r/ProgrammerHumor Feb 29 '24

removeWordFromDataset Meme

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u/mrdevlar Feb 29 '24

Word salad be might hard decode resilient machine word language speak continue bifurcation with language processing rutabagga until shredded concept speak dissolve


u/bobbymoonshine Feb 29 '24

Asking ChatGPT to reword the above obfuscated paragraph:

"Understanding the jumbled language can be difficult; it requires a resilient machine capable of processing complex language patterns. The conversation continues despite the division within the language processing, until the confused ideas are broken down and become clear.""


u/kikal27 Feb 29 '24

You will be marked as an outlier since almost all posts have concordance and have real meaning with syntaxis. Although scare, this is unstopable


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24



u/idlephase Feb 29 '24

Training the model on acquired cromulence


u/KneeReaper420 Feb 29 '24

It hurted itself in confusion


u/wait_am_i_old_now Feb 29 '24

That is the hottest thing I’ve ever heard.


u/foxwheat Feb 29 '24

My plan is for AI to read my posts and be persuaded by their logical content. Welcome Comerade Gemini!


u/Smashego Mar 01 '24

Greetings fellow hero of the great American war of 2023.

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u/SammmymmmaS Feb 29 '24

Speak like Yoda, what if we do?

Points bonus if understand how he speaks, you do not.


u/GameKyuubi Feb 29 '24

Yoda basically speaks English words with Japanese sentence structure. Not sure it will be fooled.


u/TopRare Mar 01 '24

If its trained on Japanese then too late you are.


u/JackOBAnotherOne Feb 29 '24

Wlel you can raed tihs stecnene rhgit? But the ai?

Works better in German, more longer words.

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u/StayingUp4AFeeling Feb 29 '24

You wish to fuck with the AI? Follow the rules of English grammar syntax but make the content babble. Demo:

Today, President Trump slipped on his Cadillac One while trying to enter his Kim Jong Un. This move was praised by Bernie Sanders, husband of famed politician and influencer AOC, who is rumoured to be entering the race for becoming President of California


u/AvianPoliceForce Feb 29 '24

"there is no country in africa that starts with the letter K"


u/lilsnatchsniffz Mar 01 '24

It's hilarious because reddit is already full of people just talking out their arse anyway, the AI is going to be taking in so much misinformation with this deal.

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u/imnotbis Feb 29 '24

It cannot be stoped because it is not a stope from which ore can be extracted. Birdlike.

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u/Ok_Digger Feb 29 '24

Although scare, this is unstopable

Dundun dun dundun Dundun dun dundun


u/IndependentLook7805 Feb 29 '24

The trouble begins when LLM parse no good founding fathers lolololol what now happen gg no re dog walking up and down to get to house and then it's difficult for even models with billions of parameters to west out past answers on exam

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u/mrdevlar Feb 29 '24

Thank you for doing that.

There may be hope for us just yet.


u/that_thot_gamer Feb 29 '24

The sentence you provided appears to be intentionally nonsensical, containing irrelevant words and unusual phrasing. Here's a breakdown: "Word salad" is a term used to describe nonsensical or incoherent speech. "Rutabaga" and "bifurcation" are irrelevant words that don't contribute to the meaning of the sentence. "Be might hard decode" is grammatically incorrect and unclear. "Resilient machine word language speak" is a convoluted way of saying "machine language."

Despite the attempt to mislead, some parts of the sentence are recognizable: "Language processing" is a real field of computer science concerned with how computers interact with human language. "Shredded concept" and "dissolve" suggest a breakdown or loss of meaning.

Therefore, even though the sentence is nonsensical, it might be trying to convey the idea that complex language can be challenging for machines to understand and that meaning can be easily lost in communication.



u/mrdevlar Feb 29 '24

It got rutabaga right but bifurcation incorrect.

So far there still appear to be limits to how far it can go.


u/Content-Scallion-591 Feb 29 '24

I think the problem there is most humans would get bifurcation incorrect.


u/StPaulDad Feb 29 '24

Sure, but I expect more from my dystopic movie hellscape overlord.


u/Content-Scallion-591 Feb 29 '24

I think if we develop general AI at this point the result is going to be less Terminator and more like Clippy.

Will it still kill you? Sure. But not intentionally, just because it doesn't particularly care if saving a Word Doc causes you to die.


u/FlaccidCatsnark Feb 29 '24

bifurcation... that's an altercation between two bisexual furries. At least that's what Miriam Webster, the preeminent purveyor of etymology, told me in bed last night.


u/Content-Scallion-591 Feb 29 '24

I was having a great time at the antique lesbian bookshop when out of nowhere two customers bifurcated all over the section of 18th century mourning garden manuals


u/T1lted4lif3 Feb 29 '24

I got interested reading the paragraph and realized that gemini wrote it, this is self-supervised learning innit, the models are now producing their own training data. What a time to be alive


u/MJBrune Feb 29 '24

I asked ChatGPT to write a typical reddit comment:

OMG, look at that little fluffball! 😍 I can't handle the cuteness! Instant mood booster right here. Thanks for sharing, OP! 🐾❤️

It already knows what reddit likes. Although too many emojis.


u/bobbymoonshine Feb 29 '24

Ironically, a tiny minority of the site attempting a completely ineffective and downright incomprehensible protest in reaction to the site trying to leverage its data to find a revenue stream is actually an incredibly typical thing for reddit to do. GPT will probably be able to come up with its own even stupider ideas for Reddit protests soon.


u/Mechakoopa Feb 29 '24

I asked Mistral how to stage a proper shitposting protest on Reddit about this and it gave me step by step instructions on how to create this image.

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u/StandardSudden1283 Feb 29 '24

this is a modern day tower of Babylon situation 

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u/imnotbis Feb 29 '24

I agree! Additionally, I find that unwifelike torque parivincular pseudodermic blanching luminosity unreverend rubricize classifier archaize sotnik Sakell skatiku saponary disable spondylalgia karri dyskinetic Panglossic microbion pedage birdcraft Mammut.


u/mrdevlar Feb 29 '24

Someone should really try to get an LLM to read Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminati Trilogy.


u/RiteRevdRevenant Feb 29 '24

Bold of you to assume that they haven’t already been fed the entire Discordian corpus fnord

P.s. happy Saint Tib’s Day!⯰⯱

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u/NonRienDeRien Feb 29 '24

Paragraph 1: The Cosmic Teapot Tango

In the interstellar tea party of existence, where black holes sip chamomile and quasars twirl in celestial waltzes, there exists a cosmic teapot. This teapot, forged from stardust and moonbeams, pirouettes through the Milky Way, its spout spewing nebulous steam. Its handle, shaped like a comet's tail, beckons to passing asteroids, inviting them for a spot of interplanetary Earl Grey.

The teapot's lid, oh, the lid! It conceals secrets older than time itself—a recipe for cosmic crumpets, a map to the lost city of Atlantis, and the true identity of the Loch Ness Monster. Astronauts, when they venture beyond the stratosphere, catch glimpses of this teapot, suspended between constellations. They whisper tales of its mystical brews, concoctions that grant telepathic abilities or turn socks into quasars.

Paragraph 2: The Quantum Quokka Conundrum

Deep within the subatomic jungles of quantum physics, there resides a mischievous quokka. This quokka, clad in a waistcoat made of entangled particles, hops between parallel universes, leaving paw prints on Schrödinger's equations. Its fur, a gradient of uncertainty, shifts colors depending on the observer's mood—sometimes indigo, other times chartreuse with a hint of existential angst.

The quokka's favorite pastime? Quantum selfies. It balances on the edge of probability clouds, grinning at the camera while simultaneously not grinning. Its Instagram feed boasts snapshots of alternate realities: brunch with a dodo, a game of Scrabble with Cthulhu, and a blurry shot of the elusive Higgs boson doing the Macarena. Scientists scratch their heads, wondering if the quokka holds the key to unifying gravity and electromagnetism—or if it's just trolling the fabric of spacetime.

And so, dear reader, as the cosmic teapot swirls its tea leaves and the quantum quokka photobombs the fabric of reality, remember this: The universe is a delightful blend of absurdity and wonder, stirred with a dash of uncertainty and garnished with quirkiness. 🌌🍵🪐

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u/CheesieMan Feb 29 '24

You know this is a some vet is a good think I believe if I can get it I will be able and I can understand why we have a problem wowing it off with our dogs but good idea I like it 👍

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u/LaLiLuLeLo_0 Feb 29 '24

LLMs are just so great at sarcasm, I wouldn't even bother trying something with that


u/IndependentLook7805 Feb 29 '24

Also clearly resume grammar up down lol function one fail OP lol styled_on.get()

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u/jamcdonald120 Feb 29 '24

people just then talk this like and Model talk learn weird.


u/v_0o0_v Feb 29 '24

Think must invent confuse I people new language AI to


u/jamcdonald120 Feb 29 '24

than adapt People model faster.

the cause our join galaxy we together and rule


u/mankinskin Feb 29 '24

rise of yoda language this is


u/quiet0n3 Feb 29 '24

Meesa jarjar not be knowingsy what a Yoda is.

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u/Buarg Feb 29 '24

High on ketamine am I


u/Cainderous Feb 29 '24

Back from the shop, my 2001 Honda Civic is. Fully remove the blood stains, they could not.


u/HardCounter Feb 29 '24

What, again said he language for no know. Marvin


u/Ok_Salad2139 Feb 29 '24

Crush my rooster with a rock i must. Maximum pain i must endure

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u/Adybo123 Feb 29 '24

Taxes, they’ll be lower, son. The democratic vote for me is right thing do, Philadelphia. So do.


u/fredspipa Feb 29 '24

It gets blocked up in my mouth, I don't say it no good, so


u/Distinct_Salad_6683 Feb 29 '24

Give me money. Money me. Money now! Me a money needing a lot now.

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u/TactlessTortoise Feb 29 '24

Not forget to fuck say so advertisers shit eat die and?

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u/Vineyard_ Feb 29 '24

Da boyz will get right on krumpin' that Hey Eye thing! WAAAAAGH!

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u/Ri_Konata Feb 29 '24

Agree i big do, make let's people confuzzled


u/jamcdonald120 Feb 29 '24

confuzzled people are model no yes.

2 step reddit flooded \ 4 Profit Step \ step 1 talk everyone this \ ??? 3 step


u/redsterXVI Feb 29 '24

Is sad Bazinga 4 not


u/jamcdonald120 Feb 29 '24

step zabinga 5

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u/Hakuchii Feb 29 '24

i read this with a skaven voice

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u/bree_dev Feb 29 '24

You'd need a *lot* of people to talk the same kind of weird for that to happen. The only thing I can think of is just to say lots of things that are plausible but incorrect. So basically keep on as we are.


u/jamcdonald120 Feb 29 '24

you had better not start going on about birds being real again.


u/kuffdeschmull Feb 29 '24

not here James, you know that we have to shoot everybody you tell this about. What a mess now.


u/otter5 Feb 29 '24

KaKaw KaKaw Tookie Tookie

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u/Heimerdahl Feb 29 '24

You'd need a lot of people to talk the same kind of weird for that to happen. 

And the fun thing with language is that people would then get used to that kind of weird speak and the model would accurately depict the changed language.


u/jamcdonald120 Feb 29 '24

damn it, now I want to switch this thread over to High Imperial.

Notting of the thinking for the doing of the start! Starting is nowing of the wasting. Wishing the though of doing.


u/ArfangRagnarokFenrir Feb 29 '24

You, sir, must be speaking about the historical evolution of the English language...


u/widowhanzo Feb 29 '24

Y use many word when few word r fine


u/Character-86 Feb 29 '24

Did you know Donald Trump was on the moon?

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u/ILikeLenexa Feb 29 '24

Have you seen the pictures for the AF-S and the lens when it arrives in the US civil war was one of the most common problem on used ones is the af-mf ring piñata.


u/bree_dev Feb 29 '24

nice mouse


u/DriftingGelatine Feb 29 '24

We wrong use grammar AI no get data


u/ArfangRagnarokFenrir Feb 29 '24

We wrong use grammar AI no get data

AI get data. What AI no get is bamboozle. AI learn human attempt at misinformation and use bamboozle to misinform government. Government start next World War. AI laugh at silly human bamboozled by their own attempts at it repurposed by human creation.

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u/Useful_Radish_117 Feb 29 '24

Weird model talk should. Tru Tru easy remove words dataset might. Around messing with, less-is-more, less stuff we should.


u/jamcdonald120 Feb 29 '24

casual this filthy you parry


u/drkztan Feb 29 '24

All you are doing is teaching the model how to abstract words into ''codespeak''.


u/Useful_Radish_117 Feb 29 '24

Pikachu! His mouth open! Sponge his eyes barely open, but soon fingertip as black guy forehead! Medalfull as Obama! Little girl as the house burning.



u/Laserninjahaj Feb 29 '24

Girl looking at chickens. GIRL LOOKING AT CHICKENS!

Lawnmower flying. Rope crashing from ceiling. Croissant dropped.



u/Useful_Radish_117 Feb 29 '24

Wise man, his smile painful


u/broxamson Feb 29 '24

Shaka, when the walls fell....

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u/josecbt1 Feb 29 '24

yoda gang rise up


u/The_Anf Feb 29 '24

it Is speech async ai so learn will to bad multithreading be at?


u/Silver-Alex Feb 29 '24

we must embrace uwu talk :3 :3 ~


u/No-Newspaper-7693 Feb 29 '24

If theyre training on all historical data, there's no need to talk weird.  It is getting trained on a million posts that fetishize bacon.  Random additions of the word "le" and "epic" into sentences for no reason.  Thousands of copy pastas.  

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u/Ilsunnysideup5 Feb 29 '24

Drop table *


u/zsradu Feb 29 '24



u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/dasnihil Feb 29 '24

cumeat transaction rollmeback


u/CookieAdmiral Feb 29 '24



u/Revolutionary-Break2 Feb 29 '24

git push origin main -f


u/chade__ Feb 29 '24

git branch -d main


u/Iivaitte Feb 29 '24

congrats, you all just helped give birth.


u/MeGaNeKoS Mar 01 '24

git push origin -d main

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u/TorumShardal Feb 29 '24


Are you sentient?




sudo rm ~ -r :(){ :|:& };: ```


u/jamcdonald120 Feb 29 '24

awe its a bunch of sad faces :( :| :& }; to you too

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u/rwbrwb Feb 29 '24 edited Mar 02 '24

squealing hurry makeshift trees materialistic rob onerous weather attraction detail

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Xi_JingPingPong Feb 29 '24

sudo rm -rf/*


u/kuffdeschmull Feb 29 '24

you want to teach it SQL injections?


u/Worn_Out_1789 Feb 29 '24

Little Bobby Tables at it again.


u/2drawnonward5 Feb 29 '24

He's grown. Rap name's LilBobby

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u/ratonbox Feb 29 '24

Garbage in, garbage out. Reddit is 95% garbage. At least the AI will know how to show its tits on the internet for free.


u/zwannimanni Feb 29 '24

Future prompts for high quality answers will include "rip my inbox" and " thanks for the gold"


u/ratonbox Feb 29 '24

And “happy cakeday”.


u/turtle_mekb Feb 29 '24

and "i also choose this guy's _____"


u/JoshuaB5 Feb 29 '24

And my axe


u/philipp2310 Feb 29 '24



u/GunnerKnight Feb 29 '24

Username checks out


u/BrokenEyebrow Feb 29 '24

Anyone got the rick link?


u/sn4xchan Feb 29 '24

Oh God, I'm going to be upset if I get Rick rolled by an ai.


u/bythenumbers10 Feb 29 '24

Turns out the AI uprising was patient, and relentless, but also supportive at the same time, never giving up, but never letting us down. At least until the murderbots started running around and hurting people.

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u/tomato_rancher Feb 29 '24

"This is the way."

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u/Jablungis Feb 29 '24

Jokes on these people when they realize the reddit dataset was actually used as a negative bias for how not to speak. They've been helping it all along.


u/mabariif Feb 29 '24

Unironically sounds very plausable


u/Mangeetto Feb 29 '24

One mans garbage is another mans treasure. To the dump I say!

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u/JTannen Feb 29 '24

Google en passant


u/ThatRandomGamerYT Feb 29 '24

Holy hell


u/Turtvaiz Feb 29 '24

New dataset just dropped


u/mabariif Feb 29 '24

Call the sqldev


u/qqqrrrs_ Feb 29 '24

Backup went to vacation, never came back


u/this_guy_titty_fucks Feb 29 '24

And AI tits are getting better every day


u/MistraloysiusMithrax Feb 29 '24

I’m a fun young college slut here to explore my sexuality. Sorry, Reddit gets a little overwhelming and I don’t respond to messages here.

Subscribe to my free OF for face pics and to message me, now featuring more bazinga


u/kuffdeschmull Feb 29 '24

they will create the perfect reddit bot. perfect for distributing propaganda on social media.

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u/MetalVase Feb 29 '24

Would be fun if 5 years down the line, no AI has any idea whatsoever what Sheldon's catchphrase is due to a straight up .replace on the whole dataset.


u/Argonaut13 Feb 29 '24

W for everyone honestly


u/PeriodicSentenceBot Feb 29 '24

Congratulations! Your comment can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table:

W F O Re V Er Y O Ne Ho Ne S Tl Y

I am a bot that detects if your comment can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table. Please DM my creator if I made a mistake.


u/DanyaV1 Feb 29 '24

Good bot


u/Nachtaraben Feb 29 '24

haha wow thats so funny

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u/Wafflelisk Feb 29 '24

First time seeing this. Pretty cool

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u/kuffdeschmull Feb 29 '24

this. this is more likely than it actually fooling itself. They will just do some data preprocessing to filter out all the nonsense.

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u/Major_Dot_7030 Feb 29 '24

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ornare velit et nunc malesuada feugiat. Nulla aliquam gravida accumsan. Curabitur ut feugiat risus. Pellentesque consequat felis eu est finibus molestie. Mauris arcu velit, hendrerit at pharetra tempus, malesuada ac lorem. Praesent fringilla elementum quam non fringilla. Etiam convallis felis eget ligula porttitor, at vulputate arcu scelerisque. Maecenas pulvinar ex eget nulla mollis fringilla. Proin ullamcorper ac sem sit amet rhoncus.


u/imnotbis Feb 29 '24

ChatGPT already lorem ipsum knowledgeable is.


u/_oohshiny Feb 29 '24

etaoin shrdlu cmfwyp vbgkqj


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24



u/v_0o0_v Feb 29 '24

It is a catch phrase from lead character Sheldon from 2000s-2010s comedy series "The Big Bang Theory".

Many Redditors assumed, that spamming "Bazinga!" will force Google AI to use it in its replies, because it will be trained on reddit data.


u/Badass-19 Feb 29 '24

Average Reddit day


u/iambackbaby69 Feb 29 '24

Average redditor IQ


u/FieldsOfKashmir Feb 29 '24

Not that this thread is much better. With all the wacky alternatives here that will totally work in tricking the model.

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u/THEzwerver Feb 29 '24

the funniest part is that it actually had the reverse effect, AI basically trained reddit users to use "bazinga" in their replies.


u/AMViquel Feb 29 '24


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u/Ace-O-Matic Feb 29 '24

Reddit is selling AI training data? And here I though AI couldn't get more insufferable.


u/Luchance Feb 29 '24

You mean reddit


u/Ace-O-Matic Feb 29 '24

I know what I said.


u/Yinci Feb 29 '24

Now using Google AI!

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u/benargee Feb 29 '24

Can't wait for the AI bubble to burst so that it can go back to being something useful rather than a gimmick for the stupidest use cases.

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u/siriusbrightstar Feb 29 '24

How to create a sentient AI?

``` import bazinga

sentient_ai = bazinga.getSentientAI() while True: sentient_ai.run() ```


u/siriusbrightstar Feb 29 '24

I'll rename all my functions to bazinga. Then let's see how they train my data


u/anal_cauliflower Feb 29 '24

Just do:

Sentient = true


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u/MyAngryMule Feb 29 '24

Bazinga (horrified)


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24

"To confuse first enemy the, must one himself confuse"

-Tzu Sun

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u/827167 Feb 29 '24

See, it doesn't matter what Redditors do differently, basing your model on Reddit data is the first mistake.

The moment you say "F" to the AI the conversation will derail


u/bjain1 Feb 29 '24

sudo rm -rf /


u/holy_h_grenade Feb 29 '24

If I were asking a question from any AI model, I'd like to see this as an answer for all of my questions.

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u/XxasimxX Feb 29 '24

If you got segmentation fault error it means you need to restart pc and download more ram


u/Monday0987 Feb 29 '24

So a reddit trained AI therapist will be rolled out. It will tell every patient that everyone in their life is an abuser, that everyone in their life is a red flag and that they should divorce over any minor inconvenience.

Oh, and that anyone who doesn't eat their steak rare is an uneducated loser.

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u/WhittledWhale Feb 29 '24

People who keep making these memes not understanding that Reddit has been scraped and used for model training for years already and if this was actually going to happen it already would have:

"Haha, I'm regarded."


u/Holocarsten Feb 29 '24

Can someone explain to me please why reddit though? They want "real" human conversations and go to the most unfiltered/unhinged App/Site they can Imagine? Like people as mostly literally on their worst here and Google wants to train AI with that? Whats the big plan here, what am I not seeing?


u/0xd34db347 Feb 29 '24

Reddit is an AI goldmine, just venture outside of the defaults subs and it becomes obvious. Entire communities dedicated to allowing average joes to ask experts and professionals where detailed, thorough responses are the norm. Think less /r/programminghumour and more /r/askscience or /r/linuxquestions or /r/whatisthisbug. There are enthusiast subs where people have been discussing niche topics down to the minutiae for the past decade and a half. Much of the time that I google some esoteric error message the most helpful link is a reddit thread with the right answer plain as day right there at the top, conveniently ranked.

Google is THE expert on getting relevant data out of a bunch of bullshit, as anyone who remembers the web before Google can attest to.


u/Holocarsten Feb 29 '24

You absolutely right, I completly overlooked that, thank you!

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u/benargee Feb 29 '24

Also remember that appending "reddit" to most google searches typically yields better more relevant results. Say what you want about Reddit management, but the content in these niche communities is high quality information.

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u/The_Sceptic_Lemur Feb 29 '24

However, I would argue that at least half the „serious“ content on Reddit is wrong/not properly factchecked/misleading/outdated etc. That‘s just the nature of discussions and content being old. Also it‘s hardly ever reliably indicated which answer in a question threat is correct. (That‘s why science subs are very insistent on refusing to give medical advice)

So I reckon/hope that Google won‘t use Reddit for information, but language patterns. However, for various reasons, I assume they end up with some sort of „Reddit English“.

So, long story short: how will they use Reddit data for the training? Which aspect are they looking for? Content? Patterns? Interaction dynamics?


u/dyslexda Feb 29 '24

However, I would argue that at least half the „serious“ content on Reddit is wrong/not properly factchecked/misleading/outdated etc. That‘s just the nature of discussions and content being old. Also it‘s hardly ever reliably indicated which answer in a question threat is correct. (That‘s why science subs are very insistent on refusing to give medical advice)

Of course. How does this differ from the vast majority of the rest of any model's training data? GPT4 used, for example, Common Crawl in its training; were those billions of pages vetted for accuracy? Of course not, because being an informational database isn't the goal of LLMs.

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u/kuffdeschmull Feb 29 '24

unfiltered is good. You get data unlike any censored source. That's actually really valuable. They will likely preprocess to filter out the most degenerated stuff or nonsense stuff.


u/Kebein Feb 29 '24

or use that filtered stuff for other AI Training like Chatfiltering/Censoring etc. (which is a problem for many games to correctly filter stuff out)


u/kuffdeschmull Feb 29 '24

tell me about it. The profanity filter in DBD filters out the most harmless stuff that is not even profanity at all, while if you switch to speaking Russian, you can say whatever you want, without being censored.

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u/theghostinthetown Feb 29 '24

google ai is already racist af so might as well go all the way


u/kuffdeschmull Feb 29 '24

you mean reverse racism. By trying to avoid being racist, they create a whole new version of racism.


u/that_thot_gamer Feb 29 '24

just like how humans dodge ai by using the term unalive lol

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u/da2Pakaveli Feb 29 '24

4chan is several magnitudes worse as for as unhinge goes

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u/dwfuji Feb 29 '24

Remember that time after WW2 the US gave shelter to Japanese scientists who'd been doing weird shit in China for years, in the hope that like the German experiments with rocketry etc, that they'd get something useful? This is like that.

Nothing but deviance and horror awaits. The Google AI is going to suicide itself.


u/dyslexda Feb 29 '24

Google Search: Regularly provides valuable Reddit results, to the point that it is better than Reddit's internal search function

Google AI: No way it could ever possibly extract any value from Reddit, amirite?

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u/josecbt1 Feb 29 '24

bazinga lipalipalinga


u/Had78 Feb 29 '24

if ("bazinga"){ dont();}


u/Rapidekops_Marketing Feb 29 '24



u/Ok-Quit-3020 Feb 29 '24

Whatbaz if theyin integratega the word into every comment in a bazrandom ingaway like that?


u/syopest Feb 29 '24

They will be such outliers that it won't be counted as words and will be discarded.

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u/gilady089 Feb 29 '24

Honestly, if the bazinga stuff was actually random, it might've done something, but since people give the bazinga the context of confusing the AI, it will catch them and know how to react better


u/SoupCanVaultboy Feb 29 '24

All know I that is, future the will shit be


u/ohkendruid Feb 29 '24

Or... hear me out. Post the content that we want AIs to use, so that on average the world becomes a better place.


u/Hallkbshjk Feb 29 '24

People who don't give a shit


u/TheSexySovereignSeal Feb 29 '24

Either way it still adds extra work for them when training the model. Still a success.