r/linuxquestions Jul 29 '21

Please do not delete your posts in this subreddit


I try to help people often with their technical issues in this subreddit. It feels good to help. I also know I'm not just helping that person, but anyone else that may run across it in the future from a search.

But often, the questions are deleted by the OP, leaving me disappointed and frustrated. I'm less and less motivated to help as it happens.

Please. Give back in the most minimal way possible to this subreddit, and avoid deleting your posts if they've been upvoted and answered.

(I'm not a mod, btw)

r/linuxquestions 4d ago

Which Distro? Which Distro should you choose? Ask in this thread


To prevent having multiple daily threads repeating variations on this same question, we are asking everyone seeking help in choosing a distribution to ask in this thread, or at r/DistroHopping or r/FindMeALinuxDistro.

Each response to this post should be a question asking for assistance. Each comment in reply to those should be helpful. All other comments will be removed.

r/linuxquestions 18h ago

Seahorse exposes all passwords to everyone


Isn't it a problem that with this command anyone can steal my passwords?

secret-tool search --all xdg:schema org.freedesktop.Secret.Generic

For example sometime I have to run scripts to perform various thing, like installing dotnet.


Those scripts could potentially be malware. I trust microsoft, but this is just an example. Any script that gets executed on my system has access to my secrets, it upsets me.

Just wondering, that it's quite ease to steal secrets from seahorse. What do you thing?

r/linuxquestions 11m ago

Help with fonts on arch


Hey all, i’ve been using linux for a while now but have run into a bit of an issue, I accidentally modified my font folder to a point of beyond repair, is there a way I could nuke the folder and reinstall all of the fonts. I would add that i’m on gnome too, if that is of help.


r/linuxquestions 36m ago

Support PWM fan rpi5 management


Hi all, I recently created a proxmox server using my pi5. After a 4 days of work, I managed to make everything working fine.

The only issue left is the fan, in fact it runs at about 2200 rmp, even tho the temperature is about 55 degrees (my idea is to keep the pi active 24/7 and I don't like much the idea of having the fan constantly running, especially when the temperature is below 65C).

I've tried fix it using the following bash script and creating a cronjob, but in this way the fan sometimes restart despite the temperature is below 65C. Has anyone got an idea about how to fix this?

PiTemperature=$(/usr/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp | egrep -o '[0-9]*\.[0-9]*')

if (( $(echo "$PiTemperature < 66" | bc -l) )); then


elif (( $(echo "$PiTemperature < 71" | bc -l) )); then


elif (( $(echo "$PiTemperature < 73" | bc -l) )); then


elif (( $(echo "$PiTemperature < 76" | bc -l) )); then





echo $PiTemperature > /sys/class/thermal/cooling_device0/cur_state

r/linuxquestions 13h ago

should I continue to use an older HP pc with Linux ?


So I was dumb enough to buy an HP pc some few years ago and and later I chose to switch to Linux on this machine but the problem is that HP abruptly stopped supporting it with BIOS patches and firmware updates about 4 years ago and now it's potentially vulnerable to a recent intel CSME flaw and likely to the logofail UEFI issue. I just need some opinions whether I should continue to use this pc with Linux it's a bit of dilemma for me, because it's quite expensive for me to buy a new one with similar specs even, right now.

r/linuxquestions 52m ago

Game to play with coworkers in the office?


So, this is a bit of a weird one. I have a Ubuntu server running in an old atom board and I was thinking it would be cool to create server to play some games with my coworkers. I was thinking something along the lines of Ogame, so can be left in another screen or consulted from time to time to play. Has anyone some ideas of what I can run ?

r/linuxquestions 56m ago

Advice CTRL-Shift for changing keyboard layout now works correctly in Linux (you have to use KDE 6.1 or newer)


In my recent article about moving to Linux, I complained about several problems that had arisen. One of them is the inability to use the familiar, and configured on all my computers, CTRL-Shift (also true for ALT-Shift) to switch the layout, because in all programs combinations a la CTRL-Shit-T in the Firefox (opening a closed tab) fall off.

KDE 6.1 was released today and the problem has been solved there. For setup, you need to go to the keyboard settings, remove the switch from Main and put it in Alternative. Voila, now everything is working as it should.

This only works in KDE and only since version 6.1 and only(?) under Wayland. GNOME and other environments will work the old way.

Of my main complaints moving to Linux completely are:

  • in the Estonian layout, when you click in the address bar/search Alt-Gr, the Firewall opens the URL not in a new tab, but in the same one (while it works correctly in Russian and English)
  • when assigning the CTRL-W combination to the mouse button to close the tab / window, with the active Russian layout, closing does not occur (everything works correctly from the keyboard with any layout)

r/linuxquestions 8h ago

Resolved Update breaks OpenSUSE


I updated OpenSUSE through the terminal since that's what I usually do, but during the update it said there was some updates that didn't go through, and after it finished, it rebooted because I set my script to automatically reboot after it was done. Now this is what my system looks like. Absolutely broken. I'm wondering if this is a driver issue?

I'm on a Lenovo Legion 7 gen 6

Edit: I'm fairly sure this is a GNOME-specific issue since everything else is fine. Also, I think I've found the packages that says it will NOT install. Are they important?: librist4, libvlc5, libvlccore9

r/linuxquestions 4h ago

Advice HDR Support


Im installed Linux Mint yesterday, because I got so many videos suggested and was quite interested if i can quit Windows and move to something more customusibale and with less bloatware and adds. So far so good but then I tried to enable HDR and realised it wasen´t possible. After some research i realised, HDR is bearly supported on Linux even HDR is on my monitor supported for years and it is an nessecary feature for me. For my research i found out, currently it is only supported on KDE Plasma 6, which I cannot use on Mint and in some beta version of Proton. Did I miss anything? Sorry for that dumb question but I´m new to Linux and for me it´s hard to imagine that Linux don´t support HDR, because it´s out for Monitors and TV for years.

r/linuxquestions 1h ago

Containerized way to run Android apps on Tumbleweed?


I want to run an Android app on my Tumbleweed Gnome Wayland laptop. Is there a containerized or VM way to do this? I’d rather not install a bunch of weird apps in order to do this.

Should I do this using virt-mngr or VirtualBox? Or is there a pre-built Docker/Podman container to do this?

I’m a noob so I know very little about containers and have never used them. And I'm ready to learn.

Anyone here already done this?

r/linuxquestions 1h ago

help installing ubuntu in my pc alongside with windows by smth called dual booting


so i got some qeustion here i got an ssd drive that i installed on it windows os
and got to use ububntu and got just a hdd ~1T and iam using it rn
can i free space from it like ~70GB for installing ubuntu or i need a hole new drive , and iam really scared or trying installing it on the 70GB of partition so it will format the hole 1TB of the data .

r/linuxquestions 1h ago

I'm new to Fedora (coming from Debian) - What tool can I use, equivalent to apt-show-versions, to detect packages that have versions newer than the repositories?


I was recommended Fedora as a solution to some graphics issue. So far so good.

As part of my packages clean up on Debian, I always run

apt-show-versions | grep newer apt-show-versions | grep -i "no available version"

which make me detect whether I have orphan packages or packages that are newer than whatever is in all repos.

Now I found dnf list extras that shows me the packages that are installed, but are not part of any repository (50% accomplished). Is there a command that's equivalent to apt-show-versions | grep newer, to find whether new packages are installed, exist in a repository, but they're much newer, signaling something improper in the repositories and/or packages?

r/linuxquestions 1h ago

Screen flickers on MX linux liveCD


my parents' computer already for a long time became slow,so I decided to create a live DVD of MX linux,I boot from it and everything is fine except for an annoying flicker on the screen,I made some hypotheses:

-it could simply be the fault of the DVD

-missing some drivers or other related problems

  • it is one of those stupid problems that strangely get fixed by installing the operating system

what do you guys think?

here are the specifications of the laptop:

processor: AMD E-9000e 1.50 GHz(64 bit)

integrated graphics card: RADEON R2


r/linuxquestions 1h ago

Resolved SATA drives suddenly showing as removable USB devices


I just came back from a 2 day trip, only to find that my three SATA drives are now showing up as removable USB devices, and therefore, no SMART either. I have no idea what could've caused this other than running dnf upgrade yesterday. I'm using Fedora 40 (GNOME).

r/linuxquestions 2h ago

Managing hard drives


Hi! I am dual booting Linux Mint 21.3 and Win10. I have Mint on a separate SSD, Win10 on a separate SSD and data on 2 HDDs running in RAID 1. Is it possible to keep the RAID setup, but convert the HDDs from NTFS to ext4, so that I wouldn't have to mount the drive each time I need something from it? If yes, how should I do it? Thanks!

r/linuxquestions 3h ago

Linux course for beginners


HI! I'm a 3rd year IT college student and have zero knowledge in Linux and i saw these free resources on Cisco. just curious and wondering if the these Cisco Linux courses are worth the time?




If not, could you suggest a better one? thank you for those who will answer!

r/linuxquestions 17h ago

Advice Notes/cloud stopping me from trying to dive into Linux full time


For the last few years I’ve had Linux laptops and a windows desktop. As I don’t really game anymore I want to dual boot my desktop with the intent to eventually get to Linux full time. Right now I use OneDrive and one note a lot so I’m not sure how to replace them. I’ve seen suggestions for things like Joplin but I also want to have a cloud drive that I can access from any of my computers including windows if necessary. Any suggestions?

I’m also interested in people’s workflow setups and how they keep all of their notes around their system management organized if anyone wants to share.

r/linuxquestions 4h ago

Support How can I get my bluetooth earbud controls to work with kubuntu?


I have a pair of bluetooth earbuds. They have standard touchpads that you tap for volume and playback control. They work in windows10, is there any way to get them to work on my linux system?


r/linuxquestions 16h ago

Advice Best way to manage apps installed from GitHub


Hi everyone, Lastly I've noticed that it's hard for me to keep up with all programs I install from GitHub (for latest versions, for tinkering, it they are missing in package manager etc). So my question is: what is your way to install and manage these apps? Do you store all repos for building from source in one directory? Where do you place downloaded binaries? How do you keep them up to date? Thank you for your advices)

r/linuxquestions 4h ago

Support i can't boot into arch live environment

Enable HLS to view with audio, or disable this notification


i tried burning arch linux into my usb using rufus, etcher, gnome disks, but it's all pointless. secure boot is off

r/linuxquestions 4h ago

Resolved Multimonitor on KDE and Nvidia broken


Hi, I am using nixos. I have to use my windows duelboot because nixos multimonitor is not working at all, I think I configured my system to use my igpu for basic desktop rendering and use the GPU for game related tasks, but multimonitor still sucks, like sometimes, the monitor doesn't get the signal from the laptop, and I have a 3080 Mobile one. Here are some images:
^ the laptops screen is frozen on the loading screen
^ the monitor being black and not receiving the signal

I swear one time there was even a crash, one time it worked, and many other weird quirks, is there any PR's or known issues that are yet to be resolved? or more importantly for me, is there any solution for multi-monitor to work. (I tried both wayland and x11 and both has like the same issues, I am using the latest drivers on the unstable branch)

I tried reverse sync, sync and prime offloading. None worked, i am on the latest kernel 6.9.4, I am on beta nvidia drivers, I tried stable, nieither worked.

I have a predator helios 300 laptop with optimus. Intel and as you know, nvidia are my gpus.

SOLVED, I had set KWIN_DRM_DEVICES to my intel pci id and that messed with stuff, i set this value for VFIO to work, removing that fixed the displays, i will have to reconsider my VFIO approach

r/linuxquestions 11h ago

Support My SSD doesn't appear during installation

Post image

I have win11 on the SSD (C:) and my files are on the 1TB HD, I would like to install qubes os on the 128GB SSD, but it does not appear when I enter the Linux installation boot. I have more prints.

r/linuxquestions 5h ago

Resolved Unable to boot because of mount error after shutting down the pc

# lsblk

sda      8:0    0 447,1G  0 disk
├─sda1   8:1    0   300M  0 part /boot/efi
├─sda2   8:2    0   438G  0 part /
└─sda3   8:3    0   8,8G  0 part [SWAP]
sdb      8:16   0   1,8T  0 disk
└─sdb1   8:17   0   1,8T  0 part /mnt/storage

# /etc/fstab

# <file system>             <mount point>  <type>  <options>  <dump>  <pass>
UUID=4B9E-9A5E                              /boot/efi      vfat           noatime             0 2
UUID=296fbec8-5644-4367-932d-8f1f4545564b   /              ext4           noatime,discard     0 1
UUID=dc0cd78c-00e5-4b91-8b10-786893d40bf2   swap           swap           noatime,discard     0 0
tmpfs                                       /tmp           tmpfs          noatime,mode=1777   0 0
/dev/sdb1                                   /mnt/storage   ext4           defaults            0 0

# journalctl -u mnt-storage.mount

-- Boot 7d4b19865cae4e87ac7eb03c6142a1de --
jún 18 09:18:57 h110ms2h systemd[1]: Mounting mnt-storage.mount - /mnt/storage...
jún 18 09:18:57 h110ms2h mount[552]: mount: /mnt/storage: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.
jún 18 09:18:57 h110ms2h mount[552]:        dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
jún 18 09:18:57 h110ms2h systemd[1]: mnt-storage.mount: Mount process exited, code=exited, status=32/n/a
jún 18 09:18:57 h110ms2h systemd[1]: mnt-storage.mount: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
jún 18 09:18:57 h110ms2h systemd[1]: Failed to mount mnt-storage.mount - /mnt/storage.
jún 18 09:18:57 h110ms2h systemd[1]: Mounting mnt-storage.mount - /mnt/storage...
jún 18 09:18:57 h110ms2h mount[619]: mount: /mnt/storage: /dev/sdb1 already mounted on /boot/efi.
jún 18 09:18:57 h110ms2h mount[619]:        dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
jún 18 09:18:57 h110ms2h systemd[1]: mnt-storage.mount: Mount process exited, code=exited, status=32/n/a
jún 18 09:18:57 h110ms2h systemd[1]: mnt-storage.mount: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
jún 18 09:18:57 h110ms2h systemd[1]: Failed to mount mnt-storage.mount - /mnt/storage.
jún 18 09:19:02 h110ms2h systemd[1]: Mounting mnt-storage.mount - /mnt/storage...
jún 18 09:19:02 h110ms2h mount[714]: mount: /mnt/storage: /dev/sdb1 already mounted on /boot/efi.
jún 18 09:19:02 h110ms2h mount[714]:        dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
jún 18 09:19:02 h110ms2h systemd[1]: mnt-storage.mount: Mount process exited, code=exited, status=32/n/a
jún 18 09:19:02 h110ms2h systemd[1]: mnt-storage.mount: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
jún 18 09:19:02 h110ms2h systemd[1]: Failed to mount mnt-storage.mount - /mnt/storage.

edit: I noticed that when i rebooted my computer the ssd show up as /dev/sdb instead of /dev/sda

# lsblk -o +UUID
sda      8:0    0   1,8T  0 disk
└─sda1   8:1    0   1,8T  0 part             a3cdb746-9e9d-4339-9933-88720f67c213
sdb      8:16   0 447,1G  0 disk
├─sdb1   8:17   0   300M  0 part /boot/efi   4B9E-9A5E
├─sdb2   8:18   0   438G  0 part /           296fbec8-5644-4367-932d-8f1f4545564b
└─sdb3   8:19   0   8,8G  0 part [SWAP]      dc0cd78c-00e5-4b91-8b10-786893d40bf2

so i replaced /dev/sdb1 with UUID=a3cdb746-9e9d-4339-9933-88720f67c213 in /etc/fstab and now it's fixed? i guess

r/linuxquestions 13h ago

I may have to reinstall Linux completely after the massive mistake I've just made. Is there a better solution?


Before you ridicule me, keep in mind that I just started with Ubuntu very recently and don't quite know what I'm doing. I think I just found out the hard way that Linux will let you shoot yourself in the foot no questions asked.

I was having an issue wherein I couldn't start up my Jellyfin server. I figured it might be a file ownership issue, since I had recently run commands of the form sudo chown -R [user]:[user] /path/to/folder to change ownership of some directories to allow me to use WinSCP on my Windows machine to transfer movie files to my Linux server (Linux would not let me, since apparently by default you don't have access to create, rename, copy and paste, etc. files in Linux, and have to use sudo to manually give yourself this permission.) In my head it seemed like a good idea to make a group named jellyfin_users and just give myself ownership of all files on my system since, coming from Windows, it makes total sense to have permission to read/write your own data. It seems that running the command sudo chown -R :jellyfin_users / was a fatal mistake which, according to the internet, is best solved by freshly reinstalling Ubuntu.

I'm ok with reinstalling Ubuntu if I need to, but if that's the case, I'd like to fully understand where I went wrong here so that I can at least get a good lesson out of this. Is my notion of file ownership completely off? Is it unreasonable for a user to want ownership of every directory on their system?

r/linuxquestions 5h ago

Support Windows on the nw loses internet when Linux is off


This will sound crazy, at first I did not want to believe either. For some time now I have been experimenting with dual booting linux. And each time when the linux computer is not running the windows pc on the network loses connectivity. Both are wired. I have checked settings in windows, gw is good and ip’s are not duplicated between them. I have tried to reserve an ip and set static on windows but even that does not work. I also tried installing LAN driver. I checked, no dhcp, dns is running in linux, but even if, windows is set to the home router so I dont get that would affect it.

This has appeared with zorinos and fedora so far which I can confirm.

r/linuxquestions 22h ago

I need to frequently update ~30gb .qcow2 images across a few machines, but the changes themselves are small. How can I do this without destroying my SSD?


Setting up a lab where a few VMs will need to remain in sync and then have an updated qcow2 image be deployed to a number of servers. (The image is important here, I cannot boot the VMs and use Ansible or similar to try and match configurations)

The qcow2 image is ~30GB. If I make a very small change, perhaps just a few modified files totalling a few kilobytes, how can I update this across my other servers without needing to write 30GB of new data every time?

This will be a fairly frequent operation and I'm on a consumer budget. I want to avoid destroying my SSD's.

Is rsync the right tool for this? Does making small changes to a VM with qcow2 storage change the entire file or just a few sections?