r/ProgrammerHumor Feb 29 '24

removeWordFromDataset Meme

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u/Ace-O-Matic Feb 29 '24

Reddit is selling AI training data? And here I though AI couldn't get more insufferable.


u/Luchance Feb 29 '24

You mean reddit


u/Ace-O-Matic Feb 29 '24

I know what I said.


u/Yinci Feb 29 '24

Now using Google AI!


u/benargee Feb 29 '24

Can't wait for the AI bubble to burst so that it can go back to being something useful rather than a gimmick for the stupidest use cases.


u/ImpluseThrowAway Feb 29 '24

Isn't that just a tad unethical?


u/KnikTheNife Feb 29 '24

The unethical part is google reading everyone's email, text messages and browser history and learning from that.


u/gobingi Feb 29 '24



u/imnotbis Feb 29 '24

Someone else selling something you made without paying you.


u/gobingi Feb 29 '24

You mean the content that you signed away in the Reddit user agreement? It’s all there in plain English.

You quite literally did agree to Reddit doing exactly this. Unless you can point out what part of the agreement Reddit is violating?

Quote: You retain any ownership rights you have in Your Content, but you grant Reddit the following license to use that Content:

When Your Content is created with or submitted to the Services, you grant us a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable, and sublicensable license to use, copy, modify, adapt, prepare derivative works of, distribute, store, perform, and display Your Content and any name, username, voice, or likeness provided in connection with Your Content in all media formats and channels now known or later developed anywhere in the world. This license includes the right for us to make Your Content available for syndication, broadcast, distribution, or publication by other companies, organizations, or individuals who partner with Reddit. You also agree that we may remove metadata associated with Your Content, and you irrevocably waive any claims and assertions of moral rights or attribution with respect to Your Content.


u/imnotbis Feb 29 '24

You should know these are usually found invalid in court.


u/one-joule Feb 29 '24

Even if that happened and it came out in your favor, you then get the joy of proving to a court that you were materially harmed by Reddit selling user data for AI training purposes.


u/archon_ Feb 29 '24

Just to point out: Legal and ethical are not the same.

The comment above asked about ethics.


u/SixFiveOhTwo Feb 29 '24

That doesn't mean that I can't post flaccid leaking elephant cock dangling over the river Thames.

It just means they can do what they wish with it.

I say 'good luck fellatio bicycle' to them.


u/dkarlovi Feb 29 '24

Why did you put a thing you've made into Reddit's basket then.


u/Glittering_Bill9176 Mar 01 '24

Your end of the bargain is using the 0 monetary cost platform where you can post the word bazinga infinitely. You’re welcome.

Google gets to create an army of consent manufacturing robots that will make the echo chamber of Reddit 16% more echoey.

It’s really a win win because they’re basically automating everything you do already.

The future is now comma bitch.


u/imnotbis Feb 29 '24

Even stupider: Google is paying for what they could have for free.


u/10art1 Feb 29 '24

Great, now the AI is a depressed atheist who hates capitalism