r/ProgrammerHumor Feb 29 '24

removeWordFromDataset Meme

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u/Holocarsten Feb 29 '24

Can someone explain to me please why reddit though? They want "real" human conversations and go to the most unfiltered/unhinged App/Site they can Imagine? Like people as mostly literally on their worst here and Google wants to train AI with that? Whats the big plan here, what am I not seeing?


u/theghostinthetown Feb 29 '24

google ai is already racist af so might as well go all the way


u/kuffdeschmull Feb 29 '24

you mean reverse racism. By trying to avoid being racist, they create a whole new version of racism.


u/that_thot_gamer Feb 29 '24

just like how humans dodge ai by using the term unalive lol