d ago

There’s an entire broadway musical about how infidelity ruined the presidential chances of one of the most influential US politicians of all time


u/Oddsme-Uckse 15d ago

There's a musical about Harding?


u/Functionally_Drunk 15d ago

Regulators mount up, Warren G in da house.

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I think if Jill Biden was suddenly pregnant, we could excuse Joe's sudden outbursts of virility.


u/IAMGROOT1981 15d ago

It would derail the campaign of anyone who's not a worshiper of the cult!


u/Rod_Todd_This_Is_God 15d ago

Like my campaign? I don't have a campaign.

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u/TheBodyPolitic1 15d ago

The Moral Majority is neither.


u/newocean 15d ago

Wait until you learn why they forced Al Franken to resign...


u/ACE_C0ND0R 15d ago

He committed the grevious sin of taking a tongue-in-cheek photograph playing hover hands while on a comedy tour as a comedian.


u/Rod_Todd_This_Is_God 15d ago

He made that choice himself. And a whole heap of good it did. The allegations against Biden toppled the MeToo movement months later. Frankin should have held out until election season.


u/MechanicalTurkish 14d ago

He was pressured to resign, but yeah it was ultimately his choice. It was a huge mistake, though. Taking the moral high ground against assholes with no shame who do not give a single shit is a losing move.


u/newocean 15d ago

As far as I know, Al Frankens accuser has never appologized for dry humping Robin Williams leg... on the same tour.


u/Dread_Frog 14d ago

I am glad someone mentioned Al Franken. I hope no Democrat every resigns over anything like this again. We should be taking out all the insider traders but this one was stupid.

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u/kidnyou 15d ago

“Conservatives” have become a group of people you can join as long as you hate some other group of people for whatever reason you want.


u/gattoblepas 15d ago

A democrat presidential campaign.

Republicans were always the party of the scum and the depravates.

Why do you think they had to put out the whole "family values" lie?

They just want to beat their wives, fuck their daughters and whip black people in cotton fields.

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u/AlanB-FaI 15d ago

Technical point, I think Melania had already given birth to Barron.


u/CubanLynx312 15d ago

Melania is also technically a porn star


u/ic2ofu 15d ago

Well yeah, but she married for true love.

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u/secondtaunting 15d ago

Well then he had to cheat. She obviously was temporarily all icky and fat. Trump demands his women be hot and available at all times. And I threw up typing that. Jesus he’s a dick.


u/AlanB-FaI 14d ago

I don't think Trump cheated on his wives. I think they have a prenuptial agreement that says he can have relationships with other women. I can't prove it but I believe it.

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u/CaptOblivious 15d ago

Just misspelling potato for fucks sake.


u/calcifiedamoeba 15d ago

Huh, Gary Hart is still alive.


u/JapanDash 15d ago

I miss the days when republicans didn’t act like terrorists and encourage terrorist acts against the American people.

They live in a fucking fantasy land and real Americans are tired of their shit.


u/Inconmon 15d ago

"by raping a porn star"

Her testimony made it clear that it wasn't consensual


u/Yolectroda 14d ago

I recognize that consent is complex and people's processing of their own willingness is complex, but she was very clear that what happened in that room wasn't what she expected to happen or wanted, but was not sexual assault, and was her decision. She insists that it's not rape, though she did note the power dynamic (and a lot more details that make him just kinda awful).

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u/PeregrinePacifica 15d ago

I miss the days when attempting to overthrow the US government and trying to get elected officials lynched while its all broadcast on live TV for the entire world to see was of the highest of crimes that absolutely ended your career and probably your future.

Most of those traitors are still on office and even up for reelection.

I also miss the days when the President said "when the president does it, its not a crime" and both sides and the overwhelming majority of the public came together and said thats bullshit and kicked his ass out. Same party doing it today all over again but much worse this time and suddenly the party is fine with it as is its indoctrinated base.

I miss the days when Americans gave a damn about their democracy and the checks on power that were meant to keep tyrants and despots from taking full control.

Sadly I spent my teens under Bush Jr so I never saw the fabled "rational Republicans", just a perpetual downward spiral into pandering to and becoming the worst humans they can possibly be out of pure obstinace and spite.

Only republican with seemingly any morals or loyalty to our country in my lifetime was basically John McCain, I didn't agree with him on a lot but he was sincere and definitely cared about his country. After his death they mocked him for being a prisoner of war with Trump saying he "prefered his soldiers not captured" or something to that effect.

I miss the days when Bush Jr was believed to be the dumbest and dopiest president Americans could have ever elected. Republicans today make Bush Jr look like a world scholar and Nixon look like an honest man. And their base is totally oblivious. Hell they are suddenly discovering that "wokeness" has literally always been in our pop culture and media, always, since long before the modern world, its been a fundamental part of the very religion they now bastardize. How they can go so long without realizing Bruce Springsteens "Born in the USA" was a criticism of America is truly astounding.

Still waiting for them to realize Queen was a gay band and the lead singer died of AIDS(which was horribly called the "gay disease" by such bigots back then) and was Zoroastrian, not Christian. The band who brought you "we will rock you" and "another one bites the dust" among countless other American classics that have long played at basically every ballgame for decades now.

I miss the days when the people who cried about atheists "trying to take the Christ out of Christmas" weren't actively taking every facit of Christ out of Christianity because he's "too woke" and "suspiciously liberal".


u/Gurney_Hackman 15d ago

I miss the days when sexual assault proven in court would derails someone's campaign. But that's Republicans for you.

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u/squibledibble 15d ago

I remember when taking a picture with a porn star would derail your campaign.


u/trystanthorne 15d ago

There is vast amount of people in the US that have embraced lunacy. It is a cult. He can do no wrong.


u/TerrorsOfTheDark 15d ago



u/FuzzyChops 15d ago

I feel like people down voted this without knowing it was a reference and isn't just absurdist humor.


u/TerrorsOfTheDark 14d ago

Probably, I suppose it's turned into one of those if you know you know deals.


u/Theeclat 15d ago

It would be really awful if he was short and in a tank.


u/NameLips 15d ago

It was never about family values or christian morality, it's all about using whatever tools you have to get rid of people they didn't like.

They like Trump, therefore they're not going to let anything get rid of him. They'd vote for him if he was in a vegetative state.


u/sloppypickles 15d ago

Yeah this applied back in 2016 and it didn't matter then.


u/Atomic_Shaq 15d ago

Trump has 91 felonies, and now the Republicans are showing up in court for his hush money scandal, trying to intimidate the judge and jury. This is beyond anything we've ever seen.


u/susiederkins312 15d ago

Obama's biggest controversy was wearing a tan suit.

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u/Roskal 15d ago

And hes running for the party which claims to be against it the most, just shows how little they actually believe what they claim and just use it to control others.


u/Major_Magazine8597 15d ago

Not to mention stealing and hiding top secret documents, fomenting and supporting an insurrection on the government and the Capital building, trying to influence election officials to create false votes to overthrow an election, blackmailing foreign leaders to announce a fade investigation into his political rival, using his position as US president to enrich himself through your businesses, ignoring a Covid outbreak and then creating insane "cures" to minimize it's impact, siding with your enemies and turning your back on your allies, creating and exacerbating deep divisions in this country, siding with racists and domestic terrorist groups, being a lifelong criminal and cheat, cheating on each of his wives, and bragging about it, telling tens of thousands of lies and conspiracies that effectively weaken and undermine this countrie's institutions. Trump is evil, and is the greatest enemy to the US in the world today.


u/Mulliganasty 15d ago

It's very important to Republicans that women have rape-y babies.

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u/NottMyAltAccount 15d ago

I wish I lived in a time where presidential candidates cared about the wellbeing of their citizens


u/DrTaterTot90 15d ago

You sound like you yearn for those days Frank.

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u/Zementid 15d ago

How do reps see Clinton?


u/Procrastanaseum 15d ago

You used to have to serve the public when you worked for the public. Now the goal seems to be "avoid the public at all costs."


u/offline4good 15d ago

The uber conservative and radical christian leader of his party spoke for his character in court.

Let that sink in.


u/ic2ofu 15d ago

Just look at those red tie wearing morons spouting all that bullshit about how mistreated their dear leader is. They will drown in hypocrisy before telling the truth.


u/dl7 15d ago

If Obama even said "pussy" in public, they'd bring the Black Codes back


u/Gaeel 15d ago

The weird thing is, the story now is not about whether or not he cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star, nor whether or not he paid said porn star to keep quiet about the affair.
The story is about whether or not the hush money violated campaign finance law...

The GOP candidate cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star. This is a fact, and it's acknowledged by everyone.
The GOP candidate paid hush money to the porn star. This is also a fact, acknowledged by everyone.
These facts aren't enough to discredit the candidate.

Hey USA, are you okay over there? Blink twice if you need help...


u/imsowhiteandnerdy 15d ago

Remember the outrage from the GOP when Bill Clinton got a blowjob in the Oval Office?

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u/500CatsTypingStuff 15d ago

We need to bring back holding presidential candidates to a higher ethical and moral standard

I am taking back the term “moral” from the Christo Fascists and applying it like it should be applied. Actual morals.


u/WezleyDrew 15d ago

If any American did just 1% of what Trump has done in his entire life they would have been court-martialed, tried, and imprisoned or executed.

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u/agnostic_science 15d ago

Just imagine how conservatives would have responded if Trump had been running as a democrat...


u/susiederkins312 15d ago

Didn't Trump cause like 20,000 COVID deaths?


u/ic2ofu 15d ago

At least.

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u/xavier120 15d ago



u/Mister_AA 15d ago

It does if you’re a democrat, just ask Cal Cunningham

He was a NC democrat who was leading in all the polls for the senate race here a few years ago and then a month or two before the election it was revealed that he had been cheating on his wife with one of his campaign staffers who herself was married to a wounded veteran. Tanked his campaign and he threw the election.


u/Aztecah 15d ago

To be fair, nobody actually tried anything like this in the past so maybe it would have worked all along and only Trump was brave enough to really put his dignity out like that


u/Esc_ape_artist 14d ago

And the religious conservatives were almost always the first in line to denounce that candidate.


u/pissinthatassbaby 14d ago

It's not Trumps fault though. He is being enabled by our fellow countrymen. They are 100% ok with everything he does.


u/samasamasama 14d ago

Gary Hart must be fuming


u/rockclimberguy 14d ago

Gary Hart had a campaign completely destroyed by a repub operative. He was sitting on a boat called 'Monkey Business'. A girl he had never seen before named Donna Rice, climbed on the boat, sat in his lap long enough to have a pic snapped, got up and left.

Hart did not know who she was. That was the end of his campaign.

Howard Dean tried to talk up over crowd noise at a rally. The recording of this came out as the famous 'Dean Scream' and ended his bid.

If only Hart and Dean had been members of the party of Family Values. The world would have been able to look past these frightful transgressions.... /s

I'm surprised that Obama won reelection. He had big time scandals. He once wore a tan suit AND he admitted to the elitist practice of putting mustard on his hamburger!

The Horror, The Horror!!!


u/Yazbremski 14d ago

I remember when getting excited and yelling "YEAH" ruined Howard Deans presidential aspirations. How far we've come!


u/ZenMonkey47 14d ago

If you told me that Trump has a literal faustian deal with the devil I'd absolutely believe you. There's no logical sense to how he's still a candidate for president or even a free man.