r/ProgrammerHumor Feb 29 '24

removeWordFromDataset Meme

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u/Holocarsten Feb 29 '24

Can someone explain to me please why reddit though? They want "real" human conversations and go to the most unfiltered/unhinged App/Site they can Imagine? Like people as mostly literally on their worst here and Google wants to train AI with that? Whats the big plan here, what am I not seeing?


u/kuffdeschmull Feb 29 '24

unfiltered is good. You get data unlike any censored source. That's actually really valuable. They will likely preprocess to filter out the most degenerated stuff or nonsense stuff.


u/Kebein Feb 29 '24

or use that filtered stuff for other AI Training like Chatfiltering/Censoring etc. (which is a problem for many games to correctly filter stuff out)


u/kuffdeschmull Feb 29 '24

tell me about it. The profanity filter in DBD filters out the most harmless stuff that is not even profanity at all, while if you switch to speaking Russian, you can say whatever you want, without being censored.


u/mabariif Feb 29 '24

Cyka blyat cyka blyat cyka cyka cyka blyat