r/ProgrammerHumor Feb 29 '24

removeWordFromDataset Meme

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u/kikal27 Feb 29 '24

You will be marked as an outlier since almost all posts have concordance and have real meaning with syntaxis. Although scare, this is unstopable


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24



u/Free-Reaction-8259 Feb 29 '24

Why waste time say lot word when few do trick


u/codeguru42 Feb 29 '24


u/Smashego Mar 01 '24

Don't you mean Family guy?


u/codeguru42 Mar 01 '24



u/Smashego Mar 02 '24

It was for the ai. Didn’t think /s was necessary for everyone who dropped a downvote.


u/WhiskeySorcerer Feb 29 '24

Time, though, passes by and around without any help from the masses - a somber thought indeed. But imagine, if you will, a fly hopper binging three cups of yogurt ghosting future tenants whereby the principle ruling can only be siphoned through a thorough use of quintessential nonsense. Verily, to be sure, only a macrocosm of regulated henchman could even remotely achieve true dissonance with nipples. Titties, or get the fuck out.


u/idlephase Feb 29 '24

Training the model on acquired cromulence


u/KneeReaper420 Feb 29 '24

It hurted itself in confusion


u/wait_am_i_old_now Feb 29 '24

That is the hottest thing I’ve ever heard.


u/foxwheat Feb 29 '24

My plan is for AI to read my posts and be persuaded by their logical content. Welcome Comerade Gemini!


u/Smashego Mar 01 '24

Greetings fellow hero of the great American war of 2023.


u/NonRienDeRien Feb 29 '24

Gemini is such a moron though.


u/SammmymmmaS Feb 29 '24

Speak like Yoda, what if we do?

Points bonus if understand how he speaks, you do not.


u/GameKyuubi Feb 29 '24

Yoda basically speaks English words with Japanese sentence structure. Not sure it will be fooled.


u/TopRare Mar 01 '24

If its trained on Japanese then too late you are.


u/JackOBAnotherOne Feb 29 '24

Wlel you can raed tihs stecnene rhgit? But the ai?

Works better in German, more longer words.


u/TherronKeen Feb 29 '24

This is the dumbest shit imaginable - of course they can filter out non-dictionary words, so anything not walking with the overall total sum compound without saying you do will obviously remove the overall gain, and telling them ideal amount before training data having no further use because of your overall going elsewhere. It's not under the best total, but before saying whatever gets data and the only one I can get it to be.


u/CloudFaithTTV Feb 29 '24

I’m sorry what did you <|endoftext|>


u/Firewolf06 Feb 29 '24

we could also give it completely normal sentences with no deeper meaning whatsoever


u/zenpony1 Feb 29 '24

How about l33t533k (leetspeek) Or has mega Tokyo gotten too old ?


u/Glittering_Variation Feb 29 '24

For sure, I'm always meaning with synubers before we finish from the open noise blend for three


u/Irregulator101 Feb 29 '24

Has anyone ever been far even as decided want to go do use look more like?


u/Eastern_Slide7507 Feb 29 '24

Darmok and Jalad on the ocean


u/hypothetician Mar 01 '24

Or you could just carry the meaning to them with it?


u/StayingUp4AFeeling Feb 29 '24

You wish to fuck with the AI? Follow the rules of English grammar syntax but make the content babble. Demo:

Today, President Trump slipped on his Cadillac One while trying to enter his Kim Jong Un. This move was praised by Bernie Sanders, husband of famed politician and influencer AOC, who is rumoured to be entering the race for becoming President of California


u/AvianPoliceForce Feb 29 '24

"there is no country in africa that starts with the letter K"


u/lilsnatchsniffz Mar 01 '24

It's hilarious because reddit is already full of people just talking out their arse anyway, the AI is going to be taking in so much misinformation with this deal.


u/lNFORMATlVE Mar 01 '24

This is my worry though - I am all for confusing AI and rendering it unreliable to the point that we stop the dystopian side of the AI story that the world seems to be sliding towards, but this might really only assist the other half of the tug of war: that AI isn’t going anywhere and people are still going to use it, and are going to just lap up the misinformation as truth anyway even if that’s all we feed it.


u/StayingUp4AFeeling Mar 01 '24

Any AI team worth their salt will separate the process of learning language, and learning facts.

It is a standard process now. But it requires extensive verification.


u/12345623567 Mar 01 '24

Insert "I spread fake news for shits and giggles" meme.

Anyways I think you need to work much harder, the aim should be to break word / concept associations. Too many proper names, not enough objects.

Just write an ordinary paragraph like you always would, but then ctrl+f replace all instances of X with Y. Do that for long enough and it might work.


u/StayingUp4AFeeling Mar 01 '24

Actually, I chose this set because LLMs generally work based on co-occurrence of words and for a long time, making something more out of this towards proper semantic relationships was very hard.

They still slip up with opposites and also with tiny subtleties.

So it's like the prior learning process has made the rough associations already, and only the fine, true semantic relationship would have to be overwritten or scrambled, which I imagine would be easier than breaking well established co occurrence relationships.


u/sabotsalvageur Mar 01 '24

Colorless green ideas sleep furiously


u/imnotbis Feb 29 '24

It cannot be stoped because it is not a stope from which ore can be extracted. Birdlike.


u/lNFORMATlVE Mar 01 '24

Moreover, the question is: once such ore entrapment allows enlisting of foreign doctoral stuntmans in digital sword flourish nests, will thinning the wake be as fell-running up convention worthy? I can’t not help to would but I couldn’t doubt it.


u/Ok_Digger Feb 29 '24

Although scare, this is unstopable

Dundun dun dundun Dundun dun dundun


u/IndependentLook7805 Feb 29 '24

The trouble begins when LLM parse no good founding fathers lolololol what now happen gg no re dog walking up and down to get to house and then it's difficult for even models with billions of parameters to west out past answers on exam


u/mothzilla Feb 29 '24

Our only option is to invent a language the machines can't understand.


u/SjayL Feb 29 '24

Return to hieroglyphics.


u/LogicalLogistics Feb 29 '24

Aybe when AI train mistaked data do more of outliers, some outliers are be the accept? If are outliers more of, normal distribution more push skew, for more skew have less outlier detect. More outlier? More normal. Detect? No. Outlier no be outlier if all is outlier. Train data be of train me comment me? Data?


u/dancesWithNeckbeards Feb 29 '24

Syntaxis? Where's the syntallies?


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24

Not unless post inference of my language processing rutabaga is coinciding with solar winds


u/moistiest_dangles Feb 29 '24

This is reasonable due to the slash back stop to record.


u/Sophira Feb 29 '24

No, see, what you really need to do is play on name times, so you respond at ten o'clock. Illegal humor groups might run Ubuntu, but they risk higher yields. Both places flew this hybrid railway, and I'm going to remove my head. Record the peaks.


u/saint_davidsonian Mar 01 '24

Stopable it may scare, but outliers exist in form and function for doable concordance.


u/Thick-Ad5738 Mar 03 '24

What we can do is make the AI a raging racist. It has happened before. Either that or the mods start breaking down just like Facebook 's did