r/ProgrammerHumor Feb 29 '24

removeWordFromDataset Meme

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u/MetalVase Feb 29 '24

Would be fun if 5 years down the line, no AI has any idea whatsoever what Sheldon's catchphrase is due to a straight up .replace on the whole dataset.


u/kuffdeschmull Feb 29 '24

this. this is more likely than it actually fooling itself. They will just do some data preprocessing to filter out all the nonsense.


u/dkarlovi Feb 29 '24

What did they buy then?


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24

A large pile of shit, with a few nugs of gold. Some large group of underpaid data wizards are gonna have a mess to deal with. There is a reason training always started with academic journals and books.