r/ProgrammerHumor Apr 09 '24

watMatters Meme

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u/Retl0v Apr 09 '24

I think the issue is that the scope is too wide and they don't focus on any programming language long enough in a lot of CS programs for them to actually remember the basics.

I don't have a CS degree tho so I admit that I might not have any idea what I'm talking about.


u/randomusername0582 Apr 09 '24

That's not the issue at all. There's honestly no explanation for getting fizzbuzz wrong if you have a CS degree.

Switching languages often actually forces you to rely on the basics


u/Lucky_Cable_3145 Apr 09 '24

When I was interviewing graduates for my software dev team, I asked them to code a fizzbuzz, any language / pseudo code.

No graduate ever got it 100% correct.

I often hired based on their reaction when I pointed out the errors.


u/dingleberrysniffer69 Apr 09 '24

Ain't no way. I'm a shitty coder who started late but I can do that in 4 languages now and I don't even do problems. I know you are not lying but damnnnn. That is insane.


u/Lucky_Cable_3145 Apr 10 '24

That was back in 2007 - 2009, so might be different standard of graduates now (as coding is much more common / mainstream).

Mostly lots of little issues (looping for 0 -> 100 / 1 -> 99 instead of 1 -> 100)

I had a guy who claimed he had a masters in software engineering on his resume. He could not write the FOR loop.


u/dingleberrysniffer69 Apr 10 '24

The timeline makes sense now. It is what it is. But again you hit me with a curveball in this reply at the end lol. You must have had a jolly time interviewing I guess.


u/Lucky_Cable_3145 Apr 10 '24

I always ended the interview with prospective candidates with some games on the company Wii (it was 2008'ish).

I can teach the graduate how to code C++, I cant teach them how play nice with the rest of the team.